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Presentation Template Mobile Device

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Mobile Device +/-

Transcript: You are now able to call anybody at anytime you want and all most anywhere. You don't have to wait to you go home to call someone. Or dont have to use a pay phone. Plus Being able to have fast communication can really in handy in a emergency One Positive of a mobile device is they are small. And it is mobile you can take it any where on the the go. Quick and easy source of entertainment .You don't have to be bored all the time. You can just take out your phone and play the little min games the the phone come with or go download a new one. What are Mobile Device A mobile device (also known as a hand held device, hand held computer or simply hand held) It is basically a pocket-sized computing device, Entertainment Mobile Device +/- Lets Begin I'm Done You don't have to hear me talk any more We cant live without it Expen$ive electronic waste from things like cell phones are highly damaging our environment as they have harmful toxins in them on your mobile device when your battery dies its game over. Then it becomes hard to communicate with others. Battery Google images Now Lets begin with the Positives of a Mobile Device Photos and Videos Bad Heath cellphones use receive and transmit radio frequency signals which are similar to radiation given off of a microwave which studies shown to be bad for heath Distracting Not all people can buy phones and phones cost a lot now a days not only did you buy a phone that may cost about $150 or more but you got to think about your phones service and phone service can cost up to $30 to 100 or more a month.....That might be a bit to much to pay for a phone. Work Cited Now that we got the Positives out of the way lets move on to the Negative Environmentally Unfriendly In todays world people like to be on there phone 24/7. When people be on the people it take them away from the real world. People be one the phone so much much that it can cause accident . Plus phone now today be going off in class, church, during presentations and etc. Phones today now come with the ability to take pictures and to be able to record videos when ever you like WAY FASTER COMMUNICATIONS !!!! Portable and Small Forgot your camera at home no worry ones are install with one . Take as many photos as you want , or if not record it on your phone that way your not miss out on events.

Mobile Device Presentation

Transcript: The Cost - Broken Down The Problem-Why should we implement a mobile teaching and learning environment. Other title here A single Apple iPad - $330 Charging Cord and Brick - $18 Keyboard and Case - $80 The cost for the apps on these iPads can change and it just depends on what the teacher needs. Market Rates on Needed Items The big problem is that some teachers need help with checking progress and being able to give every child the one-on-one assistance that they may need. In younger classrooms, not only does a teacher have to make sure that their students are doing the correct work, but they also have to help children who might be falling behind on daily work or are struggling to remember what to do. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, Quote / emphasized text The Impact The Solution Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet The Implementation Introducing iPads into classrooms can help the teacher determine if any students need extra help. IPads would be better for these younger ages because they are easier to carry around and are easier to learn how to use. The best choice would be Apple iPads because most learning apps can be downloaded on Apple. Apple is also known for its products being of excellent quality and can stand up to almost anything. In classrooms, teachers have started to use apps that help track their students' progress. These apps will repeat lessons if the student seems to be struggling with them. These apps are commonly used on iPads. Each student would have an iPad to work independently on their problems. These iPads will also lower the child's chance of slipping through the cracks. With a system dedicated to each student, teachers and parents can track and watch their student's understanding of information grow. You can also check their overall progress by looking at their beginning scores compared to their end scores. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer. When giving out these iPads, I would start with the older grades, including first, second, and third. I would give these iPads to the kindergarteners last because they are less likely to use them a lot, and with kindergarteners, you can use technology differently. This would include using a Smartboard or just using pencil and paper. After handing the iPads out to the students, we would give them a chance to explore and test the iPads before learning the basics. Mobile Device Presentation This presentation is about the importance of mobile teaching and learning enviroment in Grades K-3.

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