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Presentation for Interview

Transcript: EC00667 - Lecturer - Bakery Why have I applied for this role and why do I believe I am the ideal person for the job? Background My career has span over 15 years in hospitality sector, working my way up from commis chef to head chef and head pastry chef for multiple sites. Background Working in College I have taught night classes in West Lothian College for over 6 years. These were pastry lead classes working with complete novices. We would make items from scratch making sponges and biscuits then working up to more intermediate items such as choux pastry and macarons. In other classes we did cake decoration starting with coatings, covering and covering multiple techniques. The unit we covered was Craft Baking and I ensured candidates achieved this. Industry Experience I have worked in all sections of the kitchen as I feel it is important to understand the whole area before specialising. Once fully competent in this my love for the pastry section blossomed and I moved on to become Head Baker of 7 retail sites and then Head Pastry Chef for 3 restaurants. In both jobs I created desserts/bakes for all areas and trained my team when required, ensuring we kept up to date with current trends. Currently Currently I have also improved my own learning by achieving the Assessors Award and Profession Development Award SCQF Level 9. I am a Learning Assistant at Edinburgh College. My job is to assist the lecturer however they require. My main focus is to support any students who need it. An example of this could be re doing the demonstration with them 1 to 1 or reading out recipies/instructions to help with understanding. My position may be small but I take it very seriously as my passion is to teach. That has been my focus for many years and is the only career I want to strive for. I still work in industry at weekends and this keeps my skills current and up to date. It is vital to do this as we pass our skills on to the students. I work with other chefs and by sharing experiences/ideas we learn from each other and improve our own techniques. Again this is crucial when teaching as students deserve the best we can provide them so they can thrive when heading into industry. Focus My aim in the future is to become a full time Lecturer. I have worked incredibly hard to ensure my skill level is high, up to date and I am passionate about passing on this knowledge to others. By using good classroom management and building a rapport with the students, they will gain skills and confidence to be able to progress in to industry. This is the goal I will strive for and achieve. I will continuously improve my owns skills. This year with working online I have taught myself to use multiple platforms such at Prezi, Kahoot, Microsoft Forms, Microsoft Teams and OneNote. I have also digitised log books and assessments to help keep students engaged throughout the acedemic year and giving feedback/keep in touch became slightly easier. Focus By doing all this I can provide the best teaching possible so my students can thrive.">Business vector created by freepik -">Calendar vector created by freepik -">Business vector created by pikisuperstar -">Business vector created by pikisuperstar -">Business vector created by pikisuperstar -">School vector created by pikisuperstar -">Background vector created by pikisuperstar -">Business vector created by macrovector - Icon made by Freepik from Icon made by Eucalyp from Icon made by itim2101 from Designed by Next Interactive Presentations: <!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 22.0.0, SVG Export Plug-In --> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:a="" x="0px" y="0px" width="774px" height="115.4px" viewBox="0 0 774 115.4" style="enable-background:new 0 0 774 115.4;" xml:space="preserve"> <style type="text/css"> .st0{fill:#FFFFFF;} .st1{fill:url(#SVGID_1_);stroke:#047391;stroke-width:0.3288;stroke-linecap:round;} .st2{fill:#F4C327;stroke:#006B33;stroke-width:1.3154;stroke-dasharray:1.9731,0.8221;} .st3{fill:none;stroke:#0060B6;stroke-width:0.6577;stroke-linecap:round;} .st4{fill:#FF7F00;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.1644;} .st5{fill:#60F475;stroke:#BF0000;stroke-width:0.1415;} .st6{fill:none;stroke:#006B33;stroke-width:0.283;stroke-linecap:round;} .st7{fill:#FF4000;}

Presentation for interview

Transcript: HEALTH Interview Pediatric nurse assistant Health Care Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1948). Children Nurses provide expert care to the child while working with the family to address their concerns, fears, problems, and options. The job role of a pediatric nurse depends on the work setting, which might be a hospital, surgical center, doctor’s office, clinic, or other health care setting ( Multi-agency working is about providing a seamless response to individuals with multiple and complex needs. This could be as part of a multidisciplinary team or on an ad hoc basis. (, 2010) Examples of this would be behaviour and education support teams (BESTs) and Youth Offending Teams (YOTs) (,2005). Multi-agency Working Multi-agency Working (community care, 2018) Multi-agency Working Benefits The benefits of working in a multi-agency way that was identified for children and their families. These centred on three main areas: improved services direct outcomes prevention. Improved access to services was commonly highlighted, as well as an improvement in children’s educational attainment and their access to education (Atkinson et al, 2002). The agencies that are involved, have advantages of multi-agency work which centres on offering them a broader perspective, a better understanding of the issues, and increased understanding, and improved interactions with, other agencies. For the individual professionals that are involved, on the one hand, working with professionals from other backgrounds was rewarding and stimulating. They commonly reported that their work alongside other professionals gave them a broad perspective and raised their awareness of the operation of other agencies (Atkinson et al, 2002). Challenges Challenges to Multi-agency Working There are eight key areas challenging to Multi agency working, these include fiscal resources which is low funding for services, roles and responsibilities which was adopted by thoses individuals working within multi-agency initiatives. competing individuals and agency priorities frequently cited as a challenge- this is a conflict between the aims of their agencies. non-fiscal resources - the impliaction of sustaining as well as developing multi-agency initiatives. Porr communication was recorded as a problem when working in a Multi- agency team as the communication between agencies was poor. professional and agency cultures- Another challenge to Multi-agency working with it being reported as having the potential to affect practice was the ‘agency culture’ within which practice took place. Management- The seventh challenge raised was how any single initiative is managed at strategic level. The last challenge of Multi- agency working is the training opportunities- This is missed opportunities for professional single-agency development delivered at ‘base’. (Atkinson et al 2005) Atkinson, M., Doherty, P., & Kinder, K. (2005). Multi-agency working. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 3(1), 7–17. doi:10.1177/1476718x05051344 Atkinson, M., Wilkon, A., Stott, A., Doherty, P., and Kinder, K. (2002) Multi-agency working: a detailed study. Community Care, (2018) Multi-agency workings failings hamper progress at "inadeqite" childrens services. Available at: (Accessed:05.03.19) Challenging behaviour foundation, (2019) Behaviour support teams. Available at: (Accessed:05.03.19) (2005) Every child matters: Multi-agency working. Available at: (Accessed: 03.03.19), (2019) Yputh Offending Teams, Available at: (Accessed:05.03.19) (2019) What does a peadiatic nurse do? Available at: (Accessed: 03.03.19) World Health Organisation (1948) What is the WHO definition of health. Available at: (Accessed: 01.03.19) Social Care Institute for Excellent (2010), Outcome statement 10: Multi-agency working, Available at: (Accessed:04.03.19) References References

Presentation for interview

Transcript: Streamlining faith into NUS In 2013-14 we want to build on the success we’ve had over the past three years by continuing to support unions to implement the Hate Speech Guidance and develop the work that supports this including working to reduce discrimination and harassment; hate crime; sharing best practice; and increasing knowledge and understanding of the needs of students of faith, as well as increasing inter faith engagement. This will be done by: - Ensuring SUs are equipped to manage their responsibilities under charity legislation and able to implement the guidance on external speakers - Tackling student-targeted hate crime on campus and (far right) extremism in local communities - Improving the experiences of students’ of faith in further and higher education - Two research projects - Equality Act 2010 - Increased Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism - Increase in hate crime - Rise of the Far Right - Northern Ireland conflict escalating - International conflicts ongoing e.g. Israel/Palestine - PREVENT agenda has broadened but perceptions of it have not, though homegrown Islamic extremism is still defined as the biggest threat to the UK - an end to being funded from BIS and the Home Office's Preventing Violent Extremism budget - Students' Unions being awarded for their efforts to establish and maintain good campus relations - NUS/self funded project - a more inclusive and representative NUS - One Campus, Many Communities - creating a positive message on campus about pro-multiculturalism and diversity, not just faith - Challenge the rhetoric around International Students - Reconciling LGBT equalities and R&B equalities - Gender equality and Women's Rights - Increase representation in SUs and wider society - Hate crime, discrimination and harassment reporting - Hate Speech an implemented procedure not a political policy - Conflict resolution programme in partnership with external organisations Faith and Good Campus Relations Leadership through enthusiasm Action Orientated Innovator Internal NUS Group - Student involvement in the development of the project: Greater consultation on what their needs are and what wider outcomes they wish to see. - Knowledge of the volume of work currently happening in both the further and higher education sectors: There are institutions doing this work, often with the help of external organisations, who are not in contact with NUS about their work or being recognised for it. - Identify further best practice: Catalogue resources and search for examples of best practice through surveying Unions and their current practice. The NUS project was developed in response to a variety of concerns significant at the time it was framed, such as concerns about possible ‘radicalisation’ of students at further and higher education institutions. In addition, there was a need to respond to issues and challenges students’ unions and students of faith were experiencing including how to increase engagement with faith groups and respond to issues of discrimination, and sporadic tensions between different groups on campus, as well as nationally for example tensions between UJS and FOSIS Community Cohesion Management Style 2014 onwards - Understanding the complexity of faith and interfaith relations on campus. - Dealing with the political sensitivity around certain issues the project is concerned with. - Maintaining relationships with student faith groups and developing these with those less engaged with us. - Keeping up to date with the work currently happening with regards to interfaith relations in other sectors. Students' Union Quality Mark Liberation - London is the most religiously diverse region of the UK with the highest proportion of Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and Jews (ONS - 2011 Census) - 38% staff identify as having a religion but only 3% are non- Christian (NUS Staff Survey 2012) - Less than 10% staff are 'Black' (NUS Staff Survey 2012) - NUS seeks Investors in Diversity Award (NUS People Strategy 2011-2014) - Religious Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Training for staff in all offices - Visits to places of worship - Informal learning through 'Shared experience' sessions looking at rites of passage staff undergo - Quiet space (which can also be used as prayer space) in the new NUS HQ building Current Climate 2009-2012 Project manager role 2013-2014 Since 2009, with funding from the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (DBIS), NUS has taken a clear leadership role in delivering its responsibilities of supporting students’ unions to: - Understand the risks posed by some external speakers and how to mitigate against these risks - Understand their responsibilities in relation to the Prevent agenda - Respond to tensions between different student faith groups - Support student faith groups negotiate for improved services and gain acknowledgement from their institutions of their specific needs (particularly in relation to changing equality legislation), and - Increase interaction,

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