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Fte Template Presentation

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FTE Calculations

Transcript: Full-time equivalent (FTE) represents a regular building occupant who spends 40 hours per week in the project building. Part-time or overtime occupants have FTE values based on their hours per week divided by 40. Multiple shifts are included or excluded depending on the intent and requirements of the credit. Available hours for monthly (MON) employees are different from bi-weekly (BWK) employees because of their differences in time reporting to LDRS and General Ledger in any given month. Provide secure bicycle racks and/or storage within 200 yards of a building entrance for 5% or more of all building users (measured at peak periods). Provide shower and changing facilities in the building, or within 200 yards of a building entrance, for 0.5% of full-time equivalent (FTE) occupants. If a building has one shower how many FTE's can it serve? If a buidling has a total of 90 full time equivilants, how many bike rack slots does it need to provide? Employ strategies that in aggregate use 20% less water than the water use baseline calculated for the building (not including irrigation). FTE Calculations . Work Month = Productive Hours in Acctg Period / Available Hour in Acctg Period . Water Effeciency Prerequisite 1 Sustainable Sites Credit 4.2 Units of Measure – Work Month FTE Calculation Overtime hours not in FTE Productive Hours – hours charged to a project or FTE = FTE Factor x Work Month hours of each employee FTE Factor = (Σ Productive Hours + Σ Paid Leave Hours) Σ Productive Hours calculated for each paygoup (MON or BWK) at the Level 1 division – employee’s home organization Units of Measure - 4 Types of Hrs . Paid Leave Hours: Full Time Equivilant Leave W/O pay not in FTE = Five FTE Workers

Childhood FTE presentation

Transcript: Created By: Rebecca Tan 09FTE01 Children Definition Define A young human being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of maturity. Children are identified as people between the age of 4-12. Represent Happiness Innocence Bright 10 Nutrition Tips Nutrition Tips Focus on following the dietary guidelines as a whole not just focusing on one section eg, just vegetables Have 3 servings of vegetables a day Have healthy snacks ready and available to avoid the consumption of unhealthy snacks such as lollies provide a sweet fruit alternative Control portion sizes a small-medium plate is suitable for children Avoid using junk food as a reward instead switch to a healthier option such as carrot sticks Have a glass of milk a day best at dinner as a good source of calcium Creat your own ice blocks with fresh fruit and homemade juice Make your own juice at home as most store-bought juices contain large masses of sugar and small amounts of real fruit Have 2 servings of fruit a day Drink plenty of water throughout the day 5-7 glasses Mini Quiche and Fruit Skewers Meal Benefits: - High in protein from eggs - High in antioxidants from the fruit such as berries - Contains calcium from the cheese which will help in bone development Quiche Fruit Skewers Mini Quiche: Recipe Fruit Skewers: Children in today's society suffer from a variety of health risks some food related others are genetic and some are caused by bacteria Heath risks Obesity Obesity is when a child over eats food and becomes grossly overweight. However, being determined overweight depends on your BMI (Body Mass index). BMI=weight (kg) divided by height (m) = answer divided by height again Obesity can be prevented by: excercising daily for example playing outside with friends and family or joing a sports team such as netball or soccer eating healthy and cutting down portions to an appropriate size Eating slower can also help as it fills you up faster. Obesity The most common type of diabetes within children is type 1. Type 1 diabetes is when the body's pancreas struggles or is unable to produce insulin. Insulin is a hormone that assists in the process of glucose or sugar into the cells to provide them with energy. Diabetes can be managed by: Keep blood pressure in specific range reccomended by doctor Keep cholestrol levels in specific range reccomended by doctor Keep sugar levels in range advised by doctor Stay active Eat healthy food and follow the dietary guidelines Diabetes Diabetes Influenza also known as the flu is a highly contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages (lungs) causing fever, severe aching, and more. Influenza can be deadly if not treated. Influenza can be treated by: resting taking medicine as indicated by doctor or on package of over the counter medicine Drink lots of fluids best option would be water For the future there is an influenza shot that can be taken to lower the risk of getting the flu later on. This shot can be booked at your doctor's office or some schools provide this service. Influenza Influenza Salmonella is food poisoning caused by infection with the salmonella bacterium. This is most commonly found in raw food such as eggs and chicken. Children are susceptible to salmonella as they aren't always aware of they should and shouldn't eat and may also forget to wash their hands or attempt to prepare their own food. Salmonella can be avoided by: cooking raw food at a temperature of at least 75 degress celcius Washing hands NOT mixing raw and cooked food or untensils Salmonella Salmonella Gastro is an illness that regards to vomitting and diarrhoea (runny poo). Gastro is contagious which means you recieve the bacteria from another person whether they sneezed on you or touched somehting you did after not washing their hands properly. To treat Gastro: Rest Drink small amounts of water and gradually increase the amount Suck on ice cubes if you find drinking makes you feel nauseous Eat bland foods only when you feel hungry Gastro Gastroenteritis Products Marketers Techniques Food marketers respond to the needs of children by: Hiding the nutrients such as veggies within the products Using cartoon characters that children idolise to make the children believe that they love certain products such as carrots, fruits and drinking water Bright colours draw the attention of children to specific products Techniques

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