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Manufacturing Presentation

Transcript: Cutting Tools Cutting tools are used to cut objects such as metal, wood, wires, cardboards, etc. These tools help us throughout are daily lives by allowing us to cut things with precision. What are cutting tools? WHAT - Drill bits are used to create holes in different types of materials - And Cutters are used to carve and cut objects as per need. Drill Bits And Cutters drill bits - Drill bits come in different shapes and sizes depending on the hole being created. - The drill bits are powered by a tool called a driller and the hole is made through rotation Drill bits There are 2 sizes of drill bits : - Imperial System . Imperial system is where things are measured in feet, inches and pounds. - Metric System . Metric System uses measuring units such as meters and grams and adds prefixes like kilo, milli and centi to count orders of magnitude. The 2 diffrent sizes of drill bits Chart for imperial and metric system 1. Avoid baggy clothes 2. Wear protective gear when using drill bits in a driller 3. Secure the drill bit in the driller before getting started 4. Don't apply too much pressure when using the drill bits safety rules * They are classified using different name sizes and blades with a common difference in flutes. * Flutes - Spiral cutting edge on the end mill. END MIILL CUTTERS END MIILL CUTTERS 2 flute HSS end mill 4 flute HSS end mill *2-Flute - Allows maximum space for chip ejection. Used for general milling operations. 1. 1. * 3-Flute - Excellent for slotting. Used for general milling operations. 2. 2. * 4, 5, 6, and 8 Flute - A greater number of flutes reduces chip load and can improve surface finish, if feed rate remains the same. 3. 3. SAFETY * End mills and router bits have very sharp cutting edges. Handling them with bare hands may cause injuries. Always wear gloves or use a cloth when installing or storing them. * Never adjust your work piece or your mounting devices while operating your machine. * Routers or spindles with poor balance or off center revolving of end mills and router bits can cause vibration and chattering which could cause the tool to break and be expelled from the machine. * Never attempt to tighten or adjust spindle or router nuts using machine power. * End mills, router bits and work pieces can become extremely hot during cutting. Touching them with bare hands can cause severe burns. SAFETY difference The Basic difference in drill bits and end mill cutters is their function. * Drill bits are used only for drilling holes into the objects while the endmill cutters are used to carve and cut side ways as well. * If drill biits are used to cut sideways they will just snap because they do not have edges similar to those in end mill cutters difference IQ Collets (Holders) (Chucks) - Subtype of chuck - Forms a collar around an object to be held, exerting a strong clamping force on the object when tightened. Collets External: Internal: Collets Very good self centering / low runout Very strong force clamping the part – and it resists shocks that would knock a part out of the mini-lathe chuck. Quick and easy to switch to a new part. Usefulness: Types of Collets: ER collets Autolock collets R8 collets 5C collets Types of Collets: The ER Collet: - Most widely used Collet in the world today. - Contract over a range of 1 mm and are available in 1mm or 0.5mm steps. - ER collets can hold any cylindrical shank, metric or imperial. - They may be used on a lathe to hold work pieces. The ER Collet: General Safety Instructions Assembling the collet chuck:  Do not start the machine spindle until the part has been securely clamped.  Do not unclamp the chuck until the machine spindle has completely stopped rotating  In the case of loss of power, the workpiece must remain securely clamped until the spindle has completely stopped rotating. General Safety Instructions Speed: If the maximum speed of the lathe is higher than the recommended max RPM of the chuck, the machine must be equipped with a speed limiting device. General Safety Instructions Maintenance:  Only operate the chuck when all safety devices are in place.  Check the chuck at least once per shift for visible damage.  After a collision, the chuck should be thoroughly examined for damage prior to being put back into operation. General Safety Instructions How to apply a Collet Chuck How to apply a Collet Chuck

Manufacturing Presentation

Transcript: Questions, comments, concerts, heartfelt wishes, or burning desires? The goal of this design project is to research current methods of turbine blade casting and improve those methods to further increase the mechanical potential in the blades. For example, the SR-71 Blackbird is the worlds' fastest aircraft, reaching speeds of mach 3.35 or 2,200 MPH. Its' speed is not limited by thrust production but of the heat produced in the turbine engine. The single crystal blades melt if the engines are pushed to hard. (You could fly an SR-71 from Wilkes-Barre to Florida in about 35 minutes!) Other methods include conventional casting and columnar casting, which are outdated methods for which lesser material properties are produced. Modern Turbine blades are made of a nickel-based superalloy containing cobalt, chromium, and rhenium. They are also air cooled using convection and pin fin cooling. Our research will investigate the use of liquid cooling to aid in the heat reduction while operating at maximum thrust. How is it made? To further increase the speed and functionality of the truly amazing aircraft, the only solution is to create blades that will not melt! This is where our design projects takes flight. We will use our knowledge of manufacturing as well as heat transfer and fluid mechanics to attempt to revolutionize the air defense industry. The turbine blade is manufactured by single crystal structures yielding the required material properties. The properties include temperature and stress/strain resistance. The Turbine Thanks for listening! This bodacious presentation has been brought to you by: David Cormier Scott Grassi Dalton Milam Vincent Nicolich and Mark O'Hara

presentation manufacturing

Transcript: Air Craft Intro MEM 360 EM110 4G Lecturer : Madam Syidatul Akma binti Sulaiman Group member : 1. Farhah Nadhirah binti Md Nordin (2016449454) 2. Ilia Izzatie binti Mohd Salihin (2016452342) 3. Khairunisa binti Omar (2016) 4. Nur Aziela binti Suhaimi (2016641632) 5.Nur Farahin binti Abdul Wahab (2016) Wings_Spars Part 1 PROCESS 1. Flat rolling process to form an aluminium alloy plate. 2. Design stamped by the stamping machine 3. The spar is extract from the aluminium alloy plate by breaking the micro-joint. 4. Spar was supplied with 220 ton of pressure to bend the spar 5. The sharp edges was removed by using grinder machine 6. The plastic film were peel off 7. Spring clamp are use to hold the ribs aligned with the spar. 8. Ribs are rivet into the main spar 9. The complete wing frame are ready to cover with the wing skin. Part 2 Turbine 1 2 3 4 Part 3 Nacelle PROCESS Sheet Metal Stretch Forming Process Sheet Stretch Forming Machine Forming Die Part 4 LANDING GEAR SHAFT PROCESS 1. Machining 2. Forging 3. External Machining 4. Excavate Interiors (Boring Process) 5. Surface Treatments (Milling Process) 6. Verify Dimensions 7. Life Extension Process 8. Finishing Part 5 Wing Rib 1 Engineering drawing was interpret following the specifications A process and program was generate with CAD/CAM The tooling work holding devices and workpiece was set up to the CNC milling centre Cutting conditions was manipulated, based on the properties of the material and tooling used The accuracy of dimensions is operate, inspect and maintained within the specified tolerances G-code programming language 2 Conclusion Advanced Manufacturing Process THANK YOU :) Closing

HD Presentation

Transcript: 1860 Charles Davenport Dementia that gets worse Disorientation Loss of judgement Loss of memory Personality changes Speech changes Additional symptoms Anxiety, stress, tension Symptoms in children Rigidity Slow movements Tremors So what do you think this repeat would do to gene function? 1911 Transcriptional dysregulation Protein misfolding and degradation Impairment in intracellular transport, mitochondrial function and synaptic transmission. Post translational modification-acetyl tag signal SirT1 inhibition, Selisistat Phosphodiesterases inhibitors: PDE 10 and 4 now in testing Gene silencing Stem cell generation of neurons Bruproprion Manipulation of synaptic activity - Memantine Ch Implications of HD Current Therapies https:///nm/journal/v10/n7s/full/, Genetic Testing Why Test Mid Stage 1872 Works Cited Amber Johnson, Hannah Killian, Sarah Tamura Basic Symptoms Mood changes Movement changes Cognition changes Two Forms Huntington's Disease Alzheimer's disease Parkinson's disease Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) Prion diseases (CJD kuru etc.) Lose ability to speak and respond Chorea Lose ability to work, drive, perform activities of daily living Difficulties with balance and motor tasks Difficulties with processing information Irritability, aggression, depression Can be done safely More serious than a simple blood test Challenging psychological and social aspects Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act (May 21st 2008) Medical Value? Testing of Minors Anonymous Testing Testing of individuals at 25% risk 1846 Over 80 testing centers nation wide Emotional and ethical issues that come with HD diagnosis - no treatment to delay onset of HD symptoms, cannot cure HD Psychological support is very important ~ 10-20% of people at risk for HD request testing Grade 0: appears indistinguishable from normal brains after gross examination. Grade 1: shows atrophy in the tail, and in some cases the body, of the caudate nucleus. Grade 2: is associated with striatal atrophy that is more pronounced than that detected in grade 1 brains. Grade 3 displays severe striatal atrophy. Grade 4 includes HD cases with severe atrophy of the striatum and up to 95% neuronal Confirmatory/Diagnostic Testing Predictive Testing Prenatal Testing Grading Based on pattern of Striatal Degeneration Stages 1-2 Huntington's vs. Neurodegenerative Diseases Adult-onset : most common ages 30 to 50 Early-onset: small number of cases Worsen in 10-25 year period 1 in every 10,000 Americans has HD and more than 250,000 are at risk Most common hereditary disease Behavior Behavioral disturbances Hallucinations Irritability Moodiness Restlessness or fidgeting Paranoia Psychosis Abnormal movements Facial movements Head turning Jerking movements of arms, legs, face etc Slow uncontrolled movements Johan Christian Lund Dr. Huntington Late Stage Ambrose, C. M.; Duyao, M. P.; Barnes, G.; Bates, G. P.; Lin, C. S.; Srinidhi, J.; Baxendale, S.; Hummerich, H.; Lehrach, H.; Altherr, M.; Wasmuth, J.; Buckler, A.; Church, D.; Housman, D.; Berks, M.; Micklem, G.; Durbin, R.; Dodge, A.; Read, A.; Gusella, J.; MacDonald, M. E. "Structure and expression of the Huntington's disease gene: evidence against simple inactivation due to an expanded CAG repeat". Somatic Cell & Molecular Genetics; 1994, 20: 27-38. Conforti, P., Camnasio, S., Mutti, C., Valenza, M., Thompson, M., Fossale, E., . . . Cattaneo, E. (2013). Lack of huntingtin promotes neural stem cells differentiation into glial cells while neurons expressing huntingtin with expanded polyglutamine tracts undergo cell death. Neurobiology of Disease, 50, 160-170. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2012.10.015 Giampà, C., Laurenti, D., Anzilotti, S., Bernardi, G., Menniti, F. S., & Fusco, F. R. (2010). Inhibition of the striatal specific phosphodiesterase PDE10A ameliorates striatal and cortical pathology in R6/2 mouse model of huntington's disease. PloS One, 5(10), e13417. Gil, J. M., & Rego, A. C. (2008). Mechanisms of neurodegeneration in Huntington’s disease. European Journal of Neuroscience, 27(11), 2803-2820. Graul, A. I., & Prous, J. R. (2005). Executive summary: nicotine addiction. Drugs of Today, 41(6), 419. Ho, L. W.; Carmichael, J; Swartz J; Wyttenbach A; Rankin J; Rubinsztein DC. "The molecular biology of Huntington's disease." Psychologocial Medicine; 2001, 31(1): 3-14. Huntington’s Outreach Project for

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