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Transcript: Yi Cheng (Kelly) 440618773 Lin Yang (Lin) 460140739 New templates: competitive rivalry, buyer power, supplier power, new entrants, and substitutes, including: specific force six to eight contributing threats threat level a square box labeled DF space for indicating key opportunities and threats (Dobbs, 2014). Limitations less likely to take into account new business model Improvement-a useful instrument Conclusion Conklin, D. and Tapp, L. 2000, ‘The Creative Web’, Ivey Business Journal, vol.64, no. 5, pp. 62-68, viewed 8 April 2016, <|A64161164&v=2.1&it=r&sid=summon&userGroup=usyd&authCount=1 >. Dobbs, M. 2014, ‘Guidelines for applying Porter’s five forces framework: a set of industry analysis templates’, Competitiveness Review, vol. 24, no.1, pp. 32-45, viewed 8 April 2016, <>. Grundy, T. 2006 ‘Rethinking and reinventing Michael Porter’s five forces model’, Strategic Change, August, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 213–229, viewed 8 April, 2016, < >. Indiatsy, C., Mwangi, M., Mandere, E., Bichanga, J.and George, G. 2014, ‘The Application of Porter’s Five Forces Model on Organization Performance: A Case of Cooperative Bank of Kenya Ltd’, European Journal of Business and Management, vol. 6, no. 16, pp. 75-85, viewed 8 April 2016, IISTE, < >. Matanda, M. 2016, Critical Thinking in Business (BUS5000), The University of Sydney, SYdney, Viewed 11 April 2016, <>. The static structure of the model is not able to take into account the dynamics of markets (Conklin and Tapp, 2000). The inflexibility of the model, and slight respond to rapidly changing market conditions are major limitations that have to be considered. Individual companies can not assume market attractiveness for itself (Grundy, 2006). It had some significant practical drawbacks. The model is based on the assumption of competition (Grundy, 2006). It is not particularly helpful as an analytical framework for today's industry situation. The model is lack of structured analysis and depth (Dobbs 2014). It is a self-contained unit. Porter’s five forces needs to be apply with a deeper, system thinking model. Reference List Presentation Structure Critical Analysis- Improvement Critique of the application of Porter’s Five Forces Model Introduce Porter's five forces framework Yan Shen (Carol) 450287325 Critique of the application of Porter's model By Critical Improvement -Improvement the characteristic of the five competitive forces Improvement of utilizing Porter's model Competitive intensity & attractive of an industry (the overall industry profitability) Better understanding and an entire overview evaluate the attractiveness Plan and elaborate Porter's five force Model Michael E. Porter Porter's Five Forces In 'Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors' in 1980 Combine Porter's five forces with another tools (Indiatsy et al. 2007), such as SWOT PESTEL analysis

Reference List

Transcript: Cont. Cont. It is important to note that there is a wide variety of genres and writing styles that students must learn. Students cannot learn all of these in one class alone. Therefore, teachers should practice different genres and styles with their students. Critical Literacy "A read-aloud—or shared reading—is one of the most effective ways for young adults to hear fluent reading (Allen, 2000)." (Fisher 2) K-W-L charts are a good way to not only intrigue students but to also track their understanding throughout the unit. "Graphic organizers provide students with visual information that complements the class discussion or text." (Fisher 3) Group readings can help students who are at a lower reading and comprehension level by using peers Individual reading gives students time alone to figure things out and attempt to comprehend the material on their own. Ideally literacy would be practice in all content areas. Realistically it should be. There isn't a content area that doesnt have literature, texts, articles or some kind of reading that is associated with it and can provide good insight and scholarly reading for students to generate a better understanding. Literacy among content areas creates a better and deeper understanding of he material. It also helps students formulate their own opinions and think critically about the topic. "Content area literacy focuses on the ability to use reading and writing to learn the subject matter in a discipline; teaches skills that a “novice” might use to make sense of a disciplinary text. Emphasizes a set of study skills that can be generalized across content areas." (Vacca 3) "Critical literacy thus challenges the status quo in an effort to discover alternative paths for self and social development. This kind of literacy--words rethinking worlds, self dissenting in society--connects the political and the personal, the public and the private, the global and the local, the economic and the pedagogical, for rethinking our lives and for promoting justice in place of inequity. Critical literacy, then, is an attitude towards history, as Kenneth Burke (1984) might have said, or a dream of a new society against the power now in power, as Paulo Freire proposed (Shor and Freire, 1987), or an insurrection of subjugated knowledges, in the ideas of Michel Foucault (1980), or a counter-hegemonic structure of feeling, as Raymond Williams (1977) theorized, or a multicultural resistance invented on the borders of crossing identities, as Gloria Anzaldua (1990) imagined, or language used against fitting unexceptionably into the status quo, as Adrienne Rich (1979) declared." (Shor 2) Types of Readings and Writings Literacy Strategies Read Alouds/Context clues K-W-L charts Graphic Organizers Group Reading Individual Reading Vocabulary Instruction/grouping Writing to Learn Structured Note Taking/Dictionary use Reciprocal teaching Varied Readings/Genres/Styles Collaboration of Teachers Teachers should also collaborate on subjects or content. For example, if students are learning about the industrial revolution in history, they could be reading poems by William Blake that also details the events of it from a different perspective. In conjunction in science students could be learning about the affects of pollution on the lungs or something of that nature. This also reinforces the topic, vocabulary and makes it applicable to all subjects. Instruction in the Classroom Reference List Teachers must remember that they are not alone when it comes to teaching Teachers can use each other as resources as well as technology and the internet. A teacher in a subject area that doesnt typically involve reading or writing can run the assignment or reading past the ELA or History teacher in order to get some feedback on the assignment. This can give them immediate insightful feedback that they may not have fully had access to before. When it comes to being a teacher, there are a lot of things that the teacher must be aware of and plan for. Teachers have to be very well versed in their field and at times a variety of other fields as well. Teachers must be or strive to be as well rounded as they want their students to be. In order to do this in their discipline teachers must provide diversity among literacy in their subject. This diversity needs to be through the readings, writing prompts and styles, as well as teaching methods. In conjunction to the lack of literacy, this seems to be the norm because of the lack of education or preparedness that teacher find themselves in when it comes to teaching and supporting literacy. Luckily there have been movements that have been dedicated to pushing literacy and writing more in the classrooms to make the minority of classrooms the majority where students are getting a reading and writing, literate based education. "The writing across the curriculum (WAC) and writing in the professions movements opened our eyes wider to the great variation of writing that goes on even


Transcript: AFTER THE MEAL Li, Y and Sun, J,M,(2015),"Leadership,employee. Traditional Chinese leadership and employee voice behavior: A cross-level examination. Leadership Quarterly". Vol.26(2), p.172 TEA ORDER DISHES SETTING ARRANGEMENTS REFERENCE LIST CHINESE BUSINESS DINING ETIQUETTE Wilson,B (2017) "The Rituals of Dinner, The Origins, Evolution, Eccentricities, and Meaning of Table Manners." Liu, P.(2016),"Leadership, relationship. A framework for understanding Chinese leadership: a cultural approach. International Journal of Leadership in Education". pp.1-13 Meng, Z( 2012), "Chinese women, Beauty. A Chinese beauty story: how college women in China negotiate beauty, body image, and mass media. Chinese Journal of Communication". Vol 5, iss 4, 437-454 Lisa,F et al (2010) "Work hours, work intensity, satisfactions and psychological well-being among hotel managers in China. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal". Vol 12. Iss 1. Wong Y.H and Jackie L.M (2000),"Mapping relationships in China: guangxi dynamic approach Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing". Vol15, iss 1 Chan, K 2006, ‘Entertainment, Ethnicity, and Pleasure. Entertainment: Enjoyment or Struggle’, Journal of Visual Anthropology, vol. 18, pp. 97-102 Chun.J and Flora.H(2004), "Cultural influence on relationship cultivation strategies: Multinational companies in China. Journal of Communication Management". Vol 8, iss 4 THANK YOU DURING THE MEAL DRINKING AND TOASTING Kayong,D and Ying,L (2010)"Cross-cultural management in China. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal" Vol 17. Iss 3.

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Transcript: Alzheimer's Disease Example of short term memory loss The Hippocampus is in control of our ability to recollect long term memories and things that have happened in our past. It plays a major role in remembering major events or facts that have happened in the past and that we want to remember and share with people. However, this part of the brain is NOT associated with short term memory; those who have lost the ability to function the limbic system will only have long term memory, and may suffer from short term memory loss. Meaning that you will not be able to record any new activities or functions (Mandal, 2014). The Hippocampus The Hippocampus is most severely damaged in this specific case (Dhikav, 2012). It destroys brain cells and is an irreversible disease that has a permanent impact on people and how they live their lives. It creates a kind of memory loss and we begin to experience the loss of new memories, we only remember the old memories and new ones cannot be created (Hughes, 2015). The Hippocampus is the part of the brain that controls and regulates the emotions of a human being. It is located in a part of the brain called the "Limbic system". It is near the center of the brain. It is located within the brain's medial temporal lobe, and is a very small organ compared to the others. This part of the brain is fully developed at ages 24/25 for both genders, and begins its development around the age of 7 years old. (Mandal, 2014). This video clip from finding dory shows how short term memory loss works; baby dory forgets what she's supposed to be doing and wants to go off and do something else, and forgets what she was just doing with her parents right by her side. Memory loss, employment problems, confusion, trouble communicating/speaking, judgement issues and many more are just some of the issues people with Alzheimers disease go through on a daily basis. Hippocampus Functions Dhikav, V. (2012). Hippocampus in health and disease. NCBI. Retrieved from Hughes, J. (2015). 10 Signs of Alzheimer’s. RMhealthy. Retrieved from Mandal, A. (2015). Hippocampus Functions. News Medical Life Sciences. Retrieved from Mayo Clinic Staff. (2015). Alzheimer’s disease. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from Alzheimer's is a permanent disease, but there are plenty of ways to keep the brain exercised WITHOUT any medication; good nutrition, exercise, creating a safe environment, somewhere comfortable for them to live, and lots of vitamin E (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015). There is a medicated option as well. Cholinesterase inhibitors which work by boosting cell levels and improves the ability to communicate, and Memantine which also helps with the progression of symptoms so they don't become or stay as severe (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2015). Symptoms References Available Treatment

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Transcript: Conclusion Conclusion One of India’s largest ‘melting pots’ Over 85 ‘Nagars’ – districts each with their distinct cultural characteristics Occupation is a good indicator for illustrating the formation of Dharavi: Informal Economy Right to the City Right to the City Identities Right to the City Identities Conclusion Introduction Informal Economy Conclusion Right to the City Right to the City Introduction Identities Introduction Introduction Informal Economy Introduction Identities Informal Economy Research Question/s Right to the City Informal Economy Identities Right to the City Textile & Tailoring Introduction Introduction Introduction Informal Economy Right to the City Conclusion Conclusion Introduction Cultural Divisions – Occupation Informal Economy Right to the City Right to the City Right to the City Introduction Right to the City Conclusion Identities Food making Cultural Divisions – Occupation Right to the City Conclusion Conclusion Right to the City Identities Informal Economy Introduction Identities Informal Economy Informal Economy Introduction Conclusion Cultural Divisions – Occupation Informal Economy Introduction Right to the City Right to City Conclusion Informal Economy Introduction Conclusion Identities Right to the City Identities Right to the City Informal Economy Right to the City Informal Economy Right to the City Conclusion Identities Right to the City Informal Economy Informal Economy Identities Identities Conclusion Introduction Right to the City Informal Economy Colonial Urbanism Right to the City Identities City File: Mumbai Informal Economy Right to the City Informal Economy Recyclers Introduction Introduction Identities Identities Identities Cultural Divisions – Occupation Informal Economy Conclusion Growth of Dharavi was exponential once India gained independence Migration of workers from the countryside into the city Due to divisive nature of class in the city, migrants settled in Dharavi Reference List Dualist approach – ILO, informal economies provide income for the poor during crisis Structuralists : informal and formal sectors of the economy are often interlinked legalists: informal sector is a vital part of any economy integrated approach :different sectors in society operate according to realities and conditions of a country as well as region Conclusion Mumbai Identities Recycling Identities Conclusion Agenda Informal Economy Conclusion Identities Introduction Introduction Melting Pot or Boiling Pot Informal Economy Informal Economy Informal Economy Informal Economy Informal Economy Conclusion Informal Economy Identities Conclusion Identities Informal Economy Introduction Identities Introduction Conclusion Conclusion Informal Economy Conclusion Video- Most populous city in India Estimated 19.1 million people Focus on Dharavi- Why… Right to the City Identities Conclusion Informal Economy Conclusion Right to the City Identities Introduction Identities Papad makers Right to the City leather Introduction Identities Right to the City Right to the City Right to the City Pottery Identities Conclusion Informal Economy Introduction Conclusion Right to the City Informal economy Introduction Informal Economy Introduction Introduction Introduction Identities Asia's Largest Slum Conclusion Informal Economy Right to the City Introduction Informal Economy Introduction Introduction City File: Mumbai Asia’s Largest Slum Conclusion Introduction Mumbai – A city that evolved from colonial capitalist processes Created stratified urban forms: Divisions by economic wealth/class Encouraged settlements of slums Introduction Conclusion Informal Economy Conclusion Right to the City Introduction Broom Makers Informal Economy Identities Colonial Urbanism Cultural divisions Boiling pot or melting pot The Informal Economy A necessary evil & the importance of Dharavi Main industries Right to the City Visions and evictions: Why Dharavi dwellers have a right to Mumbai Conclusion Dharavi is a divided slum Caste system is emphasized through the traditional order of occupation Identification is with smaller groups within Dharavi Despite the fragmented society, it does work Introduction Conclusion Introduction Introduction Identities Conclusion Identities Right to the City Identities Identities Conclusion Informal Economy Introduction Identities Introduction Identities Right to the City Conclusion Conclusion Informal Economy Conclusion Right to the City Introduction Identities Conclusion Right to the City Identities Right to the City Introduction Informal Economy Right to the City Right to the City Informal Economy Introduction Conclusion Right to the City Conclusion Cultural Divisions – Occupation Informal Economy Cultural Divisions – Post Independence Dhobi’s Conclusion Identities Identities Identities Informal Economy Conclusion Introduction Estimated at $500 million annually 15,000 single room factories 5,000 industrial units Identities Right to the City Identities

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