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AI Presentation

Transcript: Artificial Intellegence Group 2 AI systems demonstrate human intelligence machine learning closed AI open AI Artificial Intelligence (AI) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Infograph Infograph Medical World Medical World medical diagnoses examinations surgeries What is Affected? What is Affected? would lose their jobs went through years school Doctors Doctors some trust AI some do not trust AI Patients Patients Google Medical Medical Machine Learning Machine Learning Jobs Lost Jobs Lost Competion Competition with other companies Small vs. Large Small vs. Large Cities Examples of Jobs that Will Be Lost Construction workers Cashiers Surgeons Drivers Farmers Examples of Jobs that Will Be Lost Jobs Created Jobs Created Jobs to be created AI in media AI using companies Future edcuation Jobs to be created Elon Musk and Open AI Elon Musk and Open AI Unlimited Power Unlimited Power in the hands of a few Current AI developers keep their AI technological progress private. There are no official regulations on how to deal with AI. Hostile Singularity Game Over (Woops, didn't expect that.) Technological Singularity: A term coined from physics used to describe a point where it becomes impossible to predict anything. Preventing the Apocylapse Open AI: A non-profit company focused on setting standards for AI research while encouraging others to join AI R&D and being transparent with what they do with it. Infograph Infograph Future of AI Future of AI Stakeholders Stakeholders AI profit and leaders Social Arguements The Future Pictures: Sources Sources Questions? Questions?


Transcript: VIRTUAL ASSISTANT INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Virtual assistant applications work based on Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system. ASR systems record the speech and then break it down into phonemes, which are later get processed into text. A phoneme (not words of syllables) is a basic unit of measurement for human speech recognition. BASIC CONCEPT BASIC CONCEPT The working of virtual assistant uses following principles: Natural language processing To understand user speech input. Automatic speech recognition To understand command according to users input. Artifical Intelligence To learn things from user and to store all information about behaviour and relations of user. Inter Process Communication To get important information from other software applications. METHODOLOGY Methodology Any Virtual Assitant basically consist of three layers. Speech to text Text Analysing Interpret commands Speech to text Speech to text A device knaowa as analog to digital converter transform the sound waves into binary data that the machine can understand. Text Analysing Text Analysing ADC filter removes unnecessary noise and normalize the sound and speed of the speech. use different libraries to ananlyze the sound. Interpret Command Interpret command In this layer, that mapped computer command, go to server through internet. Tools & technology tools TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY • Python Python libraries: • Speech Recognition • Pyttsx3 • Any IDE • The Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system from Nuance • The Speech-to-Text API from Google Cloud

AI framework template

Transcript: "...a goal (in STRIPS) describes some desired state of the world that we want to reach." InvalidKey AnimLooped AnimPlayed AtNode AtNodeType AtTargetPos CoverStatus DisturbanceExists Idling MountedObject PositionIsValid RidingVehicle, ReactedToWorldStateEvent SurveyedArea TargetIsAimingAtMe TargetIsLookingAtMe TargetIsDead TargetIsFlushedOut TargetIsSuppressed TraversedLink UsingObject WeaponArmed WeaponLoaded Count Idle Animate Goto TraverseLink Work CorrectPosition Death Follow FollowWait FollowHide EscapeDanger SearchFollow (Intro) PLANNING GOAL SET: COMBAT BASE ACTIONS GOAL SET: PATROL WORLD STATE PROPERTY KEYS WORLD STATES GOAL SET: BASE Reference: Three States and a Plan: The AI of F.E.A.R. Orkin, J. Game Developer's Conference Proceedings, 2006 Idle Animate Goto TraverseLink Work CorrectPosition Death Follow FollowWait FollowHide EscapeDanger SearchFollow (Intro) Guard plus additional goalsets Invalid Block BlockedPath Damage Defeated EnemyInFlamePot FollowerOutOfRange IncomingMeleeAttack MeleeBlocked MeleeBlockFailure MeleeBlockSuccess Shoved Surprised EnemyInPlaceForSurpriseAttack Taser1Stunned Taser2Stunned BerserkerKicked FinishingMove WeaponBroke Investigate Search Menace Chase KillEnemy SuppressEnemy FlushOut Dodge Cover Ambush ReactToDamage SelfDefense Alert SearchLostTarget "In a planning system, we represent the state of the world as a conjunction of literals. Another way to phrase this is to say that we represent the state of the world as an assignment to some set of variables that collectively describe the world." "Planning is a formalized process of searching for sequence of actions to satisfy a goal. The planning process is called plan formulation. The planning system that we implemented for F.E.A.R. most closely resembles the STRIPS planning system from academia." "STRIPS consists of goals and actions, where goals describe some desired state of the world to we want to reach, and actions are defined in terms of preconditions and effects. An action may only execute if all of its preconditions are met, and each action changes the state of the world in some way." "The preconditions are described in terms of the state of the world, just like we defined our goal. The effects are described with list of modifications to the state of the world." GOAL SET: COMBAT BASE GOALS Patrol plus additional goalsets Investigate Search Menace Chase KillEnemy SuppressEnemy FlushOut Dodge Cover Ambush ReactToDamage SelfDefense Alert SearchLostTarget WORLD STATE EVENTS MAIN PILLARS ACTION SET: BASE Animate TraverseLink Idle GotoTarget GotoNode GotoNodeOfType UseSmartObjectNode GotoValidPosition DeathOnVehicle Follow FollowPlayer FollowWaitAtNode EscapeDanger ReactToDanger GetOutOfTheWay GOAL SET: BASE Soldier AI framework in F.E.A.R. InstantDeath (FollowHeavyArmor) AttackFromAmbush (InstantDeathKnockedDown) (LongRecoilBullet) (LongRecoilExplosive) (LongRecoilMelee) KnockDownBullet KnockDownMelee KnockDownExplosive (ShortRecoilMelee) AttackReady GotoTargetLost LongRecoilHelmetPiercing "In F.E.A.R., A.I. use cover more tactically, coordinating with squad members to lay suppression fire while others advance. A.I. only leave cover when threatened, and blind fire if they have no better position." "F.E.A.R. A.I. always try to stay covered, never leave cover unless threatened and other cover is available, and fire from cover to the best of their ability." "The primary point we are trying to get across here is that with a planning system, we can just toss in goals and actions. We never have to manually specify the transitions between these behaviors. The A.I. figure out the dependencies themselves at run-time based on the goal state and the preconditions and effects of actions." ACTION SET: SOLDIER Attack AttackCrouch SuppressionFire SuppressionFireFromCover FlushOutWithDynamite AttackFromCover BlindfireFromCover AttackDynamiteFromCover (AttackFromView) DrawWeapon (ChangeWeapon) HolsterWeapon ReloadCrouch ReloadCovered InspectDisturbance LookAtDisturbance SurveyArea DodgeRoll DodgeShuffle DodgeCovered Uncover AttackMelee TraverseBlockedDoor LookAtDisturbanceFromView GOAL SET: GUARD "A STRIPS action is defined by its preconditions and effects. The preconditions are described in terms of the state of the world, just like we defined our goal. The effects are described with list of modifications to the state of the world. "

AI Presentation

Transcript: By Aaron Miller AI, What Is Its Potential? AI Is Taking Over Capabilities There are several beliefs and fears that people have when they talk about Artificial Intelligence. From viewing films such as iRobot, The Terminator, and The Matrix that give some people the idea that Artificial Intelligence means enslavement of the Human race. While these are all interesting theories, they dramaticize the capabilities that we actually have now. What Most Think What Others Think Replacing Human Beings Negatives While you won't see an army of killer robots marching across your lawn, it is very likely that AI could take over some day, but not in the literal sense. It is likely that we will become very dependant on this technology in the future and that it could replace the jobs of some people. Project Maven is a program run by the DoD and several corporations in order to create a system capable of collecting and analysing data related to the 38 specific classes of objects that represent information related to the fights against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Though some may believe that this means that this could lead to the complete repacement of Data Collectors and Data Analytsts, a "perfect machine" is a flawed machine that could possibly misinterpret the wants of policy makers. Project Maven This is not the first time that we have had controversy of technology replacing people and hurting their livelyhood. The use of more advanced methods of production and using assembly lines to organize production led to the need for fewer workers, and also led to poorer conditions for workers as there were many unemployed. We might find ourselves in a similar situation in the future, depending on how we use this new technology. Industrial Revolution World Domination Impossibilities Besides the theory of enslavement, there are some theories that people believe that AI could rule the world. Certain people think that AI could take control of the world or destroy our civilization. These theories are highly improbable. While everyone might want perfection in their lives, there are some things that can be too perfect. While it might be useful to have an Artificial Intelligence do all analysis of information, there are theories that this could be too perfect, and misinterprit the information that it is ment to collect. AI could never replace either an Analyst or Collector, but merely be a support tool. Perfection Is Not Perfect When people watch all of the movies about AI taking over and becoming super intelligent, they don't understand what an AI is actually capable of doing. A quote that sums up an AI is that "Each system is an idiot savant, with little ability to leap problems it was not set up to solve". This is alot different from the god-like, omniscient Artificial General Intelligence that might be seen in the ficitonal movies we watch. AI is nothing more than a series of lines of code that follow a strict set of rules programmed into it. Looks Can Be Decieving Audience Those who are afraid that AI will take over the world some day, and those who are interested in AI and what role it could take in the future. This presentation is only supposed to inform people of what AI is actually capable of, not to tell them to fear AI and to never trust technology. There is no reason to fear AI anymore than you fear your laptop.

AI Presentation

Transcript: Artificial Intelligence in Geopolitics 6 December 3, 2019 AI and Geopolitics 1 What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? 2 #1 Artificial Intelligence - What is it? “Machines that respond to stimulation consistent with traditional responses from humans, given the human capacity for contemplation, judgement, and intention.” #2 Artificial Intelligence - What is it? AI systems make decisions that require a human level of expertise. Three qualities that constitute the essence of AI Intentionality Intelligence Adaptability Decisions with real time data. AI is used in: Business Management E-Commerce Marketing The Growth of Artificial Intelligence 3 #1 “AI is not just another tech trend. Within a decade, all technologies--from everyday business to genomic editing-- will in some way touch AI.” -Amy Webb, Founder of the Future Today Institute The Growth of A.I. The Growth of A.I. #2 As artificial intelligence further develops, countries will see impacts on productivity. #3 Development of A.I. will also lead to humans needing to learn how to mitigate risks A.I. will cause. The Growth of A.I. Geopolitics of AI “the nation which leads in AI will become the ruler of the world.” - Vladamir Putin 4 China USA UK Canada Russia #1 Countries Leading in AI Countries are implementing national strategies with focuses on defense, healthcare, education, and natural resources. Trump banned six Chinese AI firms from doing business in the USA Executive Order 13859 1. promote sustained AI R&D investment, 2. unleash Federal AI resources 3. remove barriers to AI innovation 4. empower the American worker with AI focused education and training opportunities 5. promote an international environment that is supportive of American AI innovation US plans to lead world in 5G, over 250 billion invested Trump and AI #2 US and China Driving Economies in new directions Shifts in power Collaboration from new allies New World Powers? How is AI affecting Geopolitics? #4 Google Facebook IBM Microsoft Amazon Apple US Companies leading in AI #3 Trump's Executive Order 13859 Britain Invested Over 1 Billion Euros in 5G and an “AI Backbone” United States’ DARPA 2 Billion Dollar Investment Israel has increased investment in AI firms by 70% *Russia released National AI Strategy *China released New Generation AI Development Plan Recent AI Investments #5 What is HuaWei? Detail of Trade War with HuaWei Government Attitude How to solve it What is 5G? 5G in people daily life 5G and AI Technology revolution Huawei, Trade War, 5G and AI 5 what is Huawei Huawei 2018.1: Tariff 2018.4: Ban on selling telecommunication equipment to ZTE 2018.6: It allowed to provide ZTE with chips, but it has to pay a billion dollars in fines and the United States required to monitor ZTE operations. 2018.12: Truce 2019.5:Because of “Foreign hostile forces”, fearing that HuaWei may cause security problems in US communications, put HuaWei in control list. Trade War with HuaWei and ZTE Trade war 1. 5th generation mobile networks or 5th generation wireless systems. 2. High data rates. 3. Reduced latency. 4. Reduced cost. 5. Large scale device connectivity. What is 5G? 5G 1. When you wake up 2. Check body on machine 3. AI knows 4. Organize date and sent it to hospital 5. Doctor know it, and sent the solution back to AI, and AI goes buy some food. 5G and AI in people daily life AI 1. Transmission time 2. Faster data transfer and picture clarity 3. Virtual Reality 4. Smart medical and telesurgery, smart home, smart agriculture 5. AI in people normal life, many jobs will replace by AI 5G and AI 5G and AI AI in everywhere future 1760-1850: The Industrial revolution 1870: Electrical revolution 1940: Widespread use of computer 1990: Development of computer science and technology 20xx: AI Technology War and Revolution Revolution Controversies of Artificial Intelligence Unemployment War and automated weapons Robot Control As AI becomes smarter, can humans maintain control? Wealth distribution Mistakes of AI Disputes between countries can lead to nuclear war Drones lead to excessive collateral damage 366 drone strikes in Pakistan have killed Between 2,537 - 3,581 people War and automated weapons War and automated weapons Companies can cut down on the human workforce which will lead fewer revenues given to humans Owners of AI driven companies will make majority of the money Wealth Distribution Wealth Distribution Amazon Racial and gender bias Facial recognition system mistook women for men 19 percent of the time and mistook darker-skinned women for men 31 percent of the time. Individuals were mistaken for police mughots Silicon valley security robot attacks and runs over 16-month boy in a mall and left him with a swelling in his foot Innocent civilians killed in drone strikes In Pakistan, 366 drone strikes have killed between 579 - 1,081 civilians and children. US drone strikes kills 30 pine nut workers in Afghanistan Mistakes of AI Mistakes of AI How can humans mitigate risks and challenges that A.I. will 7

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