BNI 8 Minute
Transcript: STACY HELLER C o n n e c t i n g T h e D o t s DOT 1 Recognizing the relationships in connections AND disconnections My Superpower "X-Ray Vision" Encouraging others to re-frame their "mess" and embrace it as a business strategy Being authentic attracts the right clients My Why DOT 1.5 DOT 2 WHO you are WHAT you do WHY you do it Let's Start at the very Beginning... ...a very good place to start Your story (WHY) should be behind everything you do Especially HOW you conduct business Examples of Brand Identity Why it works? It resonates with your client's story HOW Tells Your Story DOT 2.5 DOT 3 Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Recognize client's uniqueness Minimize their pain points Accentuate the positives Create connections that S T R E T C H client's understanding of their brand and business potential You Can Call Me 'Jean' DOT 3.5 Connect you to your brand, and your brand to your client What the HELLer?! DOT 4 Encourage clients to show up authentically in what they do Hold up a mirror without judgement and in a nonthreatening way ACKNOWLEDGE WHAT I DO DOT 5.1 Sharpen client's focus and identify meaningful and profitable outlets for their passion or purpose ACTUALLY DO IT! DOT 5.2 Brainstorm tangible takeaways that symbolize the client's brand Dots! Popcorn! Colors! DOT 5.3 Offer feedback on the tone of brand messaging How it resonates with the target audience? Multiple messages? HUMOR, HEART, SAVVY, SOCIABLE DOT 5.4 Review processes as they relate to end-user perception and experience INTAKE FORM DOT 5.5 DOT 5 Brand Popcorn-ing 1. Kernels 2. Oil 3. Heat 4. Pop! 5. Collect 6. Season 7. Share Why Me? Why Not... You don't know what you don't know. Ideal Client? Someone looking to define or refine their brand Questions? Schedule a 1:2:1 DOT 6