Middle School Presentation Project
Transcript: This We Believe-NMSA 2010 Middle schools were set up to benefit young adolescence. So what does it mean to be an adolescent, what exactly are they going through? NMSA released a paper, This We Believe to later be revised and set up 14 essential elements for a successful middle school History of it all In order for any school to be successful support needs to be there. Support comes from the district, staff, students, parents and community. When they all work together the middle school concept can be a great benefit for our young adolescent students Creating Organizationally Healthy and Effective Middle Schools-Kathleen Roney, Vincent Anafara, Kathleen Brown The solution (or hope to a solution) was to reform the jr. high schools to middle schools. These schools were meant to provide support from the transition from childhood to young adult. * even though it should be about the building The Rise of Middle Schools Ways of a supportive curriculum and instruction prepared educators teachers and students engaged curriculum challenging, exploring, integrating multiple teaching and learning techniques variety of continuous assessment Curriculum Characteristics of Adolescences The Start of Middle Schools The Rise of Middle Schools First let's look at the history of middles schools and how they came to be what they are today. The start of the junior high school begins 1994 Students at this age should be in a setting that is appropriate for them Being able to start to moving from class to class, seeing other students regularly an limiting their interactions with older students Past, Present, & Future..Continuing to Guide Middle School The Middle Piece to Education 1975 The Rise of Middle Schools Programs According to Cheri Yecke article Mayhem in the Middle there are ten strategies for transitions 1. include parents 2. add higher grades 3. grade level balance 4. make transition at 6th grade * 5. strict transfer policy 6. modify facilitates 7.high expectations 8. decide on academic approach 9. provide access to advanced courses 10. greater access to extra-curricular activities 1910 1960's A major component of middle schools is to provide a transition from elementary school to high school Transition gaining ability physically, mentally, & emotional separation and more independence from authority The Rise of Middle Schools People wanted a school environment that fostered the needs of young adolescences-junior high schools were falling short In fact jr. high schools were turning into "miniature high schools", exactly what this age student does not need. For young adolescents it is important for them to be active -extracurricular activities help in several ways... Improvement of motor skills and physical fitness; • Enhancement of normal physical and social growth and maturation; • Improvement of socialization, self-esteem, self-perception and psychological well-being; • Establishment of a basis for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong commitment to physical activity NSMA More and more advocates for middle schools begun to find ways to help develop these schools The middle school concept is set up to support a challenging curriculum that best supports their students. Start of the Middle School The call to reform Jr. High schools-they were become "pale imitations of high schools" Journey of the Middle School Number of middle schools goes to 12, 530 Soon middle schools rise above the number of jr. highs-1 jr high for every 3 middle schools People need a more suitable learning environment for young adolescents A school that fit all the needs of a growing child, not only the academic aspects but the social and emotional as well In 1960's a call to reform jr. high schools evolved to reform to middle school concept Jr. High's Surviving Teen Years Facts for Families-No.57 Past, Present, & Future..Continuing to Guide Safe and Stable Environment 1995 1930's strong peer influence...clothing, actions, hobbies, habits moodiness, feeling awkward focused on present-not looking ahead The Rise of Middle Schools Why middle schools? How do they help our students? What can they gain with this separation during their adolescent years? Don' we already have the middle school concept in our district? 3 ways that middle schools support our young adolescence providing a safe and stable environment that fosters the needs of young adolescents allows a transition so the elementary to high school jumo is not such a drastic one set up a curriculum and programs specified to this age of a child Why? The ASCD established the Council on the Emerging Adolescent Learner and soon published 'The Middle School We Need' As mentioned middles schools were started to help accommodate issues that certain age children go through. So how do they address these issues? Approximately 6.8 million students enrolled in middle schools Support for Success Knowing the history and how middles were started, we are able to see the goals that went into creating these schools. When we