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Cardio Job Presentation

Transcript: Cardiothoracic Surgeon Job Presentation What is it? What is it? Cardiothoracic surgery is a field of medicine with surgical treatment of organs inside the thorax. It mostly includes conditions of the heart and lungs. They are very important to the medical field! Education and Training Education and Training The process to become a cardiac surgeon ”is one of the longest in the medical field” (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics). There is a lot of essential knowledge and training that is necessary. Must go through numerous years of school and training: 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, have a 5-year general surgery residency and a 2-3 year specialized cardio or cardiothoracic fellowship, M.D to become a full-time cardiothoracic surgeon. After residency and all exams have been passed, they are required to get a state license. Must know about Cardiac and lung anatomy, medical ethics, and pharmacology. Duties and Responsibilities Duties and Responsibilities There are many duties and responsibilities that come with being a cardiothoracic surgeon. If one loves spending time with their family, having free time, and having the weekends free, then this is not the job for them. They are estimated to spend 50-60 hours per week at the hospital. This does not include the time they are on call. They are expected to perform many types of surgery: “heart, lungs, esophagus, blood vessels, and other organs in the thoracic cavity” (“Heart Surgeon: Career, Salary and Education Details”). As well as diagnose and treat patients’ injuries or illnesses. They are also required to conduct follow up visits with patients and help them manage their overall health. Job Benefits Job Benefits Even though being a cardiothoracic surgeon may have a lot of Duties and responsibilities, there are also many benefits that come with the job as well. When having such an extraordinary and life-saving job, there is never a dull moment. According to Nicholas Kouchoukos “After 34 years of practicing cardiothoracic surgery, I still enjoy going to work every day, participating in complex and challenging thoracic surgical procedures, and interacting with patients and their families and with the physicians, perfusionists, nurses, and other medical professionals who share a commitment to provide the best medical care possible to our patients.” Saving a life can never be boring. Cardiothoracic surgeons make about $367,110 a year. They also get health insurance, paid vacations, and dental benefits for them and child. There is a projected growth rate of 14% for cardiothoracic surgeons. Thank You! Thank You! By Charisma Gurley

Cardio Physio Presentation

Transcript: What is a blood vessel? Why does this matter? blue tissue paper only blue light shines through skin and vessels both reflect only blue light therefore, they blend in making the veins "disappear" like a white crayon on white paper red tissue paper only red light shines through skin reflects red light but veins reflect no light no light being reflected appears black therefore, the veins appeared black Active vs Passive Filling How much does the heart weigh? Thank You! A) 20,000 gallons B) 2,000 gallons C) 200 gallons Sinoatrial node (SA node) Atrioventricular node (AV node) Purkinje fibers Right/Left bundle branches what is blood pressure? systolic vs. diastolic 120/80 mmHg what is hypertension? how can you maintain good blood pressure? exercise good nutrition reduce stress A) a bottled soda B) an apple C) a volleyball The Heart... So What? 4 chambers 2 atria 2 ventricles 4 valves 2 semilunar 2 atrioventricular Blood Pressure What makes the heart so special? Trivia! you need your cardiovascular system to be in shape! eat well exercise the rule of 3's 30 minutes 3 days a week for at least 3 months What color is the blood in veins? A) red B) blue C) green artery - carries blood away from heart vein - carries blood to the heart capillaries - allows for exchange of gases What happened? A) 1,000 miles B) 10,000 miles C) 100,000 miles intercalated discs contractile cells pacemaker cells By: Hannah Smith and Jayden Songer Active - requires a contraction to fill ventricles fill when atria contracts ~ 20 oz ~ 5 oz ~ 11 oz How many miles of blood vessels does the average adult have in their body? Trivia! Trivia! Trivia! Automaticity of the Heart Anatomy of the Heart Passive - fills without a contraction ventricles fill between atria contracting Atrias contract simultaneously Ventricles contract simultaneously How much blood does the heart pump in a day?

Cardio Presentation

Transcript: What is Cardio? Cardio is is any movement that gets your heart rate up and increases blood circulation throughout the body. Why is cardio important?(In a physical perspective) Cardio strengthens your heart. The heart is a muscle, and just like all other muscles in order for it to become stronger it needs to be worked. Cardio increases your heart rate. Cardio increases your metabolic rate. An increased metabolism is an important part of managing one’s weight. Cardio increases your muscle's ability to utilize glucose. Those who exercise regularly tend to have better control of their blood sugars. For these reasons, cardio is especially helpful for those who want to manage their diabetes. As you partake in cardio, your lungs get stronger. Your brain sends signals to them to help you breathe faster and deeper, delivering extra oxygen to your muscles. Why is cardio important? (In a psychological perspective) *Cardio floods the brain with chemicals that enhance functions such as memory, problem solving, and decision making. *Exercise elevates your level of immunoglobulins, which are proteins that help bolster your immune system and ward off infection. *Mood-enhancing chemicals, like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine, flood your brain during and after your cardio session. *Cardio releases “feel good” hormones, also known as endorphins. Endorphins helped reduce feelings of fatigue, anxiety, depression and stress. **Here are some helpful websites with more information on the benefits of cardio!** Specific Types of Sports and Exercise Improves Your Health: *running can raise your levels of good cholesterol while also helping you increase lung function *boost your immune system Prevents Disease: *For woman, it can lower risk of breast cancer *Reduce risk of having a stroke *Reduce risk of having a heart attack *Decreased Depression *Lose Weight *Boosts Your Confidence *Relieves Stress Parkour: How society Views Us What we Really Do: Wallyball basketball Open gym/Free weight Field Day What we did: Benefits of Running Basketball Warm-up Cardio/Exercise Group Presentation Bike trails/ routes in Gainesville There are about 3000 routes in Gainesville and 5 groups, along with the campus clubs that bike. Five of the most popular routes are: *Moby dick/chestnut hill peggy road, 55.99 miles *Gainesville 22mi ride *Archer newbwerry 46 241 38 miles, 38.38 miles *UF main 39th 34th mhprd 241, 31.74 miles *Ride around UF, 10.88 miles The average person loses 400 – 700 calories playing a game of basketball. Why This Sport is Beneficial: *It gets you *Running *Jumping *Sweating *Burn calories (an hour of basketball can burn 630–750 calories) *Build endurance *Improve balance and coordination *Develop concentration and self-discipline *Build up muscle Exercise Entertainment Benefits of CrossFit Risks of Running: Running Types of Running: Base Run- “getting back in shape” ; short to moderate, natural pace Long Run – long distance mileage at natural pace, varies depending on the person Fartlek Run- mixes intervals with distance; used to introduce speed into your distance/duration runs Intervals- shorter segments of fast running separated by slow jog/standing recovery Sprint- as fast as you can run over a short distance; involves extreme adrenaline, muscular strength and foot speed Effects of different running on the body: Sprint- builds muscle and burns fat Longer runs- burns muscle and fat How to Prevent Injuries: Running in correct shoes Icing Stretching Drinking water Running Injuries: *Pulled Hamstring: This is a common sport injury, seen most commonly in sprinters. Treatment of a pulled hamstring is important for a speedy recovery. *Stress Factor: Common in long distance runners or any high-impact sport. Treatment usually is successful by avoiding the sport for awhile. *Patellofemoral Syndrome (“Runner’s Knee”): problems associated with the kneecap, are common in runners. *Shin Splints: pain can be due to problems with the muscles, bone, or attachment of the muscle to the bone. CrossFit Cycling Stress Cardio Group Summer 2013 * CrossFit is a total body workout that not works the heart and lungs but builds strength and endurance * Uses any combination of olympic lifts, body weight gymnastics, and standard weight lifting * Based on the premise of "Constantly varied functional movements"

Cardio Presentation

Transcript: 2 5 6 1 4 7 0 3 Alexandra Louis R. Chan Gavin Jacob A. Peñaflor 5 Common Fatal Diseases of Circulatory System Introduction 1) CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE 2) STROKE 3) HYPERTENSION 4) CARDIOMYOPATHY 5) HEART FAILURE 5 Common Fatal Diseases of Circulatory System CASE 1 A.M., a 60-year old male consulted at Ciudad Medical Zamboanga Emergency Room because of chest pains. Personal history revealed he has been smoking for 30 years, with high blood pressure and stressful work as Chief Executive Officer of a family-owned corporation. He has a family history of hypertension, high cholesterol level among family members and a history of sudden death. On Physical Examination, his blood pressure was 150/100 mmHg. His heart, lung and abdomen were normal. His lower limbs were not swollen and his pulses were symmetrical. Electrocardiomyography (ECG) revealed ischemic heart disease or myocardial infarction. Coronary angiography was done and revealed 90% obstruction of the right coronary arteries and 70% obstruction of the posterior intraventricular artery. CASE#1 A B DIAGNOSIS? A) HYPERACIDITY B) HYPERTENSION C) DIABETES D) CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE E) CARDIOMYOPATHY C ANSWER D. CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE Coronary Artery Disease What is it? This disease happens when your heart’s blood supply is blocked or interrupted by a build up of substances like fatty substances in the coronary arteries. Coronary Artery Disease What is it? 1) Chest Pain: pressure and tightness in your chest as if someone is standing on your chest. 2) Heart attack: crushing pressure in your chest and pain in your shoulder or arm and sweating. 3) Shortness of breath Signs and Symptoms 1) Smoking 2) High Blood Pressure 3) High Cholesterol 4) Diabetes 5) Sedentary Lifestyle Causes RISK FACTORS Coronary Artery 1) Age 2)Sex: Men > Women 3) Family History of heart disease 4) Smoking 5) High blood pressure 6) High Cholesterol level 7) Diabetes 8) Overweight or obesity 9) Lack of exercise 10) Stress 11) Unhealthy Diet Prevention and Cure: Stop smoking Control blood pressure Exercise Eat healthy foods Manage stress Management: Medical or Surgical Treatment Prevention and Cure Case No.2 Case 2 C.M., a 52 year-old female complains of recurring headache and dizziness. She also developed shortness of breath whenever she climbs stairs. She is also fond of eating junk foods and dried fish. She also smokes one pack of cigarettes for ten years. She is a bank executive and works for twelve hours per day. On Physical Examination, her blood pressure reveals 190/100 mmHg with normal heart rate of 70 bpm and normal rhythym. Respiratory rate is 20/min. Her height is 5 feet and weighs 160 lbs. Other physical assessments are unremarkable. A) CARDIOMYOPATHY B) TENSION HEADACHE C) STROKE D) HYPERTENSION E) NONE OF THE ABOVE Diagnosis Diagnosis ANSWER D. HYPERTENSION Answer Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure. It is a long term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. Blood Pressure reading is determined by measuring the SYSTOLIC PRESSURE (the top number) and the DIASTOLIC PRESSURE (the bottom number). Systolic: measures the force the heart exerts on the walls of the arteries each time it beats. Normal value: 90-120 mmHg Diastolic: measures the force of the heart exerts on the walls of the arteries in between beats. Normal value: 60-80 mmHg Hypertension Hypertension BPC Dizziness Recurring headaches Nosebleeds Shortness of breaths Palpitation Signs and Symptoms Signs and Symptoms 1) NO IDENTIFIABLE CAUSE (PRIMARY OR ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION) 2) SECONDARY HYPERTENSION: SLEEP DISORDERS KIDNEY PROBLEMS ADRENAL GLAND TUMORS THYROID PROBLEMS CERTAIN MEDICATIONS: BIRTH CONTROL PILLS, COLD REMEDIES, DECONGESTANTS, OAIN RELIEVERS ILLEGAL DRUGS: COCCAINE AND AMPHETAMINES Causes Causes Eat a heart healthy diet Drink plenty of water Exercise regularly Limit salt consumption Avoid stress Maintain a healthy weight MANAGEMENT: Medical Treatment Cure/Prevention: Treatment Treatment R.R., a 65 year-old female with a history of Diabetes and Hypertension develops acute onset of left face droop, left arm and left leg weakness and slurring of speech. Patient has a Blood Pressure of 200/110. Case 3 CASE # 3 Face Drooping Face Drooping A) CORONARY HEART DISEASE B) FOOD POISONING C) STROKE D) CARDIOMYOPATHY E) PEPTIC ULCER Diagnosis Diagnosis C. STROKE ANSWER ANSWER A sudden interruption in the blood supply of the brain. Most strokes are caused by an abrupt blockage of arteries leading to the brain. What is it? Loss of balance, headache or dizziness Blurred vision One side of the face is drooping Speech difficulty Arm or leg weakness Signs and Symptoms Signs and Symptoms 1. Blockage of an artery in the brain by a clot: most common due to a cholesterol plaque in the small blood vessels of the brain which ruptures and starts the clotting process that part of the brain that is supplied by the blood vessel is deprived of blood and oxygen  that part of the


Transcript: CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO! 1. Are cardiovascular activities important to you? - "Yes." 2. What are your simple everyday workouts?- "Walking the dog." 3. Do you have any favorite cardiovascular activities?- "Jogging and hot yoga." 4. What type of cardiovascular workouts are popular in your area/location that you enjoy to participate in?- "Bicycle riding." 5. How do you measure your heart rate?- "Checking the wrist." 1. Are cardiovascular activities important to you?- "Yes." 2. What are your simple everyday workouts?- "Stretching." 3. Do you have any favorite cardiovascular activities?- "Bicycling." 4. What type of cardiovascular workouts are popular in your area/location that you enjoy to participate in?- "Bicycling, and water sports on the lake." 5. How do you measure your heart rate?- "I don't." Stella Hawthorn. 14 years old. Cardiovascular workouts are very important and keep us going but we have to make sure to workout often and eat right and to makes sure that we burn off what we eat or is will stay with us and you can gain wait and have problems in the future so treat your body right and it will treat you the same! Leesa Perry. 57 years old. Do you wanna be able to bungee jump when your 75? Learn about a healthier diet and workout routines to keep you in shape so you can feel good now and also be able to do all the stuff you can do now even when your older! Conclusion Gordon Perry. 67 years old. 1. Are cardiovascular activities important to you? - "Yes." 2. What are your simple everyday workouts?- "Walking to school." 3. Do you have any favorite cardiovascular activities?- "aerial silks." 4. What type of cardiovascular workouts are popular in your area/location that you enjoy to participate in?- "Surfing and skate boarding." 5. How do you measure your heart rate?- "My watch has a heart rate setting."

Cardio Poster Presentation

Transcript: Resveratrol Inhibits TGF-B1-Induced Proliferation of Cardiac Fibroblasts and Collagen Production by Downregulating miR-17 Group 3 Presenters: Miqdad Wakeel, Cary Lang, Taaseen Rahman, Annmarie Tripodi. RESULTS INTRODUCTION 3. Resveratrol led to a decrease in miR-17 levels 1. Resveratrol led to a significant reduction in TGF-B1-induced CF proliferation 5. Silencing miR-17 or over-expression of Smad7 led to a reduction in TGF-B1-induced CF proliferation • Myocardial fibrosis (MF) is caused by hyperproliferation of cardiac fibroblasts and interstitial accumulation of collagen fibres. • TGFB1 is a potent fibrogenic factor that mediates its effects via the TGFB1 receptors type II and I, and the downstream Smad pathway. This pathway promotes the expression of profibrogenic genes. • Other pathways such as MAPK and AKT signalling pathways are also implicated with CF hyperproliferation and collagen accumulation. Evidence suggests that microRNAs also play an important role in modulating and regulating these pathways. • Resveratrol (RSV) has been observed to exert beneficial effects in MF by increasing the NO levels. It can also inhibit the proliferation and Transdifferentiation of CFs. Molecular structure of RSV, a natural polyphenol antioxidant AIM 4. Resveratrol led to an increase in Smad7 mRNA and protein levels 2. Resveratrol led to a significant reduction in TGF-B1-induced collagen secretion 6. miR-17 overexpression led to a reduction in the expression of Smad7 mRNA and protein while miR-17 silencing led to an increase in Smad7 mRNA and protein levels • This study aimed to understand the inhibitory effects of RSV on TGFB1-mediated CFs proliferation and fibrosis at microRNA levels. METHODS CONCLUSION The Takeaway Limitations The study was conducted in vitro Only focused on TGF-B1-Smad pathway Small replicate size Future Directions In vivo animal studies Comparing RSV to other anti-fibrotic drugs Find the link between decreased MF and improved cardiac function

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