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Workplace Presentation

Transcript: Experienced the workplace Defined my role The Breakroom 1987 Michael J. Fox My "Completion" Preview Why Socialization? Application The process of Socialization basics Research Knowledge sharing Time Technology Advances Eldercare Pharmacy - Flanagin & Waldeck The End Research beforehand Get info from trustworthy people Be true to myself Be conscious of career path: Management Employees play important role Higher socialization = higher satisfaction Organizations should encourage it More face-to-face Leads to trustworthy environment I was not alone Met my bosses Asked questions Learned about the organization "But social breaks are also important to a worker’s — and a company’s — well-being. They reinforce bonds, improve morale and increase possibilities for collaboration." Before entering organization Learning about work Generally Particular occupation Particular organization The Process of Socialization- Basics Research Knowledge Sharing Time Influence of Technology Apply it Moving Forward "Time is a crucial factor in every event, without it there is no change, no growth, no cause and effect..." Eldercare Pharmacy Traditional Face-to-face interactions Paper Today Websites Social Media Google "As technology becomes more sophisticated, the processes of socialization are changing." "Completion" of process New employee is part of the "in" group Encounter Phyllis Korkki NY Times Strategy -Gulick Conclusion Fitting into the Workplace Experience Easily relatable Can be hilarious Michael J. Fox Basics: 3 Phases Deeper by Jessica Preskitt Temporality & Socialization processes are related If Employee knows their career path, they will plan and participate accordingly Enters the organization Let go of old roles/values Adapt to new organization's expectations Gained responsibility Control Room Special projects We missed you The Secret of My Success Time Surface-level Metamorphosis Moving Forward Influence of Technology Going Deeper Anticipatory As an employee Future preparation Better understanding As an employer Ease the process Speed up the process Recap Socialization Knowledge Sharing My Interview First Day

workplace presentation

Transcript: Noah's Super Shop By Nick and Noah New Dress Codes Many people complain about their attire that they have to wear at work.. If we had a new dress code such as Noah's Super Shop offical shirts and sweatshirts with your choice of khakis (Pants or Shorts) we comfortable and ready to get work done. New Dress Codes Perks of New Dress Code We will be comfortable while we do our work (Possibly do extra work) Less complaining about the aprons that we wear now... We will all look good and be in style with our shirts and sweatshirts Perks of New Dress Code Showing Up Late At Noah's Super Shop we all are expected to show up before 8:00 AM... Lets be real here who needs to be at work that early? Not us! We should be able to show up at 10:00 AM if we prove to you that we can finish all work within our shift. Showing Up Late Perks of Showing Up at 10:00 AM We will get the required time of sleep we need (Better Attitudes) You only have to work 2 hours and then you get lunch! 11:00 AM is the busy time so we will all be there before that to prepare ourselves for the rush! Perks of Showing Up at 10:00 AM Provided Lunch Provided Lunch At Noah's Super Shop we all have to run home and get our lunch or find something to eat and spend money. If we had lunch provided for us it would be way faster and easier for us employees. Perks of a Provided Lunch We will eat lunch right away and save us from getting a speeding ticket! It would save us alot of money so we don't have to eat fast food and waste gas. We would have more time to relax instead of rushing to get food and to get back to work. Perks of a Provided Lunch Breakroom Activity Every four hour shift we would like up to 15 minutes to relax calm down from the job. A place where we can check our phones and chill. Breakroom Activity Perks of Taking Breaks If we had a little time to relax every shift we could do our work more effectivly and be stress free. Which would make us, the employees, happier people. Perks of Taking Breaks Car Care Us employees work very stressful hours which means we have no time to take care of our cars. It would be nice if Noah's Super Shop hired a team of mechanics to do so! Car Care Perks of Car Care All of our cars would be nice and clean and would look good sitting in the parking lot. One less thing would have to worry about and we could focus more on our work. We would always be to work on time because our car would never break down! Perks of Car Care

Workplace presentation

Transcript: Gendered Communication in the Workplace Gendered Stereotypes in the Workplace KATIANA Stereotypes for Women sex object: defines women in terms of their sex or sexuality judgements of women workers based on their appearance and actions sterotyping women as sex objects conributes to sexual harrassment also used to define gay men and lesbians who are often perceived primarily in terms of their sexuality mother: both figurative and literal figurative: expect women to take care of the emotional labor for everyone - smile, prepare snacks, listen and support others 75% of women in workplace in "pink collar jobs" literal: women who have or plan to have children are seen as less serious professionals than men or women who aren't mothers. maternal wall: unexamined assumptions by coworkers or superiors about how women will behave once they become mothers Stereotypes for Women child: view of women as less mature, less competent, and less capable than adults. often masqueraded as "protecting women" iron maiden: a female professional who is independent, ambitious, competitive, tough. often perceieved as competent, but unlikeable and unfeminine Sterotypes for Women Stereotypes for Men sturdy oak: self-sufficient pillar of strength who is never weak or reliant on others can hinder men; think it is unmanly to ask for help, male workers will rule out consulting others for advice fighters: brave warriors who go to battle, either literally in war or metaphorically in their professional life stems from childhood training to be aggressive, and win at all costs this then translates into professional expectations to beat the competition. breadwinners: the person who solely earns money to support a family used to justify paying men higher wages than women Stereotypes for Men Why there are more stereotypes about women in the workplace Why there are more stereotypes about women in the workplace Live in a patriarchal society (male dominated) women were seen as the caretakers and men were breadwinners - change in this dynamic brought backlash as women were not taken as seriously as their male counterparts In WWI, women only worked because men were unable to feminine communicators seen as weak, while masculinity is dominant form of communication in the workplace i.e. aggressive, competitive, hard working even if women are masculine communicators, they are labeled negatively (bossy, pushy, bitchy) men have dominated the workforce, and seeing a women start to enter challenges them and thus they stereotype women more Ted Talk with Anne-Marie Slaughter DONYA To Slaughter, what does full equality mean? " I suggest that real equality, full equality, does not just mean valuing women on male terms. It means creating a much wider range of equality respected choices for women and for men. And to get there, we have to change our workplaces, our policies and our culture." To Slaughter, what does full equality mean? What does real equality look like in the workplace? In the workplace, real equality means valuing family just as much as work, and understanding that the two reinforce each other. "As a leader and as a manager, I have always acted on the mantra, if family comes first, work does not come second -- life comes together." -Slaughter What does real equality look like in the workplace? In policy terms, what does real equality mean? Real equality means recognizing that the work that women have traditionally done is just as important as the work that men have traditionally done, no matter who does it. In policy terms, what does real equality mean? How do same-sex couples shed light on juggling work and family? The same-sex perspective helps us see that juggling work and family are not women's problems, they're family problems. How do same-sex couples shed light on juggling work and family? How are they going to divide up breadwinning and caregiving responsibilities? Should one of them stop working or reduce hours to be home? Should they both change their practices so they can have more flexible schedules? Do they even have that option? Is it who makes the most money or who is most committed to their career? Or who has the most flexible boss? Re-socializing men??? According to Slaughter, "we're not going to get equally valued choices unless we change our culture, and the kind of cultural change required means re-socializing men." Men are socialized to believe that they have to be breadwinners and derive their self-worth from how high they can climb the career ladder. Re-socializing men??? Workplace Discrimination EMILIA GLASS CEILING GLASS CEILING - women and minorities hit an invisible barrier that limit them from achievements. It could either be that women are seen as mothers, which can cause the belief that a working mother would not be interested in advancing. It could also mean that women are seen in a sexual way, so that her competence is overlooked. (Gendered Lives) GLASS WALL - metaphor for sex A


Transcript: Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad is a dynamic, integrated banking group End to end Financing solution SME banking, wholesale banking Wholesale banking Investment banking stock broking businesses Physical work Mostly sitting Repetitive motions Phone ringing very distinctive and distractive Language Most of the work does requires English but when with customers its mixed WORK CONTEXT WORKPLACE PRESENTATION MAIN HEADQUARTERS Teamwork Discipline Creativity Critical thinking Time Management Language Support Getting full support from other departments Works hand in and with seniors Teamwork Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad Alliance Investment Bank Berhad Alliance Islamic Bank Berhad 8, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Achievement Achieving the target designated every month ~ the highest achievement will get high incentives. Collect loans from delinquent accounts Achieving the monthly sub accounts target Check and balance the in an out of loans payment Providing assistance and advice to delinquents customer Providing free visit to customer who is unable to be contacted COMPANY BACKGROUND PRESENTED BY LAILATUL ROSHIDIE BIN LAILATUL KADIR 2011307177 Interpersonal Relationships Being in contact with both customer and fellow employee Customers ranging from really friendly to aggressive people Telephone/Direct Contact/ Email Responsible to the accounts designated JOEL KORNREICH INTERNSHIP SKILLS GAINED CREDIT CRISIS DEPARTMENT PERSONAL LOAN DEPARTMENT INTERNSHIP DETAILS WORK CULTURE Independence When speaking or handling customers one have to make critical decision in assisting the customers One can be penalized for giving wrong information Critical Thinking/ Creativity/Time Management/ Dicipline Structural Job Characteristics Work time depends on own effort can result to having overtime and coming back during weekends and holidays Level of competition very high a failure in computer or system can hamper down working process

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