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Boxing Day

Transcript: Hope you enjoyed and found this useful!!! American's don't recognize it as a holiday. In some places, like Britain, it is a national holiday. Some people close their restaurants/stores. Boxing Day is most celebrated in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Canada. Today, Boxing Day is the equivalent of Black Friday in other countries. It is the largest shopping day of the year. In some places, people even play music in the streets. It is thought to have began in England. Boxing Day actually has nothing to with fighting. It is celebrated on December 26th. It is the English custom of giving Christmas boxes containing food or money to family servants and suppliers. It is also known as the feast of St. Stephens, or St. Stephens Day. It is the first Christian martyr. St. Stephens Day is an Irish tradition. Boxing Day Homeroom: Markland by: Cameron Kennedy There are many theories on how it got started. Some believe that the British may have started celebrating and giving their employees days off on Boxing Day. There are many theories on how it got named, too. It is a day when servants get a day off to be with their families and friends. It is also for some people to return unwanted Christmas presents. It is associated with Christmas. So don't go on the streets on Boxing Day and punch a stranger in the face! The End! Who Celebrates It What Happens on Boxing Day What It Is Cites Used Other Facts

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