Transcript: Candle Propaganda, freewill, capitalism, goodwill I don't think this fits into the dystopian society because even though it is the forbidden place it shouldn't be a forest I do think this fits into the dystopian society because there are just some words that shouldnt be said and some feelings that shouldnt be felt Anthem:Symbols A persons sense of self-importance I do think this fits into the dystopian society because it is the lack of the advancement in technology the past; anything outside advancement in technology I dont think this fits into the dystopian society because I do think this fits into the dystopian society because there was times when thing were unmentionable Knowledge, books, writing, power, ideas, rebellion Uncharted Forest The unknown opportunity, mystery, propaganda, The forbidden place I do not think this fits in with the dystopian society because the council wanted no advancement in the society Scripts By:Jacob Andrade "Lighting the way"Represent the lack of development in terms of inventions-they haven't advanced in technology I do not think this fits into the dystopian society because of how the society is Electric light Ego Unspeakable word Unmentionable times