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Milestone Presentation

Transcript: CRPTO-INTEL Crypton 03/04/2019 Project Info Project Info CRYPTO-INTEL Price Prediction using Historical Data Interactive Web Front End Price Prediction By Sentiment Analysis Global Exchange Visualization Real Time Analysis & Visualizations Motivation Motivation Major Banks Citi Bank , Bank of America etc. JPM Software Companies Google (Ripple), IBM, etc. Governments JP Morgan Coin Goals Goal Next Gen Data Science Revolutionize Everything Happening in Real time Team Mehak Parashar Tushar Chand Kapoor Syed Ikram Meet The Team Delve into the Data We Combined Several Data Sources 1 2 3 4 Historical OHLCV Data Historical Social Media Data Historical News Data Streaming Data 1 Live Twitter Feeds 1 Cryptocurrency Specific News 1 Fetch Geolocations of different Exchanges and Trades 1 Live Google Search Trends 2 Historical Google Search Trends Current Status Current status Extract Transform Load (ETL) Cassandra Twitter Streaming CryptoCompare Streaming Web Front End NEWS API CryptoCompare API Fetch Combine Different API Calls Clean Clean Extract Combine Process The Application Achieved So Far Partial Web Front End Machine Learning / Natural Language Processing Live Data Handling Next steps Next Steps Complete Web Front End Web Front Additions Graphical Visualizations using D3 Orderbook L2 Snapshots Live Fluctuations in Cryptocurrency Live News Analysis on Latest News Predictions Price Prediction Price Prediction Prediction Using Historical Data Prediction Using Sentiment Analysis Global Exchanges Representation Representation of the Exchanges across the Globe

Milestone Presentation

Transcript: Nature Vs. Nurture Topics Covered: •Half from biological mother, half from biological father. •Natural disasters. Milestone Presentation Kristina Elliott Erikson's 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development •Parenting styles, family dynamics, etc. •City, rural environment, suburbs, overcrowded area, adequate housing etc. •Nature: Biological influences (genetic makeup of the individual, biological/genetic predisposition, etc.). •Nurture: Influences of the physical and social environment on the individual (pollution, exposure to toxins/illness, natural disasters, learning experiences, parenting styles, peers, etc.). How do these work together to shape development? Epigenetic Effects: “The way in which environmental influences alter genetic expression and, in turn, developmental outcomes.” Genes alone do not determine anything. Environmental influences combined with genetic influences to determine what genes are expressed. End results = the way a person looks, feels, thinks, acts, and develops. •Chromosomes are made of DNA. DNA contains genes. •Erik Erikson (1902-1994) believed that personality evolves through systematic stages (psychosocial stages). •Eight (8) stages. •The developing individual is faced with a conflict during each stage. •Goal is to resolve each conflict before moving to the next stage, but biological maturation and social demands (example of nature and nurture working together to further development) force the individual to move regardless if the conflict is resolved or not. •The “I want” Vs. the “I need/I should/I better” •Real Self: True wants and desires. Contributing factor to the “mid-life crisis”. •Ideal Self: Systematically imposed expectations. Things an individual must do to be included in the family, social system, with peers, etc. •The conflict of the two can lead to mood disorders such as anxiety or depression. •Health care, exposure to toxins, pollution, exposure to diseases, etc. •Gene expression. Questions? Nature Influences of the environment we are exposed to from birth on that influences gene expression. Nurture •46 Chromosomes (23 pairs). •Nature Vs. Nurture •Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development •The “Real Self” Vs. the “Ideal Self” Nature and Nurture Work Together Real Self Vs. Ideal Self

Milestone Presentation

Transcript: Observable Assets of Sociology in My Life By: Ethan M. Social Order and its influence on Me Roles Through my personal learning of sociology, I am capable of seeing various concepts within average life that have a tangible affect within my social experience. I frequently find myself observing the concept of roles at play in our society and how they affect the individuals they are prescribed to. For instance I, being a student have the role of being a pupil to my assorted professor, causing me to follow expected actions of listening to them, using their material, spending time studying, and doing their prescribed assignments as a result. (OpenStax CNX Chapter 4) When I work, I am subservient to my boss and therefor have to take an expected behavior of likewise subservience to their will and need to follow their tasks. I have also observed how a role's assorted behaviors affect individuals for instance, friends I have with rather boisterous personalities are made into passive people when the take the role of say an employee. Roles are seemingly integral to our society and sense of self with just how hard people will work to modify their standards or undergo behaviors to fill these norms. The failure to do so brings admonishment from peers and damages one's social capital as a result. Another concept of sociology I find myself interacting with or observing is the concept of peer groups. These are an integral part of the process of socialization in how they are groups of individuals that have similar status that serve to aid in socializing a person through interaction or bringing about introductory experiences to their members for the purpose of socialization. (OpenStax CNX Chapter 5) These groups greatly affect any age group from adolescence to senior years. I being an average human being with typical upbringing, naturally have had a great amount of influence from peer groups. My friends have provided me, many experiences in my past that have established many social norms in interactions between humans. I further, have used them as a reference group for better behavior for interaction, like how to direct conversation better and the like. Peer groups are also necessary to the formation of self, an important aspect of socialization in their providing of ideals and an identity to an individual. Peer Groups Conformity has played a major role in, I believe most people's lives. The want to abide by societal norms and standards is a very strong force among many individuals that they will alter their own behavior and their related assets as a result. (OpenStax CNX Chapter 6) My own want for conformity to established societal culture has driven myself to take a variety of actions I would not ordinarily do, such as wear a suit because it is deemed acceptable for a formal event and the like. As such I typically maintain a form of high conformity, throughput typically in the sense that I want to appease expectations of myself by others in order to increase my standing. Though there are times when I do not follow in what is deemed normal by society; typically, in the form of what I wear and such that is not conformist. This is a reflection of my sense of self which, conformity can damage in its over reliance. Though in general, conformity is however more than just a social expectation as various assets are important to an actual functioning society; the expectancy laws and conventional morality in actions that are shared by a society are important for its function. Conformity Levels of Wealth, Control, and Me Class System Further concepts of sociology can easily be seen as apparent in one's life. In referencing the social stratification of society or the distributions between income and such, a readily apparent idea from this in society is the social class system. (OpenStax Chapter 9) This system referring to the concept of society being divided between groups of similar wealth and status. In regards to my local society in this country there are three of these defined classes, lower, middle, and upper. The lower being of poverty level or struggling people whom as a result have a lower standard of living. The middle being above poverty with a mid line standard of living with decent wealth and incomes; in this country there are sub ranks of upper and lower with the former being closer to the wealthy and the opposite for the latter which people in this rank typically move between. Finally the upper class are the wealthy whom have a very high standard of living and have the concept of being in control of multiple people with roles such as a CEO for example. I am exposed to this concept quite readily. I am from a lower middle class family and have had many of the privileges that come from this, good education, nutrition, and access to the non essential and in my earlier life was in a more wealthy middle class state and gained the aforementioned things to an even greater degree. I have commonly encountered people of the other In

Milestone Presentation

Transcript: P06 Azure Milestone Current Prototype Design Instructions 1. Cut Poly Tubing to desired length 2. Leave poly tubing out in the sun to dry to rid of the curves and bends. 3. Soak the ends of the poly tubing in hot water to ensure a secure fit to the male and female couplings 4. Fix up the main line using the GI Reducer Tee and 25mm Poly Pipes. 5. Attach lateral line to the reducer tee and punch holes in the lateral lines 20cm apart to place the emitter. (Mistakes from hole punching can be rectified with a goof plug) 6. Hold the main and lateral line in place using pin holders stucl to the ground 7. Place end caps at the ends of the lateral lines as well as the main lines. 8. "Hose out" entire system before utilising it. 9. Use plumbers tape to secure each connection between the pipes and the end caps. Irrigation Design Irrigation 1m 1m Application Rate (cm/hr) Flow rate of each emitter = 2L/hr Number of emitters per line = 5 Flower rate per lateral line = 2L/h x 5 = 10L/h Number of lateral lines = 3 Outflow rate of system assuming 100% efficiency = 3 x 10L/h = 30L/h 1m Flow Rate Calculations Inflow Rate > Outflow Rate Assuming outflow rate needed = 30L/h Inflow rate >30L/h To maintain a positive pressure on the system for the emitters to work. Inflow rate(L/h) = Storage size(L) / Fill Time(s) x 3600 x 0.8 (account for pressure loss) - Coagulation is achieved by adding cationic proteins to stable greywater colloids and hence increase density of the opposing ionic layers surrounding the greywater particles. - The reduction of electrostatic repulsion forces allow the particles to floc together are thus absorbed by the moringa seed proteins. (Hendrawati, H. et al., 2016) Moringa Seeds Greywater Chemistry (Saini, R. K., Sivanesan, I., & Keum, Y.-S., 2016) Lime More H+ (hydronium) ions present from lime juice (weak acid), increases acidity, decreases pH of overall greywater mix when added: (Citric acid pH ~ 4.9-5.3) (ChemistryLibretexts, 2013) Graph 1. demonstrating linear relationship between -ve logs of OH- and H3O+ ions (ChemistryLibretexts, 2013) Figure 1. Process of greywater intermolecular charge neutralisation (Çeçen, F., Aktaş, Ö., Çeçen, F., & Aktaş, O. z. r., 2012) External and intraparticle transport of absorbate in G.A.C. Granular Activated Carbon - Adsorption is the capacity of a solid particle to attract molecules to its surface. - Absorbate can be dyes or organic chemicals that diffuses through the liquid film - Intraparticle diffusion occurs where the adsorbate transfers from the surface of a particle such as the activated carbon to sites within the particle --> adsorption occurs - Hence, physical properties of activated carbon can have a significant impact on the decolorization rate of azo dyes when mixed over time. (Çeçen, F., Aktaş, Ö., Çeçen, F., & Aktaş, O. z. r., 2012) In terms of filtration, the amphipathic (attracts polar and non-polar) attraction capacity combined with the chemical and physical stability of SiO2 and SiO4 results in a wide range of contaminants being susceptible to filtration from the initial medium without compromising the SiO2 and SiO4 molecules and lattices respectively (This strength is due to the covalent bonds; especially SiO2) (Petrucci et al., 2007) Sand/Gravel Boba Babies is attempting to determine a viable grey-water treatment system and to do so, will compare various technologies to establish the most efficient technologies that can be used in conjunction with one another to create a water treatment system. Six different water filtration systems are being considered as a result of the literature review completed to determine effective technologies that can remove grey-water contaminants. Overview Decision-Making Matrix N.B. The set-up for all options will be the same of using a down-filter of stacked reducer joints (excluding option 3 which uses a ceramic pot, and for this the water will first be processed through the pot and then collected to go through the reducer joints). Double click to edit TREATMENT SYSTEMS for comparison OPTIONS Double click to edit PAIRWISE COMPARISON PAIRWISE COMPARISON option rankings OPTION RANKINGS From the options rankings, Option 4 had the highest weighted score of 3.8108 and therefore most suitable as a system. To ensure this choice is made properly, a sensitivity analysis will be completed. This component is considering the "what if?" of events that could occur in the external environment that can change the importance of certain criteria and therefore which systems are better to use. Two key changes were considered: the Dili waste management expanding to the Manufahi district and if education and training facilities were implemented by EWB to aid the Timorese. Sensitivity Analysis SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS Though the values did fluctuate with the changes in the external environment, Option 4 remained the highest scoring option and therefore the system that will be used. Mass balance Agriculture reuse and waste disposal Agricultural -

Milestone Presentation

Transcript: String Lengths vs. Air Time Parachute Problem By: Vy Tran Introduction Introduction A parachute is generally some lightweight fabric attached to a heavier object. That way, air will collect under the fabric and cause it to slow down the object's descent. To determine which parachute string length is most effective in letting people down safely. Purpose Purpose How does the length of the strings on a parachute affect its air time? Testable Question Testable Question If I make a parachute with longer strings, it should have a longer air time because it would have more relevant surface area and therefore more air resistance. Hypothesis Hypothesis The Experiment The Experiment 1 black trash bag 4 20-inch pieces of string 1 hole-puncher 1 pair of scissors 1 ruler 1 small, empty roll of tape Tape 1 chair 1 stopwatch 1 data table Materials Materials Procedure Procedure Drop parachutes from a height of eight feet and time how long it takes to reach the ground. Drop each of the parachutes three times for three trials. Record the times on your data table and calculate the average time. Make three parachutes with string lengths of 20 inches, 15 inches, and 10 inches. Data Table Data Table String Lengths (Inches) Trial 1 Air Time (Seconds) Trial 2 Air Time (Seconds) Trial 3 Air Time (Seconds) Average Air Time (Seconds) 10 15 20 1.56 1.92 1.91 1.73 1.5 1.63 1.45 1.85 2.18 1.58 1.76 1.91 Graph Graph Conclusion Conclusion The parachute with the longest string lengths (20 inches) had the most air time, which supports my hypothesis. Results Results Possible Errors Not starting and stopping the stopwatch at the exact moment. The drops not being at exactly the same height. Possible Errors Testing how parachute air time is affected by: size canopy shape what the parachute is made of number of strings Possible Future Experiments Possible Future Experiments [1] “How Do Parachutes Work.” San Jose Skydiving Center, [2] Alburger, Shaunta. “The Physical Factors Affecting Parachutes.” Sciencing, 24 Apr. 2017, [3] Gruber, Caitlyn. “How Does the Length of the String Affect the Hang Time of Th.”, 15 Feb. 2014, [4] “Why Is a Circle the Best Shape to Slow down a Parachute?” Yahoo! Answers, Yahoo!, [5] "Parachute.". “Parachute.” How Products Are Made,, 2018, Bibliography Bibliography

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