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Career Roadmap

Transcript: Most start their day off early at 5:30 am.. immediately checking email because social media never sleeps Next reply and retweet.. negative mentions need to be addressed right away, then engage with brands and replies, retweets, favorites, and tweets. Post.. video to Instagram, Vine, and update Twitter and Facebook Publish.. blog entry for status updates on current news Job Outlook Education/Training Requirments; How do you get there? Salary/Earnings/Benefits Earnings in the US come in around $46K per year. Ranging betwwen $27K near the bottom and $72K near the top. Benefit; most workers in this position report high levels of job satisfaction women dominate this field at 66% continue.. continued A typical day in the life... contiuned.. a. pick the career Social media marketing manager; administer the company social media marketing and adverstiving. Highly motivated creative individual with experiences and passion for connecting with current and future customers. Scan.. news sites and blogs for interesting articles for videos and posts to share Follow up.. on sales teams to see if they've delivered testimonials Lunch.. grab lunch with someone from marketing to discuss how to promotes ideas and upadates with the company on social media. Rec&Upload.. update instagram and vine again with a video Write... another blog entry Career Roadmap Skype... conference about microblogging Revisit... usual social media haunts for follow ups and supervises to make sure all is going smoothly Present... Weekly department meeitng to provide a crash course Review.. google analysis on traffic volume, bounce rates and other metrics My career.. Sign up.. registers and marks calender for the next meetings Schedule tweets.. to go out overnight and promote brands to night owls and other countries Check... email one last time before going to bed In order to become a social media marketing manager you would need a Bachelors degree in communications, journalism, or marketing. Other requirements would be writing and computer skills. Collage major in Digital Communication or Social Media (no specific exams or tests are needed to become social media marketing manager) I would love to be a socail media marketing manager Employment of advertising, promotions, and marketing manager is projected to grow 9 percent from 2014 to 2024 faster than the average for all occupations.

Career Roadmap

Transcript: Career Roadmap Goals Goals Where do I want to be in one year? Working a steady job Frelancing in audio editing until I find a place I want to work with Get bartending license and first job/gig Planing a trip oversea to Asia with a friend Small trips to other states As I am graduating and have had a student position at Temple University for the past 4 years, I am looking for a new job that will steadily bring in money. Bartending could be my steady job after I get my license but I honestly would rather do this more as a freelancer or with a company that will outsource me like a freelance bartender While doing that I will also be looking into companies and businesses where I could do audio work. I know it's hard to land these big jobs right away so I am most likely going to freelance or start somewhere smaller until I find that steady job in my career A couple of my teachers and colleagues have brought websites to my attention where I could put myself up as a freelancer Work Work Jobs I'm Applying To Jobs I'm Applying To Receptionist - I have the most experience in this area and am applying to any place that is hiring Retail - thinking of applying to Uniqlo and maybe Zara since I like those brands and I have some retail experience Administrative - This is my reach into a different field. I don't have direct experience with these types of jobs but I am confident because of previous experiences I can handle it Bartending - Once I get my license I hope to do this as a freelance just to make extra money and because I think it's an interesting job Companies and Freelancing Companies and Freelancing Going BIG!! Funimation Pixar Dreamworks Studio Bones (Japanese company) A little smaller WHYY WXPN World Live Cafe Refinery29 Freelance Websites After college is the best time to travel if you don't have kids and you're not married with other things tieing you down, so I have major plans to travel inside and outside the US. PLAY! PLAY! Travel the WORLD!! Timeline Timeline 2018 JANUARY What I hope/plan to do as long as I have a job and make enough to save up MAY JUNE DECEMBER Start planing how to save up for my big trip to sourtheast Asia - five year plan Check point for 5 year plan and make adjustments. Plan a small trip with US continue planing for small trip to somewhere in US. Set date for June throughout Sept. Check in with 5 year plan and make budget adjustments based on financial situation at present Map Map Califonia Florida Brazil Ghana China, Korea & Japan Indonesia, Philllipines, Thailand Etc. Strategies Strategies Since I do not plan on going to graduate school (unless I need to later on), my biggest obsticle is getting equipment to do the job of an audio editor/producer. A limitation would be financial issues. Equipment, even for low end but quality stuff, can still be really pricy. The same could also be said for when I want to travel. My financial situation plays heavily into this. Something I need to learn is how to become a professional voice actor and how to break into the business. Cost of Equipment - It's standard in the audio industry to at least have a computer able to run the software you need, an interface, a pair of professional grade studio monitors and a microphone Computer:$300-$500 Interface:$150 min. Monitors: $400-$500 Microphone: $$150 min. I have already started getting equipment but it takes time to save up money until I can afford this equipment which could prevent me from doing work in my field. In terms of what I still need to do this is one of the biggest obsticles in the way of my professional career advancement. Professional Professional When it comes to voice acting, one of the things I need to do is get a mentor to help refine me in the art and also help to get jobs, or roles in shows/movies. Although I've taken a voice acting class and watch a couple documentaries on it I still do not know enough to be able to comfortably walk into this career path. The challenge is finding this mentor which is going to require research and time networking. I plan to start with just making baisc connection through teachers and jobs, I'm sure I'll be able to work my way there with that and some research. Professional Part 2 Professional Part 2 So my main limitation with travel is the same as one of my limitation for my professional career, finances. Based on my income and my bills I will have to calculate how much I can save for travel every month. Since travel is really something I want to do I have considered working a second job or doing some type of program where you can get free room and board in return for some labor servies. Travel Travel Initiatives Initiatives No matter what field you're in it's all about connection, who you know and how you can use them to your benefit (as selfish as that sounds). I plan to use the connections I made in school, mainly with professors (two or three in particular), but I've also met a few audio professionals outside of school that

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