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Clouds Presentation

Transcript: The Role of Particles Clouds The role of particles 3 types of clouds How Clouds Form Clouds form when warm moist air rises and cools. All the clouds types are cirrus, cirrocumulus,cumulus, cumulonimbus, stratus, nimbostratus The temperature at which condensation begins is called the dew point. Fog is when clouds form near the ground and cools at night after a humid day. Cirrus clouds are wispy feathery clouds that come from the high altitudes usually above 6 km and at low temperature. Cirrus clouds are made up of ice crystals. Cumulus clouds look like cotton and form less than 2 km above the ground.They extend upwards as much as 18 km. Stratus clouds form into flat layers they usually cover most of the sky and they are dull and gray. As the clouds thicken they may start to drizzle rain or snow. Then when that happens it called nimbostratus clouds. Weather associated with clouds Tiny particles are present in the atmosphere. This will make a surface for the water to condense on. Also most of the particles are salt crystals, dust from soil, or smoke. Water vapor also condenses on solid surface such as blades of grass or window panes. Cirrus cloud is associated with indicates fair weather Cumulus cloud is associated with thunderstorms Stratus cloud is associated with drizzle, rain, or snow By: Autumn Serner Clouds form when water vapor in the air condenses to form liquid water or ice crystals. Molecules of water vapor in the air become liquid water in a process called condensation. Two conditions are required for condensation. Facts Clouds Presentation 3 types of clouds The role of particles

Clouds Presentation

Transcript: Cloud Presentation By: Ty Hoier Cirrus (High) Cirrus Cirrus clouds can be described as short, detached, hair-like clouds found at high altitudes in the sky. They form from the ascent of dry air, making the vapor in the could solidify into ice. Cirrostratus (High) Cirrostratus These clouds are transparent, high altitude clouds that cover large areas of the sky. They form from slowly rising air. Cirrocumulus (High) Cirrocumulus A cirrocumulus cloud is one that forms a broken layer of small fleecy clouds at high altitudes. It is formed by being made up of both ice and "supercooled" water. Altostratus (Middle) Altostratus Altostratus are large, mid-level sheets of thin cloud. They're usually composed of a mixture of water droplets and ice crystals. They are also sometimes thin enough to see the sun through them. Altocumulus (Middle) Altocumulus Altocumulus clouds that appear on a clear humid morning can indicate the development of thunderstorms later in the day. They are spotted looking clouds that are formed by the following: • Formation through the breakup of altostratus • The lifting of moist air pockets which are cooled by gentle turbulence • Mountainous terrain producing atmospheric waves from which clouds can form. Stratus (Low) Stratus Stratus clouds are low-level layers with a fairly grey or white color. Stratus clouds form in calm, stable conditions when gentle breezes raise cool air over colder land or ocean surfaces. Stratocumulus (Low) Stratocumulus Stratocumulus clouds are low-level clumps that are the most common clouds on earth recognised by their well-defined bases. They are formed when warm, moist air rises into the atmosphere. Nimbostratus (Low) Nimbostratus clouds are dark, grey, featureless layers of cloud. These clouds produce persistent rain and are associated with frontal systems. Nimbostratus clouds form through the deepening and thickening of an altostratus cloud. Nimbostratus Cumulus (Vert. Dev.) Cumulus clouds are cauliflower-shaped clouds usually spotted in fair weather conditions that look like tufts. All cumulus clouds develop because of convection. Cumulus Cumulonimbus (Vert. Dev.) Cumulonimbus Cumulonimbus clouds are menacing looking multi-level clouds, and are better known as "thunder clouds". They form along cold fronts as a result of forced convection, where milder air is forced to rise over the incoming cold air.


Transcript: THANKS FOR WATCHING!! The types of clouds :) Some pics of clouds! A cloud is a large collection of very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals. The droplets are tiny. And when i say tiny i mean smaller than a speck of flour. It takes four of them to make a width of one strand of hair! All air contains water, but near the ground it is usually in the form of an invisible gas called water vapor. When warm air rises, it expands and cools. Cool air can't hold as much water vapor as warm air, so some of the vapor condenses onto tiny pieces of dust that are floating in the air and forms a tiny droplet around each dust particle. When billions of these droplets come together they become a visible cloud There are 8 different cloud types. And here they are! 1.Altocumulus 6.Clouds move . 2. Cirrus 7.Cumuloninbus 3. Stratus 8.Altostratus 4. Stratocumulus 5.Cumulus continuing answers In this Prezi you will learn all about clouds! Now we have a cloud chart! 3.Clouds are composed primarily of small water droplets and, if it's cold enough, ice crystals. The majority of clouds you see contain droplets and/or crystals that are too small to have any appreciable fall velocity. So the particles continue to float with the surrounding air. 4.Clouds move because they have small water particles. Wind can move clouds through the sky. This causes air cooling. During a storm, clouds move up to 40 mph. That's it for answering those questions! PLEASE ENJOY THIS VIDEO! :) Now here are some questions that we will answer: 1.Why are clouds white? 2.Why do clouds turn gray? 3.Why do clouds float? 4.How do clouds move? Answers 1.Clouds appear white because the light coming from the sun has to pass and the colors from the rainbow and mixes them to make white and the cloud absorbs it. 2.It's a little more complicated than this, but basically, clouds look gray when they block sunlight. The thicker the cloud, the more light it blocks. Have you ever just looked up in the sky and wondered about haw clouds are formed and what types of clouds there are? Well at the end of this Prezi you will all be smarter than when we first started! CLOUDS,CLOUDS,CLOUDS!! Introduction How clouds are formed


Transcript: NIMBOSTRATUS CLOUDS CUMULUS CLOUDS CIRROCUMULUS CLOUDS ALTOCUMULUS CLOUDS CIRRUS CLOUDS Cirrus clouds are thin and wispy clouds, blown by high winds into long steamers Considered "high clouds", forming above 20,000 feet high Generally mean fair to pleasant weather Stratus clouds are greyish clouds that often covers the entire sky Considered "low" clouds Usually no precipitation falls from these clouds, but they may drizzle CUMULONIMBUS CLOUDS Cirrostratus clouds are thin, sheetlike clouds that cover the entire the sky High clouds These clouds usually come 12-24 hours before a rain or snow storm MAMMATUS CLOUDS BY JOSLYN THIEME Cumulonimbus clouds are big clouds with dark bases The base is about no more but 1,000 feet in above the air, but their tops can go up to about 39,000 feet above the ground These clouds are mainly thunderstorm clouds and lightning, thunder, and even violent tornados are associated with this cloud Altocumulus clouds are made of water droplets and appear as grey, puffy clouds These clouds form at a "middle" level The appearance of these clouds on a warm, humid summer morning usually means thunderstorms in the afternoon Unlike most clouds, mammatus clouds form from sinking air, where other form from rising air Considered "low" level clouds, that droop from a cumulonimbus cloud These clouds are often associated with severe weather Cumulus clouds are puffy clouds that sometimes look like floating cotton The base of these clouds are usually flat and only are about 3,300 above the ground These clouds grow upward, which can turn into giant cumulonimbus clouds, thunderstorm clouds Altostratus clouds are grey or blue-grey clouds composed of ice crystals and water droplets Considered "middle level" clouds These clouds often form a head of storms producing continuous precipitation Nimbostratus clouds are a dark grey, "wet" looking cloud Considered "low" clouds Often produce precipitation that is light or moderate CIRROSTRATUS CLOUDS STRATUS CLOUDS Cirrocumulus clouds are small, white rounded puffs Considered "high clouds", forming above 16,000 Usually seen in the winter time and indicate fair, but cold, weather ALTOSTRATUS CLOUDS CLOUDS CLOUDS CLOUDS!

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