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Flower Design Powerpoint Template

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Website Design powerpoint

Transcript: Middle School is a very important time for the students moving up. They are growing up from being little elementary kids transitioning to being an older teen in high school. Studies have shown that students start to lose interest in school when they are in middle school grades (6th -8th). Many people ask why do they lose interest at this time. We will list some of the reason here: In-Classroom Methods Out of Classroom Methods What is the Importance of Fixing this? In our previous section we talked about keeping middle school students surprised in the math classroom. There are many ways to do this but were going to talk about two major ways. Games- Games can be an important way to keep your middle school students interested and on task in the classroom. Of course these games need to be relevant to what your doing in your class. Here are some links to websites for games and activities: Group Activities- In your classroom you probably will have a lot of times where students work individually ,but as teachers you should have times where your students work together in groups. Maybe during a exercise after a lesson or working on a study guide. This is another way to get the students to learn good skills socially and also in the lessons. Why Middle School Students Lose Interest? Home How to Keep Parents Involved Reasons Middle School Students Lose Interest Home Ways to Vary Out Of Classroom Work In-Classroom Methods mean ways to keep students interested in your subject area (in this case math). KEEP THEM SURPRISED Use activities like games and group work What Brings about these Reasons? Reasons Peer Pressure Popularity Drugs Disabilities Why Middle School Students Lose Interest. In-Classroom Methods Out of Classroom Methods Parental Involvement Keep Their Interest Middle School Math Social Problems Starting to Struggle Academically And Many More Parental Involvement KEEP THEM SURPRISED!!! There are some ways you can make your middle school homework more interesting for your students and it will make them enjoy it more also. One way you can do this is to give them assignments like finding jobs that this math lesson could help them do or when doing percentages have them find something in one of their favorite things that has percentages like tax on clothes or shooting percentages. You can also make project more interesting connect to their live and have them understand what their doing and why their doing it so the students don’t think its pointless. As mentioned earlier Middle School is a very important time for students because of the transition time. This is a time where teachers, parents, coaches, or anyone involved with their lives need to try hardest to encourage students to stay on task and work hard because if we as teachers and adult keep them interested and working hard then we are doing out job of leading the future generation. Home Home A good way to keep Middle School students interested in math or academics at all is to keep them surprised in the classroom. Some students get bored with the everyday lecture and homework problems. By keeping your students moving and doing different things in the classroom their interest level will rise and they will stay interested in math and should do well academically. Some ways to keep them surprised it to use games and group work in the class. Reasons Middle School Students Lose Interest. Why these reason present themselves? Why is it IMPORTANT to fix this problem? One of the most important things in schools is having good parent involvement in your class. In math it is statistically known it is one of the more challenging classes in school. So math teachers especially need to have contact with parents and be able to keep them up to date on what is going on in the classroom and if their child is struggling. In the classroom a big question for teachers is how to keep the parents involved with their kids schooling. Well here are some ways to consider and look at: Have an online site for you classroom. This can be a very helpful way to keep your parents involved and let them know what your class is doing and what assignments are dues and when tests are going to be held. Send home weekly progress reports to be signed or maybe every other week. This will let parents know what grades their child is making. Keep these signed reports too so if a parent comes to you saying they had no idea then you can pull it out of your files. Use Activities in the Classroom like Games and Group Work The reasons we listed are some of the major things that cause students to lose interest. We are going to explain why some of these reasons come about. Peer Pressure occurs because sometimes a students friends put pressures on the kid to be a nuisance or do other things to effect the students academics negatively. Drugs can be a huge reason because If a student gets involved with drugs it mean they are

Effective Powerpoint Design

Transcript: Which Linearity to Choose? What is Linear vs Non-Linear? This title is far too dark for this background Linear or Nonlinear References There is nothing inherently wrong with either one, they just serve two very different purposes. Nonlinear allow for an easy presentation of multiple subjects or sub-categories, not always related, such as general design tips and linear vs nonlinear comparison. It allows an easier intractability to refer back to past information. Easy to integrate audience participation. Linear is effective at portraying a clear single subject or goal Timing is generally very predictable and easy to plan. Easy to summarize points or imparting facts. Conclusions Effective Presentation Design Nonlinear Presentations This text should probably be split up into different sub points via bullets but instead I’ve made an unsightly wall of text that is visually overwhelming and distracting to those that are viewing the presentation. The lack of spaces and overuse of text rather than outlining and allowing for the oral presentation to fill in the details also muddles the overall effect of the presentation. Overuse of wacky transitions and overly long animations is incredibly distracting when presenting information. Colors such as light blue or light yellow should probably be avoided for those with color blindness. Besides too many pictures, many are covering text or serve no real purpose. Each design of presentation isn’t good or bad, just used for a different purpose. Linearity is focused on fact presentation. Nonlinearity is focused on interactivity and flow. Slide design should conform to design standards. Color should stand out against the backdrop but not be blinding. Maintain a color scheme throughout for cohesion. Over use of transitions and animations is a major distraction. Having text structured makes it more clear. This being underneath and smaller text provides hierarchy and shows this is a related point. This also allows the view a clear means of identifying what you’re talking about. Clarity in text contrast and pictures to assist but not clutter is key to good design. This white, for example, shows well against the red backdrop. Ensuring images don’t cover text is also important. Good Keeping it structured and outlined. Use bullets to show what points are subordinate to overarching statements Especially for voiced presentations, don’t include every word you wish to say in the text, just outline the points. Light transitions and low stylization. Transitions can keep a presentation interesting as long as it’s not overly utilized. Use of pictures or video (non-autoplay) to support your point. Linearity allows for a step-by-step structured series of slides most effective in conveying facts or information that has little need for audience participation. Despite the transitions making it seemingly non-linear, this presentation is linear, as it follows a fixed path. Good and Bad Design Choices Thank you! We will discuss the best ways to make the best presentation possible. Picking between a linear or nonlinear style. Effective means of conveying a message. Pitfalls many presentations succumb to. Nonlinearity tools like prezi greatly help in managing clutter. The ability to zoom into smaller text allows it to not take up space on previous slides. Transitioning to focus on a video or picture is also very easy with varying slide sizes. Good Example Linear and Non-Linear Ways to Make the Best Presentation Linear Follows a set path going forward from slide to slide. Can’t go back to a previous slide. Generally forces conclusions for a section to be at the end. Uncomplicated, but that’s okay. Non-Linear Can reference back to past slides more easily. Can jump only to certain slides of information. Link between slides more similar to a website. Effective for unguided presentations. Now that you have an idea of which type of presentation to choose, slide design is also important. Many powerpoints stumble because of ineffective or overly cluttered design. Many mistakes come at the most fundamental level, making the wrong type of presentation. Being able to identify if it’s a simple, single message or user interactivity is key in initial design choice. Over-focus on nonlinearity in a powerpoint that really only needs to be a linear summary can seem overly complex. Linearity can be perceived as boring. This text has high contrast to the background By David Rosenberg How to Make an Effective Presentation Presentation Best Practices Knickerbocker, Vicky, and Brent Olsonawski. "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Powerpoint Basics." Inverhills. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2014. <>. "Microsoft PowerPoint 2003." PowerPoint 2003: Linking and Branching, UWEC. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June 2014. <>. "Non-linear PowerPoint Presentation." Non-linear PowerPoint Presentation. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 June

Flower Design Styles

Transcript: • A term originating in Europe for a composition of relatively few, well-organized materials, usually placed in groups, emphasizing bold forms and clean lines. Generous use of negative space accentuates the individual flowers, leave, stem angles, colors and textures. Radial stem placement and asymmetrical balance are typical. This type of design is sometimes referred to as high styles • A classical, massed composition evocative of the traditionally lush Herbaceous Borders of England. Popularized by the 20th-century gardeners and designers such as Gertrude Jekyll and Constance Spry, English garden designs feature an abundance of seasonally compatible, radially arranged plant materials in a profusion of forms and colors. The inclusion of woody stem branches and foliage is typical, frequently being used to express the gracefully arching lines that are characteristic for the style. These designs have served as the inspiration for the classically styled flower arrangements of the southern United States. Sweet Pea-Lathyrus Snapdragon-Antirrhinum Lisianthus-Eustoma Chrysanthemum-Chrysanthemum Complimentary-yellow, purple Tulip-Tulipa Aster-Aster Snapdragon-Antirrhinum Gerber Daisy-Gerbera Solidago-Solidago Flat Fern-Polystichum African Lily-Agapanthus Chrysanthemum-Chrysanthemum Yarrow-Achillea Sunflower-Helianthus Dill-Anethum Solidago-Solidago Israeli Ruscus-Ruscus Chrysanthemum-Chrysanthemum Speedwell-Veronica Gladiola-Gladiolus Hydrangea-Hydrangea Swiss Cheese Plant-Monstera Philodendron-Philodendron Papyrus-Cyperus Hogarth Curve Bear Grass-Xerophyllum Oriental Lily-Lilium Hala Leaf-Pandanus Dichromatic-pink and blue Calla Lily-Zantedeschia Curly Willow-salix Rose-Rosa Sunflower-Helianthus Wheat-Triticum Oriental Lily-Lilium Spray Rose-Rosa Dichromatic-yellow and green • A rounded or conical floral arrangement, similar to a nosegay, named for a German style of interior design of the early 1800s. a biedermeier design is typically created with compact spiraling or concentric circles, each featuring a particular flower or color, with virtually no negative space Monochromatic-Orange Western Line Design • A general term for symmetrical and asymmetrical triangle, L-shaped, Horizontal, vertical, crescent, and pointed-oval arrangements, which are based on geometric forms. These arrangements are characterized by a well-established focal area near the lip of the container. All stems appear to radiate from this base. The height is typically at least one and one half to two times the height or width of the container, whichever is greater. The western line style is derived from the linearity of Ikebana combined with the traditional massed arrangements of Europe, giving rise to the term Line Mass design. • A type of circular shelter design resembling a bird’s nest. Several layers of plant materials encircle the center to create a feeling of protection, and at the same time draw the eye inward. A composition in which the floral materials are completely enclosed inside a vessel, such as a glass vase. A composition in which parts of the arrangement are “protected” by a structure of branches or other materials that extend over and above it. Less commonly, a design created deep inside a container in which the walls and or rim of the vessel itself “protect” the design • A composition of fresh cut, dried, or artificial plant materials assembled into the form of a garden topiary, typically a standard Enclosure/Shelter Analogous-red, orange, purple Achromatic-white Dichromatic-Pink and purple Pussy Willow-Salix Carnation-Dianthus Leather Leaf-Rumohra Alder Twig-Alnus Dracaena-Dracaena Colonial • An arrangement that features descending lines of plant materials in the manner of falling water. Descending lines, sometimes intentionally crossed, and several layers of different, typically sheer materials with delicate textures emphasize depth and create a flowing effect. Non floral and/ or reflective elements are often incorporated. The mechanics may be foam-based or hand-tied Abstract • A three-dimensional, closed form composition consisting of a clearly defined geometric shape that is wholly or partially filled or outlined with plant material and or decorative accents. None of the materials used should violate the integrity of the geometric form: cone, pyramid, obelisk, sphere Stacked/Hedgerow Vegetative Volumetric monochromatic-pink • Grouping large masses of flowers, foliage, and grasses together to create a compact design with few voids and no obvious center of interest. Usually these arrangements were round or oval in shape. Flower on

Flower Design

Transcript: Flowers or green plants bring some nature in the hotel Jeff Leatham Four Seasons Hotel Georges V Paris what are the alternative to fresh flowers ? Bouquets of cut flowers : change the water every 48 hours to avoid smelly and dirty water if possible, store the bouquet in a cold area for the night. make sure that the vase has the right size, and the stems are 1/2 in the water. Floral arrangements : fill up the container every 2 days, also if possible to store the arrangement in a cold area. Green Plants : every plant has a specific need, regarding heat, light and care (this must be checked at the purchase time). the green plants with flowers, like Orchids, azaleas, Xmas star, and some exotic flowers with a minimum of care will last long. the green plants must have 2 times per year some care, it is a valuable, cost effective solution to bring nature in the lobby area. What care the flowers need ? Where to put flowers ? Flower Decoration How to design a flower arrangement ? Why hotels are flowering the Reception or Lobby area ? it is elegant the size for tall bouquet : the high total is 3 x the vase the wide is 1.5 x the vase the next step is Monday 9h00 in Annex for the group working in Housekeeping. Mrs Aude will assist you to prepare the decoration of the Hotel de Alpes, including 1 reception's bouquet, 3 round bouquets and 18 soliflores. the size for a round bouquet : the high total is 2 x the vase the wide is same, maximum 1.5 x the vase we use the color wheel for color match, we tend to mix 20% of cold colors with 80% of warm colors. warm colors : red, orange, yellow, fuchsia, pink... cold colors : blue, purple, green, turquoise, braun... primary colors / basic colors : blue, red, yellow secondary colors : orange, green, pink, purple tertiary colors : apple green, light pink, mauve, turquoise, beige complementary colors : orange-blue, green-red, yellow-purple white and black are not colors, they are neutral. How to optimize the space ? Flowers are part of the whole aspect of the decor of the hotel in the lobby in the restaurant in the Suite in some VIP rooms How to choose the flowers vs budget ? the flower arrangement : should not be on the guest way should not hide the view, at the desk or at the table must be stable, it could fall and hurt a guest should not take too much space on a table should not have a strong smell, per ex : lilies, ... should not be dirty or sick with mosquitoes, same for the water, it should be cleaned and not smelly. Flowers must match with the room, the location, the architecture,to bring a real added value... 1st category : noble flowers, high cost flowers : orchids, exotic flowers, lilies with large flowers, long-stemmed roses... 2nd category : average cost, large production : gerbera, lilies, roses, sunflower, tulips,... for budget minded hotel keeper, it is always recommended to get seasonal flowers and regional too. some hotels have 3000 chf some others only 300 chf per month it brings fresh atmosphere

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