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U Of C Presentation Template

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Transcript: What is it? Why should I get it? How does it work? How do I submit the "homework"? I C U C "I see, you see" Step 1: Interact Write 1 paragraph describing your experience in Requirement #1. Write 1 paragraph describing your experience at 1 of the events in Requirement #2. Final deadline for Spring 2014: All photos and writing must be submitted via email by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 2nd. International Cultural Understanding Certificate Email: Take a picture of yourself at each event that you attend. Make sure that it is clear which event you are at. (Find the organizer and ask them to be in your photo, or take a picture with something in the background that shows the event.) Submit the photo as an email attachment. Make sure to include your name, PID, and name/date of the event. Attend 1 cultural event from each of the following programs: OPIE (Ohio Program of Intensive English) ISU (International Student Union) CIC / UPC (Campus Involvement Committee / University Program Council) OMSAR/Multicultural Center Women’s Center Cross-Cultural Leadership Workshop (21st Century Leadership Series) Your choice (could be a special event or a 2nd event by one of the above programs) (That means 7 events total.) Choose 1 of the following: Join the Conversation Partners Program Volunteer with a student organization that organizes cultural events Attend at least 5 of the International Conversation Hour meetings at the Bobcat Student Lounge, Baker Center 1st floor: Wednesday, January 29th...6-7pm Wednesday, February 5th...5-6pm Tuesday, February 11th...6-7pm Wednesday, February 19th...6-7pm Tuesday, February 25th...7-8pm Wednesday, March 12th...5-6pm Wednesday, March 19th...5-6pm Wednesday, April 2nd...5-6pm There are 3 steps. Step 2: Participate The ICUC is a unique certificate, not offered at any other institution in the U.S. Most companies today, whether they are American or international, are looking for people who can work well on a team. By participating in the activities associated with the ICUC, you’ll have the chance to talk to people from other cultures, learn about different ways of life, and improve your ability to understand people from different walks of life. You’ll also have a chance to share your experience with others. You can check the website to see which events are happening each week. The International Cultural Understanding Certificate (ICUC) is a chance for you to experience a new culture and have fun in Athens while building your résumé and interpersonal skills. Step 3: Tell a story

N288 U of C

Transcript: PRIMARY INTERVENTIONS SECONDARY INTERVENTION How are you funding your studies? Individual Community Sectoral/system DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH FACTORS INFLUENCING HEALTH PROMOTION Student Loans Work Parents are assisting Scholarships Combination of the above methods TERTIARY INTERVENTION Preventable approaches include enhancing psychological health and strengthening competencies, resources, and coping skills as protection against dysfunction or reducing the rate of occurrence of emotional disorders. Individual: Collaborate with existing educational resources to help individuals navigate the process of securing funding and applying for secondary/post-secondary education as a mature student Early Childhood Development Education Social Support Networks If children show odd behavioral cues, have the nurse do an assessment looking for signs Miller-Perrin & Wurtele (1988) If sexual abuse is suspected, have the nurse notify law enforcement or child protective services Adopting a community-based treatment/therapy to care for the individual victim and their family Child Sexual Abuse Treatment Program (CSATP) Using an interdisciplinary team to create a unique care plan for every individual Using professional staff, volunteers and self-help groups Initially the child is assessed to identify their fears and ensure they feel safe and supported ACTION STRATEGIES How are you, as students funding you studies? Education Personal Health Practices and Coping Skills Healthy Childhood Development Health Services $525/course + $65 registration to take daytime classroom courses $120/ course online Scholarships Student Loans Working Parents assistance Combination of the above Teach nurses how to present a sexual abuse class. Miller-Perrin & Wurtele (1988) Mandatory classes Sharing hypothetical stories/videos/pictures. Thompson & Trice-Black (2012) Asking questions to instigate a response for behavioral cues. Thompson & Trice-Black (2012) Current treatment for children who have been sexually abused consists of therapy sessions Play therapy Trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy No Certification/ 29.7% 18.1% Degree/Diploma High School 39.4% 25.6% Total 60.1% 43.7% LEVELS OF ACTION LEVEL OF ACTION LEVELS OF ACTION Build Healthy Public Policy Create Supportive Environment Did you see the nurse active within the school community? ACTION STRATEGIES What is the cost of upgrading a high school course? DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH Individual Family Community Competency enhancement Preventing the onset of abusive behavior Targeting High-risk groups Develop Personal Skills Create Supportive Environments Ogden Calgary NIC: Provide atmosphere of support Provide children who have been sexually abused with reassurance that the abuse was not their fault and allow them to express their concerns through play therapy appropriate for age DETERMINANT OF HEALTH What is the most effective treatment method for children victim of sexual abuse? DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH NIC System: Advocate at provincial/federal level to increase student loan limits, meeting the financial needs of mature students Social Justice: Degree of equal opportunity made available by political, social and economic structures/values of society Trust Communication Mixed Skills Shared Commitment Education Personal Health Practices and Coping Skills Health Services Social Environments Develop Personal Skills Create Supportive Environments BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER! Low parental education is cited as a risk factor for low SES and childhood abuse Older students cite family responsibilities, work commitments, and conflicts with work schedules as barriers to returning to school Older students have greater financial responsibility and less support from family ACTION STRATEGIES NIC: Promote expression of thoughts and feelings, both positive and negative Monitor child for signs of failure to thrive, depression, apathy, developmental delay, or malnutrition Reorient Health Services Develop Personal Skills Create Supportive Environments Education Social Support Networks Income and Social Status System Lobby policy makers to make changes in health policies and standards to benefit clients Acquaint policy makers with implications of current and proposed policies and standards for patient welfare Individual Identify agency resources to assist in decreasing risk factors determine educational status Individual Family Community Society OGDEN STATISTICS a.) Higher than a university course b.) Lower than a university course c.) The same as a university course d.) It depends on where you go HEALTH PROMOTION INTERVENTION ACTION STRATEGIES Assist parents with role transition and expectations of parenthood, engage parents and child in attachment-building exercises Instruct parents on problem solving, decision making, and child rearing and parenting skills, or refer parents to programs where these skills can be learned Did you have a school nurse in Elementary

HR Template C

Transcript: Core Change Management Consulting, Inc Place your logo here HR RFQ 12512 Introduction Our team Approach Objective The objective of the project is to perform an organizational review of human resources for the purpose of identifying improvement opportunities across all areas include HRIS, HR policies, practices, compliance reporting and procedures, staff and strategic plans DCCCD HR Review Framework Competencies Example: HR Function Maturity Assessment Solution Solution Phase 1: Conception & Initiation Phase 3: Launch Phase 4: Performance Phase 5: Project Closeout Phase 2: Definition & Planning CCMC will do a discovery session to gain greater understanding of needs, further share the approach, and explain the benefits of additional services. With District’s approval the scope statement will be finalized. With the definition of scope, we will complete the contracting process and update the project plan accordingly. The project plan will be updated based on the defined scope, DCCCD will sign off on the timeline and the Launch Phase kickoff will be scheduled. We will establish the project status reporting, risk/issue tracking and the project Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to display progress. Gain a foundation of DCCCD HR. 1) HR and talent org - structure, headcount, staff demographics, resumes, job descriptions, last two performance reviews, discipline history (if any) 2) HR policies 3) District HR procedures , 4) District-defined HR process maps, 5) current DCCCD people-performance metrics: description, source of measure, performance by college, discipline/program, and overall District, 6) HR mission/purpose statement 7) District HR strategy/strategic plan, other documents related to each of the 13 functions specified as in scope 8) college comparison metrics (# students, faculty, staff, programs/disciplines (complexity), financial performance, enrollment trends, student success. We will also complete all applications/systems review and meet with IT to understand utilization and identify any out-of-the-box reports. Through initial interviews with District executives, college Presidents (7) and HR Directors (7), we will gain an understanding of their perspective of HR services. To complete the phase, we will do a report out of initial findings for each of the 13 functions. COLLEGE REVIEW For each college, the President and HR Executive Director will kickoff the project at the campus. We will conduct role interviews with college HR staff and review the following: ● College Strategy and Master Plans, ● OD review, ● Employee Relations Review, ● HRIS, stats and reporting Review, ● HR policies and procedures, ● Diversity & Inclusion, ● Equity & Fairness Review, ● Onboarding, Orientation, Training & Development, ● OCC Health, Safety & Wellness Review, ● Compensation and Benefits Review, ● Recruitment & Selection Review, ● Job Analysis Review and ● Performance Management Review. We will conduct an online HR functional 360 which will include HR staff, leadership and services. ANALYSIS We will create the gap analysis by function and by college by assessing the HR organization against a maturity model and SHRM competency model. REPORT After the completion of the report, we will report out the current state, gaps and findings at District level. For the project closeout, we will conduct a lessons learned and identification of next steps to support the focus of continuous improvement in the HR organization at DCCCD. Project Plan Methodology Methodology Roadmap to Results Solution that matches goal Overall Journey Roadmap 360 Review Final Report and Lessons Learned Roadmap to Results Phase 1: Conception & Initiation Phase 3: Launch Phase 4: Performance Phase 5: Project Closeout Phase 2: Definition & Planning CCMC will do a discovery session to gain greater understanding of needs, further share the approach, and explain the benefits of additional services. With District’s approval the scope statement will be finalized. With the definition of scope, we will complete the contracting process and update the project plan accordingly. The project plan will be updated based on the defined scope, DCCCD will sign off on the timeline and the Launch Phase kickoff will be scheduled. We will establish the project status reporting, risk/issue tracking and the project Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to display progress. Gain a foundation of DCCCD HR. Using focus groups, desk reviews, surveys, and additional measures defined in scope We will also complete all applications/systems review and meet with IT to understand utilization and identify any out-of-the-box reports. Through initial interviews with District executives, college Presidents (7) and HR Directors (7), we will gain an understanding of their perspective of HR services. To complete the phase, we will do a report out of initial findings for each of the 13 functions. COLLEGE REVIEW For each college, the President and HR Executive Director will kickoff the project at the campus.

U of C Lab School Presentation

Transcript: Families will complete a medical form that will authorize the chaperones permission to treat their children in a medical emergency. Please email your trip Account Manager with information about any medical conditions or dietary concerns before the trip. Students will have access to Iceland's excellent health care system and rescue teams. If a hospital is required they are nearby and students will be transported quickly. Iceland has emergency services. Police, fire department and rescue teams can be alerted by calling 112 University of Chicago Lab School Washington, D.C. Adventure 2020 Who is Grand Classroom? On-line Registration All Transportation Business-Class Hotels Meals Full-Time Guides Educational and Adventure Activities Medical and Dental Insurance Entrance Fees All Gratuities (except Grand Classroom Guide) Full Itinerary Customization Dedicated Account Manager Local Support Barrington Middle School Hillcrest High School Monroe Middle School Morgan Park Academy School of St. Mary South Loop Elementary Springman Middle School St. Rita of Cascia The Joseph Sears School Unity East Junior High Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart Safety is our main concern Grand Classroom is a student travel company that specializes in taking young people to our National Parks and Nation's Capitol. We are passionate about getting students outside to see the world and gain an appreciation for nature and cultures. Since 2001, we have expanded our list of destinations to include multiple US cities and International destinations. We currently offer trips to: Washington, DC and all major U.S. cities, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Alaska, Glacier, Acadia, the Florida Everglades, the Smoky Mountains, the Pacific Northwest, Europe, Iceland, Puerto Rico, the Galapagos, Belize, and Costa Rica Student Health on Tour Grand Classroom's Professional Travel Associations All Inclusive Student and Youth Travel Association of North America (SYTA) International Air Transport Association (IATA) Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC) The Guild of Professional Tour Guides of Washington, D.C. International Association of Tour Directors Partners with International Tour Management and International Motorcoach Group Chicago Area Grand Classroom Customers 24 Hour Grand Classroom Guides 24 Hour Emergency Contact Number Overnight Hotel Security Dietary Restrictions and Allergies Accommodated Medical and Dental Insurance on Trip

U of U Teaching Presentation

Transcript: To Inspire Appreciation of Science: Only 28% of U.S. teachers explicitly teach evolution (NYT 2/7/11). 82% of teachers report skepticism from students and parents on climate change (NSTA 11/7/11). These students WILL turn 18 and they WILL vote and funding for your work WILL be influenced. "Thank you for being so caring. It made a difference in his life yesterday." -Parent "He has certainly grown to love science this year." -Parent "Thank you so much for the extra effort you put in with him. I truly appreciate your dedication to teaching. ___ always talked highly of you and enjoyed the class." -Parent "---, really likes your class and is interested in a future of medicine of some kind and I think your influence has been great on her. Thank you for your time." -Parent Research on students is pretty entertaining Guilt-free holidays Summers (180 day school year) Very rewarding work. You see positive results almost daily. Your view of science broadens (I get to read articles that aren't about ncRNA) Teaching requires a new level of critical thinking ARL- coursework in the evenings, that often begins your first year and takes 3 semesters MEd - 2 years, includes student teaching, license, and thesis MAT - 3 semesters, includes student teaching, license, and portfolio First year of teaching is draining - LOTS of hours You only get paid for the hours you are in class (it takes equal amount of time to plan and grade) Teaching a class for the first time is A LOT of work Being passionate about science creates expectations that are difficult for students to meet You read about scientific research instead of doing it You have to wait a year before repeating an experiment Your elevator bio is no longer impressive Those who CAN DO, teach more effectively Options in Science Education To all of you who have supported me through the first steps in this journey!! Is teaching for you? Mentor an undergrad Participate in the dept events that invite school kids for the day TA for an undergrad course Teach an undergrad course at the U, SLCC, or Westminster Observe a high school science class Volunteer in a science class Judge local science fairs Supports new highly qualified high school teachers Provides financial support for a required masters program as well as a living stipend Provides its own and funds external PD for five years Provides summer stipend Provides classroom supplies The Great To teach college you will need some teaching experience and a job offer To teach public high school: State Teaching License Specific Course Qualifications by Praxis exam Teaching The Bad The Good To Inspire New Scientists: Science is often taught by people who have never DONE science. Science is taught as vocabulary and memorization rather than as a practice or way of thinking. Biology education is stuck in the 20th century, while biology practice moves at warp speeds (Science 2012. 337:1058) Thank You Why Teach? Make it Happen Try it Out Middle School: General Science High School: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, electives Charter School: Some are science specific Community College: the rare full-time teaching position 4 Year College: Focus on teaching with research options University: The rare full-time teaching position Science Curriculum Development: HHMI, AAAS, BSCS, LearnGenetics Science Education Policy: federal and state standards Knowles Science Teaching Foundation

U of C Eng Presentation

Transcript: Project Management - did not get things done - were indecisive - did not deliver on commitments - lack of support at senior level - lack of stakeholder involvement - business needs/technology impact on project - team competency and motivation Myth of Project Management Charter Plan Team Risk Quality Purchasing Stakeholders Charter A Good Plan what is the deliverable what tasks are needed to make it who is doing what how long will each task take what order dot he tasks need to occur in Creating the Plan use the team builds buy-in enhances engagement builds understanding of the project gets SME input creates realistic timelines Team understand the members like you understand the materials you use - strengths weaknesses where did they come from how do they react to tension how do they react to load why are they on the project (WIFM) - do not make a difference - do not get proper recognition - not learning anything new or growing "we ran out of time" - what does that really mean? Time Management Risk what could possibly go wrong with the project (incident) what's the likelihood that the incident will happen what's the impact of the incidence occurs what's the appropriate response to the incident mitigate, accept, avoid, transfer share, exploit, enhance, accept look at the risk register all the time - the most time and budget spent here - visible activity, the one with the highest profile, the one most people are anxious to see - the smoothest if the initiating and planning stages are done completely - activities include: getting the deliverables done managing the team finding solutions to problems updating documents managing change requests documenting work performance Monitoring and Controlling Projects regularly measure progress how much is spent vs planned what is done vs scheduled to be done Earned Value Management tools and techniques that use scope, time and budget to demonstrate progress, compare to baseline, and forecast final sched and cost Does the deliverable match the spec (Quality check) create change requests implement approved ones do forecasts repair defects accept deliverables QC measurements important elements: - date - names parties that can contract - agreed upon scope - agreed upon schedule - payment temrs - termination clause - signatures Stakeholders who are the people impacted by this project why are they impacted + and - what do they need to know, when, and what is the best way to tell them talk to team members all the time watch what is going on and talk about it look for disconnects between what is being said and how it is said use the team members knowledge - they always know something you don't and have solutions you haven't considered Have Fun learn use food celebrate wins dissect issues as a learning opportunity smile Frequent critiques of Project Managers Communication 3 top reasons people leave Best Practices description of objective commitment by PM for work commitment for budget and resources Executing Projects Purchasing Contracts Challenges Project Managers Face:

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