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Bee Presentation Template

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Bee presentation

Transcript: Save the Bees! Ways to help the bee population The Science Bees are very important to Bees are important to humans survival, because they are our #1 pollinator! + Positive Aspects Scientists are doing lots of research on bees and pesticides. Beehive owners try there best to protect their bees and other hives. _ There aren't enough people helping out with this issue. Negative Aspects Many people don't plant bee friendly plants in their garden. People are putting pesticides on there plants which kill the bees because it gets into the pollen that they are taking back to the hive. Here are the names of some pesticides that are harmful to bees,ACRAMITE MITICIDE,ACTARA INSECTICIDE,DIMETHOATE 400 SYSTEMIC INSECTICIDE,ABAMECTIN,and Neonictinoid which scientists have found that this is an extremely dangerous pesticide to bees. "They do, however, kill bees by damaging their nervous systems, weakening their memories and impeding their ability to forage and fly." Pictures Awesome facts to learn about bees The Queen Bee lays up to 2,000 eggs each day and she can still fly with all of them if she had to leave. If the Queen bee dies the worker bees will find the best larva and make that bee the new Queen. Bees can actually fly up to 25km per hour! Even with eggs! Brainstorm Do you guys have any ideas about the bees,and how to help? Thanks for watching! Save The BEES! By,Caden Mauchley Work cited

Bee Presentation

Transcript: "The Importance of Bees in Nature." Food And Agriculture Organization. Web. 12 Nov. 2014. <>. "The Importance of Bees in Nature." Food And Agriculture Organization. Web. 12 Nov. 2014. <>. "EPA Pollinator Protection." Actions to Protect Pollinators. EPA, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. "National Pollinator Strategy: For Bees and Other Pollinators in England." - Publications. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2014. "Report on Honey Bee Health." USDA.Gov. US Department of Agriculture, n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2014. Ellis, Jamie. "Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) in Honey Bees1." EDIS New Publications RSS. Entomology and Nematology Department,, 1 May 2007. Web. 12 Nov. 2014. <>. v In the wild, bees are key contributors to biodiversity. they strengthen forests and can help keep a forest healthy by pollinating new plants and trees when needed. After a forest fire or other aspect that would bring an area back in succession, bees can help bring back the vegetation in that area faster by pollinating, than natural pollination would. In many areas, bees have been seen to protect new tree sapling from getting eaten by deer and other animals. Since they are such good pollinators, they provide other food sources for many different species so they don't have to eat the saplings. Honeybees have always been biological indicators, in other words, honeybee health helps us see the general health of the environment. A reduction in honeybees could surprisngly be positive because as stated before they are not native to North America and the native species could thrive because of this. Bees are vital to nature for their pollination rituals; it is estimated that one third of the human food supply depends on insect pollination, most of which is accomplished by bees. Bees either focus on gathering nectar or on gathering pollen depending on demand. Honeybees are not native to the U.S. and were brought here from Europe by the early settlers. Bees can collect up to 66 Ibs. of pollen per year per hive.This accounts for 80% of insect pollination. Over the last year one third of the world's bee population has disappeared. Over the next twenty years scientists speculate that bees will disappear altogether. This disappearance began in the United States and quickly made its way to Europe, Latin America, and Asia. Concern is rightly placed on their disappearance: scientists conclude that along with their disappearance pollination will cease to occur; resulting in the disappearance of plants and possibly threatening mankind. A large array of government officials met in October 2012 to outline the future US policy on bees. Pathogens have detrimental effects on bees, and we must do more research on how they contract disease and how to stop them. The EPA is using regulatory actions to protect them. creating warning labels on pesticides about when not to use them to avoid damaging bees. Working in joint agency projects to make the environment more suitable for bees. researching the issues the bees are facing and publishing online how dangerous the different pesticides are to try to be able to find a way to combat these problems. Without bees, life on earth would be much different and conditions for the development of humans may not have existed. Bees are pollinators that are important to our food chain. A third of all food we eat today would not be around without the help of bees. The importance of these native pollinators in the reproduction of flowering plants is just beginning to be understood. The flowers of different plant species often require different behavior by collecting bees. Importance of Bees Effects on Industry and Consumers The 3 Castes: Bibliography By: Madison Kazar, Ryan Pearce, Andrew McDonald, James Nicolucci, Anthony Schiano Counterpoints on the issue There are three castes of honey bees: The Queen: One queen in each hive which produces all eggs. The queen bee can live between 3-5 years and lays up to 2000 eggs per day. The Queen can lay up to 250,000 eggs per year and possibly more than a million in her lifetime. The second major function of a queen is producing pheromones that serve as a social “glue” unifying and helping to give individual identity to a bee colony. Workers: All workers are female but cannot reproduce. Nearly all bees in the hive are workers and get their name because they literally "work themselves to death". During the Winter months, workers live between 4-9 months and during the Summer only about 6 weeks. Interestingly, specific chores are assigned in sequential order consiting of construction workers, guards, nursemaids, and foragers to name a few. Drones: Their sole

Bee Presentation

Transcript: Honey bees are the only insects to make a human food. Honey bees in Danger!!! Honey bees are irreplaceable because no amount of human work can match the pollinating power of just a few hives. Muhammad Ali attributed all the honey he ate to the reason why he could "Sting like a bee." Prezi by: Courtney, Faryal, Jesse, and Summer. This means if the Bees are healthy, the environment is healthy. The same is true about the inverse. Most vegetables. Collony Collapse Disorder or CCD is a problem that many people blame on the usage of pesticides. Bees communicate by dancing certain ways. But direct human threats such as toxins are not the Honey Bees only problem. Bees Fertilize flowers, while flowers provide bees with necture for making honey! Bees are being helped! Nuts. Bee Pollination Fun Facts: The more Bees are helped the better the environment in a whole will be because Bees are a keystone indicator. Bee venom has shown to be a good treatment for Arthritis. As for Humans, Honey Bees are used for 30% of all crops that we consume. Bees will only fly to one species of flower per trip out of the hive. Efforts are being made to create more diverse crops in a single area. This will help the bee have more options when looking for necture. Bees never sleep. The Honey bee, in the area that it lives, pollinates up to 80% of all plants. Most fruits. These crops include.... Bees collect 66 pounds of pollen per year per hive. On average there are 17 different types of pesticides in a bee collony at one time. Body temperature stays at a constant 92-93 degrees F. regardless of surrounding temperature. Bees and Flowers have a mutualistic relationship. One ounce of honey has enough energy for a bee to fly around the world.

Bee Presentation

Transcript: The World Through the Eyes of a Honey Bee *honeybee is passive and will only sting when provoked or forced to defend the hive* How Do Their Eyes Work? Honey bees have COMPOUND EYES: Hundreds of SINGLE eyes next to each other ...each with its own lens....and each looking in a different direction! This does not mean, however, that the bee sees lots of little pictures,: each lens sees contributes to the overall image perceived by the compound eye. bees have a complex way of communicating to each other... their language is based upon characteristic dances, odor, and taste perception The language dance performed within a colony is based on the hive's relation to the sun For example: A dance straight up on the comb's vertical axis means towards the sun; to theright, means so many degrees to the right of the sun; and to the left, so many degrees to the left of the sun. A rapid dance means a short distance; a slower dance means increased distance. The bees do not actually HAVE to see the sun: they can perceive and interpret direction from the polarized light they receive from the sky they can also spot the food source through ODOR ASSOCIATION Worker bees respond to an intruder’s actions by secreting an alarm pheromone which acts as an odor signal to alert other workers When a bee stings, it is “marking” the surface with a STING PHEROMONE This results into a group stinging, of the intruder. When a honey bee stings, a barbere stringer remains in the victim. The stringer contains poison. Once they sting something, it will die shortly afterwards. Honey bees sting to defend their colony The Life of a Honey Bee... Yes, they sting. Let me tell you why. Let's Take a Look at How Honey Bees View the World... DEPENDS GREATLY ON SOCIAL STRUCTURE. There are three castes of honey bees: - Queens,which produce eggs - Drones or males, which mate with new queens and have no stinge - Workers, which are all non-reproducing females DUTIES: - the queen lays eggs singly in cells of the hive. - Larvae hatch from eggs in three to four days. - It is the job of the worker bees to feed and develop the larvae through stages The Hierachy: - Only one queen is usually present in a hive - New virgin queens develop in enlarged cells and get fed royal jelly by workers - When the existing queen dies or ages: a new queen is raised by the worker bees. The virgin queen takes several nuptial flights (mates with the drones) and starts laying eggs in the hive. Lifespan: - QUEENS usually live for three or four years - DRONES usually die during mating or they get expelled from the hive before hibernation - WORKERS die in 3 week in the summer and a few months in the winter how do they communicate? The end

Bee presentation

Transcript: Bee Presentation How many bee farmers are there in Australia How many bee farmers are there in Australia Results Results Percentages 17% 11% 31% 31% 8% 0.4% VIC QLD NT WA SA NSW 1% TAS How do Australian bee farmers and the bees play a significant role for the enviornment How bee farmers and the bees crucially improve the enviornment Results Examples How australian bee farmers and bees play a significant role for society Bees polinate the mass of our crops and agriculture, from ones we consume and that feed our farmstork. Honey bees help increase the yield and quality of many horticultural and seed crops by performing crucial pollination services. Food sources, such as coffee, apples, berries, almonds, broccoli, and melons, will become more expensive to raise or perhaps become obsolete without healthy bee populations. It's only one of the reasons that climate change is currently a pressing concern. This is another reason why bees are significant to our society. HR ~~~ New faces Name/Title New faces Name/Title Name/Title Name/Title What materials/appliances do they use What materials/appliances do they use Hive Top bar and Langstroth beehives are the most common in Australia. Bee Suit Bee suit, hat, and veil are essential for beekeeping to protect from stings. Gloves Beekeeping gloves should be thick, flexible, and reach the elbow to protect hands and arms from stings. Boots Beekeepers should wear heavy-duty boots with thick soles and fit closely over their bee suits to prevent bees from getting in. Hive Tool A hive tool is a useful tool for separating hive boxes, lifting frames out of the hive, and removing excess wax and propolis. Facts Results Smoker Smoke masks bee pheromones and helps keep bees calm and docile while you work, reducing your chances of being stung. Bee Brush Brushing bees is an effective way to move them around the hive. Queen Catcher The queen catcher captures and examines the queen without harm. Feeder Beekeepers supplement colonies with sugar syrup or honey to survive winter. Capping Scrathe Capping scratcher is more efficient than sharp knife for honey extraction. Other ~~~~~ Results Results Phase 1 Phase 3 Phase 2

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