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Free Professional Powerpoint Templates For Autobiography

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Autobiography Powerpoint

Transcript: My Teaching Autobiography by: Sara Brown My Best Practices Teaching Changes.... My Professional Teaching Journey.... My Teaching Evolution For the Future.... Teaching is Student Centered -Using differentiated instruction during lessons -Acting as a teaching guide as opposed to lecturing Teaching is Interactive -Encouraging constant collaboration amongst peers -Modeling positive relationships amongst peers Researched-Based Teaching Used -Using lessons and learning tools which are developmentally appropriate -Clearly outlining learning goals for each lesson Classroom Learning Environment -Rules and expectations are clearly outlined and followed in the classroom -Classroom decorations are helpful to academic success Teacher/Student Relationships -Teacher has a good handle on each student's home life -Positive relationships are built between teacher and students -Good choices and behaviors are noticed and rewarded Teaching Flexibility -Constantly reevaluating lessons to maintain high lesson quality -Changing lessons, schedules, routines, etc. whenever needed or on the fly -Encourage more interactive learning among the peers in my classroom by using collaborative activities. -Making lessons more student-centered by doing less direct teaching and more guided learning with me being a facilitator. -Using researched-based teaching in an across curriculum manner instead of in only one subject area. -Taking time to do more differentiation among lessons to cater to all learners in my classroom. -Graduated from BGSU with a degree in Early Childhood Education and an Intervention Specialist minor. -I did both methods and student teaching in a Kindergarten classroom in Oregon, OH. -Substitute taught for various grade levels for 1 month after graduating college. -Was hired into a rural school district (Wauseon, OH) and taught 1st Grade for 2 years. -Many cuts were made in my district causing my position to move for the following 3 years. I taught Kindergarten for 2 years and 2nd Grade for 1 year. -My district's financial state improved and I was assigned to stay in Kindergarten. I have taught Kindergarten for the past 2 years and will continue on in Kindergarten. -For 3 of my 7 years of teaching I have done co-teaching. Me Teaching!!

Professional Autobiography

Transcript: Kelsey Ferdig: Professional Autobiography Professional Qualifications Professional Qualifcations Degrees Held: University of Nebraska at Omaha Degree Conferred: May 2014 Bachelors of Science in Secondary Education Endorsement in Natural Science 7th-12th Grade University of Nebraska at Omaha Degree Conferred: August 2016 Masters of Science in Secondary Education Emphasis in Middle Level Education Educational History Educational History Professional Experiences Professional Experiences August 2014- Current 7th and 8th Grade Science Teacher Gretna Middle School Gretna Public Schools Spring 2014 Student Teaching Russell Middle School Millard Public Schools Other Professional Experiences Other Professional Experiences Being a middle school Science teacher, I have taught a variety of science topics throughout my three years of teaching, and my semester of student teaching. Gretna recently adopted a new integrated Science curriculum. Each year the students learn major topics from the following disciplines in Science: Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science. My bachelor's degree in education and my endorsement in 7-12 Natural Science prepared me for the wide varities of Science topics and content. My first year of teaching I was also pushed outside my comfort zone and taught a section of 7th grade World Geography. Over the past three years I have learned how to adapt and make changes to curriculum, write new curriculum, and even teach concepts I knew very little about. Curriculum and Content Experience Curriculum and Content Experience Professional and Educational Goals Goals Professional Goals Professional Goals Long term professional goals: Take on the role of middle school team leader Obtain the position of Gretna Middle School Science department head Become an adjunct professor at a college or university Work with pre-service teachers and become a supervisor at a college or university Teach full-time at a college or university This Fall, I will be starting my 4th year of teaching at Gretna Middle School. My first professional goal at Gretna Middle School, is to take on the role of team leader. As I continue to grow as an educator, I strive to show the skills and abilities to lead a middle school team. In the next two years, I hope to obtain this role. My second goal at Gretna Middle School is to become Science department head. I hope to hold this position by the time I am in my 10th year of teaching. In order to reach my goals, I will continue to collaborate with my fellow colleagues, share instructional techniques and ideas, try new strategies within my own classroom, visit other classrooms, observe other teachers, and have other teachers observe me for constructive feedback. I truly believe each day I have the opportunity to learn to be a better and more effective classroom teacher. I hope to share my ideas with others and be a leader in not only my department but the school. Goals at GMS Goals at GMS I truly enjoy teaching at the middle level and want to continue teaching in the classroom for at least 10-15 years. My ultimate goal as an educator is to be a pre-service teacher educator at a college or university. I would love to teach future teachers. Specficially, future middle level science teachers. In order to achieve my goal, I would first need to become an adjunct professor at a college or university. By the time I finish my second masters degree, I will have 6 years of teaching experience. At this time, I would begin applying to be an adjunct professor at Omaha area colleges and universities. Ideally, I would work as an adjunct professor for many years until I gain more teaching experience, not only at the middle level but the college level. I would then love to take on the role of being a pre-service teacher supervisor and full-time professor. It is my dream to help future teachers reach their dreams of making an impact in the classroom and the world of Science education. Long Term Professional Goals Long Term Professional Goals Why obtain a Masters of Art in Curriculum and Instruction- Emphasis in Instructional Effectiveness? The two major goals I have for obtaining my second masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in instructional effectiveness are: 1) Gain the knowledge and skills to be a more effective classroom teacher. I want to take what I learn in my courses and apply the instructional ideas, techiques, and strategies to my own classroom. I want to have the skills and experiences to someday be referred to as a "Master Teacher" 2) I want to use the skills and knowledge I gain from this degee to help me reach my ultimate long term goal of teaching future teachers. I want to share my professional experiences in education with my future students to prepare them to be effective classroom teachers and have the ability to confidentally take on anything the world of education could throw at them as my professors did for me. Educational Goals Educational Goals Technology

PowerPoint Game Templates

Transcript: Example of a Jeopardy Template By: Laken Feeser and Rachel Chapman When creating without a template... Example of a Deal or No Deal Template PowerPoint Game Templates There are free templates for games such as jeopardy, wheel of fortune, and cash cab that can be downloaded online. However, some templates may cost more money depending on the complexity of the game. Classroom Games that Make Test Review and Memorization Fun! (n.d.). Retrieved February 17, 2017, from Fisher, S. (n.d.). Customize a PowerPoint Game for Your Class with These Free Templates. Retrieved February 17, 2017, from 1. Users will begin with a lot of slides all with the same basic graphic design. 2. The, decide and create a series of questions that are to be asked during the game. 3. By hyper linking certain answers to different slides, the game jumps from slide to slide while playing the game. 4. This kind of setup is normally seen as a simple quiz show game. Example of a Wheel of Fortune Template Games can be made in order to make a fun and easy way to learn. Popular game templates include: Family Feud Millionaire Jeopardy and other quiz shows. Quick video on template "Millionaire" PowerPoint Games Some games are easier to make compared to others If users are unsure whether or not downloading certain templates is safe, you can actually make your own game by just simply using PowerPoint. add logo here References Example of a Family Feud Template PowerPoint Games are a great way to introduce new concepts and ideas You can create a fun, competitive atmosphere with the use of different templates You can change and rearrange information to correlate with the topic or idea being discussed. Great with students, workers, family, etc. For example: With games like Jeopardy and Family Feud, players can pick practically any answers. The person who is running the game will have to have all of the answers in order to determine if players are correct or not. However, with a game like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, the players only have a choice between answers, A, B, C, or D. Therefore, when the player decides their answer, the person running the game clicks it, and the game will tell them whether they are right or wrong.

Professional Autobiography

Transcript: Professional Autobiography More About Me I went to Cliffdale Elementary, Loyd E. Auman Elementary and E.E. Miller Elementary in Fayetteville, NC. After elementary school I went on to middle school at Lewis Chapel prior to moving to hoke county with my family. I then went to East Hoke Middle and finally graduated from Hoke County High School in 1998. After high school I moved back to Fayetteville, NC where I enrolled and graduated from Fayetteville State University with a bachelors degree in elementary education. As a student I struggled with academics. I was always the child that tried hard however it didn't come easy. I loved school and I didn't have many teachers that I didn't like. I do remember one teacher particular that stood out to me. She always went out of her way to make sure that her students were learning and having fun doing it. Her name was Cheryl Collazo. During my college career I was able to track her down at Van Story Elementary and do observation hours with her. She was still the same wonderful teacher that I remembered. As I progressed through elementray school into middle and high school the teachers became more and more "stale". There was alot of sitting in rows, reading from a text, lecturing and worksheets. As an educator I have dedicated myself to my students and vow to not be the "stale" teacher that they remember when they get older. I currently teach 4th grade at Littlefield Middle School in Lumberton NC. I teach math and science to 2 classes. I have been a grade chair and teacher of the month several times. I am the awards assembly director/coordinator as well as a mentor to new teachers. I have been sent to San Antonio, Texas, Greensboro, NC and Charlotte, NC to attend workshops in order to provide staff development to fellow colleagues. My Philosophy I believe that every teacher should enter the classroom with the desire to improve student learning and achievement. I believe teachers should be positive role models, energetic, open minded and should enter the classroom with high expectations for every student. I believe in connecting with my students, and understanding how my students learn. While centering my curriculum on the social and emotional growth of my students, I focus on individualized learning. I believe in nurturing the whole child in a challenging yet caring environment. I believe in safe schools where students can learn real world skills and teachers can foster learning. In order to effectively teach I vary strategies in order to engage every student. I believe that each child is a unique individual and that their needs can be met through guidance and diversity. I believe in teaching myself so I can better teach my students. The classroom must be a positive and productive learning environment in order for students to learn. Learning is a life long process and needs to be met with an open mind and positive attitude. As an educator I hope to inspire and encourage my students. -Tracy Carter Graduate Student 20011-2013 The graduate pogram at UNCP has taught me ways to enhance my teaching. I have learned innovative ways to help my students in the classroom. I have become more informed and aware of various teaching styles and I have implemented differentiated instruction that has proven for me to be successful. I began teaching 3rd grade at Janie Hargrave Elementary in 2006. Littlefield Middle School 2007-Present Cumberland Mills Elementary I completed my student teaching at Cumberland Mills Elementary in Hope Mills. I student taught in the 3rd grade and. absolutely loved it. It helped confirm that teaching was my calling. During my last year and a half in college I became a teacher assistant at Rowland Norment Elementary. I was assigned to a kindergarten classroom. Being a teacher assistant really helped me learn to manage, organize and learn the ropes of being a teacher. Tracy Carter Go Hornets Masters in Elementary Education The Beginning Teacher Assistant 2005-2006 My First Year I always knew I was going to be a teacher. Since I was in elementary school the only thing that I ever wanted was to teach. I was always a student that had to work hard for good grades but I didn't mind. Every time we went to the store all I ever wanted to buy was school supplies. I would even ask for school supplies for my birthday. I played teacher with my friends everyday. I never had any doubt about what I wanted to be when I grew up.

Professional powerpoint

Transcript: Example of a judge in the courtroom. I like this career because it is one that suits me. I like it also because it is what I like do do. I like the law and i like the act of being in the courtroom. The thing that I do not like about being a lawyer is, sometimes there will be a lot of paperwork that goes along with the job. Also there will be so many different personalities that I will have to work with. Other Careers I would consider having are paralegal and Psychological Analyst. A Paralegal is a Lawyer's assistant. They file paperwork, organize files, conduct legal research and drafting documents. A Psychological Analyst analyzes people and determine weather he or she has a psychological condition. Criminal Defense Lawyers represent those who are convicted of a crime. They defend them in the courthouse and try to convince the jury that their client is not guilty. Bibliography Skills Needed 1.) Title Slide 2.) Table of Contents 3.) Career Description 4.) Specialty and Similar Careers 5.) Suitability 6.) Skills Needed 7.) What to Learn 8.) Money 9.) Outlook 10.) Earnings Chart 11.) Connections 12.) Career Site 13.) likes and Dislikes 14.) Concluding Slide 2.) To become a successful Criminal Defense Lawyer one needs to have good observation skills, critical analysis, passion, and oratory methods. Also lawyers need to know the law of the sate and the federal law. To become a Criminal Defense Lawyer Career PowerPoint Outlook Quote about Lawyers The job of a Criminal Defense Lawyer is just right to me. I am very talkative, I like to debate as well as present in front of a court. I am interested in law, government and doing paperwork that has to do with it. Within my field, I value my clients, my money as well as my representation. Not only do they defend clients in the courtroom but they also have to deal with a lot of paperwork outside of the courtroom. 4.) Money 1.) Specialty and Similar Careers In the future, there will not be a lot of jobs available. unlike a lot of the other jobs, the job of a lawyer will be available more than a lot of the other jobs. People get in trouble with the law everyday so there will still be jobs available. 3.) To become a lawyer, other than the education on a high school level, one needs to have an undergraduate degree as well as a law degree. He or she needs to know the law as well as the Supreme Court cases To become a lawyer, one will be in school for about 6 to 8 years. About Criminal Lawyers The Best of the Web links Likes and Dislikes What to learn 5.) The Majority of lawyers work in private or corporate legal offices. Table of Contents Suitability Joy Zieh

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