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Refugee presentation

Transcript: Detnetion Centres Tony's Story (Vietnamese Refugee) Solutions Tony was born in Can Tho in South Vietnam to a mother who owned a grocery store and a father who was a high school teacher. His father started doing some work for the South Vietnam government and when war broke out and North Vietnam won he was arrested and put into a re-education camp for 2 years. When he was released he decided that they and his family should leave the country and seek refuge in other countries. On their first attempt their boat wrecked on the Vietnam coast, however they managed to escape the second time narrowly missing the boarder police and traveling to Thailand. The spent the night on the shore where they were robbed of their very few possessions, the next day they walked to a small village where police were called and they were taken to a refugee camp. After six months here there were transferred to Bangkok for health checks before being sent to Australia in 1979, Tony was only 10 at this time. Solutions for the refugee problem are greatly debated. Tony Abbot's standpoint is zero tolerance and to send them all back. Kevin Rudd suggests sending them to a different place like PNG. I think that if rocessing could be quicker then many refugees woulld be much happier when they come to Australia. The Journey of a Refugee An Asylum seeker is someone who cannot stay in their own country due to a threat against their life. They have to travel to another country but have not yet been accepted for processing Refugees are asylum seekers who have been accepted to a country for processing but have yet to be accepted into the country Acceptance or Denial What is A Refugee/Assylum Seeker? This is the stage where refugees are accepted for citizenship or is denied and sent back to their country If they areaccepted they are able to find a new life in Australia. They form communities like Cabramatta's Vietnamese community If not they have to return to their country. Often it is not safe for them to return to their country. They face the threat of death and violence. Asylum Seekers come from countries that are war torn and dangerous. They come via plane and boat. Often people who come by boat are considered to be "skipping the queue" The journey for Asylum Seekers is very difficult. They have to face constant threats like pirates and treacherous waves. Many do not survive this stage of the journey. If they do they are often intercepted by the navy and taken to places like Nauru or Christmas Island. A detention centre is a place like Nauru or christmas Island. They are often very bleak and the people in them have all but lost hope. Every year refugees commit suicide in detention centres because they have no knowledge of whether or not they are safe or if they will make it through. Sometimes they have family members waiting for them to be accepted back in their home country so that they can come over The Journey


Transcript: Successes The bishops succeed by pledging to affirm the intrinsic value of human life and the dignity of every human being in a way that transforms the culture by implementing “The Life and Dignity of the Human Person” priority plan for 2010-2012. This involves three goals: 1. To act collaboratively and consistently on vital issues confronting the Church and society 2. To foster communion with the Church in other nations, within the Church universal, under the leadership of its supreme pastor, the Roman Pontiff 3. To offer appropriate assistance to each bishop in fulfilling his particular ministry in the local Church These goals are implemented throughout the world in every place they can effectively quelling economic poverty and preserving human dignity • With the establishment of the USCCB the Bishops came together to respond to social issues such as immigration, education, the economy, legislation, press and publicity, and lay organizations. •To support the ministry of Bishops through practicing the Gospel and to respond to certain social issues at the time. USCCB Shortcomings Connor, Brian, Courtney Acts of Justice the USCCB Works For Call to family, Community Part of their mission is to foster community with the church in other nations, and within the church universally. They believe that everyone has the right to provide for their family. The dignity of work and the right of the worker They work for economic justice (Justice in the work place). Hope to Accomplish USCCB •A Paulist Priest, Father John L. Burke, founded the National Catholic War Council (NCWC) in 1917. This Council represented Catholic interests to Congress, promoted Americanization of immigrants, and developed a program for reconstruction of society after the war. This council is what formed a board of bishops which later formed the USCCB in 1922. Founder Criminal Justice (restoring Justice) recently they have been working for reducing Gun Violence. Although the USCCB has participated actively in trying to achieve economic peace and fair human development it is still evident that these problems exist in our world The USCCB plans on strengthening these goals and trying to implement them everywhere they can, but they need more volunteers to help in the fight against economic poverty and affirming the value of human life and dignity.They need more priests, sisters, brothers, and lay men and women to help spread these ideals across the world and try create a better Life and dignity of the human person They believe everybody has the right to life. They work to make sure people have the proper conditions to raise their family. United States Conference of Catholic Bishops USCCB was founded ... 3 catholic social teachings The Focus of USCCB is JUSTICE Economic Justice They say that all people have the right to... Life Productive work Just wages and benefits decent working conditions provide for their family


Transcript: The JPHD stands for The Department of Justice, Peace, and Human Development. It helps carry out the mission of the Catholic Bishops. It focus on prayer and reflection. I can get involved just by going online and printing out handouts, and making more people aware of the problem at state. Global Poverty Part 2 This has really made me think about how lucky I am to have food on my table. I have learned to be more grateful and to not take the things I have for advantage. The USCCB stands for The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. The program was built to help serve the church and the people in the church. I think maybe having a community group available would be good. I think the main problem is that people do not realizes how bad it is. What I learned! Getting Involved The CRS stands for The Catholic Relief Services. This program was founded in 1943 by the Catholic Bishops of the United States. They where brought together to serve World War 2 survivors in Europe. Ever since that started they have grown a lot reaching over 100 million people and serving in over 100 countries. Getting Involved I think these are great ways to get involved. The CRS The USCCB You can get involved in a lot of different ways such as donating money to the people who work over seas to serve the poorest people in the world. This has shown me how we should be really grateful for the things I have. I think learning this has really opened my mind about what I feel like when something is difficult for me. This has impacted life a lot by just knowing what other people go through and how people have it a lot worse than I do.

Refugee Presentation

Transcript: Do state-administered refugee agencies from the five states that received the highest number of refugees in 2012 provide culturally competent services to their refugee clients in accordance with the NASW guidelines? •1950’s:Assimilation- “melting pot concept”- lack of respect for differences • 1960’s-70’s: Cultural, Economic & Political Movements •2000’s:Increase in hate crimes sensitization of social work students to issues of diversity Refugee Presentation Data Collection Methods- Recruitment/Sampling Measurement Agencies assessed based on five categories: • Staff and policy attitudes • Services • Assessment of agency’s relationship with the refugee populations they serve • Culturally-sensitive training • Evaluation Recruiting Strategies Introductory Telephone Calls Mailed Surveys With Cover Letters Mailed Follow-Up Letters and Surveys Implications OUR SAMPLE The 5 State-Administered Refugee Agencies That Received the Largest Number of Refugees in 2012: 1. California - 5,183 refugees 2. Michigan - 3,600 refugees 3. Pennsylvania - 2,813 refugees 4. Georgia - 2,516 refugees 5. Florida - 2,249 refugees (Prah, 2013). What is Cultural Competency? Number of refugees 2011 Lucy Chen Bianca Gras Fedia Louis Danielle Restieaux Research Question Methods- Analysis Background Methods - Recruitment / Sampling As diversity in the populations social workers serve increases, there is a growing need and appreciation for social workers to awareness and deeper understanding of the roles of race/ethnicity, language, gender, sexual orientation and even mental illnesses play in their interactions with clients. Although, the CSWE & NSAW has come mandated standards & with a checklist of cultural competence, there is limited literature on the implementation and application of cultural competence. Our research implicate the need to scientifically measure the implementation of cultural competence within the social work practice. Ultimately, any effect upon culturally aware practice will be determined by the quality of elaboration of the mandated characteristics. There are also several methodological issues, and the checklist list itself might be considered as not encompassing enough. The five general categories might not be sufficient, and the checklist itself doesn't provide any information on reliability. There's no way to way to know if agencies will continue to provide high/low quality services based on their scores from the checklist Agenda • Survey comprised of yes-no questions, Likert scale questions, semantic differential questions, multiple choice questions, open-ended questions • Close-ended questions – Gathers general data about agency • Open-ended questions – Gathers data about agency’s understanding, training, implementations of cultural competency State-Administered Refugee Agency Cultural Competence Checklist Background Research Question Methods -univariate analysis -how data will be coded -include and explain tables (will expand in Prezi)

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