Swim Lane Process Map for a Medical Procedure
Transcript: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fprofile_images%2F958571805396078592%2F5bUjYVtg_400x400.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fanshetah&docid=Eof20NdPP5cNjM&tbnid=TA94iiAlqW28zM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwioj5mF1N3gAhWcAGMBHT_1A_EQMwg-KAAwAA..i&w=239&h=239&safe=strict&client=safari&bih=748&biw=689&q=شعار%20pnu&ved=0ahUKEwioj5mF1N3gAhWcAGMBHT_1A_EQMwg-KAAwAA&iact=mrc&uact=8 section: 6Q3 28/2/2019 supply chain management Swim Lane Process Map for a Medical Procedure About case study About Swim lane process: C. Hospital. Mapping process that shows a clear workflow for each working party Example: Preforming a surgery: B. Surgeon. A. Penitent. Example Working Sections: Working Sections: Horizontal: Department, Person and Material. Arrows\ Symbols: show each party its Destination. Q1 Q1- who or what org. is responsible for the process from start to finish ? And what are the implications for managenig and improving the treatment process? responsible The hospital is responsible for the surgery. Improving business processes: is at very core of operations and supply chain management. performance levels of most processes tend to decrease over unless forces are exerted to maintain it. Even if an org does not feel a need to improve it's business processes, it may be forced due to competitive pressure. measuring business first understand the customer wants and calculate objective performance information for the process measuring business process performance Measure of process performance Measure of process Quality: performance quality, conformance quality and reliability Flexibillity: mix,changeover, and volume flexibility. cost: labor, material, and quality related costs. Productivity: (ratio of outputs to input) Time: delivery speed and delivery relibility. Efficiency: (the ratio of actual outputs to standard outputs) 100% X (actual outputs/standard outputs). Cycle or (throughout) time (total elapsed time needed to complete a business process. Company Intro Which process steps should be standardized? Registration and appointment. Radiology process. Communication process. FLOW CHART CREATION APPS The Brief WHICH PROCESS SHOULD BE MORE ARTISTIC 3. Consider the errors that occurred during the treatment process. How might you use the Six Sigma methodology and continuous improvement tools to keep these errors from reoccurring? Looking ahead, what kinds of solutions might you see coming out of such an analysis? Strategy Solution Before taking any action on the patient, be sure to correct the necessary information, there should be careful and a lot of scrutiny. Using Six Sigma methodology in which the main steps are to analyze, improve and control the process. In all operations, we need this methodology because it seeks to improve by identifying and eliminating the causes of errors. It will enable us to control errors and solve them. It helps us to obtain accuracy as well as control errors. This reduces cost and increases profit. Members work the manager can control the number of errors that occur significantly. Continuous training in hospital procedures will help us prevent future errors. Video Video we faced some difficulities but we overcame it by external reading and at the end we want to introduce these apps that may help you in creating swim lane flow chart in an easy and beautiful way Conclusion program IDEAMENT INSPIRATION FLOWDIA DIAGRAMS ILUCID CHART program OUR TEAM 1- Athari alshammari 437004848 2- Rahaf AlGhunaim 436000213 3- Ashwaq Alshamari 437004457 4- Raghad Alshowyair 437004334 5- Raneem Alrashoud 437004461 6- Lojin Zuhair Rahbeeni 437004907 7-Bayan Fahd Alessa 437004196 OUR TEAM