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Transcript: Quiz simplify = Subtracting fractions are pretty much the same as adding them but at the end instead of adding you subtract the numerators. more questions: Dividing the denominator by the numerator. For example: 23/20, 20 goes into 23 once so it would be 1 and since the remainder is 3 the mixed fraction would be 1 and 3/20. To turn multiples into improper fractions you : First multiply the whole number by the denominator Then you add the rest to the product of the whole number and denominator and that's all! = fractions helper + questions Now you've got it! Improper fractions are fractions that are higher than 1. For example 23/20. You can make it into a mixed fraction by.......... + subtracting 1 3/5 + 2 3/9= 7/8-3/9= 4/2 +7/10= 6 1/9+ 3 28/9= 2 4/5 - 14/5= 3 6/8 + 1 2/10= 1 1/2 + 2 3/4= 3 8/14+ 8 6/2= 3 5/8 + 1 9/10= 5 8/1 + 1/ 21/11= 4 7/4 + 2 4/6= 4 6/3 + 7 4/9 = FiFEfyeg Final/Last Test 8/3 +7/2= 9/21 + 7/10= 3/6-4/10= 7/11-2/22= 3/8 +2/5= 2 3/9 + 4 7/12= 5/2 -3/2= 9/10 + 4/6= Improper and mixed fractions continued to next bubble + 3/4 - 6/12= 6/9 -1/3= 6/7- 5/7= 8/16-2/16= 2/9-1/18= 1/2- 18/36= worksheet By Halle Chen Great Job!!!!!:) You Finished! How to add fractions + = You first see if you can make it the two fractions have the same denominator. You can do this by finding a common multiple . For example three quarters + 6 eighths -- you find the smallest common multiple which is 8. 8 times 1 is 8 so 6 times 1 is 6 so it would be 6/8 and 4 times 2 is 8 so 3 times 2 is 6 so it would be 6/8 +6/8 which equals ........... 12/8. Never ever add the denominators together! =

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