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Thesis Presentation

Transcript: Through different types of literature, authors have revealed the important relationship between the food industry and the American way of life. The food industry has many far reaching impacts on many parts of people's lives. The food industry has always had an inertwined relationship with immigrants. They provide the cheap laber necessary for cheap food, and they revieve a job in return. All day long the blazing midsummer sun beat down upon that square mile of abominations: upon tens of thousands of cattle crowded into pens whose wooden floors stank and steamed contagion; upon bare, blistering, cinder-strewn railroad tracks and huge blocks of dingy meat factories, whose labyrinthine passages defied a breath of fresh air to penetrate them; and there are not merely rivers of hot blood and carloads of moist flesh, and rendering-vats and soup cauldrons, glue-factories and fertilizer tanks, that smelt like the craters of hell-there are also tons of garbage festering in the sun, and the greasy laundry of the workers hung out to dry and dining rooms littered with food black with flies, and toilet rooms that are open sewers (Sinclair 338). “In 1970, Americans spent about $6 billion on fast food; in 2000, they spent more than $110 billion. Americans now spend more money on fast food than on higher education, personal computers, computer software, or new cars. They spend more on fast food than on movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos, and recorded music -- combined.” (Schlosser VII) “On any given day in the United States about one-quarter of the adult population visits a fast food restaurant.” (Schlosser 89) The food industry has been involved in politics for many years. Over time it has become more powerful and has gained even more power over the decision that are made. “Ever since the administration of President Richard Nixon, the fast food industry has worked closely with its allies in Congress and the White House to oppose new worker safety, food safety, and minimum wage laws. While publicly espousing support for the free market, the fast food chains have quietly pursued and greatly benefited from a wide variety of government subsidies.” (Schlosser) “The U.S. government agencies have done exactly what big business has asked them to do.” (O’Brien 103) Three of every five Americans are overweight; one of every five is obese. The disease formerly known as adult-onset diabetes has had to be renamed Type II diabetes since it now occurs so frequently in children. A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association predicts that a child born in 2000 has a one-in-three chance of developing diabetes. (An African American child's chances are two in five.) Because of diabetes and all the other health problems that accompany obesity, today's children may turn out to be the first generation of Americans whose life expectancy will actually be shorter than that of their parents. (Pollan 102) This was first brought to light by The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. This book first showed the terrible conditions at meat packing plants. Immigrants Politics Health According to an article by Julia Preston in the New York Times on November 5, 2008, the plant was forced to file for bankruptcy after the closure. The company issued a statement that it was forced to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy because of ““difficult circumstances involving a raid.” Fast Food

Thesis presentation

Transcript: Sociocultural Frame A comprehensive understanding of taboo Sensitive Topics Psychological An approach to critical analysis of the causes and effects of taboo and awkwardness Cognitive Mechanisms Goffman The Awkwardness Project Norms of Interaction The powers of taboo Arrested Development as Research Data Jay, Timothy. Why We Curse: A Neuro-psycho-social Theory of Speech. Philadelphia: J. Benjamins Pub., 2000. Print. Looking Forward Keltner et. al. Freud Totem and Taboo (1913) Corpus and Examples Taboo + awkwardness Defining Taboo -further research -selection of strongest evidence from data set -and last but certainly not least... -not real world interactions -exaggeration for comedic effect Taboo and Awkwardness: Citations face, face threats, and saving face Allan, Keith, and Kate Burridge. Forbidden Words: Taboo and the Censoring of Language. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2006. Print. Thesis Proposal by Katherine Feller in partial fulfillment of the Degree of Bachelor of the Arts in Linguistics Pomona College, November 27th, 2012 Diercks, et. al. The Awkwardness Project. 2012. Relevant Literature Pros Cons Sociocultural Etymology Neurological Allen and Burridge Gob is a magician. He should be at good interacting with kids. embarrassment in evolutionary psychology -abundance of material -nature of sitcoms -interdisciplinary Psychology, Anthropology, and Etymology Dr. Jay's Neuro-Psycho-Social Theory of Speech Filling in the Theoretical and Logical Gaps Embarrassment and Face A Neuro-Psycho-Social Approach A Working Theory Developed by Professor Diercks, Professor Fought et. al.

Background Presentation

Transcript: 14th Week Consulting interns can be expensive Time and Money Personal Experience Preliminary Design Stage NFPA 101 and NFPA 13 New and Existing Education, Business, and Mercantile Definition of Project This app would be used to provide interns and recent graduates with an outline of guidelines for how to design and review designs of specific occupancies. With the given time frame, I will be writing the information that will go into the app Begin parametric study: Speak with my mentor and Jason to understand more about what critical variables I could concentrate on for this app. Choose those parameters and begin my study Gather information from NFPA 101 and NFPA 13 for new and existing education, business, and mercantile occupancies. By: Breanne Thompson Next Steps (Continued) Finish preparing for Draft of Analysis Pull together and discuss results of project Draw my conclusions and state future work needed Turn in Final Paper! 10th and 11th Week Turn in my parametric study Begin draft of analysis Map out the process of the app for the key elements 15th Week References Next Steps 7th Week Prepare for Final Presentation Summarize my draft of analysis into presentation Work on how to incorporate a live demonstration for my presentation App Development Background Information 8th-9th Week Continuous Process Objective-C for Apple products Java for Android products 6 months of studying Places to Learn: Codecademy, iOS Dev Center, Android Developers Training Hire App Developer will cost thousands Prepare Final Paper Dive into Shark Tank! 1. 2. 6th Week Background Presentation 12th-13th Week

Background Presentation

Transcript: Real action and accountability Amnesty International Non-state actors/ Rebel Groups?? ...and what about men?? ignoring male rape victims? would rape exist without a man? Weapons of War: Rape UN as an Arena - NGO's - Discussion and dialogue Arena Instrument Actor Critical Thinking Weapons of War: Rape UN as an instrument UNSC Resolution 1820 (2008) UN as an Actor - UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict Weapons of War: Rape Problems with 1820 "Roles and Functions of International Organizations" "Sexual violence, when used as a tactic of war in order to deliberately target civilians or as a part of a widespread or systematic attack against civilian populations, can significantly exacerbate situations of armed conflict and may impede the restoration of international peace and security… effective steps to prevent and respond to such acts of sexual violence can significantly contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security" (UNSC Resolution 1820, p. 2)" Background Presentation- Kristin Mann Weapons of War: Rape Brief Insight - used to manipulate social control - destabilize communities - weaken ethnic groups and identities Examples: - Sudanese Militia - Rwanda Genocide - DRC Critical Thinking Critical Thinking Increased Data Collection by international organizations - determine humanitarian responses - ensures justice and reparation - provides recognition and dignity

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