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Product Presentation Website Template

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Product Oriented Template

Transcript: Goals: Digital Display on Extended Network Total Investment Search Engine Marketing Plan is...Show how the schedule will work Plan is....break out impressions plan Audience Target: How does this help my goals: Spec Ad Slide How this helps reach our goals: This helps reach goals by.... Digital Display on Addresses goal by... Insert spec ads here Who we are focused on... Includes: List everything... Audience Focus: Quote: Print Suggestions Plan.... SEM is.... Audience Focus: Plan is...Show how the schedule will work How does this help my goals: Plan is...Show how the schedule will work The Post-Standard Audience Focus: SEO is...... Who are we looking to reach? Also, can throw in Geo-Fencing here. Ask for Video input. $$$$$$$$$$ Search Engine Optimization Mobile Advertising on Extended Network What it is: Mobile Advertising on Plan is....break out impressions plan How SEM helps with your goals: This relates to goals.... Geo- Target or DMA focused in SEM helps with.... Audience Focus: How this helps reach my goals: Who it is you are focused on...and how we will reach them on the site. This relates to goals.... Who are we looking to reach? Also, can throw in Geo-Fencing here. Ask for Video input. 1. Goal Example 1 2. Goal Example 2 3. Goal Example 3 4. Goal Example 4 Who it is you are focused on...and how we will reach them on the site. Who it is you are focused on...and how we will reach them on the site. How this helps reach my goals: Addresses goal by... Keywords to focus on... Company Name This relates to goals.... SEO helps..... Digital Display on How SEO relates to your Goals: Audience Target: Plus...Add your commitment to working with the advertiser or promise "Example Quote" Keywords to focus on.... How does this help my goals: What SEM is:

Website Presentation

Transcript: Our 5 Step Process We start out by making you a sample design. We have expert graphic designers that will use a combination of market research and your specifics to create a design. This is a representation of what your website will look like when its complete. We offer unlimited design edits and revisions to make sure you get a website that you love. Training & Edits Once we nail down a design we send it to the development department. The website is built from scratch using expert web developers. We use the latest in technology to ensure an easy to use interface and a robust user experience. Our websites look great in every browser, mobile phone, tablet, and computer. Unlimited Revisions Custom websites Launch Website Its time for a new website now what? Or we can get started on payment plan with as little as $100 Down. We can get started with a 50% deposit and then the other half when we are done. We always offer unlimited support to our clients. We go over the website with you either in person or over the phone. Page by page to ensure we work out the kinks together. We then train you or your employees how to edit, update, change, and add to the website. We guarantee our code for life. Once the website is ready for launch we will make it og live on the internet. We offer hosting free for life to all of our clients. Call anytime you need us. We offer unlimited training and support. Development Make A Sample Design We work with you making any needed tweaks, edits or revisions to the design. The graphic designers will edit and revise until you love the website. Most web design companies give 3 revisions, then charge for more. We just want you to have a website that makes your business more successful.

Website presentation

Transcript: OBJECTIVES WILD ANIMALS Videos EDUCATIONAL INTENTIONS Implement technological methods to make learning attractive. Descriptions Sounds 3. Collective participation: The website was designed to facilitate the interaction between parents and children to share the same interest for the english language. UNITS Sounds Videos 1. Educate students of elementary school, committed with the environment, that participate as agents of change in support of their community. SEA ANIMALS Discover and develop new educational opportunities in another environment. Sounds Generals FOREST ANIMALS 4. Develop the values of responsibility and honesty of children, parents and teachers interested in using the tools provided by the website. Create educational applications that support student learning. Activities Spread new activities, projects and creations. (Teachers). FARM ANIMALS Especifics motivate students by posting their artistic creations and their participation in the website. 1. Vital Tool: Enhance the meaningful and autonomous English learning making it durable, cognitive, with a social sense and specially didactic. 2. Easy scope: We present a varied website, versatile and dynamic for children and adults. At the same time, anyone interested in the language with internet Access can to enjoy and use it for free. Activities Videos Welcome to our animal world. A space designed for children, teachers and parents as an aid in learning english of our children will know a little about the animal kingdom according to their habitat, sound and appearance...... Enjoy 5. Our intention is to do more fun the english language. In that way you will not find long theories, entangled examples or drawings in black and White. From the start “The Animal World” is an explosión of color, textures, videos, sounds and images Descriptions Facilitate teamwork through a globalized work project. (Parents-children) (teachers-children). Videos be used as educational resource. 3. Create a didactic and pedagogic instrument that will not interfere with nature or causes damage in our environment. The website explains the differents caracteristics of Animal world making it an a real experience. INTRODUCTION Activities Activities This is an interactive space, aimed to parents, teachers and specially to basic school children. The purpose of this website is provide different segments and didactic activities as audiovisuals, images, logic games, mental agility, writing, graphics and vocabulary to facilitate the english language learning based on meaningful learning that allows the children internalize the concepts in an easy way, basing the english as a second language. This space is focused especifically in the names, description and characteristics of animals. Descriptions Link the parents in the learning process of their children while they learn at the same time. Promote the knowledge of TIC. An your use in an safely way. 2. Provide technological tools to develop and promote the learning of English specifically the animals and their appropriate vocabulary by means of videos, audios, interactive games, and activities that combine fun with reason. Sounds Encourage the implantation of new technologies in the families environment. Descriptions

Website Presentation

Transcript: Why does your business require a website? People Are Looking For Your Product/Service Online When you look for a restaurant what do you do? If you’re like most consumers, one of the first things is visit Google and search “Restaurants near [your location].” Just as you look for restaurants online, your potential customers are looking for your product/service online. If you have a website, your potential customers will find your business. If you don’t, they’ll find your competitors. Remember Google is the new Yellow pages and with most people having internet access freely and readily available on their mobile phones, print directories are only going to become more obsolete Because unlike your shop, your website never closes! As work days become longer, people do find that their time can be limited. Having a website can give customers the opportunity to find out about your business, your opening hours and what products you sell all without leaving the home or office. This allows a customer to know what they want before they arrive at the store, can arrange for someone to make the purchase for them or in the case of e-commerce website make the purchase online at any time of day or night. Because a website is the best way to spend your marketing budget. Advertising and marketing is never cheap. If you've done any advertising, you would know it is quite expensive and sometimes hard to measure it's success. A website costs much less in the long run, and it's effectiveness can be proven with analytics software. In addition to this, the internet isn't just used by a specific market or certain readers. The internet is used worldwide by everyone. This means your business, brand and products or service can be seen by anyone in your town, state, country or anywhere in the world. What style of website do you need? There are three main types of website that could help your company. Firstly an e-commerce website is a website that sells goods online. This means that users could order products online and pay for them via an online service. This is a great way of increasing sales as you are not limited to customers in your local area. Secondly a brochure style website is an informative website, which lists your products without offering online payment. Customers can still see what you sell, your location, opening hours and contact details. Finally a static website will give you a basic web presence with all of your contact details and information about your company. Ultimately the choice on what type of website you require is up to your business needs and budget and remember you could always start with a basic website with the plan to expand in the future. Some example websites: E-Commerce Website - Brochure Website - Static Website What Does Your Website Need? Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – The science in ensuring that your website is found by Google and other search engines. All websites that we build are programmed in correct and well written xhtml code that ensures your website will not be lost within the world wide web. Attractive, professional and user friendly design – The average user leaves a website after 30 seconds. To keep that user your website must be clean, inviting and easy to navigate. Many so-called web designers use a 'cookie-cutter' approach to web building, they create unattractive template based websites that are low cost because they don't spend time designing and developing a custom website to your needs. Without a nice design, your website might be found online, but would anyone want to use it? Marketing – A website is never just a case of 'build it and they will come'! It needs to be marketed and managed to drive traffic to your website. This can be done by linking in with social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, email marketing, blogs and news feeds, and other print and web marketing techniques. We can assist you in making sure that after your website is live that it receives the traffic it deserves. Our service doesn't stop at handover. What we offer: Strategy – We make sure we research your market and how we can execute a website tailored to your needs. This ensures that your website works for you. E-Marketing – We can setup an email marketing campaign to advertise your products, specials, news, etc. Social Media Marketing – Don't have the time to update your facebook, news feed, blogs, twitter, etc. We can assist you in running these, so that you drive more traffic to your website. Stellar Digital Photo credits: 'horizon' by pierreyves @ flickr So... Why does your business require a website? 30 Wowing template. Click through in 20 steps. Immediate Landing Page – Once you choose to begin work on a website, we will design a landing page to get you online straight away. This means that even while we are building your new website, you have a solid online presence.

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