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Preschool Year Presentation Template

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Preschool Presentation

Transcript: This preschool uphold the NAEYC Standard, these standard include: - Relationships - Curriculum - Teaching - Assessment of Child Progress - Health - Teachers - Families - Community Relationships - Physical Environment - Leadership and Management These standards are important for this school to uphold so that we can provide the best enviroment possible for the children, families, and staff. References: How this program supports the teachers: “Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning.” (Diane Ackerman, (admin, 2012) Playing can help children develop and learn in so many different ways. Blocking off times during the school day where children can play will help them grow physically, cognitively, and even emotionally. Children will grow physically by play because they are using their motor skills. Their motor skills can be flexed by even playing with a jump rope. A child’s “gravity is located in the upper body; the child's lower half has not yet developed proportionally to the upper half. This imbalance renders preschoolers susceptible to falls, and they may experience difficulty while trying to balance.” (Bruen, 2014) This is why jump rope and hopping on one foot and balancing for as long as possible provide physical activity while also improving their coordination and balance. Physical Environment: Activities: As an educators we can encourage the parents to be more open with us, and come to us with any special concerns or questions. We always encourage families to get involved with their child’s education. We think that an involved family creates better students and children. We always want to include families in our activities, and make an effort to create as many opportunities as possible. Families are so important to us and the children, we want to create a relationship with all of you. Attached I have created a monthly chart of ways we include the families. Our center has flourished by having our standards in relationships, not only the relationships with the children, but especially with the families and community. Relationships should be warm and inviting, we want to have relationships with the children, families, and community, and they should want to have one with us. The NAEYC (2008) states: “an effective program establishes and maintains relationships with agencies and institutions that can support it in achieving the goals for curriculum, health promotion, children’s transitions, inclusion, and diversity. This can also help connect families with needed resources” (Children, 2008, p. 3) These types of relationships will provide our center with diversity, and help children have healthy development and learning. We have relationships with the community to help with fundraising, and also outsourcing for things like grant and scholarships for under privileged families. This is so Every child has an equal opportunity of coming to this facility. The physical domain addresses the child abilities outside of the inner mind. “The physical domain of development includes physical growth and development, gross motor development and skills, fine motor development and skills, and perceptual motor skills. The physical development of the brain is also covered in this domain” (Estes, 2012, p. 4.3). In the physical domain of development children learn how to use their selves, this means that children start to learn what they can do, such as movement of the limbs, hands, and, walking, running, and, playing. Physical growth and development include height, weight, health and neurological developments. Gross motor development includes the arms, legs, and torsos. It also includes locomotor skills, coordination, and strength. The fine motor development includes movements in the hands, feet, face, and mouth. It includes self-help skills. “These skills are used to eat, dress, and complete hygiene-related tasks such as brushing teeth, combing hair, and bathing. Self-help skills provide natural opportunities for practicing specialized movements of the hands and fingers to manipulate objects” (Estes, 2012, p.4.4). The last section of physical development is perceptual motor development, this includes sensory experiences and coordination of senses and muscle development. These physical domains are established in preschool because there is usually room for the children to use their motor skills, they can run and play in the open area, there are places for them to draw and paint at the easel or at tables. These craft tables allow them to use their creative parts of the mind. There are places where they can even learn the self-help skills, the clothing areas, where they can zip their coats and put on their hats. Mission Statement: “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” (Franklin, n.d.) The vision of this development center is to create an interactive, safe environment, where all children and their families feel welcome. Joseph Nowiki (2000) teaches us that: "There is a strong push to involve

Preschool Presentation

Transcript: 1 m Preschool Development 2 p b Y g X F By: Ryli Harrison Preschool Development E Childhood Development D Between ages 3 and 5 children grow and learn tremendously. C Physical development - At this age all of the child's teeth will be in. - As the child learn to walk they will be able to climb up the stairs one step at a time. - Their gross motor skills will increase by a lot. - They will most likely be potty trained by this age (but don't rush it because every child's takes different amounts of time to get this task down). - They will start to learn how to peddle on a bicycle with training wheels. Physical Development - Children will be able to run and hop on one foot now. - They will be able to feed themselves with a spoon or a fork. - They can climb up and down stairs without help at 5 years old. - At four years old they can write letters and use round tipped scissors. - At five years old they will know their dominate hand by seeing shich one they use more. B Social Development - The baby's social and emotional development are tied to many other areas. - At the toddler age there are many milestones and it is crucial for kids at this age to hit these. - Now that the child will be starting preschool they have a very good chance of social growing and making friends. - At this age the child will start to seek out others and attempt to make up friend groups. - Because they are so young they will need help navigating these social tasks. Social Development At three years old they are cooperative and are willing to take directions.They understand when told to do something. At four years old the child is more self-centered and seek approval of others and friends. They want to be accepted. At fiver years old they seek themselves as a whole person and figure out their fears. They find out what they are afraid of. - They will start to use their imagination and start using it when they play. - Around this age they will start to figure out their emotions and play around with them. - They will also start to cooperate with and others and learn how to share more. - As they start to get older they will want and become more independent. - Their behavior will change tremendously at this age. A Cognitive Development At three years old they begin to use complete sentences and knows about 900 words. At four years old they speak in complete sentences of five or six words and makes up stories. At five years old they speak in complete sentences of six to eight words and understands about 13,000 words. Family influences- the child and feels important and ties them to the family unit. Societal influences- they play and groups, make friends, and have places to worship Cognitive development con. - Children start to express frustration and use their work towards one another. - The child starts to learn to follow others and take their lead. If they are playing a game and want to join in they simply follow the leader. - Children start to understand new language and how to use the words. - As the child's memories gains it's strength they can better memorize things when they participate. - Children learn how to maintain images and figure out puzzles. - A child's memory is very weak and can't retain much information. - Their sense of time is not good. A few minutes ago could be hours from then. - A child has very illogical thinking. Matches general things to something different. - Many children have transductive reasoning. Cognitive Development con.

Preschool presentation

Transcript: By Diego Rodas Preschool Presentation Social Development Emotional development Socializing is really important for the little kids doesn't matter how old they are.At the age of 3 they are probably starting preschool meaning they will interact with other children.Associative play start by when the child looks for others to play with.The child will probably use lots of his imagination when playing with his friends.He also starts to have emotions around him.When your child is 4 meaning he would be entering kindergarten is now more happy in being with other kids. The child learns to share there things with other kids and also help each other. It should also show more affection toward the family. They will also seek more independence on often things.Now you're child should be 5 and seek more independence than usual. The child will start asking to do things that she wants to do but there are other things they still have to have parent near by. SUBTOPIC 1 SUBTOPIC 1 TEXT TEXT PICTURES PICTURES SUBTOPIC 2 SUBTOPIC 2 TIMELINE TIMELINE 2019 MAP MAP CHART CHART Physical development At age 3 with physical development all his teeth should be there. They can also do things like kick a heavy ball they can also climb one step at a time.They could also get potty trained by this age. At age 4 are now more developed. Now they can run more easier and get more energy. They can probably climb on playground objects. They would be able to feed themselves with whatever silverware but be very cautious with knife. They should also do shape with play doh and write letters holding a pencil,colors,etc. Age 5 they don't usually need help while doing physical things. By this age they should have a firm hand. Physical Development Cognitive Development Memory is really important during this phase in your children life. At the age of 3 they are available to use memory. Memory is used when the child is intrigued by something. Children are also using sequences to boost there memory. When children are independent doing hard task they would usually talk to themselves. Children also believe that everyone else including adult believe what they say. Children that make imaginary friends are more by themselves then interacting with other people. Cognitive Development

preschool presentation

Transcript: And if a child attends preschool it doesn't necessarily mean that they will be smarter than a child that did not attend preschool. Definition of Preschool Preschool/Childcare And in the same period about 6 million children dropped out of high school. Do Now: Did you attend preschool? Yes or No Preschool let children play and learn at the same time. If you did,did you like it why or why not? A child start to learn and understand completely from ages 2-5 and develop as they get older. Children that attend preschool are less likely to get arrested or go to prison when they get older. Since 1983 more than 10 million American 12th graders reached 12th grade without knowing how to read at the basic level. by: Tawana Holness Why is preschool important? Preschool helps children to develop good school habits. Preschool help children to make friends and to familiarize themselves with their environment. Preschool give children the opportunity to explore and engage in activities that help to develop their physical appearance. Preschool is important because it helps children to develop responsible academic behaviors, social skills and emotional self-control. Most children learn mostly from hands on activities such as drawing objects, they do this to express their feelings. My fieldwork and the research that I did shows that preschool is very beneficial because while doing my field work I saw how the children behave and socialize with their peers, the teachers also gave the children home work to do although they are so young,but they will be required to do this when they attend elementary school and high school. Preschool give children the chance to be independent. Thesis Statement Preschool helps children to learn and develop as well make friends before going to elementary school. Video:The Importance of Preschool Did you know? `I volunteered at Tiny Stars Child Development Program center for my fieldwork. The experience felt really good because interacting with the kids helped me to learn more about them and their feelings and how to react to their feelings. According to the oxford dictionary Preschool maybe defined as " of or relating to the time a child is old enough to attend kindergarten or elementary school." Introduction The average child learn approximately 3000 words per year in the early school years. Fieldwork It is important that children attend preschool because it helps in the growth and developmental process of children. During my interview with Ms.Madden I learned that each child learn differently from the other some learn faster than others while others may learn at a slower pace. Preschool teaches children to be responsible for their actions. Positive effects of Preschool on children. At preschool children sense of competence (capability) and self- worth grow(self-esteem). Explanation In the early 60's only 10% of American children attend preschool, now that number has changed and a lot more parents are sending their children to preschool. Preschool is import because it helps children learn how to behave, that is at preschool they learn how to react to certain problems and situations.

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