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Exhibit Design Project Presentation Template

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Exhibit Design

Transcript: My Inspiration Final Reminder My Inspiration Be detailed Include: size, colors, images, Create a list of materials needed Create a timeline or list of goals You are creative A visual person You like working with your hands Your topic fits the exhibit category What is an Exhibit? I created one longer main thesis and then broke it down into three small theses. Then the research was in three panels with each smaller thesis setting the tone for the panel Make sure your font matches the time period. For example if you are studying the 1970s you should use a modern bold text. Title & Thesis are directly in the middle and easy to read Create an Exhibit if... Captions & Fonts This photograph was my inspiration Good use of Texture Overall Theme NHD is about the research Don't get carried away in the design Content is more important (60% of Evaluation) These should both stand out (larger&bolder) Your thesis is one of the most important parts of NHD: it explains your argument Your thesis should be clearly represented Even though the photo was not related to my thesis it helped with the design Captions should be the smallest text and only describe what is absolutely necessary. Not Cluttered First Steps 500 word limit is hard to follow Quotes, images, objects, etc. can help tell the story Link to the Rules: What Topics Create Good Exhibits? Borders create depth and look professional Get Creative Don't always have to use a tri-fold Can be 3-D Use Artifacts if possible Art Element used is shape and texture Borders Principles: Balance Contrast Emphasis Movement Pattern Rhythm Unity Inspiration Look through photos or paintings and get a sense of not only your topic, but the time period. What are common colors? What are common styles? What were common texts/graphics? Think about what exhibits looked like at the museums that you have visited. Research your topic. Make sure the topic fits the theme. Write the thesis statement. Write the text for the exhibit. Look for inspiration for design. Step Two: Create a Sketch ALWAYS Remember The Rules Think Outside The Box Colors Use colors that represent your topic Example: Topic is Pickett's Charge during the Battle of Gettysburg. Colors you should use are grays and dark blues (because gray and blue uniforms were used for the Confederate and Union soldiers). Idea: Print your text on cream colored paper; it will look nice and seem old Hint: Look at details An exhibit is a mini museum. You are expressing a story through photos, objects, or graphics. Museum design is a form of art Remember the Elements and Principles of Design Title and Thesis What I Did Before even reading the title you should be able to immediately see what time period it is Great use of photos Those with lots of primary sources/ artifacts. If your primary sources are mainly film and audio, an exhibit might not be a good option. For one of my exhibits this website was my inspiration Elements: Line Color Texture Value Form Shape Size This used up a lot of my 500 words but it got my message clearly across and I used a lot of quotes to tell the story Before reading the title I can tell the exhibit is about the 1950s The "Fast Food Revolution" & car create a line. Moving your eye to the Drive through sign.

Exhibit Design

Transcript: Unions Required Skills Our Art Exhibit Types of Exhibits & Shows Museum Gallery Art Show Library Labor Rates general display labor, electrician, rigger, plumbing, forklift + operator etc. Exhibit Costs cost of square footage & storage National Daily Per-Diem Rates (if traveling) hotel, food, car rental Shipment Costs Often requested by a specific client who has a certain criteria such as budget, theme, available space, who they’re trying to appeal to etc. Budgets Involved -The Louvre Museum, Paris, France -The Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. -The Acropolis Museum, Athens, Greece -Los Angeles County Museum of Art An internationally recognized national trade association engaged in the design, manufacture, transport, installation and service of displays and exhibits. (primarily for the exhibition and event industry) Provides education, leadership and networking for the advancement of its members and the industry EDPA organizes one anual meeting, trade show & golf tournament for industry members & suppliers Holds quarterly board meetings, publishes a printed & electronic newsletter and membership directory Absolute Exhibits Inc. Tustin, CA Exhibit house, exhibit builder, trade show booth Your "one stop shop!" Skyline (trade show services / booth rentals) Los Angeles, CA Steelhead Productions Las Vegas Chicago New York Washington D.C. Important Exhibits Domestically & Internationally EDPA- Exhibit Designers & Producers Association Ability to draw scale model layouts and floor plans Ability to work well with clients in order to design what they like including limitations with theme and budget Knowledge of how to purchase supplies and manage construction of final design (hire workers) Knowledge of programs like photoshop to create models Exhibit Design By: Madison Parsons & Tyler Vaughn Rental Companies

Exhibit Design

Transcript: INSTALLATION OF AN EXHIBITION Sustainability Both natural and artificial light contain infrared radiation which generates heat. This is potentially harmful to delicate objects and needs to be kept to a minimum. experimenting with new materials new construction techniques alternative uses for traditional materials laser cutting The height of cases and objects needs to be suitable for all visitors, whilst still creating interesting and beautiful displays. The use of platforms and acrylic boxes to create different levels within a case is useful as are a host of invisible fixings used to safely secure precious or delicate objects. Display units Exhibition MDF plywood plasterboard different foamboards It is common for the main construction to take place in sections in the contractor’s workshop. Glass cabinets are so important, particularly in museum environments. When objects are delicate in terms of conservation, they will require the security and protection of a display case in order to control access, humidity, lighting and temperature as necessary. What colours and types of surface will most appropriately support the objects? Bright colours that detract from the display are best avoided, although the contrast of neutral tones between object and background can help objects stand out. These three types of lighting, used together, build up layers of light and colour. Trade exhibitors often use brightly lit stands to compete with their neighbours. This generates so much heat, that exhibition halls sometimes need ventilation. Most lighting schemes will use a combination of ‘ambient light’, which describes the general illumination, ‘accent lighting’, which dramatically lights one element to create highlights, and ‘sparkle’ which involves special lighting effects to create a spectacle. They help to illustrate an overall understanding of spatial relationships, acting as three-dimensional maps that help us to navigate our way through a narrative. Models of reconstructions help us to imagine sites that no longer exist. A model illustrating the layout of a Roman fort, for example, enables us to see how the fort was laid out, helping us to gain a better understanding of how people lived and worked there. Often models ‘in the white’ help to emphasise a particular part of a story without the distraction of colour. The use of materials in museums often will deal with conservation requirements Models MATERIALS More used materials: Production The use of glass cases in museums requires careful management of lighting to avoid glare and multiple reflections, which are particularly troublesome for partially sighted visitors It´s important to have into mind standard sizes of flat materials. Exhibitions in historic buildings Services ‘Drops’ or suspensions points enable structures, banners and lighting rigs to be hung from the ceiling of the hall. Most exhibition halls have a solid concrete floor, with service channels at regular intervals. A 100mm (4in) softwood plinth enables water pipes or electrical cabling to be brought up from the floor, although occasionally electricity is brought in from overhead. Floor coverings are usually the first component of the stand to be put in place, and are covered and secured with a thick plastic sheet for protection. Lighting The designer needs to be aware of existing conservation rules and regulations, designed to protect the fabric of the existing site. There will be strict guidelines about attaching exhibition structure to walls and floors, and there may also be conservation implications in terms of heating, humidity and light. It is not unusual to have to design free-standing exhibitions that do not connect in any way with the building. Heritage conservation The complexity and choice of materials, for example curved walls and extra levels, will impact on the construction costs and may have access implications. These materials are used to build a carcass to which all the others elements will be attached. Finally they are all finished as specified. reduce + reuse + recycle One of the main considerations for the exhibition designer, whether working commercially or culturally, is how the objects or products will be displayed. This is an important part of exhibition design: for many visitors, the items on display are the main reason for attending the exhibition. legal and ethical requirement In order to protect vulnerable collections, all materials and glues need to be labtested in advance of use. Colour choices in historical environments are more successful when they respect the historical development of colour, and its evocation of specific periods. On occasion, models may be working mechanisms, or automata used to illustrate a process or physical principle.

Exhibit Presentation

Transcript: Shake It! PURPOSE Shaking is the drying mechanism of many animals. PHYSICS is all around! Walk-through Giant touch screen instructions prompt visitors to shake upbeat music plays simultaneously Motion detectors record & graph the oscillation frequency of the shaking visitor Visitors are matched to an animal with the corresponding shaking frequency + fast facts and explanation of Science behind it There's more Individual Challenge A wet animal of the visitor's choice is projected on the screen The visitor shakes to get the animal dry Visitors will SEE THINGS THROUGH TO THE END! Individual challenge Demo Group challenge The whole group shakes and their overall shaking frequency/pattern should match the graph on the screen Encourages COLLABORATION! Group challenge Demo Hall of Fame Top 5 visitors for both challenges go into the Shake It Hall of Fame! What do the statistics say? Age? 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 Would you feel comfortable shaking in public? Yes No Would you feel comfortable shaking for education purposes (in an Ontario Science Centre Exhibit)? Yes No Would you want to shake if you see a screen playing videos of people shaking? Yes No Overall Thank you for listening! (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr Smartphone app Bonus!!! (cc) photo by jimmyharris on Flickr Visitors will have the option to save their video shaking on the exhibit database. It will then be added to the video montage playing when the exhibit is not in use. (cc) photo by Franco Folini on Flickr Age 0-20 Makes exhibit more engaging! (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr attract visitors get them curious arouse interest Download the video of them shaking at the exhibit Learn new facts relating to the oscillations of animals and shaking mechanisms Be able to shake phone and it will graph the frequency/ oscillations Video montage

Project presentation template

Transcript: text box Sheet title Sheet title Sheet title images & text images & text Project title here Project title here PROJECT TITLE Sheet title text box add logos here text box Project title here Project title here Project title here Project title text box Project title here text box Sheet title Project title here Project title here Assignment text box Sheet title images & text add logos here xx/xx/xxxx text box Project title here text box CHAPTER II "Quote relevant to project" text box images & text text box images & text Project title here Project title here images & text text box "Quote relevant to project" images & text Project title here CHAPTER III text box text box text box IDEAS & AMBITION Sheet title Project phase images & text add logos here images & text text box xx/xx/xxxx text box images & text text box text box Project title here DESIGN PRINCIPLES Project title here images & text Sheet title Project phase text box Sheet title images & text images & text images & text Sheet title Sheet title text box Sheet title Project title here images & text text box text box Sheet title images & text text box images & text text box PROJECT TITLE Project title Project title Sheet title Sheet title Project phase images & text images & text "Quote relevant to project" Sheet title images & text images & text Project title here Sheet title Sheet title images & text text box text box text box text box text box CHAPTER 1 Sheet title text box text box Project phase DESIGN images & text images & text Sheet title Sheet title Sheet title Project title here Project title here Project title here Sheet title text box Sheet title Sheet title PROJECT TITLE Project title here add logos here Sheet title Sheet title Project title here text box Project title here Project title here Sheet title Project title here images & text Project title here text box xx/xx/xxxx Sheet title Project title here Project title here images & text images & text images & text ANALYSIS Sheet title Project title here "Quote relevant to project" RISKS & OPPORTUNITIES Project title images & text PHILOSOPHY PROJECT TITLE Quote & cover image Sheet title images & text images & text IDEAS & AMBITION images & text images & text "Quote relevant to project" Sheet title Project title here AULa Design Bert Tjhie Tao Wang Postbus 1993 | 1000 BZ Amsterdam Cruquiusweg 111A | 1019 AG Amsterdam T +31 (0)20 624 5904 E © AULa Design 2013 Project title here cover image here Project title here Sheet title Project title here Sheet title Project title here text box Project title here CHAPTER IV Project title here Sheet title Project title here TABLE OF CONTENTS Project title here Project title here text box Write assignment here text box text box text box Project title here Project title here images & text Project title here Project title here Sheet title text box Sheet title Sheet title Project title here PROJECT NAME text box Quote & cover image Sheet title xx/xx/xxxx Sheet title text box Quote & cover image Sheet title Sheet title images & text text box Sheet title

Museum Exhibit Design

Transcript: Keep it Professional Indianapolis Museum of Art, Modern art display techniques Exhibits are great methods of communication, they "speak to the eyes" We can talk about important subjects in as a 3D, interactive journey You control how your objects will communicate your message. How do you want to do that? Questions? (Yes, I am Mrs. Cardenas' sister, so don't bother asking that one.) Examples Cabinet of Curiosities. The first "museum" Who is our audience? What are the 'Key Messages'?: What information do we want our visitors to remember when they leave? What is the purpose of our exhibit? How long will this exhibit take to make? Do we have enough time? This information would be put into an "exhibit brief" that helps the team understand the main ideas of the exhibit. Arizona Science Center, Interactive display techniques You are trying to help someone learn something new Not too many distracting colors, shapes, or interactives Can you read your text aloud without stumbling? Can someone else understand your writing? If not, rewrite! No handwritten labels! They are hard to read Don't be afraid to be creative. Relax and remember that you have the talent and ability to produce something amazing! Be Inspired. Inspiration is everywhere, just look around you! Try, try, and try again. Rearrange, change a font or a color, or shorten your text until you have a design you are proud of. Katie Rush, M.A. Museum Studies Display is an important part of human behavior that we practice in our daily lives. What types of things do you have "on display" in your house? The History of Museum Exhibit Design Presentation is Key Tempe History Museum A Few Words of Advice From a Fellow Designer Dublin Museum of Natural History. 18th century display techniques; classification Getting Technical Readable Font in the Right Size Serif and Sans Serif fonts Title = 50-72 point font Text panel = 18-30 point font Object labels = 14-24 point font Color High contrast colors work best Keep your text short and simple Design Requirements Exhibit Design Before you design, ask yourself: Why Good Design is Important Phoenix Art Museum Attire -- you'll be taken more seriously with professional outfits Speaking -- slow down a little. If it seems a bit slow to you, the speaker, it is probably just right for the listener Share your 'behind-the-scenes' stories -- People LOVE to hear about the work that happens to make the exhibit come to fruition, or an interesting story about something not mentioned in the text panels.

Design Zoo Exhibit

Transcript: Design A Zoo Exhibit Class Norms Classroom Norms For Students & Teacher Project Norms for Students Establish a role for each team member. Everyone must use their voice in a respectful way. All members must come to an agreement. Everyone must do their job and be held accountable. Keep deadlines Stay motivated. Project Norms for Teacher Have a plan. Be prepared for the project and missteps. Observe. Keep records. Align your teaching and assessments to standards. Summary of Project Driving question How and what can we teach others about zoo animals (the animal your group has chosen) in an exhibit? Project Overview Students are given $60,000 by the city to design a zoo exhibit with an animal of their choosing to inform about how different animals eat, sleep, socially interact, grow, etc. in their exhibit. Students will design a 3D model using a shoebox or sturdy poster board. Students will be planning, researching, budgeting and design a zoo exhibit using materials provided to them by teacher. Build a Culture How to Build a Culture in my Class? Students must know all rules and expectations. Teacher and students must respect all voices. Teacher must encourage and support student ideas and concerns. Students must encourage and respect each others ideas and concerns. In the classroom, teacher must bridge new learning from previous concepts to the new learning that is coming. Standards 2nd Grade Math Standard 12. Add and subtract within 1000 using concrete models or drawings and strategies based on place value, properties of operations, and/or the relationship between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy to a written method. 2nd grade English Language Arts 2. Present information orally using complete sentences, appropriate volume, and clear pronunciation. a. Use oral language for different purposes: to inform, to entertain, to persuade, to clarify, and to respond. Key Vocabulary Place Value Properties of Operations Budget Inform Entertain Clairify Persuade Activities How I plan to Manage activities? I could first determine if they are in groups or individual. I can mix up the students so they are not in the same groups. I can do weekly check ins at the end of each week. I will give students weekly checklists. I simply can walk around and observe. Rubric Milestones Week 1 Milestones Students will be mixed into groups. Students will decided what role each member is going to be. The class will go over norms expectations for students and teacher. Students will listen to project expectations. Students will decide what zoo animal they will design an exhibit for. Students will begin planning their exhibits and information. Students will be given weekly survey about group. Students will be given a rubric to check for projects expectations. Teacher will continue to observe any concerns and support students. Key question Students will be looking to answer weekly key questions to check to see the progress. Week 1's key question: What are your goals for planning this project? Does every team member have a voice? Formative Assessment Survey Checklist Planning Sheet Week 2 Milestone Students will begin researching for 2 days during week 2. They will find out what their zoo animals needs for the exhibit to survive. They need to research the kind of exhibit they actually live in to give an idea of what to build. The last 3 days students will start budgeting out of the $60,000. They will use addition within 1,000 and subtraction with place value and properties of operations use concrete models to help them with budgeting their 60,000. They need to find out how much to pay for space, building material, each team member, lights (if needed), and food for animal. At the end of the week, students will be checking their rubric, survey, and checklist. Teacher will continue to observe any concerns and support students. Key Question 2 What is the most interested thing you have research so far about your animal for the exhibit? Does each member have a voice? How does using addition within 1000 and subtraction help with budgeting? Formative Assessment Weekly survey Weekly Checklist Research Findings Week 3 Milestone Students will be finished budgeting for the first 2 days. After the end of day 2, students will gather the material needed. Ex: shoebox or poster board, and other materials discussed in their groups. The materials should be taken out of the budget before purchasing from teacher. Students will subtract using place value strategy to find remaining budget. The next day students will begin designing how they want their projects to look on design handout. Each member will design on and come to an agreement on how they will create their 3D model. Students may begin designing once an agreement has been made. Teacher will continue to observe any concerns and support students. Teacher will be the cashier. Key question 3 How much money did you spend? Does each team member have a voice? Formative Assessment Weekly Survey Weekly Week 4

Now you can make any subject more engaging and memorable