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Public Health Poster Presentation Template

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Public Health Presentation

Transcript: Dr. E.W.Coffin Elementary School Public Health Visit Anita Polski, Ashley Michaelis, Karen Ta, and Shylow Latourelle Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Poster with Super Tooth! During these 10 minutes we spent with each group, I decided to engage the children using questions and activities. Some of these included the following: Discussion Discussion A: They are important because they allow us to chew or eat. They allow us to talk and hey improve our smile. Why are your Teeth Important? Why are your Teeth Important? A: Very important! If you lose these new teeth, no more grow in to replace these ones. So after you lose your baby teeth make sure to take care of your shiny new teeth! Is it Important to Take Care of your New Adult Teeth? Why? Is it Important to Take Care of your New Adult Teeth? Why? A: If you don't take care of your teeth, it can cause dental caries and lead to cavities. Cavities can be painful not as pretty as healthy teeth that are well taken care of! What Happens if You Don't Take Care of Your Teeth? What Happens if You Don't Take Care of Your Teeth? Sick and weak Super Tooth (Cavity) A: Some foods you can eat without teeth are pudding, mashed potatoes, yoghurt, drinks. Examples of foods you cannot eat are steaks, candies, apples, etc. What Can You Eat Without Teeth? With Teeth? What Can You Eat Without Teeth? With Teeth? A: Some healthy foods include apples, carrots, milk, cheese, water, meats, etc. Some unhealthy foods include soda, cake, chips, candy, etc. What are Examples of Healthy Food that are Good for Your Teeth? What are Some Bad Ones? What are Examples of Healthy Food that are Good f... After I finished discussing the importance of nutrition with the students, I gave them a sheet to colour. The instructions were to cross out the junk food, and colour in the healthy food. Activities Activities Many students enjoyed colouring and were excited to answer my questions. The kids were intrigued by the idea that even super heroes have to brush their teeth! Results Results Brushing and Flossing Brushing and Flossing Brushing teeth! Brushing teeth! To keep the kids interested, I asked several questions about brushing. I had all of the important facts written out on a toth shaped paper. Some questions are as follows: Why is brushing important? Do you brush your tongue? Should you brush the spots you can't see? How long should you brush and how many times a day? How do you know it's time for a new toothbrush? Questions! Questions! In order for kids to learn they also need to have fun or they won't pay attention. To get the kids involved I let them pass around a small toy denture with a toothbrush. They all took turns demonstrating the Fone's Method of brushing on the mini teeth as well as pointing out all of the surfaces that needed brushing. Hands-on demonstration! Hands-on demonstration! Flossing! Flossing! I would ask the kids if they all flossed and I asked them several questions such as: How often should you floss? Do you floss BEFORE or AFTER brushing? Why is flossing important? How do you floss? Why is the see-saw motion better than forcing the floss between the teeth? Afterward, I would tell them all of the correct answers. Questions! Questions! To keep the children involved i squished green Play-Doh in some Lego pieces. The Play-Doh represented food stuck in the interproximals of the teeth while the Lego represented the teeth. I then proceeded on demonstrating how to floss on the Lego. Hands-on Demonstration! Hands-on Demonstration! I showed the children how to use flossers on the Plat-Doh. They placed the floss face down into the Play-Doh between the "teeth". They proceeded by using see-saw motions down between and around the "gums". I continuously asked them questions because repetition is key to memorization. Dual gripped Flossers Dual gripped Flossers The children began by grabbing pieces of floss about the size of their forearms. They then LOOSELY wrapped the floss around their fingers and explained why wrapping the floss is important. After using the see-saw motion into the Play-Doh, they made a 'C' shape around each tooth, giving each tooth around 3 strokes. Waxed Dental Floss Waxed Dental Floss After each demonstration I asked the kids which type of floss they prefere. They all said the flossers were easier and more fun. I then reviewed the important parts of flossing and encouraged them all to floss at least once a day, easiest before bedtime. Flossers vs Dental Floss Flossers vs Dental Floss Having groups of 5-6 kids each really helped with allowing every kid a turn with the demonstrations. The children really enjoyed the Play-Doh and most of all the chattering teeth. My group was extremely organized, we communicated well, and we worked as a team. Therefore, I believe our presentation was a success. Although I enjoyed working with my group, I didn't like being grabbed on and constantly interrupted. I had a headache in the end and I wouldn't volunteer to do this again. Conclusion

Public Health Presentation

Transcript: Statistics Lead Public Agency Angeline Mathews "Binge Drinking: A Serious, Under-Recognized Problem Among Women and Girls" What is Binge Drinking? Binge drinking is a growing and under-recognized concern for women and girls. Lead to major health concerns including breast cancer, heart disease, STDs, and unplanned pregnancies. Highly influenced by the culture and society women and girls live in today. Governmental action needs to be implemented and maintained. Solutions Does the college culture promote binge drinking? If so, why is it accepted and what can be done to stop it? Do you see a difference in men and women in regards to binge drinking? Increase alcohol taxes Maintaining existing government controls over alcohol sales - avoid privatization Stringent law enforcement on selling alcohol to minors Counseling for excessive alcohol abuse Promote safe drinking and healthy lifestyles 14 million women in the U.S. binge drink at least 3 times a month 23,000 deaths a year in women and girls that were related to binge drinking 1 in 5 high school girls have reported binge drinking More than 90% of the alcohol youth drink is while binge drinking References Center for Disease Control Highlighted binge drinking in their Vitals Signs issue as a nationwide problem for men and women Highlights binge drinking in response to American Heart Health Month What needs to be done? Summary Definition: dangerous drinking pattern of 4 or drinks for women and 5 or more drinks for men in one occasion (generally 2-3 hours). Most binge drinkers are not alcoholics or dependent on alcohol. U.S. Dietary Guidelines defines moderate drinking as 1 drink per day for women and 2 drinks for men. "Binge Drinking: A Serious, Under-Recognized Problem Among Women and Girls." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 08 Jan. 2013. Web. 06 Feb. 2013. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 10 Jan. 2012. Web. 06 Feb. 2013. "Twitter Chat: Binge Drinking." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 14 Jan. 2013. Web. 06 Feb. 2013. "Binge Drinking: A Serious, Under-Recognized Problem Among Women and Girls" What Do You Think?

Public Health Presentation

Transcript: Bullying . how many more times likely were individuals to have suicidal thoughts or attempts, if involved in the bullying cycle? Individuals who were involved the cycle of bullying were 3-5 T IMES MORE LIKELY TO have suicidal thoughts or attempts What percentage of young people are bullied annually ? Questions? 2) The Victim 20-56% of youth are bullied annually 1) Direct Bullying 1) The Bully We can identify three categories of bullying Individual that are involved in acts of bullying in any capacity are at risk for poor mental and physical health. Bullying is a substantial public health problem! "Bullying is defined as negative physical, verbal, or relational actions that (a) have hostile intent, (b) cause distress to the victim" "Bullying may take multiple forms varying from physical confrontation, teasing, and humiliation to more indirect ways of victimization such as spread of rumors or exclusion fromthe peer groups and social marginalization of the victim" Bullying and Suicide: A Public Health Approach Journal of Adolescent Health Marci Feldman Hertz, Ingrid Donato, and James Wright Presented by Davina Saunders Public Health 1000 University of Lethbridge Long term effects may occur for months or even years for individuals who have been involved with these activites There are three different roles in the bullying cycle Suicide thoughts and ideas are "significantly more prevelant among victims, bully-victims and perpetrators." (Hertz et al., 2013) There is a vital need for an "integrated approach to preventing suicide and youth violence by focusing on shared risk and protective factors" (Hertz et al., 2013) Source: Tsitsika, A. K., Barlou, E., Andrie, E., Dimitropoulou, C., Tzavela, E. C., Janikian, M., & Tsolia, M. (2014). Bullying Behaviors in Children and Adolescents: “An Ongoing Story.” Frontiers in Public Health, 2(February) 20% to 56% of youth are involved in a bullying incident annually What are some protective factors that can be used for suicide and youth violence prevention? 2) Indirect Bullying 3) Cyberbulling Protective factors include individual coping sklls family and school social support supportivie school environments Strengthing school conectedness School based suicide prevention programs What is bullying? Why do we care? 3) The Bully/Victim There is strong evidence to support the relationship between bullying and suicide.

Public Health Presentation

Transcript: Public Health Project -A S T H M A - In general, interventions include: Asthma management & support systems Health services Asthma education Maintaining a healthy school environment Physical education & activity School, family and community efforts In schools, interventions are: Establish policies and procedures to support children with asthma. Keep students’ asthma action plans at the school. Make medications available During school hours Before physical activity and sports During before- and after-school programs On field trips or when away from campus Train school staff to recognize signs of an asthma attack and to use appropriate medications. If effective: Develop responses in case an intervention does not work Continue to maintain accountability, quality of the services provided, and report on progress of the programs implemented Administer quality assurance If not so effective: Find the cause and try to do the ff: Manage resources and services effectively Understand reasons for current performance Build capacity Plan and implement new activities Demonstrate the value of their efforts Ensure accountability Asthma is a complex disease that is not yet preventable or curable. Asthma can be managed with medication, environmental changes, and behavior modifications. By working together, we can ensure that people with asthma enjoy a high quality of life. The end... Assessment Double click to crop it if necessary Ignore me, i'm a blank page Based on the Assessments... Asthma Surveilance How much asthma does the population have? How severe is asthma across the population? How well controlled is asthma in the population? What is the cost of asthma? Policy Development Asthma Needs Assessment Education? Resources available? Ongoing programs? Assurance -"On average, 3 children in a class of 30 will have asthma" -CDC Could be a life-threathening disease if an asthma attack is not recognized and treated. Implement and Evaluate Place your own picture behind this frame! Are there any ongoing cause of asthma? Air quality? Mold & Mildew? Conclusion Asthma in school: A leading chronic disease cause of school absence Common disease addressed by school nurses Affects teachers, administrators, nurses, coaches, students, bus drivers, after school program staff, maintenance personnel Why asthma???

Public Health Presentation

Transcript: PUBLIC HEALTH PUBLIC HEALTH SYSTEMS Across National, State, and Local Settings Presentation by: Megan Naccarato NATIONAL National Level STRUCTURE Legislative Establish Health Regulations Executive Judiciary Interpret and Resolve Creates Health Policy POLICY MAKING Item 1 FUNCTION Item 2 Item 4 Item 3 FINANCING PUBLIC HEALTH PROTECTION COLLECTING INFORMATION Item 5 CAPACITY BUILDING Item 6 DIRECT MANAGEMENT OF SERVICES STATE STATE STRUCTURE 20 STATES INDEPENDENT HEALTH AGENCIES 25 STATES 26 STATES BOARDS OF HEALTH SUPERAGENCY Item 1 FUNCTION IMMUNIZATION Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 DISEASE CONTROL AND REPORTING HEALTH EDUCATION LICENSING HEALTH CARE SERVICES LOCAL LOCAL STRUCTURE (IOM, 2003). Item 1 FUNCTION CHILDHOOD IMMUNIZATIONS Item 2 Item 3 DENTAL SERVICES COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT Item 4 RESTAURANT INSPECTION Item 5 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICES OTHER HELP NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS What role do they play? (Exit News, 2021). NATIONAL Texas Public Health Coalition Public Health Foundation (PHF) Feed the Children STATE LOCAL DFW Healthcare Foundation NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS Texas Health Institute Prism Health North Texas REFERENCES References Beitsch, L. M., Brooks, R. G., Grigg, M., & Menachemi, N. (2006, January). Structure and functions of state public health agencies. American journal of public health. Retrieved from Cianciara, D., & Piotrowicz, M. (2013). The role of non-governmental organizations in the social and the health system. Przeglad epidemiologiczny. Retrieved from Exit News. (2021, February 24). Streamlined law on Albanian ngos approved by Legal Committee - Exit - explaining Albania. Exit. Retrieved from Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Assuring the Health of the Public in the 21st Century. (2003). The Governmental Public Health Infrastructure. In The future of the public's health in the 21st Century. essay, National Academies Press. Retrieved from

Public health presentation

Transcript: Where? How common? Home and family (5) Friends and neighbours (5) Political institutions (5,8) Voluntary organizations (9,5) Social support networks (9) Health care systems (5) Alcohol and drug abuse (10) Education and socioeconomic status (11) 238 gun related deaths in 2016 (2) Behavioral and Biochemical components Social injustices: 8. Chapman S, Alpers P, Agho K, Jones M. Australia’s 1996 gun law reforms: faster falls in firearm deaths, firearm suicides, and a decade without mass shootings. Inj Prev 2015;21(5)355 9. Stedman H, Monahan J, Pinals D, Vesselinov R, Robbins P. Gun violence and victimization of strangers by persons with a mental illness: data from the MacArthur violence risk assessment study. Psychiatr serv 2015 Nov 1;66(11)1238-1241 10. Wo J. Revising the crime control benefits of voluntary organizations: organizational presence, organizational capacity and crime rates in Los Angeles neighborhoods. Crime delinq 2018 Jul 19;45(1)1-25 11. Buschmann R, Prochaska J, Bailargeon J, Temple J. Firearm carrying and cincurrent substance use behaviours in a community-based sample of emerging adults. Inj Prev 2017;23(6)383 12. Schwaner S, Furr L, Negrey C, Seger R. Who wants a gun license? Journal of criminal justice. 1999;27(1)1-10 13. Hatherill J. Toxic chemicals and violent behavior. The world and I 2000;15(5)170 14. Shin J, Park JY, Choi J. Long-term exposure to ambient air pollutants and mental health: A nationwide population-based cross-sectional study. Plos one 2018 Apr 9;13(4)1-12 15. Parkinson D, Zara C. The hidden disaster: domestic violence in the aftermath of natural disasters. Aus J Emerg Med 2013;28(2)28-35 Young people age 10-19 years (5) Social disadvantages and unemployment (3) Substance abuse and mental health illnesses (3) Males (6) 1. Briggs A, Fisher E. It’s time for a change of message, it’s time for #gunsafetynow. Lancet 2018 Apr 18; 391(10128)1353-1353 2. Alpers P, Rossetti A, Picard M. Gun facts, figures and the law. Australia: Sydney school of public health, the university of Sydney. 2016. 3. Chapman S. Alpers P. Australia’s 1996 gun law reforms halted mass shootings for 22 years: a response to criticism from Gary Kleck. Contemporary readings in law and social justice 2018;10(1):94-103 4. Macphedran S, Baker J, Singh P. Firearms homicides in Australia, Canada and New Zealand: What we can learn from long-term international comparisons? J Interpers Violence 2010 Mar 16;26(2):348-359 5. Williamson A, guerra N, Tynan D, Shroff J. The role of health and mental health care providers in gun violence prevention. Clin Pract Pediatr Phychol 2014;2(1)88-98 6. Mcphedran S. An evalution of the impacts of changing firearms legislation on Australian female firearm homicide victimization rates. Violence against women 2018;24(7)798-815 7. Clifford W. Facts and ideas from anywhere. Proc (Bayl Univ Med Cent) 2017;30(1)130-136 Who? References: Biophysical Environment pub112: Public health presentation gun control by malin leah hagen & sophie skaten The public health issue of gun control is about all actions taken towards creating gun safety while preventing gun related violence and firearm deaths.(1) What is the public health issue gun control? Illicit drug trade - New South Wales (3) Regions with higher gun ownership (5) 1996 National firearms agreement (NFA) (3) Illegal owned guns (4) Reduced after the NFA in 1996 (7) Determinants of gun control Gun Control Why is this a public health issue? SocioEconomic Environment Polluted air and heavy metals (13,14) Natural disasters (15) Individuals behavior Males Social disadvantages areas Alcohol and substance abuse Mental illnesses & young people

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