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Explanation of Choice of Genre

- I have chosen Indie as the final genre for my magazine; this is because it is such a unique genre with so many different angles to focus on and a huge target audience, who enjoy finding original, new artists and related things to enjoy, and therefore will be incredibly likely to enjoy reading my brand new Indie magazine, featuring a brand new Indie artist on the front cover.

- Additionally, I already have a lot of prior knowledge about the genre, being a fan of many Indie artists myself, and I therefore believe that this will give me a better insight into exactly what the audience want to see on the front cover of an Indie music magazine.

Target Audience Profile

Name: James

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: White British

- James comes from a family whose social class is B, with his father being a doctor who graduated from Oxford University, and his mother owning a business, also graduating from university. His older sister also currently attends this higher level of education, and he plans to follow this path.

- Currently studies History, Economics, and Sociology at A Level.

- In full time education, but has a part time job in which he works one day a week. He spends his wages on concert tickets, albums, music magazines, and driving lessons.

- In his spare time, he enjoys playing guitar with his friends, listening to Indie music, and taking his dog on long walks around his local area.

His favourite band is Bastille, but he also enjoys listening to The 1975, Arctic Monkeys, and James Bay.

Task 9: Formal Proposal

- Title of Magazine

- Explanation of Choice of Genre

- Target Audience Profile

- Initial Ideas about:

Front Page

Contents Page

Double Page Spread


Initial Magazine Production Ideas

Title of Magazine:


Front Page

Contents Page

- I aiming to create a simplistic, minimalistic, modern Indie magazine.

- To keep a consistent brand image, I will stick closely to the same colour palette throughout each section of my final products.

- I will therefore use a neutral, muted colour palette consisting mostly of monochrome colours, however I will also use red to highlight the most important pieces of text as this colour connotes deviance from norms, just as the word "Indie" connotes.

- I will also keep the typography consistent, using the same serif font used for my masthead to create the title of "contents" on my double page spread; although breaking conventions by using a serif as opposed to sans serif font, I believe that this will be more effective for my magazine as it connotes sophistication and class, fitting perfectly with my middle class audience.

- I will therefore use a neutral, muted colour palette consisting mostly of monochrome colours, however I will also use red to highlight the most important pieces of text as this colour connotes deviance from norms, just as the word "Indie" connotes.

- Conventions will be reinforced on my contents page through the subheadings sorting each group of stories into more manageable, easy to read sections: I will include reviews, news, and features with a couple of articles each underneath to ensure not to overwhelm the audience with huge blocks of writing, but instead give a more easy to read, bullet point style.

- As my masthead is such a long word, I will use this to my advantage to break a convention and give a more alternative edge by having the word "WALL" across the top of the magazine, and the word "FLOWER" reading down the right third.

- I would ensure to connote professionalism and reliability in my brand by having the cover artist's head slightly overlapping the masthead; this would suggest to my audience that although being a new magazine, I have full confidence in it building a successful brand image.

- Additionally, to break up the text and make the contents page more for visual pleasure with small amounts of information, I will focus heavily on iconography, using three or four images in total to further promote my new artist.

- Following the feedback from my focus group received in Task 5, I decided that Wallflower was the best title for my Indie music magazine.

- As mentioned by my respondents, it is incredibly unique and original, meaning it will easily stand out as a new and exciting magazine as opposed to blending in against all of the competition.

- Furthermore, many members of my target audience will easily recognise the genre as they themselves, fitting in with an Indie subculture, may identify with the "wallflower" label.


Double Page Spread

I had the opportunity to take a preliminary style photo shoot in my decided location, the photo studio, in order to decide how I want to fit my model into my music magazine.

My favourite style shots are below:

- My double page spread will use an image of my cover artist looking relaxed, possibly in the middle of talking, sat on a chair, or sat on the floor. This will enforce an informal, relaxed tone, contrasting the serif font which enforces a more sophisticated tone.

- Using two contrasting styles will ensure to engage my young, middle class, Indie audience as it combines both sophistication with a sense of informality and a casual tone.

- I will use a Q & A style interview as I feel this fits best for my music magazine; whereas free flowing has no set form, a Q&A structure will ensure that I find out only the exact, concise information of which I know my reader will be interested in, as opposed to huge amounts of information that they may not necessarily enjoy.

I have used three shots showing ideas of how my three pages will look; the first image represents the long shot I will use on my cover, in order to show the artist's full outfit. This will reinforce the casual element and allow the audience to relate as he will be dressed in very casual, down to earth clothing. The last image shows the wide angle long shot I will use for my double page spread, with the artist sat on the floor to create the image of him being an "average" teenage boy. The lack of colour across the background links with the sophisticated, minimalistic atmosphere of which I wish to create.

- In order to reinforce another convention, I will use a pull quote in the center of the text with the words flowing seamlessly around it. This will arrest the readers' attention as soon as they turn to the page, and will most likely encourage them to read the rest of the interview.

Formal Proposal

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