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Twitter Presentation

Transcript: What does it all mean? Lit Review Changing Frames & Roles -New model of info dissemination -Citizen Journalists -Enables conversation Information Revolution: democratizing new media -Shift in who holds media/info -Social networks reduce info indigestion -Social networks allow connection Case Studies Methodology #numbers. (n.d.) Twitter Blog. Social Network. Retrieved October 23, 2011 from Banks, E. (n.d) Troy Davis supporters turn to social media as execution looms. Mashable. Retrieved October 23, 2011 from Marwick, A.E. & Boyd, D. (2011). I tweet honestly, I tweet passionately: Twitter users, context collapse, and the imagined audience. New Media & Society, 13(1), 114-133. Morozov, E. (2009, June 17). Iran elections: A Twitter revolution? The Washington Post. Qualman, E. (2009). Socialnomics. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Safko, L. & Brake, D.K. (2009). The Social Media Bible: Tactics, Tools & Strategies for Business Success. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Smith, A (2011). 13% of online adults use Twitter. Pew Internet & American Life Project. Pew Research Center. Retrieved from Tatarchevskiy, T. The 'popular' culture of internet activism. New Media & Society 13(2), 297-313. Haewook, K. Changhyun L., Park, H., Moon, S., (2010). What is Twitter, a social network or a news source? WWC 2010, April 26-30, 2010, Raliegh, North Carolina, USA. Cha, M., Haddadi, H., Benevenuto, F., & Gummadi, K. (2010). Measuring user influence in Twitter: The million follower fallacy. AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media 2010. Livingstone, S. (1999). New media, new audience? New Media & Society 1(1), 56-66.,8599,1905125,00.html#ixzz1f2o7hwZO Cha, Haddadi, Benevenuto, Bummadi (2010) Definition: Twitter is a popular microblogging site started in 2006 in which users post short messages, aka tweets, of 140 characters or less to a network of followers. -Mentions (aka @replies), Retweets, #Hashtags Twitter and Influence Will new media cause social change? - change is "a complex of social, political and economic processes". -New media tool, not cause -Democratization of information -New media shifts the frame of audience understanding (cc) photo by Jakob Montrasio -Collect and assess tweets from both case studies -Track news coverage of events, look for Twitter -Follow policy change -Visual support and community -Gap between internet and real decisions Safko & Brake (2009) Marwich & Boyd (2011) Iranian Protest -Disconnect between users and followers -Broadcast v. Network audiences Livingstone (1999) Research Question: Did the influence of campaigns on Twitter change actions in the physical world in the cases of Troy Davis and the Iranian Election? Katie Hamachek Troy Davis Why Care? -13% of USA adults online use Twitter (Smith, 2010) -Twitter reports that 460,000 average new accounts/day in March of 2011 (#numbers) -Twitter users were sending an average of 140 million tweets/day (#numbers) -Fastest growing group of Twitter users are adults ages 25-44 (Smith, 2011) Tatarchevskiy (2011) -2009: Re-election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -Media censored -Citizen journalists, real time report -Tyranny/Monoarchy & traditional media audience model Qualman (2009) -Convicted for 1989 Cop Slaying -Protested innocence -Executed 9/7/2011 -#Toomuchdoubt -Tatarchevskiy (2011) identified correctly that there was a gap # of Followers does not equal influence =Reweets and mentions

twitter presentation

Transcript: Launched in 2006 as a micro blogging social medium Twitter is composed of "tweets" aka posts and updates that are made up of 140 characters or less One of the most popular social mediums on the internet today Useful and fun for both personal and business use Twitter can be used to reduce company email, improve work and project tracking and keep employees connected Being able to track projects is a great PR strategy for Twitter works quickly and for free Twitter makes PR easy; it is a free, personal connection with a company's publics Engage your CEO Keep in touch with bloggers and other media Monitor your company/brand on Twitter through personal and specific #hashtags to converse with your publics Announce specials, deals, or sales Coca-Cola used Twitter to post an apology to the initial tweet and resolved the problem. The initial tweeter solidified the positive response with changing his avatar to a photo of himself with a Coke bottle. Twitter creates a strong, positive personal connection between company and consumer- fulfilling the ultimate goal of public relations #Twitter #RealResults #ThankYou #MakingConnections 54% of Fortune 50 firms use twitter Of that 54%, 30% use Twitter for marketing and promotions #Promotion Successful Tweeting CEOs: Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin Atlantic Diane Hessan, CEO of Communispace #Examples #AQuickResponse @rollinscollege By: @morgancurtiss & @tracymurray #QuickFacts #UsingTwitterForPR For companies, tweets can avert a PR crisis #PersonalTwitter While Twitter is widely used for connecting companies and consumers, it is also used to inform publics with extra information #TheRealDifference #CrisisAverted #It'sGreatForAllKindsOfCompanies #WhatIsTwitter? How do companies use Twitter to make connections? That's easy: Deals & promotions events & conerences blog articles, webinars, & news all things that followers might not have had access to or known otherwise #APerfectExample #Sources #PreventingAPRDisaster "Twitter is a real-time information network that connects you to the latest stories, ideas, opinions and news about what you find interesting. Simply find the accounts you find most compelling and follow the conversations." ( MyCoke Reward Crisis The tweet that launched 10,000 retweets #DidYouKnow? Case, C. J., & King, D. L. (2011). Twitter Usage in the Fortune 50: A Marketing Opportunity?. Journal Of Marketing Development & Competitiveness, 5(3), 94-103. MacMillan, D., Reisner, R. (N.D.). General Format. Retrieved from MacMillan, D. Reinser, R. (N.D.). General Format. Retrieved from Needleman, S. (2009, August 3). For Companies , a Tweet in Time Can Avert PR Mess. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from Volpe, M. (2008, March 5). How to Use Twitter for Marketing & PR. Retrieved from x Marketing-PR.aspx Westbrooks, A. (2012). The big birds of Twitter. Restaurant Business, 111(3), 38-41.

Twitter Presentation

Transcript: The Purpose of Twitter Twitter Versus Facebook Expected Uses Buttons, Widgets, Logos Activity Twitter for Business Twitter’s start Using Twitter for Evil Using Twitter for Good Unexpected Uses Social Media Business Equation ROI: BB Ranch *All quotes not paired with a link are from Twitter's "About" page Twitter connects you to what you find interesting by allowing you find and follow compelling accounts and conversations. The network connects you to: • The latest stories • Ideas • Opinions • News Twitter created “small bursts of information” called Tweets. Even though they only allow for 140 characters at a time, you can see photos, videos, and entire conversations at a glance. With all of the information in one place, Twitter is one of the front-runners in the web’s race to become quicker and more instantaneous. By using the criterion age, gender, education distribution, networking power, and more, Social Times came up with the following percentages: • 80% of Facebook fans use Facebook to connect with brands • Only 6% use Twitter to connect with brands However, • 17% agrees that Facebook was more likely to drive purchasing • 37% of social networkers agrees that Twitter was more likely to drive purchasing among users Users and brands: • 40% have “friended” a brand on Facebook • 26% have followed a brand on Twitter However, among daily users: • 69% on Facebook are fans of at least one brand • 68% on Twitter are fans of at least one brand Meaning: Twitter is neck and neck with Facebook when it comes to brand recognition and with the internet changing rapidly every day, Twitter is soon to be making a large impact on business ROI, growth, and acknowledgment. What usually comes to mind when Twitter is mentioned: More than just tweeting Even if you don’t ever Tweet, you still have access to the latest stories and information surrounding what is interesting to you. You can be a contributor, or you can simply listen in and watch “up-to-the-second information.” Buttons: You can add buttons to your website to “increase engagement and create a connection with your audience.” Widgets: Widgets allow you to put updates in any convenient place or “create a live stream for an event.” They are harmonious with Facebook and other websites. Logos: Twitter has approves logos and icons you can put on websites, print projects, etc., but with certain guidelines Navigate each of the 5 icons at the top of the page. Come up with what you think is the purpose (or a few of the several purposes) for each option. “Twitter connects business to customers in real time—and businesses use Twitter to quickly share information with people interested in their products and services.” Twitter also allows business to: •Gather real-time feedback from customers and market intelligence from both allied businesses and competitors •Build relationships with clients, partners, and influencers •Reach an engaged audience Twitter 101 for Businesses •Founded in San Francisco •Started by Jack Dorsey in 2006 •Used in nearly every country •Available in more than 20 languages •Originally called “Status” •When it changed to Twitter, the original name idea was “twttr” According to Profile Rehab, “Twitter started in 2006 when the podcasting company, Odeo, realized they needed to reinvent themselves and began brainstorming new creative ideas. Jack Dorsey introduced the idea of creating an SMS (short message service—texting) that would allow a user to communicate with a small group of people.” Twitter can be utilized on the go on mobile devices. Free applications are available for iPhone, iPad, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows 7. Twitter allows you to have the web and its infinite information at your fingertips anywhere, anytime... Twitter, even though it is great to be able to post and receive information instantly, can be used for less-than-tasteful things. For example, people can hack into someone’s profile or choose to post on their own profiles a condemning comment or photo for the world to see that can ruin reputations and lives. The instantaneousness of Twitter is both helpful and hurtful, depending on how it is used. Once something is out there, it cannot be taken back, especially when millions of people have the chance to see it the second you tweet. Also, not everyone is in the same mindset as you. The fact that so many people can see your comments can be dangerous, especially if what you tweet is something controversial or a subject that has people supporting one side or the other. Example: Ashton Kutcher received heat when he tweeted two comments about the firing of Penn State football coach, Joe Paterno. Twitter helps people make the world a better place to live because it lends itself to “cause and action.” Twitter helped save a dog’s life: Mark

Twitter Presentation

Transcript: "Jimmy tapped his foot to the beat." "Paul is showing the beat." "The beat is steady." "Sarah counted while John clapped the beat." "She will pat the beat while singing." By hearing the same word used in a variety of ways, the students can easily pick up on what it means. After a few weeks, the students will have been repeatedly exposed to new vocabulary. By the end of the assignment, the students will have access to what is essentially a musical dictionary created by their own hands. With how accessible Twitter is, students can look up this information any time of day at any location. It is common knowledge that, the more often we repeat something, the more likely we are to understand it. When students see a word used multiple times in various forms, they become more familiar with that word. Austin Reyna Miguel Morales Benefits Cont. Students create a Twitter account, and each day, a group of words are assigned to the students to Tweet. The students will then use one of the words in a sentence for homework using the hashtag #musicclass2015. The next day, the class will read aloud a selection of the tweets to understand the words. Assignment Teaching Music Vocabulary through Repeated Exposure of Words. Assessment When the class reads the tweet, the teacher will ask if the word is being used correctly in a sentence. If not, then the students will suggest ways to fix the sentence. This will provide another way for the students to be exposed to new vocabulary. Why Twitter? Forte, piano, half note, whole note, crescendo, decrescendo, ritardando, beat, pulse, rhythm, time signature, key, treble clef, bass clef, measure, coda, barline, accelerando, etc... Benefits of Repeated Exposure to Words Twitter is a free social media site that is accessible to everyone. By using something students are familiar with, less time will be used to explain the assignment, and students will be more likely to want to do the assignment. This assignment will take only a couple of minutes out of the students' day. Once students have tweeted their vocabulary sentences, they will have access to a music dictionary they created through #musicclass2015. Vocabulary Used In Conclusion Word Repetition

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