Transcript: SEA WORLD PARK TITLE SLIDE TABLE OF CONTENT LOCATION INFO HISTORY IMPORTANCE SOCIAL FACTORS ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ECONOMIC FACTORS RELEVENCE TO CLASS CONCLUSION IMPORTANCE SOCIAL FACTORS The park continues to practice their recycling ways: Economic factors are the things in our society that bring in or send out money in our economy. RELEVENCE TO In conclusion, I think that everyone should once in their life visit Sea World. Its a wonderful place that can bring families together, make people not want to litter in the ocean, and really just show people the real beauty of the ocean and the creatures that call it home. FACTORS ENVIRONMENTAL Sea World is a place that can bring families together to spend quality time. CONCLUSION 22 acres along the shore of Mission Bay in San Diego ECONOMIC FACTORS PHONE NUMBER (619) 226-3901 Since first opening about 45 years ago, Sea World San Diego has allowed the people to experience wonderful creatures in their habitats while getting great lessons about the importance of wildlife, habitat conservation, education, research, and animal care. Social factors are things in our society which affect or direct our lifestyle.Like religion, family, or education. It is a travel destionation that people visit. This place give out many jobs to the people. The workers there have to practice hospitality to gain the customers happiness and willingness to come again. And this is a place that holds many jobs that we will be possibly be doing in the future. 400,000 people visited the park in its first year of operation HISTORY Sea World was founded on March 21, 1964. 500 SEA WORLD DRIVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92109 Sea World gives nearly 6000 jobs out to people. Jobs vary from animal trainors, to animal doctors, to janitors. They first invested 1.5 million dollars into the park, and started it off with just 45 employees. The park was founded by four graduates of (UCLA). George Millay, Milton Shedd, Ken Norris, and David DeMott By: Kama Benjamin The park brings in money from many services and goods from the gift shops, arcade, food, and the many other attractions there. TABLE OF CONTENT LOCATION INFO They feed the manatees romaine lettuce that is recycled as part of the culinary department's food prep progress. Every year, the park recycles 13 million pounds of manure, paper and plastic products, metals, greenery, pallets, cooking oils and more. (With that they have received the San Diego recycler of the year award 13 times) Sea World has also put in over 25 million dollars over the past 4 decades to help keep endangered species safe The park brings in about 1.5 billion dollars every year Environmental factors are objects or activity that affect the environment around us. They also offer internship programs, and many learning camps to the people. This destionation is related to our AOHT class because: Sea World San Diego is also well known for their hard efforts to breed endangered species and promotes conservation of wildlife and the environment to the people CLASS