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Transcript: Implementation Strategy of The BPO Activity on The French Life and Pensions Insurance Market The Market Analysis How To Establish in France Introduction The Generic Strategy => Differentiation Strategy The Internationalization Strategy => Transnational Strategy The Organizational Mode => Geocentrism Conclusion The BPO of L&P Insurance Market The Analysis Framework The Marketing Process and Marketing Mix Consumers Drivers for BPO => cost reduction, shortage of qualified labor, research for quality and customer service improvement Activities to be externalized => back office or customer-facing activities More onshore or nearshore strategy Potential customers => The Market Analysis The Market Analysis Competitors => The Implementation Strategy Market Recommendations The implementation can be done with the similar approach as in The UK; nevertheless, few adaptations will be needed: Business processes, systems, resources and methodology, Cultural, language and entry barriers, Technology and skills used on the French market. Diligenta will have to find knowledgeable resources about the French insurance market and best practices. This implementation is likely to be an interesting big challenge and opportunity for TCS The Analysis Framework Internal Diagnostic Summary External Diagnostic of the BPO of L&P Insurance Market Entry barriers Strict and inflexible administrative & HR rules The Toubon law Protection of personal data Segmentation = Personalized Marketing Targeting => Market Specialization Positioning => Differentiation Position PESTEL of France Political Economical Technological Social Financial assistance and tax incentives INTRODUCTION PART 1: THE ANALYSIS FRAMEWORK Tata Consultancy Services And Diligenta Internal Diagnostic PART 2: THE MARKET ANALYSIS (external diagnostic) How to Establish in France The BPO of Life and Pensions Market PART 3: MARKET RECOMMENDATIONS The Implementation Strategy The Marketing Process To Adopt Orientation of The Marketing Mix CONCLUSION The Life & Pensions (L&P) BPO market => constantly expanding in the world International insurance BPO market => $2 billion Diligenta => largest Indian-based insurance BPO provider with a total of 8 million contracts and annual revenue of £250 million in 2010 But brand image issues => TCS is viewed has a software provider, instead of a software designer “How a start-up, belonging to the largest Indian conglomerate, can adapt its British offering to the, already much coveted, French BPO of life and pensions insurance market?” Tata Group => one of the largest and most respected business conglomerates in India ($100.09 billion turnover in 2012) TCS => one of the four largest IT companies in the world Expert in the implementation of activities abroad (42 countries for TCS) Diligenta => TCS's subsidiary specialized in the L&P insurance BPO industry in The UK World’s leading BPO organization Presentation of TCS and Diligenta

TCS Presentation 1

Transcript: DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Security Patterns Presented by Naga Manoj Bhaskara What is...? What is...? Distributed System Definition Definition Virtually all large computer-based systems are now distributed systems. Information processing is distributed over several computers rather than confined to a single machine Key Points We will be discussing Characteristics of Distributed Systems Issues with Distributed Systems Security Issues Security Patterns Value of Security Patterns Distributed Systems Characteristics and Issues of Distributed Systems Characteristics Distributed Systems Characteristics Resource Sharing : Sharing of hardware and software resources Openness : Use of equipment and software from distributed vendors Concurrency : Concurrent processing to enhance performance Scalability : Increased throughput by adding new resources Fault tolerance: The ability to continue in operation after a fault has occurred. Distributed Systems Issues Complexity : They are more complex because different parts of the system are independently managed as is the network. There is no single authority in charge of the system so top-down control is impossible. When a system is distributed, the number of ways that the system may be attacked is significantly increased. If a part of the system is successfully attacked then the attacker may be able to use this as "back door" into other parts of the system. Privacy Concerns Issues Vulnerabilities One of the important reason for system weakness is that security is built as add-on, parts of the system are secured using specific mechanisms but there is rarely a global security analysis for complete system. Different Organizations may own different part of system. These organizations may have mutually incompatible security policies and security mechanisms. System Vulnerabilities Security Patterns Pattern A pattern is a solution to a recurring problem in a specific context A security pattern solves a security problem, usually how to control a threat Pattern 1 Pattern 1 Separate Authorization From Access Control – Enhances scalability – Eases crossing administrative boundaries Existing Systems • User needs credential per service – different types of credentials – different rules for use – too many passwords • Every service needs to do – authentication – authorization – access control • Too many updates • Authentication does not tell what service needs to know Access Pattern Service only needs simple access control mechanisms An access right can be meaningful to one service Rules can be registered by third party Admits multiple management schemes for one service Can add new service, types of access, etc. without affecting management mechanisms Example Example Pattern 2 Pattern 2 Mediate between Client and Service – Enforces audit policies – Simplifies access control decisions Existing Systems • Each service needs to – authenticate users – make authorization decisions – produce audit trail – protect against malicious or erroneous users • Common library linked with service – guaranteeing proper use – rolling forward versions Mediation Pattern Mediator provides – trusted path – additional meta data – mutual anonymity – audit information Service and client don’t have to trust each other directly Mediator can translate authorization information into a form meaningful to service Mediator can verify protocol adherence Example Operating system acts as the mediator for the user requesting file. Example Pattern 3 Pattern 3 Use a Service-side Proxy for Remote Users – Improves control over remote parties – Prevents some attacks – Limits damage done when attack succeeds Existing Systems • Every service subject to a variety of network attacks • Successful attack can do anything service can do • Crashing server cuts off all users • Service must – deal with authentication, authorization, access control – enforce machine-specific policies Proxy Pattern Crashing proxy cuts off attacker Protection domain of remote user under local control Proxy can be smart and filter requests Smarts added to proxy implementation protect all services Example ATM Machine with remote proxy server Example Value of Security Patterns Value of Security Patterns Conclusion Conclusion Security patterns are a useful tool to build secure systems Patterns are also valuable for evaluating existing systems and for teaching security concepts Patterns cannot prevent attacks that happen through code flaws but can make their effect much less harmful; in any case, they can be complemented with code analysis Patterns can lead to building strong systems, a more effective and ethical approach than retaliation Conclusion THANK YOU! References Uzunov, A. V., Fernandez, E. B., & Falkner, K. (2012). Securing distributed systems using patterns: A survey. Computers & Security, 31(5), 681-703. Karp, A. H., & Smathers, K. (2003, February 25). Three Design Patterns for Secure Distributed Systems. CiteSeerX.

TCS presentation

Transcript: TCS and its implementation 1 Timely customer service means to provide support to customers in a orderly manner. Responding and resolving to customer requests and issues on time is an extremely important part of Timely Customer Service. Timely Customer Service On time delivery Objective 1 Customer Satisfaction Objective 2 2 Customers are the most important part of any business since without them there would be no revenue and, subsequently, no business at all. As such, we can see why customer service plays such an important role. Well-served customers are loyal customers, and loyal customers mean steady business. Importance of TCS Reputation 1 Loyalty 2 Word-of-Mouth Advertising 3 Continuous flow of work 4 3 This slide will explain in detail of what is to be done in the whole process of the TCS Processes in the TCS Vehicle reaches the service center. Customer is informed an approximate time of delivery based on the type of booking and work The vehicle is allotted a job-card and number tag. Time-slot allocated based on the mechanic availability. Vehicle is given for washing and parked ready for its service. When the mechanic is available, the vehicle is moved to the bay and the service starts. The status of the vehicle is updated in the status board. Once the service is over the customer is informed that the vehicle is ready. The status of the vehicle is updated in the status board. The vehicles which were not serviced the allotted day is updated on the carry forward board. The carry over vehicle is given priority the next day. 4 Things we need in the implementation Schedule board Time slots mechanic names Status board Delivery status Work status Carry forward board 5 The most important one of all, dedication in work.


Transcript: Porter's 5 Forces Changes in Business Environment RESULTS OUR STRATEGY PROCESS: Introduction to Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Our Strategic Process Strategic Diamond Connection to Articles CONTRADICT The internalization of born globals (1977) Born globals - export >75% of sales within first 2 years TCS was founded in 1968, 1. export activity in 1974 TCS challenege - transfer into a totally global company STRUCTURE References Prepared and Presented By : Naman Juneja STRATEGIC OPTIONS Q1: Should TCS partner with packaged software makers such as Oracle & SAP or compete with them? Q2: Should TCS continue price leadership or move more aggressively into premium services such as management consulting and complete business solution delivery? Q3: In the absence of stock options, what kind of incentives should TCS put in place to account for geographic cost of living and resource competition? Q4: Should TCS grow organically or through acquisitions? Q5: Should TCS recruit and promote executives from countries where the company has a significant amount of business? STRATEGIC CHALLEGE/VISION TCS is a multinational IT services, business solutions & outsourcing services organization TCS is part of the Tata Group, one of India's largest industrial conglomerates TCS has over 254,000 of the world's best-trained IT consultants in 44 countries Strong Resource Pool Recruits employees locally Specialised services customized to client's needs Global Reach Broad Service Portfolio Corporate Social Responsibility Porters 5 forces Key success factors Changes in business environment may effect performance ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS a a COMPANY ANALYSIS CONFIRM The internationalization process of the firm (1977) Uppsala model : step-by-step, incremental internalization TCS export services; association with local firms, leading to acquisition in some cases; hire local consultants. Institutional differences and the development of entrepreneurial ventures (2009) Institutional framework: Regulatory- e.g. government control of equipment purchasing Normative-e.g. the break with Burroughs Cognitive CONNECTION TO ARTICLES Q1: Partnership with package software makers Q2: Price leadership segments and premium services Q3: Implementation of cash incentives Q4: Continued focus - organic growth Secondary focus - acquisition Q5: Global company need global employees Conclusion IMPLEMENTATION Marketing Mix INTRODUCTION TO TCS "Corporate Strategy." : Investor Relations: TCS. TCS, n.d. Web. 21 Sept. 2014. "Tata Consultancy Services Ltd." TCS: Reports, Company History, Directors Report, Chairman's Speech, Auditors Report of TCS. NDTV Profit, n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. "Tata Consultancy Services Posts Strongest Growth in 3 Years - The Times of India." The Times of India. Times of India, 18 July 2014. Web. 24 Sept. 2014. "Tata Logo." Famous Logos RSS. Famous Logos, n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2014. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE "By 2010 we want to become a $10 Billion-a-year company producing 25% margins" - S. Mahalingam (Chief Financial Officer, TCS) "...transforming ourselves from a totally Indian company to a totally global company without forgoing labour cost arbitrage" - S. Mahalingam ARENAS VEHICLES STAGING DIFFERENTIATORS ECONOMIC LOGIC STRATEGIC DIAMOND A Wide range of IT services & unique IT software MNEs, SMEs Global TCS BaNCS, TCS MasterCraft & TCS Technology Products Technology Labs, Domain Labs & Academic Labs Organic Growth Alliance & Patnership Acquisitions 1968 - TCS Inception 1970 - Burroughs Alliance 1980s- Competing with Western consultencies, Software Migration Factory 1990s- TCS answers the client server call, TCS addresses the Year 2000 Problem, TCS misses Internet Revolution 2000s- TCS catches the cost-cutting & Sarbanes-Oxley compliance wave, $10 Billion revenue target, Q3: Incentives in absence of stock options Cash incentives Rewarded for company performance above industry benchmark/average. Non-financial benefits Q4: Organic growth Organizational knowledge and learning↑ Spread the investment over time No availability constrains Limitations of own capabilities Q5: Not only ethnocentric approach in HR Global company need global employees Acquisitions Extension to new markets, to build global presence Consolidate the competition Capabilities↑ Difficulty to find a strategic and organizational fit Risk of failure↑ Hostile Cost Labour Arbitrage Increasing employment Innovative solutions at premium prices Expansion of employment pool Technical excellence, reputation & pioneering spirit Innovation of customized software migration solutions Ranging from Price Leadership to Premium Prices Best trained IT consultants in the world PORTER'S 5 FORCES NEW ENTRANTS CUSTOMERS SUBSTITUTES SUPPLIERS COMPETITIVE RIVALRY INCUMBENTS AREA CHANGES IN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Took advantage of a change in legislation in 2002 – SOX Act section 201 Sustaining competitive advantage in a changing environment Measures the ability of companies to enter your market Few can compete This


Transcript: • Express Services • Freight Management • Express Mobile • Express Manager • Industry Solutions • Express Shipper • Express Connect 9 Justice Vision Supply Chain Sentiments of care & appreciation are delivered for all occasions by Sentiments Express, a division of TCS, that deals in personalized & corporate gifts, greetings & mail order delivery service at your door step since 1989 DHL TCS Started as a transport provider however it soon grew into a total logistics solution company offering trucking, distribution & warehousing facility in response to strong customer demand. Services offered Services offered Over 430 conveniently located Express Centers Intiana, A Tranzum enterprise, offers services for Umrah & Travel. Intiana is dedicated to facilitating our customers in meeting all their travel related needs with personalized services and well-trained staff for customer support. “To continually strive to achieve excellence - both on and off the job.” TCS International delivers your shipment to over 3,500 cities worldwide faster and with more reliability • Road & Rail • Pickups • Expressions • Travel & Tours 24/7 Call Centers Over 225 satellite-tracked delivery vehicles What is TCS? TCS outreach throughout the length and breadth of the country Ethics • FedEx Express • FedEx Ground • FedEx Freight • FedEx Kinko’s – Office and Print Services • FedEx Custom Critical • FedEx Trade Networks TCS Market Share Vs Competitors Profitability Travel Services TCS International Express TCS will be recognized and respected as a professional, innovative, and profitable and knowledge based logistics/services enterprise Management Hierarchies Services offered 24/7 Call Center at its brand new and purpose built Head Office at the Karachi Airport With 30 seats and aiming to accommodate 300 employees at a time Strength Sentiments FedEx Octara is an independent business unit of TCS Private Limited. OCS Aviation To direct all our organizational efforts at building upon the existing organizational strengths and brand recognition SWOT Analysis Threats Weakness This invaluable flexibility in scheduling flights gives TCS an unbeatable competitive advantage in both its domestic and international operations A dedicated fleet of chartered TCS aircraft, that includes a Boeing 737. Core Values Retail Services TCS EXPRESS TCS INTERNATIONAL Opportunity Services offered TNT Mission Major Competitors Purpose Quality TCS LOGISTICS Purpose, Mission & Vision Services Event Management • Express Services • Logistics Solutions • Road and Retail Freight • Shipping Tools • Industry Solutions


Transcript: Porter's 5 Forces Changes in Business Environment Porters 5 forces Key success factors Changes in business environment may effect performance RESULTS OUR STRATEGY PROCESS: ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS a a COMPANY ANALYSIS CONFIRM The internationalization process of the firm (1977) Uppsala model : step-by-step, incremental internalization TCS export services; association with local firms, leading to acquisition in some cases; hire local consultants. Institutional differences and the development of entrepreneurial ventures (2009) Institutional framework: Regulatory- e.g. government control of equipment purchasing Normative-e.g. the break with Burroughs Cognitive CONNECTION TO ARTICLES Q1: Partnership with package software makers Q2: Price leadership segments and premium services Q3: Implementation of cash incentives Q4: Continued focus - organic growth Secondary focus - acquisition Q5: Global company need global employees Introduction to Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Our Strategic Process Strategic Diamond Connection to Articles IMPLEMENTATION CONTRADICT The internalization of born globals (1977) Born globals - export >75% of sales within first 2 years TCS was founded in 1968, 1. export activity in 1974 TCS challenege - transfer into a totally global company STRUCTURE STRATEGIC OPTIONS INTRODUCTION TO TCS Q1: Should TCS partner with packaged software makers such as Oracle & SAP or compete with them? Q2: Should TCS continue price leadership or move more aggressively into premium services such as management consulting and complete business solution delivery? Q3: In the absence of stock options, what kind of incentives should TCS put in place to account for geographic cost of living and resource competition? Q4: Should TCS grow organically or through acquisitions? Q5: Should TCS recruit and promote executives from countries where the company has a significant amount of business? COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE STRATEGIC CHALLEGE/VISION "By 2010 we want to become a $10 Billion-a-year company producing 25% margins" - S. Mahalingam (Chief Financial Officer, TCS) "...transforming ourselves from a totally Indian company to a totally global company without forgoing labour cost arbitrage" - S. Mahalingam TCS is a multinational IT services, business solutions & outsourcing services organization TCS is part of the Tata Group, one of India's largest industrial conglomerates TCS has over 254,000 of the world's best-trained IT consultants in 44 countries Strong Resource Pool Recruits employees locally Specialised services customized to client's needs Global Reach Broad Service Portfolio ARENAS VEHICLES STAGING DIFFERENTIATORS ECONOMIC LOGIC STRATEGIC DIAMOND A Blanca Elosua, Rupert Rink, Amjad Hassan, Maria Fujkova & Morten Mowinckel ISMiP: Group 10 Wide range of IT services & unique IT software MNEs, SMEs Global TCS BaNCS, TCS MasterCraft & TCS Technology Products Technology Labs, Domain Labs & Academic Labs CHANGES IN BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Took advantage of a change in legislation in 2002 – SOX Act section 201 Sustaining competitive advantage in a changing environment PORTER'S 5 FORCES NEW ENTRANTS CUSTOMERS SUBSTITUTES SUPPLIERS COMPETITIVE RIVALRY INCUMBENTS AREA Measures the ability of companies to enter your market Few can compete globally Reputation required Low barriers to entry Small sunk costs Requires high human & intellectual capital Organic Growth Alliance & Patnership Acquisitions 1968 - TCS Inception 1970 - Burroughs Alliance 1980s- Competing with Western consultencies, Software Migration Factory 1990s- TCS answers the client server call, TCS addresses the Year 2000 Problem, TCS misses Internet Revolution 2000s- TCS catches the cost-cutting & Sarbanes-Oxley compliance wave, $10 Billion revenue target, This measures the factors effecting how easy it is for buyers to drive prices down. Many consulting firms to choose from TCS must develop sufficient expertise thus making outsourcing a compelling value proposition However, buyers require special customization A need to move the purchase decision away from price Huge decline in IT expenditure Q3: Incentives in absence of stock options Cash incentives Rewarded for company performance above industry benchmark/average. Non-financial benefits Q4: Organic growth Organizational knowledge and learning↑ Spread the investment over time No availability constrains Limitations of own capabilities Q5: Not only ethnocentric approach in HR Global company need global employees Acquisitions Extension to new markets, to build global presence Consolidate the competition Capabilities↑ Difficulty to find a strategic and organizational fit Risk of failure↑ Hostile Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, founder of the Tata Group in 1868 Substitute products are produced in a different industry but crucially satisfy the same customer need Internal stategic development departments Cost Labour Arbitrage Increasing employment Innovative solutions at premium prices Expansion of employment pool SWOT MATRIX STRENGTHS Q

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