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Thesis Proposal Presentation

Transcript: Thesis Proposal Presentation Roia Dagher Representation of Diverse Cultures in Children’s Picture Books Local Library Intro Roia Dagher Chapter 1 Introduction & Rationale Chapter 1 Background In today's society, cultural diversity is seen as an important aspect of learning how to grow as a person with the knowledge and understanding of cultural differences. Public libraries serve an important role A library collection, which contains books of diverse characters and backgrounds, completely reaffirms young people's sense of identity and the importance of their tradition (Williams & Deyoe, 2014, pg. 98). In early childhood education, Children begin to develop a sense of what is being represented in the world Educators can bring value to children's literature Multicultural children's books can be used widely by teachers to help students develop diverse perspectives (Iwai, 2015, p.82). Problem Statement Multicultural literature, especially when combined with exploratory practices has been shown to increase cultural sensitivity and appreciation among young children (Howrey & Whelan-Kim, 2009, p.125). The types of children's picture books accessible to the community in the public library have an impact on children's recognition and awareness of diverse cultures. Specifically, the diverse cultures represented in the community can have an effect on the types of cultures portrayed in children's picture books in the local library. Purpose of the Study examine whether the various cultures represented in the community can affect the types of cultures represented in the children's picture books of the local library. Research Question How is cultural diversity represented in children's picture books at two local libraries? Rationale Over the past century there has been a dramatic increase in cultural diversity within communities in Ontario. It is important that those who influence the development and distribution of children's books have the expertise and cultural insight they need when dealing with texts. Themes in children's stories tend to be similar and provide a common ground that can serve as a basis for respectful and substantive discussion of differences (Howrey & Whelan-Kim, 2009, p.125). Chapter 2 Theoretical basis & Literature Review Chapter 2 Theoretical Basis Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory The ecological system model consists of five levels of the environment— the microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem, macrosystem and Chronosystem—with each level having a different effect on each individual's development (Bronfenbrenner, 1979). Ecological viewpoint is useful because it enables a simultaneous emphasis on the individual child's features, the vital home setting, and the pervasive cultural environment (Jordan, 2004, p. 196). Literature Review Key Themes Importance of Multicultural children’s literature Excellent platform for educators and children to focus on cultural issues (Howrey & Whelan-Kim, 2009, p.125) Educators Reflections on Multicultural Literature Teachers who want to connect with the concept of diversity will either review collections of children's books that can be found on the web or visit their local public library Literature Review Importance of Children Seeing Themselves in Books When children cannot identify with a book or see their lives celebrated through stories, it may have a negative impact on their self-image (Koss, 2015, p.32). Chapter 3 Methodology Approach Chapter 3 Research Design Qualitative study Content analysis, as a technique, provides new insights, increases the understanding of specific phenomena by a researcher, or informs practical actions (Krippendorff, 1980, p.21). Content analysis Research technique for constructing replicable and accurate inferences from texts (or other relevant subjects) to the context of their use (Krippendorff, 1980, p.21). Sampling Technique Homogeneous sampling "Certain sites or individuals are selected because they possess a similar trait or characteristic" (Mertler, 2019, p.168). Data Collection Selection of books Ten children's picture books from Hamilton public library Staff recommendation list Ten children's picture books from St. Catharine's public library Librarian used advanced search bar Data Analysis Coding Process Deductive Categories are predetermined Template Analysis Refers to a group of techniques which thematically organize textual data Scope and Limitations Scope The main focus of this study is to explore the representation of cultural diversity in children's picture books at two libraries in Southern Ontario. Limitations Researcher bias Sampling bias recommendation list Q & A Any questions, comments or feedback? Thank you! References Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Creswell, J. (1998). Qualitative inquiry and research design, Thousand Oaks: Sage Howrey, S. T., & Whelan-Kim, K. (2009). Building cultural responsiveness in

Thesis Proposal Presentation

Transcript: Parametric Design Tools (Grasshopper) Environmental, Climate Design Tools (Ecotect) Beginning of February Beginning of April - 1st Grasshopper script: fast informationon the ventilation needs, the heat gain and the live load from people based on rules of thumb. - C# Programming familiarisation So provide: - as much information as possible, - as early as possible in the design process where we have maximum design flexibility Investigating benefits of contemporary design tools in the optimization of a building design's massing. Optimal Solar Load - External Surface Orientation Optimal Function Combination Quick Design Information Massing Optimization in Building Design - Research of contemporary design tools - What is already there, what is missing Main questions to be answered during the thesis are: • What is the potential of existing new technologies in providing early design feedback to the designer? • What are the main advantages of optimizing the massing of a building design with regards to different aspects? • How much more effective can a design be, in fulfilling the designer’s visions and goals, if it’s massing is optimised? • How much does a massing of a parametric design changes, by changing the weight of it’s parameters? • How much can programmatic rearrangement contribute to the diminishing of costs and the sustainability maximization through energy transportation between functions? • What is the effect that multidisciplinary assesment of a project’s massing can have to the preliminary design process? • What are the main challenges in assessing climate dependent sustainability with a computer tool designed for multiple climates? - Tool assesment - Validification of results - Conclusions Expected date: End of June End presentation “in the preform - in the beginning, in the first form - lies more power than in anything that follows.” Louis Khan Intermediate presentations - Application of design tools in case study - Programming of components that would enhance the massing process of the design. 1st Phase 2nd Phase 3rd phase

Thesis Proposal Presentation

Transcript: Significance of the Study This variable is nominal since it is answerable by a “Yes” or “No”. (1 = Yes; 0 = No). STAIC (see Appendix) Reliability Test-retest correlation coefficient .31 and .47 for S-Anxiety low .65 and .71 for T-Anxiety moderate Alpha for internal consistency .82 and .87 for S-Anxiety good .78 and .81 for T-Anxiety acceptable Important for administering the test “How I feel” test Emphasis on feelings now Study Design Participants Data Collection Outcome Measurements Exclusion Criteria Data Analysis: Overview Level of Anxiety: (DV) The degree of the psychological and physiological response to a stressful event. It is characterized by somatic, emotional, cognitive and behavioral manifestation. Measured using the interval scale from the m-YPAS and STAIC. Participants In the UK As early as 1977, study on preoccupied anesthesiologists In 2008, tested preoperative education program Time Schedule Graph Need for control at collection level. Limitation of studying particular variables only. Confounding Factors in environment of testing. Research Objective Data Analysis Data Interpretation Study Consideration Study Administration Gender: (IV) The biological state of being male or female. This nominal variable is scaled (0 = female; 1 = male). Factors that may affect the study also have null and alternative hypotheses. Knowledge about the surgery Level of surgery Type of anesthesia Age Gender Previous surgeries Study Administration Emergency cases that would require immediate surgery Patients with psychiatric problems and those with mental illness Patients with chronic illness Those who are uninterested/ unwilling to participate in the study Level of Anesthesia: (IV) The kind of induction used to desensitize the body’s response to sensations. It is divided into three categories, namely general, regional and local. This is an ordinal variable that is scaled according to the degree of induction (0 = local; 1 = regional; 2 = general). Statement of the Research Problem In the US Majority of literature Dr. Zeev Kain, pioneer spearhead Has two units charity hospital and private hospital Group will focus on the charity division -- the general ward Training hospital for the UST medical school Maintains 460 beds for charity or clinic patients Research Unit 1952 Institute of Medicine was established Moved to West Fairview in 1999 Medical Center has 300 bed capacity Has both private and public health service 26 bed capacity General Ward OPD-General Pediatric, Adolescent, Subspecialty Clinics and Diarrhea Treatment Unit Background Budget Requirements: Graph 1. To determine if the variables directly related to surgery could significantly affect the preoperative anxiety level 2. To determine if the mentioned variables independent of the preoperative procedures could significantly affect preoperative anxiety level 3. To identify through a multiple regression analysis which of the variables have the largest effect on the preoperative anxiety level No additional research personnel will be hired. Ms. Leslie Lopez (Guide Statistician) Data Collection: 3 Instruments 1. Do variables directly related to surgery such as the knowledge about surgery, type of surgery and type of anesthesia significantly affect the level of preoperative anxiety level? 2. Do variables independent of the preoperative procedures, such as age, gender, and previous surgeries, significantly affect preoperative anxiety level? Background Budget Requirements Research Hypotheses Data Collection: Operational Definitions Study Considerations: Limitations In France Professional hospital clowns respond to US study. In Spain In 2011, tested PPIA. Preoperative Visits and Anxiety Levels of Preoperative Patients: In Brazil In 1993, documented psychological effect of illness and hospitalization on child and family. In Hong Kong In 2003, studied effect of day surgery on anxiety levels of pediatric patients m-YPAS (see Appendix) Oserver rated Ueful when child cannot answer STAIC Sort time unlike STAIC Atached instructions reduce influence Reliability “high clinical significance” High concurrent validity (P <0.01, r = 0.79) High reliability (k statistics from 0.68 to 0.86) Study Considerations: Limitations Sampling Technique Non- probability sampling technique: Purposive Sampling Thesis Defense Proposal Constantino, Lok, Ong, Polotan, Reyes, Sarte Data Collection: 3 Instruments To determine if preoperative visits are significantly related to the preoperative anxiety level of pediatric patients. Setting! Metro Manila (NSO 2007) Total population: 11,553,427 Population density 18,000/ km2 Data Collection: Operational Definitions Necessary for all 3: Translate Pre-test Ethical Considerations Do preoperative visits have a significant effect on the anxiety level of pediatric patients who will undergo surgery in a tertiary training hospital in Metro Manila? UST Training Hospital Primary = Anxiety scores Secondary= Values of other six variables Study Population Ho: There

Thesis Proposal Presentation

Transcript: TIF Synergy Chanté Fleming (0919020) 22.03.2018 Thesis Proposal Main Objective Main Objective To identify a potential strategy for the introduction of the new (international) digital platform Company Company To analyse the companys' current and future business model and their organizational structure. Business Model Canvas & McKinsey 7S Model Business Model Canvas & McKinsey 7S Model Desk Research - Company Reports - Categorization according to topics Semi structured interviews (Internal) - Company Employees (Management & IT) - Transcription --> Coding Financial Services Industry Financial Services Industry To analyze the financial services industry and compare TIF Synergy with its competitors PESTLE PESTLE Desk Research - Company Records - Categorization according to topics - Articles related to current trends Porter 5 Forces Porter 5 Forces Desk Research - Company Records - Categorization according to topics Semi-structured interviews - Company Employees (Management & Operations) - Transcription --> Coding Competitive Benchmarking Competitive Benchmarking Desk Research - Company Records - Categorization according to topics - Translate into table - Competitor Websites - Translate into table Marketing Strategy Marketing Strategy To identify which segments/ target groups should be approached for the digital platform STP Model STP Model Desk Research - Company Records - Clients - Business Model Semi-structured Interviews - Company employees - Company clients - Transcription --> Coding RACE Model RACE Model Desk Research - Company Records - Clients - Business Model Semi-structured Interviews - Company employees - Company clients - Transcription --> Coding Marketing Communication Marketing Communication To set up a feasible marketing communication strategy that can be implemented by TIF Synergy. RACE Model RACE Model Desk Research - Company Records - Focus on communication methods Semi-structured Interviews - Company employees - Communication methods - Company clients - Preferences Cases - Succesful campaigns - Identify succesful elements regarding communication 6 Categories E-communication Tools 6 Categories E-communication Tools Desk Research - Articles - Focus on communication methods Semi-structured Interviews - Company employees - Communication methods - Company clients - Preferences Cases - Succesful campaigns - Identify succesful elements regarding communication Questions? Questions?

thesis proposal presentation

Transcript: After being signed as a trainee July 8, 1991, Bobby Charlton fan Beckham Andrei Kanchelskis on 23rdSeptember 1992 1992 F.A. Youth Cup and runner-up in 1993 Professional Manchester United player in January 1993 1996-97 seasons as a right midfielder They won the F.A. Premier League, Cup and Charity Shield How do I know? look at them Metrosexual With money to spend Living in or within easy reach of a metropolis Officially gay straight or bisexual 1. What is the Demographic Profile of respondents in terms of: *Age *Gender *Educational Attainment *Occupation *Marital Status *S. E. S. (Socio-Economic Status) *Ordinal Position *Ethnicity *Religious Affiliation 2. What is the level of metrosexuality of men in Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology? 3. What is the level of perception of metrosexual men on romantic relationship? 4. Is there a significant difference between metrosexuals and real men on their perception of romantic relationship? Media Generally, the study aims to establish the presence of the metrosexual phenomenon in Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology and examine their perception on romantic relationships. Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions: Waiting tables Sports A Study on Metrosexual Phenomenon and Metrosexuals’ Perception on Romantic Relationship By: Caressa Fatima R. Escaña Anna Veronica P. Maglinte Ivy B. Salig Particular professions Pop music Problem Statements $8 million Aesthetically as well as athletically by the Latins. David Robert Joseph Beckham Modeling Conceptual Framework

Thesis proposal presentation

Transcript: 1. How do farmers engage in nested markets in Het Groene Woud, concerning some key features of nested markets made by Van Der Ploeg et al (2012)? 1.1 What is the length of the chain farmers deliver to and is this chain horizontal organized? 1.2 Is the definition of quality of the products/services commonly shared by producers, processors, distributors and consumers? 1.3 Do product or services patterns contribute to regional and individual identities? 1.4 Is synergy created by the interaction among nested markets ? 2. How did the dynamics in relation to nested markets change throughout the years? 2.1. How have activities related to nested markets developed on farm level? 2.2. How have activities related to nested markets developed on regional level? Nested markets Thesis proposal presentation Background information Problem statement Background information Background information The objective of this research is to expand knowledge and understanding of emerging nested markets in Het Groene Woud. Questions? - Governmental (EU) since 1962 - Bridge farmers and society - From market support to producer support to income support - Downfall since 1980's: quantity vs quality, surpluses Background information Het Groene Woud More and more farmers are engaging in multi-layered activities. In the beginning of the 2000s, 50 percent of all farmers in the main countries of the EU were involved in extra activities. Sequential research is needed on the topic of nested markets, in order to better understand this phenomenon. - 50,5 % of EU ground used for agriculture (2003) - Not main income source, still economic importance - International rule Content Methodology - High quality products, - Organic products, - Regional specialties, - Direct selling, - Agro-tourism, - Care facilities. - Interviews from 2008 en 2011 - Follow up interviews - New cases? Rural development Research questions (CAP) Common Agricultural Policy The development of nested markets in ‘het Groene Woud’, situated near Tilburg, Eindhoven and Den Bosch in The Netherlands. Marijke Spanjer 891026788080 Research objective - From the 1980's onwards - Cost increasing, profit decreasing - Milk quota, wheat prices, globalization Multi-functional agriculture Methodology Nested markets Paul Hebinck Henk Oostindie Background information Nested markets 1. Background information - Rural development - Multi-functional agriculture - Nested markets 2. Problem statement 3. Research objective 4. Research questions 5. Methodology - Own brand - Main focus: process of entrepreneurship, innovation, broadening activities, environmental qualities and the relation with urban cities. Agricultural Squeeze

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