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US Government

Transcript: By: Summer Morris, Molly Richardson, Cody Lesnet , and Olivia Tucker United States Army v. Connolly et al. How can we, the first year associates at Ebbets Chavez and Kofax, research the 14th and 5th amendment and past cases to determine whether or not the case will be profitable so that we can recommend to the senior partners whether or not to take the case? Are there comparable alternatives to the Special Forces for women? Similar, but not equal What are the military's interests in barring women from the special forces? Equity Is there a potential negative impact on the morale of the units if women are admitted? Yes Risks associated with women in the Special Forces: Unique risks faced by female members? Molestation/Rape etc. Is it the government's role to protect its citizens from unreasonable harm? If a woman knowingly accepts these unique risks should she be allowed to subject herself to these risks? How does the VMI case relate to the present case? Why does it apply or not apply, depending on your position? Yes. Is it important that the VMI concerns education and not the Special Forces? No. Is it important that the Supreme Court in the VMI decision found there was no equal program for women, despite the creation of the VWIL? Yes. What did the Supreme Court say about archaic notions of women and their role in current policies? Does this apply? Yes it applies. How dose the Goldberg case relate to the present case? Why does Goldberg apply or not apply, depending on your decision? Yes it applies. What does the Court suggest will happen to the male-only draft if women are allowed to serve in combat? Should this be a concern in deciding the Connolly case? Soon things would have to change. Fighting Chance Does Lt. Connolly Have a legitimate case? Yes How does the 5th Amendment apply? Process clause Its it important that the Supreme Court in the VMI decision found there was no equal program for women, despite the creation of the VWIL? equal protection How does the 14th Amendment apply?

US Government Presentation

Transcript: United States Government Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence Statement of Independence was first discussed June 7, 1776 by Richard Henry Lee Original draft by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Robert R. Livingston and Roger Sherman July 2, 1776 congress voted to declare independence from England July 4, 1776 congress accepted the Declaration of Independence Declaration Of Independence American Revolutionay War (1775-1783) created new states in the U.S. Congress selects John Dickinson to draft a federal Constitution. Articles of Confedertion - first example of a Constitutional agreement between the 13 former colonies. Submitted July 12, 1776 Adopted November 15, 1777 Ratified by 13 American States, Maryland 1781 Composed of a Preamble and 13 Articles Covered voting and taxes by states, and all 13 states had to agree to an amendment of the Federal Government Articles of Confederation Articles of Confederation A "Living" document because it is able to be amended US Constitution US Constitution Preamble Describes the purpose of the document and the Federal Government Preamble Seven Articles Establishes how the Government is structured and how the constitution can be changed Seven Articles Amendments Lists changes to the Constitution (Bill of Rights is the first 10) Amendments Formed in addition to the Constitution to protect some basic human rights Added to the Constitution on December 15, 1791 Bill of Rights Bill of Rights First Amendment Freedom of Religion Freedom of Speech Freedom of the Press Freedom of Assembly First Amendment Second Amendment Right to keep and bear arms Second Amendment Third Amendment Restricts housing soldiers in private homes Third Amendment Fourth Amendment Protects against unreasonable search and seizure Fourth Amendment Fifth Amendment Protects against self testimony, being tried twice for the same crime and seizure of property Fifth Amendment Sixth Amendment Right to a speedy trial, trial by jury and the services of lawyer Sixth Amendment Seventh Amendment Guarantees trial by jury in cases of a certain dollar amount Seventh Amendment Eighth Amendment Prohibits excessive bail or fines and cruel and unusual punishment Eighth Amendment Ninth Amendment States the list of rights (in the bill of rights) does not mean that other rights are not in effect Ninth Amendment Tenth Amendment Power not granted to the Federal Government is reserved for States or Individuals Tenth Amendment Branches of Government Branches of Government Legislative Branch Established by Article I of the Constitution Two Houses: Senate and House of Representatives Regulates: Commerce, passing laws, taxes, post offices, post roats, punishes piracies and felonies on the seas and establishes requirements to run for Congress Legislative Branch Executive Branch The President is established in Article II of the Constitution Limits term to 4 years Chooses Vice President President must give State of Union Addresses to Congress Allows pardons (not of impeachment) President must appoint ambassadors and Supreme Court Justices Executive Branch Judicial Branch Established in Article III of the Constitution Consists of the Supreme Court (the highest court in the nation) Decides if a law is constitutional "Checks and Balances" of Government Judicial Branch How Bills are Made How Bills are Made Bills can either start in the House of Representatives or the Senate. If they start in the House, then they are voted on second by the Senate. If started in the Senate, they are voted on second by the House. Bill Introduction in the House of Representatives A Representative sponsors a bill and submits it to the Clerk of the House.Clerk assigns a legislative number, and Government Publishing Office prints the bill. Speaker of the House assigns bill to one of the 22 committees for review. Committee studies bill and either passes it, revises it, or lays it aside. If released, the House Committe decides the date it will be voted on and it is put on the calendar. Bill must pass with 2/3 vote. Bill then goes to the House of Representatives, where it is read and then amended if needed. A third reading occurs and if 218 votes out 235 are cast for the bill and it then passes to the senate. Bill Introduction in the House of Representatives A Senator must introduce a bill when he or she is recognized by the presiding office. The presiding officer then assigns the bill to one of the 20 standing committes for review. Senate committe then votes to release the bill or lay it aside. If released, it goes to the senate floor where it needs 51 of 100 votes for it to pass. Bill then goes to a third committe consisting of both the House and the Senate, where it is revised to please both houses and then sent back to both for final review. Once approved it is printed by the Government Publishing office in a process called enrolling. Bill then goes back to the House it originated in and is certified. It is then signed by the Speaker

US Government presentation

Transcript: The United States Constitution By: DeSante' Clark The Constitution is the highest law in America. It is the source of all government power. Introduction The Constitution guarantees basic rights for all citizens in the United States What is the constitution? Signed in September of 1787. The new Constitution created a bicameral legislature, the Senate which gave equal votes for the states, and the House of Representatives which gave votes based on population. Introduced the Executive Branch. The Constitution was ratified in 1789. What does the constitution mean to us? The Constitution helped make the US better and made it stronger by giving Congress and the national government more power. This helped the country against future revolts The Preamble is the introduction of the Constitution that shows why it was created The Preamble explains why the Articles of Confederation was replaced by the Constitution Preamble Preamble Constructed in 1787 The Preamble lists six goals of the government: Gouverneur Morris wrote the new version of the Preamble that we currently use in the United States Form a more perfect Union This statement shows that the Union will never be perfect. But it is the duty of the government to work towards that goal until the idea of perfection is reached. Establish Justice This means to "begin fairness for all" This is the idea of equality regardless of race, religion, or gender. Ensure domestic tranquility This means to keep peace at home and to prevent riots, rebellions and other "social disruptions" Provide for the common defense This phrase was stated to show that it was the governments job to protect the United States, the citizens, and the property of the US Promote the general welfare This statement was included to show that one of the governments main concerns were aiding the people with health, peace and safety. Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity The point of this final statement was to protect our country's rights of liberty, unjust laws, and protection from a tyrannical government Articles 1-7 Articles 1-7 These articles combine to create the three branches of federal government. These articles describe what powers each branch has. The Legislative Branch (United States Congress) makes the laws Congress has two parts "houses" -House of Representatives (based on population) -Senate (equal representation) Legislative Branch Article 1 Executive Branch Article 2 The Executive Branch enforces the laws. Most debated part of the convention. Electoral college was created to aid in choosing President and Vice President. Judicial Branch Article 3 The Judicial Branch reviews the laws Includes the Supreme court and other smaller court systems Congress oversees federal courts President appoints Supreme court Justices. Power to the State Article 4 Each state must accept public records, acts, and judicial proceedings of every other state. Creation and protection of states. How Amendments are made Article 5 Two Stages Proposal- Congress 2/3 passage OR 2/3 states propose Ratification- 3/4 State Legislatures OR 3/4 in National Convention Congress propose-states ratify Supremacy Clause Article 6 Oath of office Supreme law of the land Debts incurred All laws made to expand the Constitution and all treaties made under provision of the United States are Supreme Laws of the Land The Ratification Process Article 7 Meant to be difficult Requires a 3/4 vote from state legislatures or requires acceptance by conventions from 3/4 of the states. The US constitution was ratified by 9 out of 13 states Bill of Rights Bill Of Rights The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments of the Constitution. 1. Freedom of speech, press, religion, peaceable assembly, and petition the government. 2. Right to keep and bear arms and to maintain a militia. 3. Protection from quartering troops. 4. Protection from unreasonable search and seizure. 5. Due process, double jeopardy, protection from self-incrimination, and private property. 6. Right to an attorney, a speedy and public trial, trial by jury, subpoena witnesses in favor. 7. Right to a civil trial by jury for any case over $20. 8. Prohibition of excessive bail, as well as cruel and unusual punishment. 9. Protection of implied rights. 10. Grants power to states and people. Amendment 13 Other Amendments The 13th Amendment was ratified on December 6, 1865. It abolished slavery in the United States. This Amendment is important because for centuries, America and it's economy revolved around slaves. This was a step towards equal rights for all men and women. Amendment 19 Other Amendments This Amendment was passed in 1920 and granted voting rights for women. Prohibited the state or national government from preventing anyone from voting based on gender. Works

US Government Presentation

Transcript: By Jason Greb Benefits of a Congress Person Salary Congress Person Salary The average congress person get paid $174,000 per year. The speaker of the House gets $223,500 a year. Majority of the leaders of both the Senate and the House get paid $193,400. Benefits Benefits Congressmen and women receive health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Their retirement is funded through taxes and participant contributions. Members of Congress become eligible to receive a pension at the age of 62. Staff Workers Staff Workers Every Member of Congress has staff to help her or him in a term of office. To be best in speaking with Congress, you will need to know the ordinarily utilized titles and main elements of key staff. One example of a key staff would be the "Chief of staff or administrative assistant" who reports directly to the Member of Congress and usually has overall responsibility for evaluating the political outcomes of various legislative proposals and constituent requests. Privileges Privileges Congress has access to some specific privileges, but they are hardly as extravagant as some have imagined. A Constitutional privilege grants basic immunity from some arrests while Congress is in session, something originally assured in Article I, Section 6 of the Constitution. It states that "“They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses." Supreme Court ruled that states cannot impose term limits upon their federal Representatives or Senators. As a house of representatives member have unlimited two-year terms. As a member of the Senate you have unlimited six-year terms. Term Limit Term limit

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