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Transcript: Our Brochure. Menu Bar . Control Panel. Tools Panel. Penal Docking Area. When making an ebook, you can now export to EPub Fixed Layout. Adebe InDesign OverView What Is Adebe InDesign? MS Publisher VS Adebe InDesign. Top 5 Features in InDesign CC. Basic InDesign Interface. Our Steps that we used to create a Brochure. Our Steps that we used to create a Brochure. Top 5 Features in InDesign When you search a long document, you quickly get into a rhythm of clicking 'Find Next' and it's easy to click past the one you want, which means you have to go back to the top of the document and start again. But in InDesign CC 2014, you don't. You can choose 'Find Previous' and go back one. * The last Version came out is Adebe InDesign CC 2014.1 . Top 5 Features in InDesign MS Publisher VS Adebe InDesign 04. Easier search When you open a document that uses a font you don't have installed, one click automatically searches for the font in Typekit and installs it on your machine, making it available to InDesign CC 2014 as well as other applications on your computer. Create a Document . Insert Background Photo and Improve its Quality. Insert Lines and changing its shape. Insert texts and change the colors. Print Layout before printing the Brochure. Tables are now easier to create in InDesign. Working with tables in InDesign has long been a process of copying and pasting, and creating and deleting rows and columns. But now in InDesign CC 2014 it's much easier to move columns and rows where you want them, by simply selecting, dragging, and dropping. Our Brochure. Basic InDesign Interface Top 5 Features in InDesign OutLines We'll look at the new features in InDesign CC 2014. Finding a specific colour just got easier. InDesign CC 2014 now supports colour groups. With color groups, you can organize swatches in any way that makes sense for your projects as well as being able to import colour groups you've created in Illustrator. And when you import Kuler colours, you can automatically create a color group for a Kuler theme. 01. Easier Tables : VS With InDesign CC 2014, you can choose to export a fixed-layout EPUB file, so the resulting eBook will look exactly as your layout looks in InDesign. The EPUB3 fixed-layout format also supports live text, audio, video, and other interactive elements. Adebe InDesign 05. EPub Fixed layout Adebe InDesign is a powerful design program with so many tools and features it can a bit tricky to find a topic to begin with. 03. Colour groups Edit Menu Shortcuts InDesign CC Tools Shortcuts What's Adebe InDesign ? 02. Typekit missing fonts workflow


Transcript: Examtime Photoshop When I was making the magazine for the premilary task I hadn't really used photoshop before so it gave me a bit of experience before making my music magazine. Now I can put more effects of photos to make them have a higher quality Before starting music magazine research i had never use examtime. I used it in my planning as a mind map to show what I would include on my front cover e.g. colour scheme of my magazine. I think it's a good site to go on rather than writing by hand a mind map as you can easily add and remove ideas from it. It's also easy to make colour so your work looks presentable Blogger Indesign played big part when construcing my magazine as it's the software I used to create it. You could easily make a magazine using word, however it would look no where near as effective as making the magazine on indesign. this is because indesign allows you to be very specific. For example on word you can increase the font size but on indesign you can actually choose how wide and high individual letters are. it also allows you to be very specific where you place photos and the size of them which you wouldn't be able to do using something like word. Prezi is also very good for presenting your ideas in a different way. It's more fun than just typing them up in a word document and it's really easy to use. Like examtime it's easy to add or take away anything you dont like which is better than when you've written it by hand as you would have to start again. I think it's going to become very popular for businesses, schools and colleges to present tinformation in a different way. Prezi Slideshare Indesign The main thing i have learnt to usse in the contruction on my music magazine is blogger. This is because everything i made towards i had to upload to blogger. Some things were easier than others. Obviously an easy thing was writing on blogger which i could do without learning, but things like embedding prezi, examtime and slideshare was something i learnt when i started the premilary task.. Now i've finished the music magazine embeding things on my blog is very easy and quick for me to do. I have found slideshare very useful for previous question of my evaluation because you can produce a normal powerpoint, upload it to slideshare and embed in on your blog. It's also helpful if you need ideas as you can see everyone elses powerpoints. Which is how everything is now- you can find whatever information you want on the internet.

Adobe InDesign Presentation

Transcript: Prezi-Presentation by Stephanie Siemens Videos by Gina Benson & Julie Kurchinski Presented by Sandra Elkins first version with Mac OS X support new features: drag and drop text object styles anchored objects the Transform Again commands multipage PDF import WYSIWYG font menus text wrap for inline objects PSD layers support The Beginnings 1999 CS2 bundles with Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat new features: enhanced PSD support drop shadows control palette story editor nested styles improved XML import/export document presets CS3 2005 - first Mac OS X-native desktop publishing (DTP) software - exports documents in PDF - first DTP to support Unicode and cross-platform scripting using Java Script CS 2002 new features: text on a path vertical justification built-in trapping eyedropper tool enhances color controls pencil tool printer and PDF export styles PDF scripting free transform tool plugin manager quicker at loading 2003 1.5 improvements in table styles, regular expression support, XHTML export, support for automated commands & a new user interface Software to develop logos, brochures, flyer, posters, invitations, business cards 2007 Getting started (creating a logo): Upgrades & Versions 1.0 2.0 new features: XML support OpenType support long document support tables transparency controls The Basics: 2000 Work cited: Timeline features: frame-based approach to page layout a Bezier tool clipping paths gradient fills - Replaced Adobe PageMarker in 1998 - First started by Aldus and later named 'K2' Adobe InDesign


Transcript: Gutenberg's Layout 2nd Scamp Attempt Paper Size Headings My frames and images are snapped to the grid. My body text is consistent throughout the document. I also ensured that my background frames are places to bleeding margins. 1st Scamp Attempt Each heading I used was in green text with a black boarder. This corresponded with the green gradient background I used on the leaflet. I used 5 headings, I kept the amount minimal to avoid bombarding my readers with too much information. Each heading was placed above the text box or photograph that followed. The size remained consistent, 24 (content 12) What did you do differently? What did you learn? Changes made? Learning outcomes? Learning Outcomes Back of Leaflet Front of Leaflet Brief Review Most important lesson? Patience Proximity, alignment, similarity & repetition What would you do differently? Most proud of? My brief organizes my leaflet. There is a cover page with the company's logo. The back page has store information and hours as well as a map of the store location. The inner pages of my leaflet includes photos of bikes the company sells. There is a section for Pre Owned Inventory with the description of the bikes and their prices. The Gutenberg Diagram The Gutenberg diagram describes a general pattern the eyes move through when looking at evenly distributed, homogenous information. Read that last part again. The pattern applies to text-heavy content. Think pages in a novel or a newspaper. The pattern isn’t meant o describe every possible design. InDesign Brochure The most important thing when designing the leaflet is consistent measurements/sizes in reference to the photos and text boxes. If there is inconsistency printing will be affected. Grids Philadelphia Cycle Center

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