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Pacman Presentation Template

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Transcript: RANDOM STUFF dANcInG bANana Pacman: The real hero Changes: Physical and Natural The Largest meander in Tees surround a town called Yarm. So Why Should YOU win the X-Factor? Lively vegetation surround the landform, this can mean that people have farms/gardening business there. The river meander bends in a U shape with the sharpest bend on the north west part of it. Impact on surroundings: Population of wildlife could potentially decrease because of fishing. Climate change due to fossil fuels from transportation No , It Can’t Sing! Human Uses Image Taken from Google which was updated in may 2012 What might happen in the future? The rate of flooding may decrease because of the defences built around the meander. The cuts could massively alter the shape of the river and the direction of water flow. Background Information: River tees: Length :137km Source: cross fell Mouth: north sea Creates the boundary between the counties Yorkshire and Durham Largest meander bends around the town Yarm BANANA!!!!!!!!!!!! AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Template by Missing Link Images from Sponsored by Talk Talk A Bridge has been built to enable transport across the river. Who is Pacman? He is the yellowest character in video gaming history, and the simplest. He's just a circle with a slice of pie cut out.


Transcript: ....... ................. Approximate Q-learning Approximate Q learning is not suitable Basic Decisions A* attacker Improving by Compute rewards on decision making: A possible combination of Q learning and heuristic - Assign weight for region has a high food density - weight for distance between our ghost to enemy pacman - weight for number of food carried - decision depends on multiple weights Scenario-No food outside the alley: ... Ghost related policy .......... ...... Limited time 15 seconds precomputing+1 second for each move .. low risk scenario: when chased by ghost pacman avoid entering the alley high risk scenario: eat all food when no ghost around game strategy Before- only using heursitic to dodge the ghost ........................................... Though perform well chasing ghost(not limited by goal state) ................. guard the only entry of an alley to block the pacman .... Scenario-eat crazy ghost ........... Diffculty in feature value selection defender searches food when it is scared ........ Rules TLL_vs_staff_team_super_contest19Capture replay 10 14_0052 A* Approximate Q-learning ...................................... Before(left): won't eat scared ghost on its own .. ........................ TLL_vs_staff_team_super_RANDOM3778 replay COMP90054 After-not eating food nearby ghost Food&capsule eat policy After(right): catch the scared ghost to get more eating time Score Enhancement A* Enhancement alley detection & food classification attacker eats food outside the alley first wiping near-ghost food temporaily enemy pacman chasing and blocking mechanism defenders acts as attackers when scared Scenario-Chased by ghost: .... .... Ghost related policy After-heursitc+shielding success when 2 dots left/timeup,need to back home after carrying dots need to banlance between attacking and defending A* defender Enhancement Team:TLL Team member: Zhengyang Li 952972 Xueting Tan 948775 Wei Lin 885536 feature selection flexiable agent - can both defend or attack, not rigid strategy Before-eating all food ............... Basic Decisions Further development

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