Book Review Template
Transcript: Insert your image caption here STYLISTIC OR AESTHETIC FEATURES Includes: The specific stylistic or aesthetic features the author/illustrator uses The use of these features HINT: You may wish to include some technical codes and conventions such as shot distances, colour, lighting, offer, demand, vectors, layout etc. TEXT DESCRIPTION continued... TEXT DESCRIPTION continued... Insert your image caption here MAIN CHARACTERS Include: The main characters The effectiveness of the authors representations of the characters This is where you evaluate the book by giving opinions or recommendations. Include: A short summary of the book Your opinion/ judgement. Was it enjoyable/ uninteresting? Justify your opinion with examples from the book Provide recommendations. Would you recommend it? Who to? HINT: This can be a positive or negative evaluation. You should not introduce new evidence for your argument here. This is the background information on the book. Include: The book title The author's name The illustrators' name The type of work The central themes A brief synopsis HINT: Many writers begin a review with a catchy sentence that succinctly delivers their argument. Remember, you can introduce your review differently depending on your audience. This describes and critiques the elements of a text. Readers are positioned to view characters and events in particular ways by the reviewer (you) who shapes the invited reading. PLOT SNAPSHOT Include: A snapshot of any key incidents that stand out in the book HINT: Remember, do not give too much information away about the book. We do not want the reader to know everything that happens. CONTEXT Insert your image caption here REVIEW TEMPLATE Title of the book Author/ Illustrator Insert your image caption here JUDGEMENT TEXT DESCRIPTION Insert your image caption here Insert your image caption here