Transcript: Fun Day with English Day Thanks for your attention ! Now, shall we play the game ? WHAT IS SCRABBLE ? What is Scrabble ? According to Scrabble is a board game and also a word game that played by 2 or 4 person and the goal in this game is we need to earn / collect points as many as you can, by arrange the tiles that you have, to be a word on a 15x15 tiles board. Berdasarkan Scrabble adalah permainan papan dan juga permainan kata yang dimainkan oleh 2 atau 4 orang dan tujuan di permainan ini adalah kita harus memperoleh / mengumpulkan poin sebanyak yang kamu bisa, dengan menyusun ubin - ubin yang kamu punya, menjadi sebuah kata di 15x15 papan ubin. When It Came ? History of Scrabble In 1938, Alfred Moshar Butts created a game named " Criss - Crosswords". This game is an improvement from Lexiko game, which filled by the board game and with the crossword rules. Di 1938, Alfred Moshar Butts membuat sebuah permainan bernama 'Criss - Crosswords'. Permainan ini merupakan sebuah kemajuan dari permainan 'Lexiko' yang telah diisi dengan papan permainan dan dengan peraturan teka - teki silang. By 1948, James Brunot bought the 'Criss - Crosswords' rights from Alfred, and changed its name into 'Scrabble' . And that 'Scrabble' is the one that we have played until now. Pada 1948, James Brunot membeli hak paten 'Criss - Crosswords' dari Alfred, dan mengubah namanya menjadi 'Scrabble'. Dan 'Scrabble' itulah yang telah kita mainkan sampai sekarang. Alfred Moshar Butts. American. The creator of Scrabble. L E X I K O The Benefits Why Must Scrabble ? 1. Increase your Intelectual Competency. 2. Expand your Strategic Ways. 3. Make a Good Relation with your Partner. 4. Boost up your Focus and your Confidence. 5. Train your Brain in Memorizing. AND MANY MORE ! How to Play ? Scrabble Board Parts Double Word TRIPLE LETTER Double LETTER TRIPLE Word S T R A The Distribution of Alphabet The Letter's Pocket Edisi bahasa Inggris menggunakan 100 huruf: 2 keping kosong (nilai 0) 1 poin: E ×12, A ×9, I ×9, O ×8, T ×6, R ×6, N ×6, S ×4, L ×4, U ×4 2 poin: D ×4, G ×3 3 poin: B ×2, C ×2, M ×2, P ×2 4 poin: F ×2, H ×2, V ×2, W ×2, Y ×2 5 poin: K ×1 8 poin: J ×1, X ×1 10 poin: Q ×1, Z ×1 The Tiles Board Rules IN - GAME (Dalam Permainan) PRE - GAME (Sebelum Permainan) First, the player need to take a single random letter in the pocket letter. The one who get the nearest letter from A, will start the game first. Pertama, para pemain perlu untuk mengambil sebuah huruf acak dari kantong huruf. Yang mendapat huruf mendekati A, akan memulai permainan pertama. The game will begin when the first player make the word from his / her random letters, by through the STAR symbol. ( ) Permainan akan dimulai ketika pemain pertama membuat kata dari huruf acaknya, dengan melewati simbol STAR. Then, the next player need to make another word, by connecting his / her letters with the word before. Lalu, pemain selanjutnya perlu membuat kata yang lainnya, dengan menghubungkan hurufnya dengan kata sebelumnya. Then, the players from first to last position, take another random letters by 7 letters, and arrange them on the tiles board. Be sure that your opponent cannot see your random letters. Lalu, para pemain dimulai dari posisi pertama ke posisi terakhir, mengambil huruf acak yang lain sebanyak 7 huruf, dan menyusun mereka di papan huruf. Pastikan lawan mu tidak bisa melihat huruf acak mu. P.S. There are lots of differences between the rules in playing Scrabble, but these are the common rules that all of Scrabble players need to know POST - GAME (Setelah Permainan) The game will stop after someone has finished the tiles that he / she had. Or, there aren't any single move to done. Permainan akan selesai ketika seseorang telah menghabiskan huruf ygang dia punya. Atau, tidak ada satupun pergerakan yang bisa dilakukan. The winner of the game is the one who got the highest score. Pemenang di game ini adalah yang memiliki nilai tertinggi. For the remaining tiles, we need to sum up the tiles score, then subtract with your actual score. Untuk huruf yang bersisa, kita perlu untuk menjumlahkan nilai hurufnya, lalu dikurangkan dengan nilai mu. Tricks Rights in Scrabble 1. Exchange (Tukar) You can exchange the tiles, by separate the tiles that you want to exchange, put it in the pocket first, then take the same amount that you've already put before. Kamu bisa menukar huruf - huruf, dengan memisahkan huruf - huruf yang mau kamu tukar, taruh ke dalam kantong dulu, dan ambil sebanyak yang kamu taruh sebelumnya. But, there is a weakness in this action, because when you decide to exchange the tiles that you have, you won't be able to play again only in that turn. After everyone has played their own turn, you can play it again. So, your score will be zero on that turn. Tapi, terdapat kelemahan di aksi ini, karena ketika kamu membuat keputusan untuk menukar huruf - huruf yang kamu punya, kamu tidak bisa untuk bermain lagi hanya di putaran itu saja. Setelah semua