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Product Life Cycle

Transcript: A firework is a commbustible tool that disperses color and sounds. Step 1: Raise and extract raw materials The first fireworks were made 2,000 years ago back in early China and were originally made of a paper or bamboo tube filled with charcoal and sulfer. However the didn't have explosions until 1,000 years later when saltpeter was added creating what was like a black explosive powder. The raw Materials of a firework: 1. The outside of the firework is made out of plastic or papier-mache. 2. There is a shell on the bottom of the firework that is filled with gun powder to propel the rocket into the sky and that is made out of iron, aluminum, or plastic. 3. There is a compartment filled with gun powder (potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur) 4. The stars which determine the amount of brihtness and what colors will come out of rocket. The stars consist of charcoal, dextrin, red gum, aluminum, magnisium, titanium, and sugar which determine the brightness of the fireworks flares. The chemicles in the stars that are used to determine what colors come out of the firework are; aluminum, magnesium, or titanium (white), carbon or iron (orange), sodium compounds (yellow), copper compounds (blue), strontium carbonate (red), and barium nitrate or barium chlorate (green) One of the main minerals used to make fireworks go up into the air and explode is sulfur. (S) Sulfur is found near volcanoes, fumaroles, and is a byproduct of oil and gas industries. Sulfur is collected by the people that work at oil and gas industries and by the businesses that scavenger natural brimstone. Step 2: Processing the raw Materials Sulfur goes through a process where it is put in a solvent and the impurities are removed and it is made saturated. After the sulfer is ridded of its impurities it is then crushed or processed to be put into the fireworks. Step 3: manufacture the fireworks Sulfur is put into the bottom compartment of the rocket and is combined with charcoal and potassium nitrate to create gun powder. The gun powder is ignited and is propelled into the air and blows up releasing the stars. A wick is inserted into the firework chamber that allows the firework to be lit and then safely allow the lighter to get away. The sulfur in the gun powder is what allows that mixture to be lit. Step 4: Uses of fireworks What would the Fourth of July be like without fireworks? Step 5: Recycling Pretty much, when a fire work explodes, all of the materials explode too. The only way for a firework to be reused is if it was never ignited. Sources: 1: Secrest, Rose. How fireworks is made. N.p., 2012. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. <>. 2: 3: Fireworks!: Pyrotechnics on Display By: Norman D Anderson and Walter R Brown 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: Fire works

Product Life Cycle

Transcript: there are proper ways to dispose of perfume bottles contact your local Hazardous Waste Collection Site some perfume stores will sometimes take your empty perfume bottles and properly dispose of them Perfume a full truckload only gets about 6 miles to the gallon due to the enormous weight that is being forced downwards pollution from the distribution of perfumes are mainly air pollution including the product's pollution and the amount of exhaust from the trucks also, the planes from overseas to transport the perfumes take an enormous amount of fuel instead of just throwing out perfume bottles, there has been a trend in upcycling the pretty decorative bottles some ideas were as ornaments or a tiny vase for a flower and much more more than 4,000 chemicals are in perfumes 95% of them are made from petroleum using perfumes do pollute the air, even when using a small spray each time, it adds up using too much perfume or fragrances is close to using pesticides inside your home also using perfumes in closed in areas force the user to inhale the chemicals causing damage to the lungs major environmental pollution organizations suggest using less perfumes due to the harm it does to the air Disposal once the fluid is all used up, the plastic or glass bottle is then disposed of in the garbage the glass and plastic will just stay in the landfill for a very long time glass is especially dangerous since how fragile it is and could potentially hurt birds or other animals lurking in garbage bins or landfills What is Perfume? a fragrant liquid usually made from natural oils extracted from flowers, spices, animals, and much more used to spray a pleasant smell to someone's body or clothes there are thousands upon thousand different types of perfumes available range of shapes, colors, smells, affordability, and gender (cologne) because of differences in body chemistry, temperature, and body odors, no perfume will smell exactly the same on any two people Production the various of chemicals found in perfumes can cause serious health issues this includes asthma, headaches, dizziness, burning or skin irritations, blood pressure spikes, and swollen lymph nodes Resource Extraction perfume was first made through the extraction of natural ingredients this includes flowers, animals, plants, grasses, herbs, fruits, and many more with today's technology, scientists could now synthetically duplicate certain fragrances the essences of the oils are concentrated from being distilled in alcohol and water most perfumes are also aged to concentrate a more intensified and long-lasting fragrance Even though perfumes generally can make a person feel better about themselves, perfumes are a dangerous occurrence that happens in our daily lives. Consumption just like how Annie Leonard said, companies develop products easier to dispose of so we need to buy more most people use perfume everyday, sometimes multiple times a day notice how perfume bottles are more concentrated about their appearance than the actual amount of fluid inside 8,000 tons of perfume are produced annually when sprayed perfumes can be absorbed through the skin and fat tissues and cause harm when washed they could possibly get into the environment through waste water and sewage major chemical contaminants in many fish and water samples Some ways to lessen the consequences of perfume could be to use less perfume, use the product in a more open space, or be cautious of the types of fragrances you use. this makes distribution process more widely used, having the product be sent to many stores, leaving a huge carbon footprint all around the world people are using and making perfumes usually people like a certain perfume, therefore they will buy that perfume from wherever it is available, no matter the distance another chemical found in perfume called Acetaldehyde was actually discovered to be a human carcinogen side effects using this chemical are loss of muscle control, brain damage, memory loss, and problems with speech studies also found that pregnant women using certain perfumes could potentially cross chemicals through the placenta into the fetus in case of any accidents during land distribution, the amount of perfume that will be released in the air and on the land would be a major downfall to the ecosystems nearby the fumes from the fragrances would last for days and spread liquids would seep into the soil or water Bibliography- perfumes are a major daily tendency, especially for girls, and yet there is much harm being done every time it is being used to obtain just one pound of natural oils from flowers and other plants, it takes about a thousand flowers or plants this brings about a lot of over usage of the

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