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Slack Presentation

Transcript: Innovation in Collaboration Presented by Christian for MGT 3180 A1 Slack Slack Slack is a business-oriented communication platform where users can easily effectively communicate with each other and view other discussions within their company along with archives. Benefits of Slack Who Uses Slack? Part 2 Who Uses Slack? Cont. Businesses that want to encourage collaboration should use Slack. This is a good method because allowing each employee full access of archives and other discussions will lend to the employees feeling professionally fulfilled and personally valued. They will feel as if they are a part an inclusive organization which will lead to higher job performances and self-actualization. Who is Slack for? Who Uses Slack? Slack is for companies looking for a highly collaborative and open digital workplace. An individual would be drawn to Slack because they would like to better know their work environment. Benefits of Slack Higher amounts of self actualization within individuals driving performance is not the only pro of Slack. Businesses benefit from Slack because individuals have complete access to all of the inner-workings of the company. This allows them to have more knowledge and wherewithal when communicating with their coworkers. This seamless communication system is available for free, or for several different membership packages Personal Experience With Slack Personal Experience With Slack I hadn't personally heard of Slack until I had to do this assignment. I think Slack should try to get targeted ads on YouTube on videos related to business. A2 Fiverr Fiverr is an online marketplace for freelance services. It creates a global network to buy things such as freelance music or acting, or even things such as filing tax reports or raking leaves. Fiverr Who is Fiverr for? Who Uses Fiverr Fiverr is for anyone who needs a service that can be provided by a free-lancer. An individual would be attracted to Fiverr because it could be a cheap and easy solution to personal problems. Business Benefits of Fiverr Benefits of Fiverr Business have the potential to utilize qualified people for a job without hiring them. They will be able to see each free-lancer's qualifications. Business should be careful in not over-utilizing this service because company resources are also resourceful. Personal Experience with Fiverr Personal Experience with Fiverr I used Fiverr to hire a violinist for a track. My band did not have a violinists and I did not personally know any very well. I had a positive experience. Fiverr could place more internet based ads because they are an internet based company.

Slack Presentation

Transcript: A Virtual Way of Communication By: Emily Sinisi Slack Slack Goal Who would use Slack? Anyone who is trying to create an organization or collaborative group. It is for bringing people together on a platform to work collaboratively to achieve whatever goals in mind. I can see it being very useful for businesses, non profit organizations, schools. Anywhere that group work is involved What draws people to slack? Detail Slack is a fun, modern, new way of group communication. People are drawn to it because it is a way you can talk, share resources, and collaborate all on one secure platform How can businesses benefit from Slack? Title Businesses can benefit from this because it is a way all of their employees can share ideas with one another and work toward a goal virtually. If someone stayed home sick from work or are traveling, they are still able to connect with work through this platform. Title Have you heard of Slack? I have never heard of Slack prior to this project, I think they can extend their reach by working with social media networks to put our advertising GroupMe GroupMe Who would use GroupMe? Strategy Any large group of people trying to communicate all together and share ideas Why would people be drawn to GroupMe? Objective It is a very easy app to navigate and a great way to connect a lot of people on one platform. Benefit? Assessment Businesses can benefit from GroupMe because it is a convenient way to share announcements and communicate to everyone in the company, without filling up email inboxes Measurement 1 Measurement 1 Measurement 2 Measurement 2 Have you heard of GroupMe? Title Yes I have heard of GroupMe and have used it for many different things from group projects in school to staying in contact with my lacrosse team.

Slack Presentation

Transcript: Teach Me How to "Slack" by: Joel Burgess WHAT IS SLACK? Slack is bringing together people, applications, and data Slack is replacing e-mail around the world! What is Slack? Slack can be used for Businesses Group projects Friends WHO? Who can use Slack? Slack makes it easier to communicate inside any type of group or company Slack takes away sending/receiving e-mails and replaces it with designed message boards called Channels HOW CAN YOU BENEFIT? Benefits of Slack Slack turns e-mails into messages, and inboxes into channels. Channels can be organized however the user would like, projects, teams, company benefits, announcements, anything. Once there is a channel created, and once something is posted to the channel, everyone on the team has access to see what is being posted. Makes communication easier! Make your plans become a reality with Slack GET INVOLVED! You might be like me, and have never heard of Slack before now. But don't let that stop you from missing out on this great opportunity! How to stay informed Slack is an up-and-coming business platform that will without a doubt change the way we communicate in the workplace. Slack should reach out to more companies on already-popular platforms like LinkedIn, and WorkDay to increase their views, and to eventually grow their company exponentially. COMPETITORS TO SLACK DISCORD Discord One of the competitors to Slack is called Discord. Discord also offers ways to communicate to school clubs, gaming groups, hobby communities, anyone who wants to stay in touch. WHY USE DISCORD? Discord offers a place to call your own. Only people invited into your server can communicate. Why use Discord? Discord lets you have organized, topic-based text channels Includes features that allow you to choose a seat in a voice channel, designed as your servers "lounge" areas so that you can pop into video and voice chats throughout the day. BENEFITS OF DISCORD Discord has the ability to be a huge advantage to businesses everywhere. Benefits of Discord Businesses can use Discord to conversate through voice, and video conferences with new clients, customers, and employees. Businesses can also use Discord to have conference calls within the company, and even divisions of the company using their private servers. EXTENDING DISCORD Stay in Touch If Discord wishes to continue their reach and increase users across the world, they should invest in more advertising, and think about how to incorporate their application into more aspects of life.

Slack Presentation

Transcript: PLACE YOUR LOGO HERE // workflow integration LOCATION: Oconee County Solid Waste William Harris - 05/15/2020 What if...? One word: Slack ... and no less than 99 questions! It's understandable. What is it? What can it be used for? Who is involved? Who can use it? When can it be used? When would it be an asset? Where is it practical? How does one use it? And most importantly, why should we use another application? Technology Overload... Technology Overload Technology provides ACCESS to information, offers EFFICIENCY with communication, and improves PERFORMANCE when handled correctly... Technology also creates DEPENDENCY on devices, tools, and products... it may lead to an increase in SOCIAL DISCONNECTION... and it contributes to an IMBALANCE between work and life... And of course, for BETTER or WORSE, technology can can be ADDICTIVE. ... Under Pressure... ... Under Pressure... 76% of respondents said workplace stress "had a negative impact on their personal relationships" 66% have lost sleep due to work-related stress 16% have quit jobs because stress became too overwhelming. Imagine... Everywhere! ... streamlining all communication through a single path. ... anybody joining at any point, with multiple types of data. ... no disruptions. No misplaced information. So... what is Slack? The Product Building on the concept of streamlining data and information, how exactly would Oconee County Solid Waste function with Slack? Our Standings: Collaboration Our Team File-Sharing Leeder G. Uru Preference: Sharon "The Karon" Stone Jake "H.R. Trust Me" Davis Preference: Preference: Jane Sawyer Preference: Derek "The Builder" Bronson Preference: Claude Berksheimer Preference: Casey "Win Again" Finnigan Preference: Minion 01 Preference: Preference: Minion AA Minion **** Preference: All Cloud Services sync! All emails sync! All messages and documents sync! Marketing The Pitch The "Facebook" of Oconee County Solid Waste... - Our own URL web link, password-protected, secure... Various levels of administrative roles... Standard plan allows flexibility and fulfillment of OCSW needs and requirements... So Yeah, We Tried Slack.... You've probably heard of Slack... Sales Current Standings Current Standings Our Team Our Team What's Next? What's Next? Finance Overview Overview Our Team Our Team

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