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Tropical Rainforest Background Presentation

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Tropical rainforest presentation

Transcript: Tropical Rainforest Abiotic Features In this biome: soil, water (rainfall), rocks, sunlight, and climate. Effect the ecosystems: rainfall keeps the forest moist and not as hot for plant and animal life to adapt hot, sunny climate helps plant life grow and attract tourism Travel Information -native foods: fresh seafood, tropical fruit, beef steaks -Recreational opportunities: dive, snorkel, fish, walk on the reef, swim, golf, theme parks, water parks -You will need to drive to the airport in Janesville then go on plane that will lead you to the vacation of your life -On this journey you will need shorts, t-shirts, long sleeves, pants, swimming wear, includes snorkel, goggles, and sunglasses -Don't forget your sunscreen! Also bug spray for the mosquitoes. -Travel expenses will be $2000-$2500 Endangered Species Climate Hyacinth Macaw -parrot -lives in groups of 10-30 birds -sold as pets -trapped to kill (feathers) or trade -pet stores receive them (for trade) and being returned to the rainforest Biotic Features bibliography Plants you'll see: bamboo trees, palm trees, strangler figs, underbrush Animals you'll see: jaguars, monkeys, frogs, anteaters, lemurs "Climate:." Tropical Rain Forest. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. <>. Bailey, Regina . "Land Biomes: Tropical Rain Forests." Biology. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. <>. Khan, Dr.. "Symbiotic Relationships in the Rainforest.", 30 Nov. 2010. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. <>. G, Michael. "Rainforest Biomes." Rainforest Biomes. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Feb. 2014. <>. " Australian Landmarks." Queensland Landmarks. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2014. <>. very hot and wet average rainfall is 6-30 ft per year average temperature ranges between 77-88 degrees Fahrenheit seasons are typically warm year round climate impacts the environment, plant, and animal life is by the rainfall and warm temperatures each year Location Latitude/longitude is 25.0000 S, 135.0000 E Some special landforms are: Queensland Australia Ecology plants grows from the soil and animals eat the plants, and the animal that ate the plant is eatened by another animal mutalism of a monkey transporting pollen to other flowers while eating the nector from them Competition for sunlight from trees; taller trees make it easy on themselves to receive sunlight than shorter trees two examples of predator/prey relationships in Queensland is a Jaguar and antelope, also a snake and frog frog is a perfect example of adaptation because of its skin using the moisture in the air, and making its skin as camouflage from predators which meet their basic needs Limiting factors present in this ecosystems is water, trees, sunlight, and predators find your way!

Tropical Rainforest Presentation

Transcript: By Benjamin M. and Aiden C. Tropical Rainforest Presentation TOPIC 1 Geography What does it look like? SUBTOPIC 1 The rainforest is a very hot and humid area. The area is very dense with vegetation, which prevents most sunlight from reaching the ground. TIMELINE May 7-15 Barcelona What is the climate like? SUBTOPIC 2 The climate tends to stay the same all year, the temperature being about 70-90 F. As well, the humidity is on average 77-88% all year, and it can rain 100-400 inches annually. CHARTS CHARTS PICTURES PICTURES Living Things TOPIC 2 Plants The rainforest is known to contain about 50% of Earth's plants and animals. As well, 70% of plants known to help in cancer treatment are found solely in the rainforest. Some examples of plants that are found in the rainforest would be more well-known ones, such as cacao, which is found in chocolate, and orchids, which are considered to be some of the most beautiful flowers found in nature. Some others you may not have known about are the monkey brush vine, which is a parasitic plant that provides a feeding place for hummingbirds, and the rubber tree, which as shown in the name, is known for helping to process rubber. TOPIC 1 Pictures Photos Rubber Tree Orchid Cacao Monkey Brush Vine Animals The tropical rainforest is known to have about 10% of all known animal species on the planet. Some examples would be the predators, being the jaguar, which is the pinnacle predator in the tropical rainforest, and the boa constrictor, which is an enormous snake that uses camouflage to hide and seek out its prey. One other animal found in the rainforest is the poison dart frog, which is only actually deadly in three species. They have vibrant colors in order to keep away the predators. As well, there is the keel-billed toucan, which lives in holes in trees, and given the little room they have, they must tuck their beaks under their bodies in order to conserve space. TOPIC 2 Photos Photos Boa Constrictor Poison Dart Frog Keel-Billed Toucan Jaguar Adaptations One thing animals have needed to do in order to survive is to try and create camouflage, which helps them with hunting for prey as well as hiding from predators. Another thing that is necessary they do is evolve and change their size, because there isn't much room in the rainforest. One last thing that is essential to their survival is become nocturnal, because that helps the predators to find their prey. TOPIC 3 Dangers and Conservation TOPIC 3 Dangers One danger in the tropical rainforest is the high chance of catching a disease. Another danger that is in the tropical rainforest is the wildlife, and there are many predators within. Finally, the weather creates a large risk, because when it rains, it rains heavily, which can cause the rivers to overflow. TOPIC 1 Conservation Efforts When the lumber and the minerals are harvested in the tropical rainforest, this causes them to begin disappearing. according to the book "Rain Forest Destruction", since 1990 in Central America, the tropical rainforests have declined by 18.9%. As well, according to Mongabay, large-scale agriculture has been the cause of over 80% of rainforest demolition. But what can we do to stop this? TOPIC 2 What can we do to stop the destruction of rainforests? One thing we can do to put an end to the leveling of the rainforests is to establish more parks and reserves. Another thing we could do to stop this is replant the trees that we have already cut down. We could also try encouraging the logging companies to act in such a manner that they harm the tropical rainforests much less. TOPIC 1 Charts Charts Activities One thing you can do in the tropical rainforest is take photos of the wildlife. Be careful when you are doing this, as some of the wildlife can be dangerous. Smile! A second activity you can preform while you are in the tropical rainforest is fishing for piranhas. I know this may seem a bit dangerous, but it is a very common activity. Another fun thing to do while you are in the rainforest is kayaking. If you aren't experienced, I would recommend not going without a professional. One final thing to have fun doing in the rainforest is to visit the worlds many beautiful national parks. These are reserved places, where they cannot legally damage the rainforests. TOPIC 4 Bibliography -McLeish, Ewan. Rain forest destruction. Milwaukee, WI: World Almanac Library, 2007. -The World Book Encyclopedia 2012. World Book, Inc., 2012. -"Top 10 Amazon River Cruise Excursions and Activities." Rainforest Cruises. 23 Nov. 2015. Rainforest Cruises. 12 Feb. 2019 -"Tropical Rainforest Biome." Animal Facts and Information. 3 Apr. 2012. BioExpedition. 13 Feb. 2019 -“Tropical Rainforest.” Taiga (Coniferous Forest), InternetGeography, 2015, -“Rainforest:

Tropical RainForest Presentation

Transcript: Three plants that are native to tropical rainforests are cacao nuts, strangler figs, and bananas. Adaptations that help them survive in tropical rainforests are being generally high off the ground towards sunlight, and being able to survive shade or have strategies to reach sunlight. Sources Tropical Rainforests are hot, damp biomes found near the equator. They are most often located in South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. The temperature usually never drops below 64 and is usually 80 degrees. The precipitation is an average of 60 to 160 inches of rainfall per year. Estimates for biodiversity are undisputed. Animals in Tropical Rainforests Photos of Tropical Rainforests Tropical Rainforests have some of the largest amounts of biodiversity in the world. They also provide a large abundance of resources for things such as medicines, oxygen, and animal habitats. However, tropical rainforests are also full of dangerous animals that will easily attack and kill, such as alligators, anacondas, and piranhas. What are tropical rainforests? Plants in Tropical Rainforests Animals in tropical rainforests are abundant and various. Tropical animals have constant food and water supply. Many animals have actually learned to eat a particular food exclusive to their species. Some animals that are native to tropical rainforests are toucans, sloths, and jaguars Pros and Cons of Tropical Rainforests Tropical Rainforest

Tropical Rainforest Presentation

Transcript: Caimans use there camo to blend in with the area they are in to kill there prey. they also use it to hid from the predictors that eat them. The Venus fly trap blends in like a plant and attacks the fly's to come into its mouth to eat it once it lands. The coconut tree gets very big to get the most sun so that the other tress don't block him from getting sun. The posion dart frog uses its colors to warn people not to mess with it. they are very posionis and can harm people who eat him. Intro to Tropical Rainforests Caiman: can reach to 5 to 20 feet and have to 220 pounds to 1100. they have armor that makes them blend in with the surroundings Poison dart frog: they were bright colors telling the predators don't eat me because they taste bad. Civet: the civets can be 17 to 28 inches. they can e 3 to 10 pounds. Sloth: sloths are really slow because they save there energy for getting food. Tropical Rainforest Presentation Plant and Animal adaptations Venus flytrap: This is a carnivorous plant that eats small bugs and can be found in the tropical rainforest. Strangler fig: These trees can be up to 150 ft. tall and are important to the animals of the rainforest because of their fruits. Coconut tree: The coconut tree grows very high to get sunlight and as the name implies it grows coconuts which are full of nutrients. Landforms/Locations Brazil nut trees and Agouti: Brazil nut trees rely on agouti to break open their seed pods because agouti are the only animals with good enough teeth to break them and spread seeds while getting some food this is a mutualism relationship. Plants Animals Ants and Macaranga trees: The tree provides shelter for the ants and starch grain, in turn the ants keep parasites and other things away from the tree. Ocelots and small animals: Ocelots eat a variety of small animals including monkeys,snakes,rodents,and birds. They often to one area and make it their territory. They also use their good eyesight to help them hunt. By Bobby and Kynan Jaguars and Sloths: This is a predator and prey relationship, jaguars hunt sloths as one of their main foods and some sloth species have gone extinct from excessive hunting by them. Tropical rainforests are found near and at the equator. The largest rainforests on earth are found in South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Tropical rainforests are very warm, and have high moisture amounts that are well fit for animals like snakes,frogs,fish, and more. The climate of the tropical rainforest is very hot, moist and wet. The rainforest receives an average of 60 to 100 inches or rain. the hot heat makes it easy for organisms and other things to live there easy. it an average climate all year around. this climate helps plants and animals grow. There are over 15 million species in the rainforest. Tropical rainforests have mountains,valleys,flood, plains,rivers,streams,wetlands,highlands,lowlands,beaches, and karsts. Karsts are landscapes that are very eroded and have sinkholes, fissures, cliffs, and more. Tropical rainforests do have mountains,bodies of water, and some have islands like ones in Hawaii. Tropical rainforests are located at and around the equator. They have many types of animals that are amphibians, reptiles, primates, and many bird types. Climate Symbiotic relationships

Tropical Rainforest Presentation

Transcript: 2) What would happen if an animal became extinct? Since almost every animal in the Rainforest is part of the food chain if an animal low on the food chain were to die out then the predator of that animal would starve and have to find a new prey If one animal were to to die high on the food chain the animal directly below it would overpopulate affecting all animals For Example, if birds died in the Rainforest then snakes could only feed off of lizards instead of having a melange of prey 3)Why is it important to understand the role of each biotic and abiotic feature in the Rainforest? One example could be if there is an overpopulation of flies you can conclude that frogs are not eating and doing their job in the biome If the Tropical Rainforest loses its plant and animals the biome's environment will cripple If humans continue to cut down the trees of the rainforest the animal's habitats will be destroyed.This can make certain species threatened, endangered or even extinct Leaf Type-Broadleaf 52% of the Tropical Rainforest is vegetation(plants or plant life in a place) The other 48% is soil The Food Chain Bark-limits moisture evaporation of tree trunks Lianas (vine-type plants)- Start life in Rainforest and can stay there Drip Trees-Adapted to cope with heavy rainfall Buttresses-roots provide stability so it doesn't fall Prop and Shilt Roots-supports tropical palms Rainforest Atmosphere Precipitation Snakes eat birds and lizards Bird eats fruits and seeds Tree shrew feasts on insects, spiders, seeds, small birds and mice. The soil in the Tropical Rainforest is full of nutrients. It contains less organic matter than the Temperate Forests. The Tropical Rainforest is located near the equator The Tropical Rainforest borders the Savannah and Grasslands Responses to What if (continued) Animals Heritages Bearded Pig-Fields Brazilian Tapir-Can be found near water or swamps Capybara-Near water Chimpanzee-Savannah with woodland Common Tree Shrew-Woodland, Bamboo Scrub Location The Tropical Rainforest is a hot,dense and rainy biome The 1st layer is the Emergent Layer which is located at the top of the Rainforest. Canopy layer is 2nd to the top which covers the landscape of the forest. The Understory is 3rd to the top. Last is the Forest Floor which is obviously the very bottom of the Rainforest. These layers resemble the layers of a cake so we like to call it "Nature's Cake". Vegetation and Leaf Type The Tropical Rainforest gets anywhere ranging from 80- 400 inches of precipitation per year! Threats to the Tropical Rainforest Plant Adaptations Tropical Rainforest Presentation Weather Responses To What If Questions The 4 Layers 1) What if the temperature were to lower significantly? Plants, animals and soil would freeze and die because they have not adapted to a cold, harsh environment

Tropical Rainforest Presentation

Transcript: Tropical Rainforest Griffin McIntyre October 7th 2020 What it is a Rainforest? Living in the rainforest Rainforests, lush with tall evergreen trees and showered with high amounts of rainfall, have been around since the earth was first created. Rainforests are homes to more than 30 million people, and 1 in 10 animal species known to be alive. Populated by this many animals and plants in one rainforests makes full of life and essential to our earth. We have to keep our rainforests healthy, for there not to be fires, that the animals could die in. Cutting the trees removes carbon dioxide which is harmful to the environment. Some animals that live in the rainforest Animals Anacondas Monkeys Toucans Cougars Frogs Gorrilas Parrots What is Happening in the Rainforests Now? What is happening in the rainforest now Unfortunately, people are cutting down the trees in the Rainforests. This is leading to animals loosing there homes, and often lowers the population of the species. When the Rainforests are burned, and so many magnificent and important trees are lost, carbon dioxide is released on the earth. This makes it hard for carbon dioxide to be absorbed. This is how the burning of Rainforests is contributing to global warming. There are fires that happened recently. For example, the Australia fires, these fires have burned over 12.35 million acres of land. This damages the earth overall. Fires & People cutting down trees Pictures What if the rainforest was my home What if the rainforest was my home Please help me in saving my magical home. I would love for you to visit the beautiful tropical rainforest one day. Sadly, I see the dense forest of trees being burned and cut, and my fear builds. Please stop the cutting and burning down of the rainforest. The animals, plants, and fish, who inhabit this wonderous place with me are in danger. My people, and tribes live in these rainforests; we rely on everything we have, that comes from the rainforest. Without these natural things that the rainforests give us, we won’t be able to survive and live our life. Organizations How to Help! Rainforest Alliance Rainforest Action Network Rainforest Foundation US Amazon Watch Earth Alliance Amazon Conservation Team World Wildlife Fund for Nature Save the Rainforest Amazon Rainforest Rainforests are such a big part of this world. It is not only a major part of the world for us, but for vast species of animals. So many animals rely on what the forests provide for them, have made their homes and lives there. We need to raise awareness for these creatures, and continue to try to make a change. Also, it is imperative that we stop the burning and cutting of these forests. Our earth is in danger. When so many trees are being cut, we loose carbon dioxide and as a result it is hard for the earth to absorb carbon dioxide. This contributes to global warming and must come to and end. Please help us save the Rainforests!

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