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Fundraising Presentation Template

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Transcript: Any Questions PHILANTRAPREUNEUR THANK THOSE WHO HELP YOU REACH YOUR GOAL SERVE A PURPOSE OTHER THAN $ ASK YOURSELF WHY? MAKE IT COUNT Make sure to say thank you! Have the participants write thank you notes Give personal shout outs on Social Media 15+ years of Fundraising 1 x $10,000 vs 10 x $1,000 Make it something your community can get behind. Make it something your fundraisers are proud to promote Do something that allows you to reach outside of your community Online is most effective Online Donation Statistics 47% of donors over the age of 60 give online. Who gives what Mac users give an average of $182 per donation. PC users give an average of $137 per donation. Internet Explorer users give an average of $138 per donation. FireFox users give an average of $140 per donation. Chrome users give an average of $153 per donation. Safari users give an average of $168 per donation. Yahoo users give an average of $120 per donation. MAKE IT COUNT MAKE IT COUNT MAKE IT COUNT • 19.4% of nonprofit event registrations occur on mobile devices. • 51% of people who visit a nonprofit’s website do so on a mobile device. • Mobile-responsive donation pages yield 34% more donations. • Apple devices like iPhones and iPads processed 80% of all mobile donations in past years. • Text donors are most likely to be 49- to 59- year old, married women who have college degrees. • 41% of Americans don’t have a landline. • The average text-to-give donation is $107. • 16.6% of donors who support from an email are doing so on a mobile device. • The average one-time gift from email fundraising is $57. ASK YOURSELF WHY? WHY are you raising money Cast vision from the start Budget cuts have created a critical need for fundraising Technology Video Who does this support? What does this support? 18% of Americans say youth and family are the most important cause to them. FUNdrising Seeking Volunteers who are willing to work for $2.35/hour or less. Make it fun Make it worth their time Wonderful husband and 6 awesome kids Nearly 3 out of 4 young adults are willing to raise money for an organization that matters to them. Win/Win Skillbuilding Team Building Community Building Cast your vision Create a video- 57% of people who watch videos related to a cause go on to make a donation. Area Director for Apex Leadership Co and Anython RESPECT YOUR VOLUNTEERs

Fundraising Presentation

Transcript: General Church Giving Strategy Purpose Recommendation Conclusion Institutional Personal Promote biblical principles Develop individual financial literacy Explore short-term and long-range fundraising goals Challenges and opportunities Minister Milton Costen, Save the Family Church Ministries Define the Objective Investment Diversification Exodus 36:5 ...and they said to Moses, "The people are bringing much more than enough for the construction work which the LORD commanded us to perform." Fundamental Principles Mission Fulfillment Mission Oriented Fulfillment of mission Financial stability Provision for the vision Credibility Gap analysis consists of ("what is"), ("what should be"), and then highlights the gaps that exist and need to be filled. Consistency and Evaluation Matthew 28:19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Provide resources to maximize the church's financial growth strategy Strategies Identify the problem Always Focus on the Mission Support the Vision Have Courage Faith Coordination Three Strategies Romans 8:31New International Version (NIV) More Than Conquerors 31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Church Finance: Fundraising Southeastern Assembly Mid-Year Meeting You must know where you are to determine where you are going. Gap Analysis Lack of knowledge/wisdom Lack of obedience Lack of ability Explain what success will bring Communication Gap analysis forces a company to reflect on who it is and ask who they want to be in the future. Source: Building Church Resources Building on Current and Long Term Assets Questions? Scaling the Mountain Church membership Membership giving Longevity Current issues in church finance Mission Development of fundraising/vision strategic planning Develop church infrastructure to support effective fundraising Describe the current situation Paving the road ahead with resources. . . Luke 14:28-30 New International Version (NIV) 28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it? 29 For if you lay the foundation and are not able to finish it, everyone who sees it will ridicule you, 30 saying, ‘This person began to build and wasn’t able to finish.’ A technique that businesses use to determine what steps need to be taken in order to move from its current state to its desired, future state.

Fundraising Presentation

Transcript: Resource Development Julianne Seneus, Lisa MacHarrie ABOUT Individual Challenges/Recommendations Julianne Lisa Earned-Income Approach Program Priorities - build resources first Funding Under-staffed Communication Wine, Nibbles & Scribbles "Creativity for a Cause”! House Party Fundraiser- An evening filled with creativity and fun. 3 hour class and End result- A beautiful canvas. Need: 3-5 individuals to host event Guest:10-15 Goal: $200-500 per event Developed an easy to follow guideline for the host/hostess We were feeling kinda down... But then found each other! Mission Building Families For Children is a faith-based non-profit organization founded in 1920 by the McCormick Spice Company. To serve God by providing professional and volunteer-driven family stability services and by building strong networks that support children’s safety, physical, mental, social and spiritual growth. Services offered by BFC: Safe Families for Children Chosen-Therapeutic Foster Care Mission Statement #GivingTuesday Online Solicitation Donation Options Online via website Mail Check Text 2 Give Results Accomplishments/Results Challenges $150 raised from our personal contacts Awareness of organization to over 1,000 individuals Increased online following on Facebook page Relied on personal contacts Limited timeframe Competition with other Facebook campaigns QUESTIONS? Questions? Create your own layout and change colors Customize the Design Create your own layout and change colors Customize the Design Customize the Design

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