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Transcript: Analysing Conflict IntractabilityThrough Four Dimensions Introduction Intractable Conflict Exam question: Compare and critically evaluate each of the four themes in terms of their respective advantages and disadvantages when approaching and analysing conflict. Proposed answer: Analysing conflict through these four dimensions makes strong contributions to understanding what makes some conflict intractable but does not necessarily contribute to development of how these conflicts can be resolved. Intractable Conflict (Mitchell, 2014) “...go on for a very long time and never seem to go away completely,... they appear, at least at first sight, to involve inherent contradictions (logical or empirical or both), or aspirations and goals that are wholly incommensurable (parties confront a dilemma of distributing a good that is indivisible or filling a position that is unsharable), or arise from “worldviews”, ideologies and values systems that simply do not allow for alternative outcomes to those dictated by the beliefs of the party holding them (2014, p.61).” Intractable Conflict (Mitchell, 2014) Conflict Goals Conflict “an incompatibility of goals or attainment of a scarce resource to the exclusion of the other individual or group’s attainment of such resource or goal (2014, p.24).” Positive goals may be described as those concerned with bringing out a desired future; Negative goals which are concerned with avoiding an undesired future (1981, p.22). Goals may be material in nature, such as the attainment of scarce resources or the power to distribute them. Goals highlights the purposive quality of conflict processes. 3 Elements of Intractable Conflict 1. Situation that gives rise to conflict. Formation - the situation leading to conflict. Perpetuation - the circumstances that allow conflict to continue. 2. Attitudes and perceptions of the parties involved when parties find themselves in such situations of conflict. Include both affective and perceptual orientations (1981, p.27). Sustain the adversarial relationships that perpetuate conflict. Cannot be addressed in isolation from the situation that gave rise to the conflict and may have a direct impact on a shift in the goals by including new goals of punishing the adversary (1981, p.28). 3. Behavior of clashing parties toward one another. Intended to make the opponent change or desert its goals and take a variety of forms (1981, p.29). 3 Elements of Intractable Conflict View of the moral group, identity, behavior, rights, predictability, prosperity, security (Taylor, Amery) Banality of wrongs/evil in organizations, groups (Amery, Dejours, Milgram) View of right and wrong actions in conflict (Walzer, Amery) Rights, obligations, freedom (Sen, Williams) Modernism, postmodernism and relativism (Geertz, Harvey, Catoriadis) Social psychology (Mikulincer & Shaver, Woodhead) Manipulation of morality (Flint) Alternatives (Ghassem-Fachandi, Ram-Prasad) Morality Morality Advantages Multidimensional perspective of conflict (before, during and after). Offers foundational understanding of how notions of right and wrong, status, rights and obligations may be viewed from a variety of perspectives. Provides framework for analysing the meaning of morality for a community and for an individual (identity). Provides framework for understanding an evolution of morality debates - from pre-modernity to modernity to postmodernity. Advantages Disadvantages Does not necessarily provide a response to the question of how to resolve a moral conflict - does more to explain how morality entrenches a conflict. There is a limited alternative (non-western) view proposed (within the literature explored in the reading list). Disadvantages Impacts of religious identity - belonging, history, ethnicity, nation, community connection to past, present and future (Berliner, Dumont, Geertz, Dumont, Redekop, Werley, Woodhead) Impacts of religious belief in chosenness, transcendence (Akenson, Stern) Motivation to violence, necessity of violence (Palaver, Stern, Jurgensmeyer) Secularism, individualism and modernity (Asad, Greenfeld, Strozier, Walzer) Religion and peacebuilding (Thomas) Religion Religion Advantages Much like morality, this dimension relates to beliefs of right and wrong, and the relationship between this sense of right and wrong and an individual's relationship with this world. Explains the a modern view of religion as something other than mystical, that can be analysed and understood in its social, historical and anthropological forms. Offers explanations of transcendence and connectedness to the past, present and beyond. Adds economic and political dimensions of religion, demonstrating the depth and breadth of this dimension. Directs attention to the positive contributions of religion to peacebuilding, leading us to question the intractability of the religious dimensions of conflict. Advantages Disadvantages Assumptions underpinning what religion is and its impacts are difficult to dislodge from

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Transcript: Early Influences In New Mexico, most people have either been abused or known someone who was. A lot of children don't report abuse, and when they do, CYFD does not investigate further because of of policies that restrict inspection of a child's envronment. When children are taken into state custody, foster parents are often not suitable parental figures. Advocates for foster children do the bare minimum, and don't take the time to make sure the child is properly supported, as they should. These youth usually have little to no help with struggles that every child goes through, such as applying for colleges or getting employed. The lack of supervision and care leads to children looking for support elsewhere; they are at a higher risk of getting involved in destructive activities. Once they are 18, they are sometimes left with no emotional support, and are only given some financial support if they meet certain requirements. Early Influences Studies show that most juveniles criminals were already mentally ill upon birth. Dr. Daniel Amen, a neuroscientist, was asked what the most unhealthiest brain he had ever seen was. He stated it was 15-year-old Kip Kinkel, who murdered twenty five people - including his own parents. During trial, Dr. Daniel had requested an MRI on his brain, and results showed that he had an infectious disease eating at his brain since he was an infant. 56:49 Petitions are powerful and direct. Creating petitions to create laws for stronger enforcement toward violent crime and abuse would be extremely beneficial for communities in New Mexico. Voter campaigns around local voting times can help persuade people to vote for candidates that want to increase gun ownership standards. Influence Voters Crime in NM A Critique of New Mexican Government by Sofia Hernandez, Esme Lozano, and Katelyn Padilla New Mexicos crime rate is 65% and half of them being juveniles. Juveniles have been in and out of the system and most have not recieved the proper care or resourses to improve their behavior. Since this topic has been normalized Volunteer Programs the attention has not been fully on why kids now act the way that they do. Juvenile Crime Change the system. The bernalillo county juvenile detention center is a detention center for youth under the age of 18 as a "substitution" for a jail. There are a million and one reports about the facility and how the residents take advantage of the staff because of the certain protocol must follow. There are numerous reports in the facility but all goes hidden in the dark. Having a posotive influencer serving as a guide for these kids to choose good will improve the chances of kids falling into the wrong path. Male teens often dont have a posotive male figure to look up to so they often become what they think will earn them respect, not for them but also their families, to provide potection and stability Jimmy Santiago Baca is a famous poet, author, and movie producer from new mexico who spent most of his young years either encarcerated or in the streets causing trouble. The last time he was encarcetrated he found the love of expressing his feelings through writing. His writing became so big that he is now known all over the world for sharing his story. He speaks to troubled teens all around the U.S in hopes for them to turn their lives around just like he did. Bernalillo county youth services recently recived an award for " most safe facility." The people who presented this award to the director of the juvenile detention center stated that he had an impeccable role on creationg a "safe" enviorment for both staff and residents despite the multiple reports being overlooked written by staff about the abuse residents have amongst eachother and staff themselves. Violent Crime Seminars for Youth Having access to youth seminars decreases the juvenlville crime rates across the country. Including youth seminars into New Mexcio will help decrease the crime rate in this state, becasue it has been rising in the past 5 years. There are some seminars and training that could prevent youth gun violence. These are mostly involved with the youth, which are credible messenger justice center and even other gang related trainings and confrences. Community-based programs, juvenile probation , and law enforcement engagement are more seminars for youth that can prevent crime rates. If we apply this to New Mexico's you we can help change the community of youth gun violence. Gun violence and threats have increased throughout the state of New Mexico. Minors have access to firearms and bring them to schools and communal areas. These children need to be stopped and stripped of firearms. Minors are introduced to weaponry early in life due to mentors, internet and the society they grew up in. Children who have had these problems need proper care. Many laws need to be strenghtened or even revised to make sure there is a decrease in minor gun violence and threats. Proposed Solutions

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Transcript: Composition Presentation Boston Patriots Before becoming the well known New England Patriots, the Patriots were founded and known as the Boston Patriots from 1959 to 1970 Early On Finance Business Robert Kraft bought the Patriots for $175 million in 1994 and are now worth $5 billion in 2021. The Patriots have 2 of there own private team plane with a beautiful stadium built in 2002 thats worth $350 million. The Patriots are currently ranked the 2nd most valuable NFL franchise. The Greats Hall of Famers The New England Patriots have had 9 players elected into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Ty Law (2019) Randy Moss (2018) Nick Buoniconti (2001) Andre Tippett (2008) Bill Parcells (2013) Curtis Martin (2012) John Hannah (1991) Junior Seau (2015) Mike Haynes (1997) 2001, 2003, 2004 First 3 Championships In 2001 the Patriots captured their very first championship while under Coach Belichick. A young Tom Brady was in his second season filling in for an injured Drew Bledsoe In 2003 after not making the playoffs the year prior in 2002 the Patriots were out for revenge. With and all around great team led by a strong defense and Tom Brady. In 2004 the Patriots went back to back and won there second straight superbowl with the same team as last year and only got better 2014, 2016, 2018 Recent 3 Championships In 2014 the Patriots played their first superbowl in 10 years facing the defending champion Seattle Seahawks. The game was won the Patriots off a goaline interception by Malcolm Butler. In 2016 the Patriots were playing the reining MVP Matt Ryan and the Atlanta Falcons. The game was not looking good for the Patriots as they were down 28-3 late in the 3rd quarter, but went on to make the greatest comeback in superbowl history. In 2018 they played against a well coached Los Angles Rams team. It was a great defensive game but the Rams were no match for Coach Belichicks defense. The Goat Tom Brady was the quarterback for all 6 superbowl wins and is now known as the greatest football player of all time. The patriots drafted him 199th pick in the 6th round. He played 20 seasons with the Patriots and is still going Tom Brady 219-61 regular season record 30-11 postseason record 64% completion rate 58 game winning drives

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Transcript: While looking at an applicants application, business owners are looking for the more masculine person A specific study was based off of woman in the army, and how their job is more masculine A woman could get hired over a male if they had more masculine type jobs in the past Business owners choose masculine people over feminine people Men are seen as doing the job better, despite a woman who might have higher credentials A study was tested on who would be chosen for a labor union job, 10 out of 11 woman were supposed to be sent back in a male dominated occupation Gender discrimination can happen anywhere According to Jesse J. Prinz, men are genetically more smarter in engineering, science and math Not only does this affect hiring in the labor union but hiring professors as well What is Gender Discrimination? Gender Discrimination in the Workplace By: Abby Miller Discrimination at work Further research I would like to do would be finding out how woman feel after being sent away from a job due to being feminine, and if they take any further action Further Research Discrimination in the hiring process Gender Discrimination is discrimination of a person based on their sex. This mainly affects woman. Masculinity vs. Femininity Overview of gender discrimination Professional titles such as managers in the United States has been mainly male dominated Studies have show that a male who was to work for a woman manager may not treat them with respect Some men believe it's "inappropriate" for woman to do a man's work

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