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Animated Presentation Template After Effects

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Animated presentation

Transcript: m 1 Quizizz Education 2 p Game b Product design Y g s What is Quizizz? Introduction Quizizz is an app whcih allows you to conduct student-paced formative assessments in a fun and engaging way for students of all ages. Play to learn! defination e What can we do with Quizizz? read the next page or check the vedio. Using Quizizz Play public games Amazing teachers around the world create thousands of great questions on Quizizz. This community effort generates great content that everyone can use. Create question packages Quizizz allows you to pluck questions from any quiz, easily and images from internet, auto-save your progress, and tons of features. Quizizz can be played by students using any kind of device with a browser, including PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Host a game&launch homework For students For teachers Give a feedback Review their answers at the end Customize their quiz session to toggle the level of competition, speed, and other factors. z subject class management As Quizizz can be seen as a platfrom, it can be used for many kind of explicit knoowledge. Quite useful! Unlimited! knowledge teachers use Quizizz to ensure that the classroom lessons run smoothly and finish the teaching goals. smoothly! management i Compare Kahoot and Quizizz Kahoot is teacher directed Quizizz is student directed that's our opinion u Two creative lesson ideas Data collection and study conclusion student keypoints connect different knowledge share with friends students' ability result of the class organize classes teacher Teaching by questionning steps by applying quzizz...... review As a tool to give housework class Help teacher organize questions in class preview Help students browse Q Thank you! Here are all sources (pictures or others) source 1.picture on the front page: 2.Kahoot quizizz: 3.Students engage at their own pace (2 pictures introduce part and using Quizizz 2-3 parts): picture in giving a feedback part: picture in using Quizizz part: picture in subject part: 7.the vedio: Sources:


Transcript: HISTORY OF AFTER EFFECTS WHERE DO WE USE AFTER EFFECTS? RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN AFTER EFFECTS AND COMPUTER GAMES WHAT IS THE AFTER EFFECTS? motion graphics visual effects compositing application After the hand-writting animation’s start and finish time are limited ,then turn back to original image to continou for the processing. AFTER EFFECTS Background picture is adapted to After Effects. Thanks for listening.. By following the path Effect/Key/keylight(1.2) a video with a green background is added. It must be chosen a suitable brush size to make proper masking. The video is added with a green background to combine with original images ,via screen colour pen the green area of the video is choosen and then green background turns into original background itself. As a result green colour became disappear. This writing “MadHouse” effect, made by using hand writting method. To use hand writting method the complete word has to be masked by choosing pen tool. ATILIM UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER ENGINEERING Computer Games And Simulation Presentation Topic: "After Effects in Computer Games" NESLİ NECİPOĞLU Film making Television production After Effects was originally created by the Company of Science and Art in Providence, Rhode Island, where the first two versions of the software, 1.0 (January 1993[1]) & 1.1, were released by the company. CoSA along with After Effects was then acquired by Aldus corporation in July 1993, which was in turn acquired by Adobe in 1994, and with it PageMaker. Adobe's first new release of After Effects was version 3.0. Render size is important for its long time requirement and the quality of the animation. H.264 is preferred for render quality because of it does not take so long time and quality is quite good. The timeline initialize to 0. By the following steps Composition /Add To Render Queue it is rendered which means creation of the frames of a movie from a composition. Introduction Using stroke effect to animate to hand-writting on screen. To make the intro impressive , voices are one of the most important issue to create sounds which is suitable for theme of the entire animation. A couple of horrible sounds are choosen , they are processed. This processes ,which are cutting combining and deleting, are applicated in Audacity. The finish time of the hand-writting animation is set to 100. ın this step start time,finish time and duration of the animation are decided.

Animated Presentation

Transcript: "LIFE": Explore a living human body Vera, Ke About LIFE About LIFE Download the LIFE App and then explore it randomly! With a transparent and elegant aesthetic, you can observe what’s going on inside each organ: pumping heart, stomach acid even urine in the bladder… explore Organ Panel measures medical data from each organ. Read ECG from the heart, EEG from the brain, GFR for renal function, or check the gastric pH level. Everything is calculated in real-time, so you can see how human body reacts to different conditions. observe Time is of the essence to save a life. Experience the Emergency Room situation. Use CPR, Defibrillator and other procedures to create a miracle. treat THE SUBJECT The Subject -PHYSIOLOGY -MEDICINE -HEALTH Physiology is the scientific study of the functions and mechanisms which work within a living system. As a sub-discipline of biology, the focus of physiology is on how organisms, organ systems, organs, cells, and biomolecules carry out the chemical and physical functions that exist in a living system. (From Wikipedia) Medicine is the science and practice of establishing the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. Medicine encompasses a variety of health care practices evolved to maintain and restore health by the prevention and treatment of illness. Contemporary medicine applies biomedical sciences, biomedical research, genetics, and medical technology to diagnose, treat, and prevent injury and disease, typically through pharmaceuticals or surgery, but also through therapies as diverse as psychotherapy, external splints and traction, medical devices, biologics, and ionizing radiation, amongst others. (From Wikipedia) Health may be defined as the ability to adapt and manage physical, mental and social challenges throughout life. Maintaining diet, exercise, sleep, role of science, role of public health, self-care strategies. Creative Lesson ideas Explore an interactive human body. Experience being a doctor. Learn physiology and medicine in an innovative way. Creative Lesson Ideas MORE More - Experience emergency situations, provide artificial ventilation, start CPR, use the defibrillator... - Activate different scenarios: anxiety, allergy, inflammation... - Observe representations of biology receptors in each organs. - Tap any medical terms to learn more!

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