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iPad Presentation

Transcript: Music composition, painting, photography Constant support for additional help and troubleshooting Finance plan that works for you Keyboard Within two decades, tablets will be an integral part of the educational process Evernote synchronizes with school computers, instantly saving all iPad work Pages: Students can create stunning reports complete with images and graphs An Exciting Trend Software that blocks sites that have no educational value Don't Just Learn. Create. 24-hour customer support Personalized tutorial video iTunes U keeps all learning materials in one place Easily changeable, so that the school can adapt as to the ever-changing web iBooks Passwords and engravings make them hardly worth stealing Security Flexible policies on sites like Youtube Apple understands that an unaided switch can be difficult What We're Offering: Apple is the best Apps Keynote: Easier and more engaging than Powerpoint Experience it Why They're the Next Big Thing With keyboard, iPad has almost all capabilities of a normal computer Free styluses Reliable, established, easy-to-use Why Apple? Numbers: Enables students to easily organize information into colorful graphs, tables, and charts Lessons become highly flexible and adaptable Centralizes school population iPads represent 94% of the educational tablet market Textbooks become interactive Teachers' Benefits iPad presents a variety of apps that make every style of art easy and accessible The iPad package comes with a customized package of apps that meet the specific needs of your school, including: Find My iPad can locate a lost device with an internet connection iPads can synchronize with school servers, ensuring that nothing is ever lost iPad replaces all textbooks Making the switch We will provide a customized tutorial video that teaches students and staff all apps in your school's package Keyboard increases students' typing speeds by an average of 20 WPM Don't just learn the material... Ensuring Productivity Fifty packages of iPads equipped with customized app package, cases, and keyboards for the 2014-15 school year Teachers can easily create stimulating, constantly accessible lesson plans Almost any tablet on the market can improve on the current educational process Great for collaboration

Presentation for IPAD committee - IPAD Summit

Transcript: Twitter Infuse Learing Metryx Tony spoke about 7 skills essential to transform education in the 21st century.... 1- Critical thinking and problem-solving 2- Collaboration across networks and leading by influence 3- Agility and adaptability 4- Initiative and entrepreneurialism 5- Effective oral and written communication 6- Accessing and analyzing information 7- Curiosity and imagination Most of these APPS were free... GoalBook Class Dojo EdModo EdModo ThreeRing Social Networks & Blogs Learnist MyCreate sometimes it is okay to put the IPADS down GoSoapBox Student Response Class Dojo SubText Teacher Diagnostic Collaborative Social Networks & Blogs ThreeRing Social Media Metryx Google Drive Workshops Attended on Day One Teacher Diagnostic General Information Google Drive BYOD/1:1 GoSoapBox Proloquo Posterous Evernote Pinterest Timeline IPAD Summit 2012 Harvard University Posterous iPads and Apps for Ongoing Mobile Formative Assessment Learnist ipads are becoming a catalyst for creating a culture of inquiry and collaboration Collaborative Keynote Speaker: Tony Wagner Social Media Pinterest use of social networking sites such as twitter to support student and teacher learning itunes university Formative Assessment on the IPAD SubText Student Response Workshops Attended on Day Two AudioBoo AudioBoo The full conference was on November 7-8, 2012, and offered two days of keynotes, concurrent sessions, and informal learning events along these three strands: Classroom Integration: Pedagogy, Curriculum, & Assessment Leadership: Designing for Innovation & Supporting Innovation through Professional Development Technical: Deployment & Management to Support Teaching and Learning GoalBook Major Takeaways Infuse Learing BYOD/1:1 Twitter EasyAssessment Evernote Socrative Socrative EasyAssessment MyCreate from consumption to creation to curation -- the teacher as the curator of learning objects

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