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Case Analysis Powerpoint Presentation Template

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Case Analysis presentation

Transcript: Ethics & Reasoning Psycho: -Diagnosed with ADHD & PTSD -Takes medication for ADHD, anxiety (PTSD), and a strong sleep aid -Intelligence Personal Biases: -My educational background and upbringing different than that of Bio Mom and "Katie", but that does not make it wrong -The standard for cleanliness of my own home is different than that of this family, but that also does not make it wrong to a degree Micro: -Visits/support Mezzo: -Upper management at The Villages contacting supervisors at DCS when Villages Case Manager cannot get answers, interventions by supervisors -GAL involved with court hearings more than other service providers, does not work with "Katie" face to face Macro: -Advocacy at court & CFTM's What Would I Do Differently? -Did not have opportunity to "mess up" -I wish I could have seen her more or gone to court/CFTM when I was in class or working -Availability Family Theory: -unconnected family system from Mom, now passed onto "Katie" -Hasn't had opportunity to form healthy relationships with family -Many family members unhealthy -Bio Dad: alleged abuse -Step Dad: unsafe -Bio-Pyscho-Social-Spiritual Assessment: -Multi-racial girl of elementary school age -Artistic, creative, funny, incredibly intelligent & mature -Currently in foster care, has been for over two years -Plan: reunification with biological mother -Diagnoses include ADHD & PTSD -Complicated history and case Mary Robin *Strengths Perspective Service Providers -Cycle of poverty -Briefed about "Katie's" case before I ever met her -Shadowed case manager, attended visits with "Katie" twice a week -Attended Child and Family Team Meetings about her and her case -Strong connection during visits -Personal reactions included: heartbreak for her removal/situation, but nervous about reunification with biological Mother due to safety concerns Personal Reactions Image retrieved from Relevant Theories -Eco-Map References Bio: -Female -Elementary school age -Multi-racial 1. TFC Case Manager 2. Intern 3. School based therapist 4. Home based therapist 5. Case Manager for Mom 6. Mom's therapist 7. Dad's therapist 8. Mentor for "Katie" 9. GAL 10. CASA 11. Visitation facilitator 12. DCS Case Manager 13. Nurse practitioner 14. Foster mother 15. DCS FCM supervisor 16. Teachers 17. Legal team Social Justice Issue Image retrieved from: Case Analysis presentation Attachment Theory: -"Katie" very attached to her Mom -Conjecture: Paradigm of who to be attached to for "Katie". -Be attached to Foster Mom, but also be attached to Bio Mom -Healthy attachment, attachment can be risky (ex: Stepfather, unsafe) "Katie Jones" Cultural Biases: -Biological Mother did not have opportunity for education, lower-functioning, is not able to read, does not work, collects disability due to poor health/obesity, poverty, cleanliness of home, safety knowledge Intervention Evaluation -DOLGOFF, R., LOEWENBERG, F. & HARINGTON, D. (2012). ETHICAL DECISIONS FOR SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE, 9TH EDITION. BELMONT, CA: BROOKS/COLE. -NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SOCIAL WORKERS. (2010). CODE OF ETHICS. WASHINGTON, DC: AUTHOR. AVAILABLE AT HTTP://WWW.NASWDC.ORG/CODE.HTM. - Systems Theory: -Family causing problems, how was Bio Mom parented? Now impacting "Katie" -Cycle of poverty -System of foster care - current placement is 5th overall What Did I Do Well? -Provided consistency -Built positive, healthy "friendship" in professional way -Stayed informed, staffed case regularly Social: -Biological Mom, "Ex" Stepfather, lack of extended family -Biological Father -Foster Mom/her extended family -School: teachers, friends -After school care: teacher, friends -Large team of service providers NASW Code of Ethics: -Dignity & worth of the person -"Katie" feels guilt for being removed -"Katie" takes it upon herself to help with returning home and asks to "talk to the judge" -Social justice -Poverty: If "Katie's" family were not living in poverty, would she even be in foster care? -Importance of human relationships -Referrals for services Assessment Tools Interventions: -My role to advocate for safety, permanency, wrap around services after reunification -Quality of life -Support for "Katie", build rapport, provide consistency, healthy relationship, support Foster Mother, Case Manager and other service providers -Attend court hearings, advocate there and at CFTM's -Supporting Foster Mom- very qualified Awareness of Personal & Cultural Bias

Case Analysis Presentation

Transcript: 2013 & 2014: - 1,100 employees - 350 volunteers - annual income 88.5 million - Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network (TCLHIN) -How to instill the methods & values used into Providence to last overtime -How to continue the momentum of change & innovation Pillars: Compassion, hope, & healing Six values: -Sanctity of life -Human dignity -Compassionate service -Community -Social justice -Social responsibility Director of Mission & Values Sarah Bousfiha Providence Healthcare 2013/14 annual report, Compassion, Hope, Healing, 2014%20Annual%20Report/, accessed November 25, 2014 The Main Issue: Sustaining 2008: - Hospital experiencing a deficit - Risk of cutbacks: services, staff, & pt. care units Quality & standards of care improvements became priority - Wait times - Use of resources - Performance & productivity - Balancing budget Components: - 6 rehab units - Palliative care unit - Outpt. clinics - Cardinal Ambrozic Houses - Adult Day Program - Providence Healthcare Foundation "Time to Shine", 2010-2015 - Engage stakeholders in changes being made - Inp. rehab units - Expand outpt. services - Excellence in pt. care "Transformation by Design", TbyD - Lean methodology - 3P's of quality improvement -Implemented on all 6 units by 2014 How to Continue The Hospital Turnaround Josie Walsh - VP of Programs & Chief nurse executive, 2001 - President & CEO, 2011 - Led hospital turnaround Dr. Peter Nord -VP & Chief Medical Officer - Focus: coordinated pt. care & pt. flow Thelma Horwitz -Lean Corporate Lead to Director of Quality & Process Improvement - Project lead Beth Johnson -Chief Communication Officer -Focus: communication w/ stakeholders & feedback Sister Mary Anne McCarthy: Director of Mission & Values Key Individuals Providence Healthcare Background - Mission, values, & direction - Key stakeholders - Quality of care, & pt. and employee satisfaction - No internal individuals to lead - Back to square one - Stakeholder consultations - Character-based leadership - Communication audits & research on communication - Strategic planning retreat - Brainstorming sessions - Feedback utilization - Active participation - Celebration of accomplishments - Focus on pre, during, & post care - Leadership recognition Importance Case Analysis Presentation Providence Healthcare - Potential leaders - Communication delivery variety - Measure, measure, measure - Explore opportunities - Continuous involvement Providence Healthcare Background Providence Healthcare Background Other Tools "House of Providence" 1857: Sisters of St. Joseph Rehab, palliative and long-term care "Helping people. Healing Lives." Providence Healthcare Background Turnaround Initiatives

Case Analysis Presentation

Transcript: Threats Problem Statement Financial Analysis Greeting Cards Currently sells to 150 small gift stores in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia Sells to retailers for $2.25 per card who sells for $4.50 Case Analysis Presentation: Warm Fuzz Cards Lion Head Solutions Sarah, Elijah, and Rachel Erica Mills is struggling with the decision of how to continue and expand her small, but profitable business, as she and her husband pursue parenthood. Warm Fuzz Cards was created to brighten days and create smiles. You do not need a reason to send a card; you send a card just for the fun of making someone smile. Lack of business knowledge and ability Ignorance to cost No formal design training Low profit margin on current retail sales Ownership and Operation: Who is in charge? What is the owner's views and beliefs for the business? Current Strategy Currently using slow growth or "Bootstrapping" strategy Sets and has met sales goals for each year Competitive strategies and marketing approaches Strengths Weaknesses Opportunity Erica should choose to specialize in custom card orders. This would allow her to; create her own schedule give her flexibility ability to focus on raising a family while continuing her business continue relations and interactions with clientele continue to produce high quality cards Mission Statement Each line of business accounts for 50% of sales Alternatives Questions? Custom Cards Marketed towards wedding and corporate business function invitations Custom event cards sell for $5 - $10 High profit margin of $4 - $9 National chain store Hire more staff Improve business skills and experience Fast growth potential Implementation Plan Leading competitors account for 85% of market Growing e-card sensation Possible economic hardships effect greeting card demand Highly competitive wedding market Erica currently has two lines of business: Expand to national chain store for fast growth Find a partner with business knowledge and capital to invest in expansion Remain small but profitable business Specialize her business by solely focusing on producing custom cards Strong relationships with customers and current retailers Unique and custom designs High quality products Profitable No overhead cost Little investment to date Cut ties with retailers New print shop Expand custom card clients Seek investments and accounting Recommended Action Situation Analysis


Transcript: By Beyond Blue STUDENT NAME: IFEANYI GODWIN OKOLI STUDENT NO: U3139350 Implicit Association Test(IAT). Ha The Invisible Discriminator INTRODUCTION OF THIS CAMPAIGN Acknowledgment of Country I would like to acknowledge the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people who are the traditional custodians of this land on which we are meeting and pay respect to the Elders of Ngunnawal and Ngambri Nations both past and present. I extend this respect to all aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in attendance today. The Reason I choose this campaign WHY? History of Australia(story). First People of the land. Stereotypes about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island People. Indigenous Rights. Education and Health Related Issues. Main Objectives Beyond Blue (Founded October 2000) Beyond Blue is an Australian independent non-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, suicide, anxiety, disorders and other mental related disorders From July 2014 beyond blue created this national social marketing campaign which highlights the impact of racial discrimination on the social and well being of aboriginal and Torres strait Islander people. Also commissioned TNS Social Research to evaluate the reach and the impact of the campaign on the target audience, which is non-Indigenous people aged 25-44 years. Beyond Blue Campaign Objectives Message of this Campaign. Stop, Think and Respect! ( Non-indigenous people of Australia) "Social Marketing is the application of commercial marketing concepts and tools to influence the voluntary behavior of target audiences to improve their lives or the society of which they are a part."_Andreasen,2014. What are the target group? OPERATION OF THIS CAMPAIGN This campaign aims to Eliminate the impact of discrimination,racist attitudes and stereotypical beliefs has on Indigenous Australians by tapping into perceptions and bias of Non-Indigenous people. "The campaign purpose, by contrast, is the ultimate impact(benefit) that will be realized if your target audience performs the desired behaviors at the intended levels."_Lee & kotler,2015. What made the campaign so successful and effective? Success/Effectiveness (Strategic communication can be defined as “the purposeful use of communication by an organization to fulfill its mission” _Hallahan et al., 2007, p. 3). Positioning Statement used? Behavior-Focused Positioning Focus -To (modify,Reject and Abandon) discriminatory attitudes based on (non-indigenous people) perception and bias. What Persuasion Strategies/Tactics were used? Persuasion Strategies influence behavior desired behavior Target Audience "Independent research has found that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and people with an African background frequently experience racism at work or while using public services such as transport." _ Australian Human Rights Commission,2014 What could be done better? EVALUATION OF THIS CAMPAIGN what do you think about the IAT? How was the presentation? How do you feel about the campaign video(message)? Questions/Feedback? Andreasen, A. R., & Kotler, P. (2014). Strategic marketing for nonprofit organizations. Strategic Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations. Harlow, Pearson Education Limited. NancyR.Lee, Philip kotler, Soicial marketing: Changing Behaviors for Good; Sage Publication,2015 ed 5. Kirk Hallahan, Derina Holtzhausen, Betteke van Ruler, Dejan Verčič & Krishnamurthy Sriramesh (2007) Defining Strategic Communication, International Journal of Strategic Communication, 1:1, 3-35, DOI: 10.1080/15531180701285244 Mathew Trinca, 'Museums and the History Wars' (Links to an external site.), History Australia, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2003, pp. 85-97. Guy Hansen, ‘Telling the Australian story at the National Museum of Australia: “Once upon a time...”’ (Links to an external site.), History Australia, Vol. 2, No. 3, 2005, pp. 91–99. Nathan Sentance, “My Ancestors Are in Our Memory Institutions, but Their Voices Are Missing” (Links to an external site.), The Guardian, March 6, 2018. National Museum of Australia, Encounters: Reflections on history, culture and museums (Links to an external site.), YouTube, 2017 Adam Goodes-Australian of the Year 2014 Acceptance Speech,Australian of the Year Awards. Elevator- racism,Racism it stops with me, Australian Human Rights Commision, October,2014. Indigenous Art Edition PPE Shirts-Maliyan Horizon, Arts. Beyondblue:Depression and Anxiety, Implicit Association Test: Project implicit, Harvard Paradies, Y., Harris, R. and Anderson, I. 2008, The Impact of Racism on Indigenous Health in Australia and Aotearoa: Towards a Research Agenda, Discussion Paper No. 4, Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health, Darwin. <> References: SOURCES/REFERENCES

Case Analysis Presentation

Transcript: 3. Personal Reactions (National Association of Social Workers, 2008) (Dolgoff et al., 2012) Use of personal space perception of power influences client interaction Nonverbal communication changes from the beginning of assessment to the end Parental system Client is currently being raised by her father with no maternal influence. Considering the circumstances, this might have led to the delinquent behavior Perceptions of juvenile delinquency Encouraging a clear record for job placement or higher education pursuits 6. Theories Micro: completion of assessment possible counseling options follow-up on client well-being Mezzo: completion of Teen Court hearing completion of consequences collaboration with probation Macro: collaboration with probation community outreach probation in other counties Teen Court in high schools Reaction to client Reaction to parent (Garthwait, 2014) 7. Skills Used to Develop Goals Scheduling the assessment Juvenile delinquency Personal Reaction: Social justice issue: limitations on upward social mobility with the presence of a record. For the specific client system, her limitations are in reference to higher education or possible employment opportunities. Generalist Practice Skills (warmth, genuineness, and respect) Seeking Clarification Use of theories Ecological Theory Systems Theory Life Span Theory Dolgoff Model Client Interaction: Conclusion Introduction Caucasian Female 17 years old Senior in high school Parents are divorced-lives with dad who has sole custody 2 younger siblings No prior legal history No issues with truancy, drugs, or alcohol Never before seen by clinician Referred for shoplifting 8. Evaluation of intervention 2. Assessment Tools Use of social work skills generalist practice theories Ability to follow the content Ability to feel empathy understand biases Ability to improve from previous assessments 1. Client System Personal Bias Biases at the Agency (Garthwait, 2014) Katie Gooch Reach For Youth Field Instructor: Chris Ponti 9. Social Justice Issue What could have gone better: Case Analysis Presentation Strengths Perspective identify strengths and resources of client Ecosystems Perspective identify the impact of social environment on client Diversity Perspective identify diversity and how this has impacted the client Systems Theory how systems with which the client is part of have impacted them (Garthwait, 2014) Reflect feeling Reflect content Paraphrase Go off of the "script" understand more about relationship with mother Physical Appearance: 3. Ethical Rules Screen 1.06 (a) Conflict of Interest social workers should be aware of and avoid conflicts of interest that interferes with impartial judgement 1.07 (a), (b), & (c) Privacy and Confidentiality social workers should respect a client's right to privacy social workers may discolose confidential information when appropriate, with valid consent social workers should protect the confidentiality of all clinets except for compelling professional reasons 4. Ethical Reasoning Model 1. Description of ethical dilemma 2. Ethical Assessment Screen identify values (personal, societal, and professional) identify what can be done to minimize conflicts with values alternative options short- and long-term consequences identify if this action is impartial Because the ERS provided sufficient guidance, the Ethical Principles Screen isn't needed Ecomap........ 3. Cultural Bias What went well: Cultural Bias Perception of favorability for Johnson County how this affects the clients and the organization origins of this perception Culture strong emphasis on higher education perceptions of juvenile delinquency Socioeconomic status Differences in two locations Background Good student Gets along well with family/good behavior at home No previous legal issues Empathy Paternal influence Teen Court works at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels of social work to reduce the number of juvenile offenders within the juvenile justice system and encourage a strong future. Although the client system didn't have overt issues, her situation and all clients who come through the program, are complex because of all of the social influences that shape behavior. Recognizing these influences and their effects on behavior is the role of the social worker; setting goals to overcome certain choices is the role of the social worker and the client. Thank you for your viewing!

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