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Hotel Rwanda Background Presentation

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Hotel Rwanda

Transcript: During the beginning of the genocide, many Tutsi homes were destroyed and people were left homeless. With no place to go, many people decided to come to the Hôtel des Mille Collines to take refuge. At the beginning, Paul Rusesabagina,the manager of the hotel is not very pleased with this idea because he was scared that he would be putting his guests, family and employees in danger. Paul ends up letting hundreds of people stay because he believed that it was the right thing to do. He risked his life and the lives of others in order do the right thing. One will often risk their life and relationships in order to do what they believe is right. Geographical Milieu Cultural Background Geographical Milieu Hutus & Tutsis The setting in Hotel Rwanda, took place in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda. Many people in real life who were in Kigali during the genocide, did indeed take refugee at the Hôtel des Mille Collines. At the time of the genocide, there was no water, a part of the hotel caught on fire, and bullets were shot at very levels of the hotel. Since then, the hotel has been restored and repaired. It has been running to this day. Hôtel des Mille Collines Rwanda is a very small country located in the middle of Africa. It is around the same size as the U.S.A state Maryland. In 1991, Rwanda held around 7.7 million people, 90% of them being Hutu and 9% Tutsi. The genocide started out in Kigali with mass-killings, then spread to many places around the country. The genocide caused over 2 million people to become refugees. People traveled to disease infested refugee camps in Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (then Zaire) in order to get help. Rwanda Background Thesis Political Milieu By: Asia Przepiorkowski Hotel Rwanda Tutsis: The Tutsis are a cultural group that live in Rwanda, the Republic of Congo and Burundi. This cultural group is part of the minority of the population. They are cattle-herders, and enforced peace by cattle trading. They speak a Central Bantu language, but some also speak French because of the time where Belgium occupied Rwanda. Hutus: The Hutus make up the majority of the population of Rwanda. They are also located in Burundi. The Hutus also speak Bantu as well as French. Although Hutus make up a majority of the population, the Tutsi were superior over the Hutus for a long period of time. This caused the great rivalry between the two culture groups. Hutus main job was farming, which was a lower rank then cattle herding. Scene #2 Morality vs. Relationships Scene #1 In the movie, Hotel Rwanda, the political struggle between two ethic groups, the Hutus and the Tutsis is based on true facts. The Hutus wanted to exterminate all of the Tutsis for what they did to them in the past. In 1916, Belgium colonists took over Rwanda and found the Tutsis to be superior to the Hutus. This caused a lot of up rise since for the next twenty years, the Tutsis were treated much better than the Hutus. They got better educational opportunities and jobs then the Hutus. The first riot happened around the time of 1959 where the Hutus unleashed, killing over 20,000 Tutsis. Three years later, when Belgium declared Rwanda an independent state, the Hutus took over. They were seen as superior over the Tutsis, and thought they were worthless. This political situation led up to the genocide in 1994 which was the main focus in Hotel Rwanda. One of the greatest problems with the genocide was that Rwanda hardly received any help from other countries. The U.N. did come into the country, but only to act as peace keepers which did not help the situation very much. Rwanda ended up having to solve their problem themselves, millions of deaths later. Near the end of the movie, Paul Rusesabagina and his family decide to go with the UN to the refugee camps in order to get away from all the chaos and danger that is going on near the hotel and in Kigali. Just when Paul is about to go on the truck, he looks back on the hotel and all the people that were staying. He decides to stay back and let his family go by themselves. He does not have the willpower to leave behind the hotel and all the unlucky people who were unable to leave to go to the refugee camps. So he risks not being able to see his family again, to stay back and help out with the hotel.

Hotel Rwanda

Transcript: Rwanda: A Background Pre-Colonial Rwandan Social Order Paul Rusesabagina Genocide is defined as: [A]ny of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Rwandan Genocide It was an extremely personal and brutal form of attack. Hutu people would used farm equipment, specifically machetes to attack the victims. About 200,000 Hutu killers massacred 500,000 Tutsi in 100 days. 800,000 to 1,000,000 is the estimated death toll of Tutsi victims. Government sponsored massacre of the Tutsi people. Post-Colonial Rwandan Ideals Hotel Rwanda Hotel Rwanda Eugenics are used to deliberately create a separation between the Hutu and the Tutsi. Belgian scientists created the differences based on physical traits. The Tutsi represent an aristocratic race from Egypt or Ethiopia: Taller, leaner, paler of skin. Because of these beliefs Hutu started to hold deep seated grievances against the Tutsi. The Tutsi and Hutu people had lived in peace for centuries. The Tutsi were known as cattle herders and the Hutu were farmers. Within the Rwandan societies one could marry between groups and could move up and down in society. Directed By: Terry George Sun, 2/14-2/21/2013 What is Genocide? Accurate Portrayal of events Saved 1,268 Tutsi and Hutu refugees Adopted his two nieces and lives in Belgium with their 6 children. Hotel Rwanda Throughout the film it is apparent that there will be no foreign infiltration after all of their own citizens are rescued from the Rwandan war zone. This film fights the western gaze, but also shows what happens when it is shown through media and how the west reacted. The benefit of this film depicts the accurate anthropological perspective of the tribes in Rwanda. The story of how the Belgium "Scholars" came in and started to divide people into different races, creating conflict. It is a part of the revolutionary attitude because it allows us to educate ourselves in horrific events that were misconstrued through the media. If we, as a society, don't pay attention we are contributing to the ignorance.

Hotel Rwanda

Transcript: Hotel Rwanda Unit 6: LDC The Tutsi's were forced to leave or die. = We learned that it wasn't just the "cockroaches" being killed, but it was also those sheltering them. We also learned that the Hutu's could be bribed easily. Plus we got a visual, and a better understanding of what we learned. Hate for the Tutsi's spread from one Hutu to another until they had a full army. Hotel Rwanda, Terry George, 2004 Unit 7: Services We picked Hotel Rwanda because we were both interested in this movie the most. The way that they treated each other with so much hate was something that made us take interest in it. Also we choose this movie, because we specifically learned about the Hutu and Tutsi genocide. The Tutsi's which were the richer people had better services. The Tutsi's had more respect than the Hutu's had. Tutsi's usually had pop culture. Unit 4: Colonialism They had unstable government because they couldn't control them from fighting. Why did we pick it? What unit does this movie connect with? Rwanda is now an LDC because of the genocide. By: Nayely & Jaylen Unit 4: Political Organization Unit 2: Forced Refugees Hutu's had folk culture. Unit 1: Contagious Diffusion What did yous learn? The Belgians took over Rwanda and when they left, they left Tutsi's in charge. They did this, because the Tutsi's were fair skinned. Unit 3: Folk Culture Unit 3: Pop Culture This movie connects best with unit 3 & 4 because of the Political Organizations between the Hutu's and the Tutsi's. Also because of the ethnic cleansing in Rwanda. Another connection would be getting to see the culture that was being destroyed, because of the conflict. Hutu & Tutsi refugees were at hotel.

Hotel Rwanda

Transcript: What is Genocide? Genocide is the systematic killing of a group of people or ethnicity. Armenian Genocide 1,500,000 deaths Bosnian Genocide 200,000 deaths Rwandan Genocide 800,000 Hotel Rwanda is about one man's triumph over evil during the Rwandan genocides in 1994. Yes I said, 1994. 50 years after the happened again Rwanda is one of the smallest countries in Central Africa, with just 7 million people, and is comprised of two main ethnic groups, the Hutu and the Tutsi. Although the Hutus account for 90 percent of the population, in the past, the Tutsi minority was considered the aristocracy of Rwanda and dominated Hutu peasants for decades, especially while Rwanda was under Belgian colonial rule. Following independence from Belgium in 1962, the Hutu majority seized power and reversed the roles, oppressing the Tutsis through systematic discrimination and acts of violence. As a result, over 200,000 Tutsis fled to neighboring countries and formed a rebel guerrilla army, the Rwandan Patriotic Front. On April 6, while returning from a meeting in Tanzania, a small jet carrying the two presidents was shot down by ground-fired missiles as it approached Rwanda's airport at Kigali. Immediately after their deaths, Rwanda plunged into political violence The killings then spread throughout the countryside as Hutu militia, armed with machetes, clubs, guns and grenades, began indiscriminately killing Tutsi civilians. All individuals in Rwanda carried identification cards specifying their ethnic background, a practice left over from colonial days. These 'tribal cards' now meant the difference between life and death. In April 1994, amid ever-increasing prospects of violence, Rwandan President Habyalimana and Burundi's new President, Cyprien Ntaryamira, held several peace meetings with Tutsi rebels.

Hotel Rwanda

Transcript: No violence Location Large number of deaths during the spring of 1994 Political status WAR Many People die during war Probably Probable Cause Cause of death War Step on how to establish a centralized government. The genocide of Tutsi is caused by political tension between the Tutsi and the Hutu in the spring of 1994 in Rwanda. CHRISTIAN TRUJILLO EVAN PEREZ BADER BINRUBAYAN JESSE CADY JOSH YODER Genocide of Tutsi Rwanda Spring 1994 Rwandan Refugees Change The political tension between the Hutu and Tutsi cause a mass genocide of the Tutsi, because the Hutu took up arms and started to kill the Tutsi. The Hutu believed that the Tutsi are inferior (roaches) to them, this comes from the old political status the Tutsi had. Problem Description Application Tutsi had a monarchy before until the Belgium's. Implement your Solution plan Yes our problem definition matches the probable cause Problem Description Problem Definition: First ask the 5Ws Evaluate your solution The End cause of death Only happening in one place War Peoples Beliefs Probable Cause Could Be but is NOT Genocide of Tutsi Rwanda Spring 1994 Rwandan Refugees Maybe Probably Rescue the surviving Tutsi from the Hutu Establish a border between both sides Have neutral army controlling the border until things are settle Hotel Rwanda Who Why What When Where Final Problem Definition The refugees (Tutsi) Political tension between the Tutsi and Hutu Genocide Spring of 1994 Rwanda, Africa True if The political tension between the Hutu and Tutsi cause a mass genocide of the Tutsi, because the Hutu took up arms and started to kill the Tutsi. The Hutu believed that the Tutsi are inferior (roaches) to them, this comes from the old political status the Tutsi had. Why was there a mass genocide? 1st Why: Hutu taking up arms and killing the Tutsi. 2nd Why: Political Tension between the Tutsi and Hutu. 3rd Why: Hutu believe that the Tutsi are inferior (roaches) to them. 4th Why: Tutsi perceive a greater Social Status without one. 5th Why: IS Road to peace Differences Die of natural cause Worldwide Today Hutu It might not make everybody happy, but it save lives and establish peace between the Hutu and the Tutsi. Problem Definition Statement What Where When Extent Die of natural cause Worldwide Today Hutu Steps on how to separate the country Problem Description Application Options 1) Separate the country into two separate countries, one for the Hutu one for the Tutsi. 2) Establish a centralized government. 5Ws What Where When Extent Final Improved Problem Definition IS Try to find a common ground between the Hutu and Tutsi Make a peace treaty between both groups Implement a government that allows both groups to contribute to the government Tutsi were dying from natural death instead of genocide Many people die during war Could Be but is NOT The Dark Side Verify the True Cause Develop a plan to eliminate the root cause 5 Whys Possible Cause

Hotel Rwanda

Transcript: In Darfur,Sudan, the people experienced the same fate as the Rwandans. Up to 1 million people faced genocide in Darfur, western Sudan, as a result of an ongoing government campaign to destroy a portion of its population. Synopsis The film narates the story of Paul. Although some moments are exaggerated for hollywood, it was accurate. Don Cheadle worked very closely with Paul while shooting. Why 2004? Directors Point of View Synopsis Where does the the film stand? Viewpoint of the movie Tensions between the Hutu and Tutsi peoples lead to a mass genocide of over 1 million people. It is now up to Paul Rusesabagina (Don Cheadle), the manager of Sabena Hôtel des Mille Collines, to protect the Tuti People and his family. The UN Peacekeeping forces, led by Colonel Oliver (Nick Nolte), are unable to take assertive action against the Hutu Army since they are forbidden to intervene in the genocide. The foreign nationals are evacuated, but the Rwandans are left behind. The director used the story of Rosesabagina to show America what we ignored and to educate people on Africa. The director felt that the genocide could have been stopped, which definitely reflected in the film. Hotel Rwanda Ten years ago some of the worst atrocities in the history of mankind took place in the country of Rwanda--and in an era of high-speed communication and round the clock news, the events went almost unnoticed by the rest of the world. The goal of the film is not only to engage audiences in this story of genocide but also to inspire them to help redress the terrible devastation,” said director Terry George. Why is it told? The director used this film to tell the story of Paul Rosesabagina to show the one man who didn't turn his back on the Tutsi people Narrates History Most Powerful Scene "... African lives are not seen as valuable as the lives of Europeans or Americans." (Terry George) By sharing the horrors of the genocide, George sought to bring the story of Rusesabagina portrayed as a hero during the relentless acts of violence.

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