strengths presentation
Transcript: The Gallup Organization suggests that the most effective people are those who understand their strengths and behaviors. (Gallup 2). Strengths & Careers Restorative Restorative Likes problem-solving Enjoys bringing things back to life Identify what is wrong and finds a solution Healthcare Social service/education Career influence Influence on my career choice EMT- Physically helping others Social Worker- Analyzing people and finding solutions to help them Examples Code- SEA, Social which involves helping people, teamwork and community service, is very high MBTI-ISFJ, Feeling relates to focusing on understand people MBTI & Code Empathy Empathy Sense emotions of those around you Feel their feelings as if they are your own See the world through others eyes The ability to understand is important Having empathy is very important in careers that I am interested in such as healthcare and education careers How does it influence my career? Career influence MBTI-S and F, Sensing helps see what really is and Feeling helps me decide with heart and understanding people Code, Social relates to teaching and caring for people MBTI, Code, Values MBTI & Code Developer Developer Sees the potential in others Work in progress Helpfulness is both genuine and fulfilling With jobs such as being a teacher or counseling or healthcare services, being a developer is important because you have to see the potential in others and help them better themselves in some way Relations to my career choices Career MBTI-Introversion, refelective and gets energy from thinking about ideas, thoughts, feelings etc. Code-Enterprising, will help being a leader and be able to direct others MBTI and Code MBTI & Code Harmony Harmony Searches for areas of peaceful agreement Don't see much to gain from conflicts "In your view we are all in the same boat, and we need this boat to get where we are going...There is no need to rock it just to show that you can". (Gallup 3) Harmony will help with being a teacher or a counsler because in both jobs because both should have peaceful safe environments Influence on my career choice Influence on my career MBTI-Feeling and Sensing, feeling leads you to decide with your heart, value harmony and understand others as best as possible Code- Social and Enterprising, help with teamwork, ability to be a leader but also keep peace and agreement MBTI & Code MBTI & Code Consistency Consistency Very aware of the need to treat others equally Often try to set up boundaries and clear expectations Don't believe in unfair advantages I strive to have a job with consistency because that is when i feel most comfortable Being a teacher has a lot of consistency and that is one of my top career choices How does this influence my career decisions? Influence on my career decisions MBTI-Social, teamwork Code- Judging, likes to have a planned and orderly way of life MBTI & Code MBTI & Code