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Fashion Design Presentation Template

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Fashion Design

Transcript: Basic computer applications Basic math sewing arts tech draw... depending on how good your abilities are , who you know and how long you work there you can advance to multiple things Top Salaries? Salary and Benefits Depending on where you specialize ... you could be running around , sitting , or a mixture of everything ... duties ... Yes ! $62,000-$87,000 you could travel anywhere in the world depending on you level of abilities ... little to no change within a 10 year radius ... Starting salary ? Start off(usually) as an intern upgrade to apprentice Then get hired Certificates or licensees? No required education Basic math artistic any schooling required for advancment ? qualifications ? LONG WORK HOURS Hunter Murrant $30,000-$45,000 ~ a year Education/training ... Average annual earnings ... 21,500 No , none required for this field. No ... lassel mount ida acadamy of art bay state ... Suggested courses .... working conditions ... Physical duties ... Number of job openings Apprenticeships ? internships? Different computer softwares used for this field ... can you advance ?... Long hours travel critisizim how is technology used in this career ? colleges ... Fast learner quick on your feet artistic witty takes critisism well perfectionist always availble ... job outlook Demand /Outlook How much education do you need ? $30,000 a year 10 hour days $12-$18 an hour depending on where you worked , or what you did you could be expected to clean , sew , calculate , run errands , design , draw , speculate drawings etc Fashion Design Are workers demanded today ?

Fashion Design

Transcript: * Fashion comes from Italy,Paris,where the clothing design and created by royal courts couture *The first the designer : Charles Fredrick(1826-1895) *The first to have his signature label into garments. *He had a success that he was able to tell people what they should wear. *Fashion is popular style or practice,clothing,footwear and accessories.It's part of culture that constantly changing. *Fashion has experienced to change as technology has changed How To Make Clothing They way of making clothing you need to have: ~Sketch-drawn out picture of dresses,skirts,shirts,and pants.By adding fabrics with colored pencils,and a sketch pad. ~Inspiration-Spend time looking for things that inspired you to be different in your own fashion, and to be creative.Look types of textures,fabrics,and thoughts on how you want to design your collection Purpose-Find a want to design is useful,when making your final decsion on the design,learneverything how is wears on a person body,can it be washed,and needs to dry cleaned ~Make A Pattern-look for a simillar fabrics,cut it into your own specifications,and be creative with the pattern. `First know your body and know who you are `Dress to express your identity,and feel good about what your wearing `Add accessories to bring out the outfit.Such as jewerly,hair,make-up,bags,head wear,belts,and scarfs* To mix-n-match-with different colors,and patterns,to stylish color scheme* To create a look that fit you,with accessories* FASHION History of Fashion STYLING Ways to Wear Clothes

Fashion Design Presentation

Transcript: Fashion Designing Alexa Gonzalez Career Presentation 05/05/22 Research Question: What does it take to be a fashion designer and do I have the characteristics to be one? The Background of Fashion What is Fashion Designing? It is believed my many, that the first fashion designer in history was a man named Charles Frederick Worth. He set up the foundation to create a successful career in fashion designing. He designed from 1826-1895 and ever since then, our society if full of many innovative creators who have come up with well known brands that we use wear in everyday life. What Exactly Does a Fashion Designer Do? The Job of a Fashion Designer A Fashion Designer typically sketches designs of clothing, but can also sketch out footwear and accessories. After sketching, they put their designs into the making by choosing different fabrics and patterns for the clothing. It is the job of a Fashion Designer to also guide manufacturers on how to make original fashion pieces and to keep up to date with the latest fashion trends to keep their brand relevant. What Makes a Good Clothing Brand? Success of Fashion Designers To have a good clothing brand, it is important that fashion designers keep up with the current and latest fashion trends so that they can distribute their fashion pieces based on the desired audience and what people like. Some of the most popular brands such as Zara, Nike, Hollister, Levi's and a lot of the more expensive brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Versace, and Prada are very successful brands because their fashion designers constantly know what the buyers are into. Why Did I Choose Fashion Designing as my Topic Why I Chose This Topic Fashion is something that I have been interested in for a long time. I love to watch videos on the latest fashion trends going around and styling videos. I like trying to put together some of my own outfits and matching different items of clothing and have my own style. More recently I have been more captivated by the process of actually designing and sketching clothes. Someday I Might like to be in the fashion industry and the following skills and steps can help me know how to get this career. Top Schools to Study Fashion Schools and Career Salary 1. Parsons, The New School for Design (New York) 2. Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT), (New York) 3. Pratt (Brooklyn, NY) 4. Kent State University (Kent, Ohio) 5. Acedemic of Art University (San Fransisco, CA) Do Fashion Designers Make Good Money? Salary Fashion designers make a median salary of $61,194 a year so far in 2022. However, the average salary every year ranges from $49,877 and $74,968. What are the Basic Steps to Becoming a Fashion Designer? How to Become a Fashion Designer Successful fashion designers work their way up. Most styarters work on building skills before entering a fashion program such as: sewing, sketching designs, following fashion trends, and practicing with design softwares. Earning a fashion design degree is necessary but not just a degree. It is also important to have a strong portfolio, work experience, and a professional network to break into the fashion industry. What Skills Are Needed? Skills Fashion careers require a variety of skills. Designers draw on their creativity and artistic sensibilities to create designs. The career requires: -Strong communication skills -The ability to collab with other designers and brands As well as some harder skills: - The ability to use design software - clothing construction training - A deep knowledge of different textiles and colors. Completing a Fashion Design Degree Program Resources A lot of fashion designers work for an art and design bachelor's degree. During a fashion program, students study fabrics, fashion theory and color theory. And they also learn how to use computer design software to learn how to create styles not just by sketching on paper. Fashion merchandising, business, and marketing is also apart of the larning process in a fashion program. At the end of the program, they allow the students to make their own line of clothes for a fashion show. Conclusion Why Are Fashion Designers Needed? Without fashion designers, we wouldn't have any people to make our clothes and we wouldn't have all of our favorite brands that we like to wear. Fashion designer collab to make clothes, shoes, and accessories that we like and enjoy wearing. Conclusion Conclusion To be a Fashion Designer, you must have certain skills and resources. It takes a creative mind and good communication to be successful in this career. Thank You

Fashion Design

Transcript: My time period if 1950. The style changed to fuller skirts and soft shoulder lines. poodle skirts and circle skirts were worn by younger girls while pleated and pencil skirts were worn by older women. Strapless dresses with full skirts were a fad at this time. A quote from this time is "Your clothes should be tight enough to show that you're a woman, but loose enough to show that you're a lady.”- Marilyn Monroe Gloves and scarves were also a fad. The rich liked to finish their dresses with mink stole. Stilettos grew their popularity along with wearing heels. Women went for flats and block heels for regular wear. Fashion History Important Historic and Cultural Events 1950 - Pres. Harry Truman ( 'til 1952) approves production of the hydrogen bomb and sends air force and navy to Korea in June. 1951 - Transcontinental television begins with a speech by Pres. Truman. 1953 - 1961 Dwight D. Eisenhower is president. 1952 - The Immigration and Naturalization Act of 1952 removes racial and ethnic barriers to becoming a U.S. citizen. 1953 - Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are electrocuted for their part in W.W.II espionage. 1953 - Fighting ends in Korea. 1954 - U. S. Senator Joseph McCarthy begins televised hearings into alleged Communists in the army. 1954 - Racial segregation is ruled unconstitutional in public schools by the U.S. Supreme Court. 1955 - Rosa Parks refuses to give up her seat on a public bus in Montgomery, Alabama. 1955 - The American Federation of Labor and the Congress of Industrial Organizations merge making the new AFL-CIO an organization with 15 million members. also in 1955 Dr. Jonas Salk developed a vaccine for polio 1956 - The Federal Highway Act is signed, marking the beginning of work on the interstate highway system. 1958 - Explorer I, the first U.S. satellite, successfully orbits the earth. 1958 - The first domestic jet-airline passenger service is begun by National Airlines between New York City and Miami. 1959 - Alaska and Hawaii become the forty-ninth and fiftieth states.Chart found on The t.v. show Mad Men brought these fashion ideas. Christian Dior Cristóbal Balenciaga, Pierre Balmain, Jaques Fath, and of course Coco Chanel are all famous designers from this time. The colors that were popular in the time were very bright. Lorinda Ortiz Mrs. Sumpter 2nd period

fashion design presentation

Transcript: Fashion design Wang Ziqi 201259781 The introduce of fashion design. Fashion design is the art of applying design, aesthetics and natural beauty to clothing and its accessories.(weikipedia) cultural social attitudes time and place. What is Fashion design? importance 1. need 2.Style The importance of this subject The interested in this major. 10 year of learning drawing, two years experience of learning graphic design. The interested in Fashion design. I was really touched when I first came into contact with the field Learn software: PS, AI, use a computer to draw a picture Design drawing Fabric knowledge, color matching Garment structure, flat cutting,draping Craft, hand sewing , how to use sewing machine See the show Art museum The market research(Use social media to know the trends) picture from Google. Fashion design at the University of Leeds Location University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT Location Bachelor of Arts Types of degrees types of degrees B.A. programs generally more flexibility in choosing courses less specialized. An extensive interdisciplinary undergraduate degree course includes regular education, electives and major study courses. using visual presentations portfolios among other methods submit practical log books collections of design work. Written exams, essays and other written responses to assignment briefs may also be part of the mix, depending on the modules you choose. types of assessment types of assessment UK ranking UK ranking For 2017-18 Leeds is ranked nationally between 10th (Times and Sunday Times) and 14th (The Guardian; The Complete University Guide). was ranked 93rd in the QS World University Rankings for 2019. The School of Design carries out research in three area. These areas are Design, Technology, and Practice as Research; within these research areas there are seven research groups Research interests Research interests In the fashion industry including; design, pattern cutting, garment technology, buying, trend forecasting, PR and journalism, they’ve gone to work for companies Links with industry Links with industry Staff Staff Key texts Year 1 Compulsory modules Fundamentals of Imaging 20 credits Research and Design Development 20 credits Garment Technology 1 20 credits Material Culture and Mass Consumption 20 credits Design History: 1900 to the Present day 10 credits Optional modules Green Design and Sustainability 10 credits Introduction to Photography (Digital) 10 credits Patterns and Culture 10 credits Colour and the Design Process 10 credits Fashion Brand Analysis 10 credits Drawing 1A 10 credits Drawing 1B 10 credits Technologies for Art and Design 10 credits Future plan Hopeful nervous My felling about future study. strengths and weaknesses My curiosity I love try/learn new thing I have a foundation in this major I love my major strengths and weaknesses Give up easily vulnerable by shocks and external influences. language problems The important of language ability Every day use English e.g.lecture Communicate e.g. Explain the idea talk to your classmate Assessment e.g. do a presentation academic writing seminar exam The important of language ability Curricular and extra-curricular situations of special interest 1.Drawing Curricular Curricular and extra-curricular situations of special interest 1.DIY extra-curricular interest How to be successful How to be successful Keep a positive attitude. Always keep forging ahead Have clear goals High self control Arrange time and money reasonably. Reference Reference

Creative Design - Presentation Template

Transcript: Presentation Headline Template by About Describe your presentation or idea here About Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people. "A 3D template for a creative web design and internet related presentation" Idea Content Slides Get to the main point of your Presentation. Show and tell your idea. Topic Overview "This is example dummy text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed dodes eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in repre henderitas in voluptate. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in repre henderitas in voluptate." Customize Change the color of the background with 1 click Time Timeline Present important dates and events Present important dates and events 2002 Present important dates and events 2006 Finally completed my presentation! 2020 2004 2011 Present important dates and events Present important dates and events Statistics Present your charts and graphs Business Item 2 Item 3 Item 1 Item 5 Item 4 "Back Up Please!" Gallery Portfolio Gallery Display a gallery of your best works Image #1 Add a short description of the image or project here. Image #2 Add a short description of the image or project here. Add a short description of the image or project here. Image #3 Image #4 Add a short description of the image or project here. Image #6 Image #5 Add a short description of the image or project here. Add a short description of the image or project here. Single Portfolio Item Show more details of a single project Project Details "This is example dummy text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed dodes eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in repre henderitas in voluptate." "This is example dummy text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed dodes eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in repre henderitas in voluptate." Map Global Reach Use the world map to show locations Team The Team Who are the creative minds? Developer Sales CEO Bradley Sherman Sue E. Marquez Gerardo M. Oliver This is an example dummy placeholder text area. Lorem ipsum dolor sit apisa kotiram ametis, cons iteecas tetureu adipiscing elit sed quia, This is an example dummy placeholder text area. Lorem ipsum dolor sit apisa kotiram ametis, cons iteecas tetureu adipiscing elit sed quia, This is an example dummy placeholder text area. Lorem ipsum dolor sit apisa kotiram ametis, cons iteecas tetureu adipiscing elit sed quia, Contact Contact Details How can People Get in Touch with You? Communication - the human connection - is the key to personal and career success. +1-202-555-0184 Customize this template: Change colors, rearrange topics, add your own content Get this Prezi Template from:

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