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Strategic Rationale Interview Presentation Template

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Project Rationale Presentation

Transcript: Metal Halide Lights are comparatively less efficient than other lights The use of coal energy is harmful to Rose both economically and environmentally Efficacy is the power to produce lighting seen by the human eye per input power (measured as Lumens per Watt). HPS lights produce poor color rendering "yellow light," creating a difficult environment for sports. Solar Power provides a feasible option for an alternative energy source. Coal produces nearly twice the amount of CO2 emissions as the 2nd highest fuel (natural gas) [3]. HPS lights are easy to install, require little to no maintenance, and are a cheaper alternative. Rose-Hulman spends nearly $14,000 per year on lighting the IM fields [2]. A comparision of tree colors reveals that LEDs provide much better color rendition High Pressure Sodium lights are a low cost alternative to Metal Halide Lights Alternative Lighting Solutions for IM Field Lights Recrational field lighting plays a major role in energy cost and consumption. Light Comparison [6] HPS lights are efficient but impractical for use in sports due to poor color rendition. High Pressure Sodium lights produce a dull, yellow light that makes colors nearly indistinguishable. Metal Halide lights have a shorter life, produce more CO2 emissions and have a worse efficacy. LEDs provide lighting that suits sports needs, while HPS lights do not. LEDs consume 75% less energy, produce more lumens per watt, and run at a lower cost than Metal Halide lights [6]. Electricity accounts for over 66% of emissions annually produced by Rose-Hulman [2]. LEDs produce an intense, white light that meets sports lighting requirements in color distinction and brightness. Large-scale LED lighting at night provides excellent color rendition and visibility. Over one ton of CO2 emissions a year is created by the burning of coal to create power for just the IM lights [4]. Nearly 82 tons of coal are required to light the intramural fields alone each year. LEDs provide excellent color rendition with a low running cost

Template: Strategic Plan

Transcript: Reading assistance and teaching Rent reimbursement Training parents to teach and read Reading WORKS April 2010 Elementary schools: Coit, Mulich, Sibley, Covell Grand Rapids Property Owners Association Mission Organizational Mandates Expand program to additional schools Obtain ACSET funding/support Obtain GRPS funding/support Seek additional grants for funding Expand marketing, create website and/or brochure O The Other Way Weaknesses Recommendation #3 Questions ReadingWORKS: Strategic Plan Funders Campfire USA Keystone Church Devos Foundation Currently serving four elementary schools, and the surrounding communities. They hope to Strategies to manage issues •Diversify funding base •Develop and maintain outcome evaluation measure •Apply for 501(c) 3 status and pursue grants independently from ASCET •Develop better marketing tools. (e.g. website, pamphlet) •Avoid 501(c) 3 status and become a program funded and sustained by ASCET •Partner with ASCET and work collaboratively, neither becoming an independent 501(c) 3 nor a program of ASCET •Identify key community partners with whom to team up Strong and committed leadership History of success and growth Positive community relationship Adequate funding to meet needs Diverse funding stream provided to program Provides networking for parents Kent Schools Services Network We recommend that Reading WORKS establishes a unified mission and vision statement Opportunities Sustain funding by diversifying funder base through website design, resource management, and donor aquisition Introductions: Internal Stakeholders What they're about SWOC ACSET Issue #3 How can Reading WORKS sustain funding over the next five years? Adults play an important role in the lives of children It is the day to day experiences that count most within families Issue #2 Should Reading WORKS formalize their organization? Recommendation #2 That Reading WORKS formalizes the organization by: Clearly identified roles, contracts, structure Students Todd Workman Strengths Lack of concrete structure to the program No sustainable leadership Struggle between ACSET/Mary Lack of specific goals and direction Lack of volunteer board or advisors Decentralized training for teachers No website or brochure Lack of communication •Become a part of ASCET •Independently apply for 501(c) 3 status •Hire a Director to oversee programming, funding and community partnering •Develop a clearly identified organizational structure •Recruit a volunteer Board of Directors Strategic Issues Mission:(tentative) A collaborative community effort to educate families thereby promoting the love of literacy that is transferred from one generation to another producing stronger families and communities "I have learned to be more understanding and patient with my son." "This program has helped me a lot because I am learning with him" •Identify a singular mission statement that guides their acting, thinking, and decision making •Identify a vision for the future of Reading WORKS and take appropriate actions to achieve that vision External Stakeholders G Shane Schamper Challenges Teachers Recommendation #1 W Mary Engelsman: Creator GRPS ! Strategy Change Cycle Recommendations Services Mary Englesman Organization Description Issue #1 What are Reading WORKS' mission and vision for the future? Gathering data and reporting Sustainability Communication Need for financial reporting and day-to-day direction Ability to measure changes in GRPS Communities R Scope Stakeholders


Transcript: Measurement and Geometry * Shape- Recognising and classifying two dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects using obvious features Elaboration: Focusing on geometric features and describing shapes and objects using everyday words, such as, corners, edges and faces Statistics and Probability * Data representation and Interpretation- Represent data and objects where one object represents one data value, describe the displays Elaboration: Understanding one-to-one correspondence and describing and identifying data categories that have the greatest or least data value. Measurement and Geometry * Shape – Describe and draw two-dimensional shapes, with and without digital technologies Elaboration: Identifying key features of squares, rectangles, triangles, kites, rhombuses and circles, such as straight lines or curved lines and counting the edges and corners Statistics and Probability * Data representation and Interpretation: Identify a question of interest based on one categorical variable. Gather data relevant to the question * Collect, check and classify data * Create displays of data using lists, tables and picture graphs to interpretation Elaborations: Recognising the usefulness of tally marks Identifying categories of data and using them to sort data Comparing the usefulness of different data displays - Problem Solving Formulating problems from authentic situations Matching transformations with their original shape - Reasoning Using known facts to derive strategies for unfamiliar calculations Comparing and contrasting related models of operations Creating and interpreting simple representations of data Formative - Observation of use of vocabulary using words to describe shapes such as corners and edges - Recognising the expansion of children’s innate ability to recognise symmetry - Students can explain how they know something is symmetrical and why they placed their line where they did - Recognising different lines of symmetry including vertical, horizontal and diagonal through the use of a mirror Summative By the end of the lesson - Children will note that there are different lines of symmetry in letters ranging from no lines of symmetry to multiple lines of symmetry - Children will recognise lines of symmetry in different shapes both using a mirror and without - Level of understanding shown through worksheet By the end of the unit - Identify the importance of symmetry in everyday life, recognising it in the environment, e.g. in the structure of animals - Recognising symmetry in shapes - Understanding Connecting, names, numerals and quantities - Problem Solving Using materials to model authentic problems Using familiar counting sequences Solve unfamiliar problems Discussing the reasonableness of the answer - Reasoning Justifying representations of data, Explaining patterns that have been created AusVels Level 2 Symmetry 1/2 - Find objects from around the classroom and explore their lines of symmetry. - When you have found 10 objects, draw them and their lines of symmetry in your workbook. Prior Knowledge Ideas Engagement Notes Level 1 Proficiency Strands - To introduce the students to symmetry, we held a lesson with a hands on approach in order to cater for all learners. -The Butterfly represents symmetry that has been created by the students using paints on one half of a piece of paper. - Folding the paper in half helps the students to visualise the line of symmetry created. AusVels. (2012). Mathematics Curriculum. Retrieved from Booker, G., Bond, D., Sparrow, L., & Swan, P. (2010). Teaching Primary Mathematics 4th Edition. Pearson Publishing Assessment - An activity that can evoke further thinking, for example, questioning the symmetry of objects in everyday life. - Can be revisited and manipulated multiple times to cater for differentiated learners. - Caters to interactive learners with visual aid as well as independent learners. - Evokes critical thinking References Step 4 Rationale Next Lesson AusVELS Level 1 Level 2 Proficiency Strands Tally Activity Name Activity


Transcript: FOUR ROLES OF THE READER: When developing our literacy program we have considered Freebody & Lukes’ four roles of a reader and integrated them into our program. Children develop their skills as a code breaker in modelled, shared, guided and independent reading as they make connections between letters and sounds and develop their phonemic awareness and letter knowledge (Hill 2009, p. 173). Through discussions about the visual aspects of texts as well as content, children will become meaning makers and make connections between texts and their own experiences. Children will become text users as a variety of visual and written texts will be explored, including film; giving children the opportunity to determine how to engage with different texts (Hill 2009, p. 175). Finally, children will be supported in becoming a text critic as they are supported in responding to texts and engaged in discussions about intentions of texts (Hill 2009, p. 175). Children from different linguistic backgrounds are supported in developing the four roles of a reader in order to code switch but are also encouraged to develop skills using their own linguistic background to make learning meaningful. REFERENCE LIST: Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2011, K-10 Australian Curriculum: English, http://www. Callow, Jon 2013, The shape of text to come: How image and text work , PETAA, Newtown, NSW. Freire, P & Macedo, D 1987, Literacy: Reading the Word and the World, Begin & Garvey Publishers, Hill, S 2006, Developing early literacy: assessment and teaching, Eleanor Curtain Publishing, Prahan, VIC. Lake, R 1990, Teacher Magazine. 'An Indian Father's Plea'. CLASSROOM DISCOURSE: As we have a very multicultural class with diverse backgrounds, we must consider what happens when students do and don’t fit in – the classroom discourse. Discourses are ways of ‘behaving, interacting, valuing, thinking, believing [and] speaking’ that are recognised as representations by specific groups (Gee 2011). Thus, we need to make sure that our students fit into our classroom discourse, in order to be able to feel safe and secure and work at their highest standard. As teachers, we need to be aware that our discourse may be a very different compared to the discourse of our students. When teaching our students, we need to remember that our students backgrounds, beliefs and experiences are not our problems to fix, but are strengths to build on (Freire & Macedo 1987; Lake 1990). CLASS CONTEXT: Our school is in a low socio-economic area of Adelaide in which many families have migrated from another country. We have twenty four students in our year one class, and sixteen students are from multicultural backgrounds. Eleven students are from refugee families. Many of the students in our classroom have language backgrounds other than English, and many are still in the process of learning English linguistic skills. BOOK CHOICE: Our anchor text, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen, was selected to explore the concept of “journeys”, both local and on a bigger scale. Our classroom is rich with culture and most of our students were born overseas and have travelled to Australia to live. ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ was a good starting point to further explore the concept of journey, travel, and the similarities between classmates, however diverse circumstances they have originated from. BOYS AND LITERACY: As a classroom teacher it is imperative to find out which boys are truly in need, what the roots of their problems are and to develop non stereo-typical ways to help them. Due to the number of immigrant children in our inclusive classroom, the topic of “journeys” could potentially be something that a lot of these boys could relate to. Boys like to read books that reflect their image of themselves, and many of the books chosen in our program show people or animals going on specific journeys. Immigrant boys along with the other classroom children could relate to many aspects of this topic area, as we all have our own journeys to share. It's what the teacher actually does in the classroom that makes the difference for boys. PURPOSE: The purpose of our English program is to continue students’ development of language, literature and literacy. The topic of journeys has been chosen to draw on the journeys children may have taken in their lives. It was very important to consider the migrant students in our classroom and their life experiences. The lessons planned and texts we chose to produce are mainly visual with the option of writing, to ensure children of all skill levels are included. We have based our teaching sequences on the Australian Curriculum. RATIONALE

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