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NPS Gull Presentation

Transcript: The NPS has collected Monitoring data, 2012-2015 Egg Harvest Background Walking on Eggshells: Monitoring provides snapshots in time, but does not incorporate dynamism or interactions between ecological variables. Monitoring -Can- AM be used in designated Wilderness? Solutions 1) develop innovative experimentation and monitoring methods to reduce uncertainty -Vegetation -Predation 2) Commit funding resources to long term monitoring and research. (-No future monitoring is planned.) Problem Statement & Research Questions NPS Management Problem: NPS must protect Natural -and- Cultural resources. Harvest must "not impair the biological sustainability of gull population" inside GLBA. Gull colonies are dynamic Nesting habitat Predation Food Availability Gull eggs: key Huna Tlingit cultural food Subsistence ended by NPS in 1960's Fractious NPS/Native relationship Effort to legalize harvest since 1997 TEK and Gull Biological studies (1999-2002) LEIS (2010) Legislation signed by president July 2014. Ongoing: REGULATION PROMULGATION! Managing a Native Gull Egg Harvest in Glacier Bay National Park. LEIS (2010) "Monitoring of egg harvest activities, gull productivity, gull egg predation, and marine mammal disturbance and subsequent adaptive management would help ensure that the park’s purposes and values would be protected." Question: What might "adaptive management" of the Huna Egg Harvest look like under conditions of ecological dynamism, high uncertainty, and low controllability? "AM-Lite" "Adaptive Management" is nowhere defined. -Boat based "Chick-counts" are extremely error prone, even worthless. -Does not differentiate between breeding adults and non-breeding adults. -Egg counts confounded by predation, -No link between number of eggs at a given time and fledging rate/juvenile survival. Glacier Bay National Park LIMITATIONS, SAVINGS CLAUSES SEC. 815. Nothing in this title shall be construed as— (...) (4) modifying or repealing the provisions of any Federal law governing the conservation or protection of fish and wildlife including (…) the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (40 Stat. 755; 16 U.S.C. 703-711) From a suite of complex Ecological drivers Predation Nesting Habitat Availability Vegetation Shift Distance from land Individual Quality Super-breeder hypothesis? Food Availability Intertidal/Forage fish On the positive side, an "experimental" egg harvest was conducted in 2015 HIA/NPA relations are improving. NPS Monitoring has methodological issues Whats the ultimate question for management? This monitoring includes: -Colony distribution -Onset of laying -#'s of nests/eggs -Island circum. counts -Other species present How do harvest decisions impact gull population? (We dont know!) There is no link between actions and outcomes! Thanks for Your Time! How will the NPS "Manage" the Egg Harvest? Adaptive Management in name only. --Still "Ad-hoc" decision-making Now, What should the park monitor? Population Dynamics Recruitment, Im/Emigration, mortality,

NPS research presentation

Transcript: On Nature, Gender, Race, Religion and "Self-Reliance" A critique of cosmology within the work of white American men writers that impacts our understandings and experiences of nature within National Parks Christian Scientists and the Scientific Revolution (17th c) Scientific Revolution deepens the constructed link between Christian understandings of nature, womanhood, and morality. Dualism is a problem. "It treats nature as a female to be tortured through mechanical inventions" - Merchant on FB's Christian philosophy of science Ideas still present in our modern experiences of nature What's the point? - The assumptions that color our understandings of race, gender, Christianity, and nature are neither natural nor universal. - In fact, they are often actively harmful to human beings as well as the non-human world. - All of these modern ideas were constructed in tandem with each other over centuries of colonization, and when we understand how they were created we can also deconstruct them. The implications of these ideas about women and nature are not accidental; they allow white men of Christian heritage to consciously and unconsciously understand themselves as the dominators of all other living beings, including non-white people and women. Still impacts the National Park Service today (lawsuits, environmental policy). Zion National Park and the "sublime" Early European settlers ideas about wilderness in the 'New World' are first constructed through Christian discourse, but the concept changes over centuries of colonization in America "Wilderness is quite profoundly a human creation" - William Cronon. Without a population that feels separate from nature, wilderness does not exist. Industrialization, secularization, and westward expansion all contribute to this changing definition of wilderness. “Gender, the bundle of habits and expectations and behaviors that organizes people and things according to ideas about the consequences of sexed bodies, is a crucial, deep, and far-reaching medium through which we encounter nature.” - Virginia Scharff, Seeing Nature Through Gender Colonization and women, wilderness, demons (17th c) Wilderness as chaotic, unholy, sexualized -> the only place where a man can truly commune with God Early European settlers like the Puritans viewed the world outside of their settlements as the chaotic, unholy abode of witches, devils, and demons. Gendered and racialized myths are rampant in these early constructions of nature; they never fully go away. Excerpted from Carolyn Merchant's The Death of Nature How does this change happen? - Through centuries of colonization, indigenous displacement, renegotiations of the Christian experience, and the heavy intellectual lifting of white men writers like Emerson, Thoreau, and John Muir - Muir actively and successfuly advocates for the institutionalized preservation of "public land" - Emerson's essay "Self-Reliance" in particular argues for that a man can only be a real Christian when living "alone" in "nature" (ironic) Logo

NPS presentation

Transcript: Any question? 1. Ash Pelletiser Francisco Blanco + 3P constraints Energy Consumption 3. Cyclone HX 2.1 NaCl November 2014 Cradle-to-grave approach Air The Hunger Games Make an economical attractive process Phosphate Ore P cannot be recuperated from the atmosphere Processing Thank You! Sewage (Waste Water treatment) Survival Mode 20 Process #2 " The Hunger Games" Life Cycle Analysis Mineral waste Product Specs 4. Fertiliser pelletiser Air Sea Water 41 Task allocation and targeting Design Methodology Performance in different Scenarios The Process factor = 6 Matteo Stante The geographical context -A new and sustainable way to produce fertilizers has been developed -The process has improvements in people/planet/prosperity of 20/6/2.1 -The process can produce fertilizer ca. 80 % cheaper than TSP -The design is robust and can withstand challenging scenarios Performance -80 % reduction Planet Contact: Transport Where ? Background 42 A novel and sustainable way to produce a phosphate-rich fertiliser from sewage sludge ashes Skilled People 82.5 $/tonne Improvement factor Risk and Robustness assessment Fertilizer Demand Heavy metal salts CO2 H3PO4 Mining LCA results Planet Fertiliser Sub-process Improved process TRL Fertiliser Production Process Improved Process P-rock reserves may run out in 60 years Recycle a fraction of the phosphate Fahad Mir Performance of the new design Goodbye P-Rock! Fertiliser Fresh Water (Utilities company) Minimise the use of hazardous substances in the process CO2 emisisions Water Close to potential markets Steps involved in the fertiliser production with inputs/outputs 6 ++ CO2 Water Treatment Water Treatment Fuel (NG supplier) Technology readiness Produce 100 ktonnes/a of a fertilizer with a 27.8 % P-content Compare with TSP process DS 0 Processing "Delft" Template for Conceptual Design of Process Plants [J. Grievink & P.L.J. Swinkels, 2014] Reference Case Our design is robust NaCl 2. Rotary Kiln Reactor People Water Conclusions Rivers, seas, lakes… Heavy metal salts Sewage sludge Profit assessment DS 2 Functional Unit & Reference Case factor= 20 Unit Network input/output diagram Economic Potential Criteria Arie Dezvyanto Salt Production P-rock ++++ DS 4 #1 " Goodbye P-rock" #3 " A raised awareness on the future" Agricultural use Human Consumption Toxicity (LD50) +++ Heavy Metal Salts (Specialty Industries) DS 1 Assessment of the new process factor= 2.1 Dust Air (Atmosphere) SSA SSA availability Scenario Possibilities for Industrial Symbiosis CO2 Why ? Water Raised awareness on the future DS 5 Sewage sludge Flue Gas Incineration CO2 Steps involved in the fertilizer production with inputs/outputs New fertilizer price Waste Water DS 3 NaCl Scenario Analysis Prosperity CO2 % Rec. Phosphate Rivers, seas, lakes… Agricultural use CO2 CO2 emmisions Transport Base case price 1) Produce 100 KTons/a 2) Use recycled P sources 3) Economically atractive 4) Sustainable (3P-constraints) #4 " Survival Mode" Fertilizer (Market) Human Consumption Performance comparison People Ashes Prosperity 400 $/tonne Sewage sludge Process Integration Fertiliser 4 Factor SNB incinerator 1.5 Factor 3 Factor

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